998 resultados para Mineral waters.


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This report presents findings of the CAS conducted in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria in May 2011. The results of the previous eleven CASs conducted under the IFMP of the LVFO programme in July, August, September and November 2005; in March, August and December 2006; in March and August 2007; in February and December 2008; and March 2010 are included to show the emerging trends. The report also presents annual catch estimates for the Ugandan part of the lake from 2005 to 2011. Through these CASs, information is building up to show the emerging picture of fish production in the Ugandan waters of the lake. Similar surveys are conducted in the Kenyan and Tanzanian parts of the lake, which provide the lake wide perspective of fisheries production but this time not simultaneously as under the LVFO effort due to different sources and timing of funding. These data can now be utilised together with other Resource and Socio-economic Monitoring survey data for a stock assessment of the lake to provide a firm basis for planning and management of the fisheries resources.


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Ceylon’s fishery for the tunas is presently limited to the coastal waters which in the present context have an off-shore limit of 15 miles and our contribution to the world tuna production is a little over 1%. Four varieties of tuna are largely exploited in the coastal waters. Of these, Baleya or the skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis Linn. 1758) is the predominant variety followed by attavalla or mackerel tuna (Euthynnus ajfinis, Cantor, 1850), kelawalla or yellowfin (Thunnus albacares, Bonnaterre, 1788) and alagoduwa or frigate mackerel (Auxis thazard Lacepede, 1802). Other varieties like the thora-baleya or bonito (Sarda orientalis) and asgedi kelawalla or big eye tuna (Thunnus obesus) are also landed frequently but in extremely small quantities. Figure 1 illustrates the relative composition of the tuna varieties in the catch and their percentage composition further sub-divided according to the type of effort applied. It is evident that Ceylon's coastal fishery for tunas is greatly influenced by the production of smaller varieties of the tunas.


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The oriental bonito (Sarda Orientalis T. and S.), locally known as thora-baleya, is the least abundant species of the bloodfish group commercially exploited from the inshore waters of Ceylon. The occurrence of this species in Ceylon waters has not been reported and hence it was considered valuable to present, the observations on this species, made in the course of the investigations into the more abundant relatives of this fish, in this preliminary report. In 1964 not more than few hundred pounds of this species was caught from the inshore waters of Ceylon. Since the popularisation of drift-nets for bloodfish fishery in the south, south-west and/west coasts of Ceylon, it is estimated that the annual production has risen to about one ton.


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Salinity and temperature in the sea surface of the Jaffna Lagoon were observed from August 1967 to July 1968. Peak surface temperatures were recorded during April and the lowest temperature recorded was in December. The seasonal variations of surface temperature closely followed a similar pattern in all locations of the lagoon. Salinity values in the lagoon surface were very high during the period from May to August and were relatively low during the period from October to December. Monsoon, rainfall, exchange of water between the lagoon and the sea and within the lagoon, and the currents in the Palk Bay might have been the factors which influenced the salinity structure of the surface waters of the lagoon during this period.


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Lake Victoria, straddling the Equator, is the second largest lake in the world, with a surface area of approximately 26,000 square miles (41,500 square kilometers) and a maximum depth of about 300 feet. Uganda possesses most of the north end of the lake which consists of a long, indented coastline and a chain of offshore islands on the edge of a 'continental shelf' separating relatively shallow sheltered inshore waters from the deeper open waters of the lake. At the present time the lake is harvested mainly by a native gill net fishery confined almost entirely to the shallow sheltered inshore waters. The annual production of all species from Uganda waters is in the region of 24,000 tons per annum, and Tilapia(Cichlidae)is commercially the most important genus. Haplochromis, a close relative of Tilapia, but generally much smaller, contributes only a small amount to this annual production; see Table 1, although they are probably the most abundant group of fish present in the lake. Through international aid programmes Uganda has been offered a canning plant and it is thought that Haplochromis is the most suitable type of fish to be utilized by such a plant. The Uganda Fisheries Department are conducting research into processing techniques and marketing and the East African Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization was asked to conduct a survey of the Haplochromis stocks of the lake with a view to estimating the ability or otherwise of these stocks to support a commercial canning industry.


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The present paper gives a comparative account of the hydrological conditions and phytoplankton within the Continental Shelf and beyond the Continental Shelf. 54 water samples were taken for hydrological analysis and 18 surface tows for plankton.


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Six species of spiny lobsters of the genus Panulirus have been recorded in Ceylon waters. It is clear, therefore, that species dominance and ecological separation in the genus Panulirus is demonstrable and that the separation is dependent on the particular ecological preferences of the different species. In order to determine the factors governing the ecological separation, it was decided to make a detailed study of the environments in which the different species were found. Diving operations constituted the chief method of investigation. However, information was also obtained from commercial skin-divers, trap fishermen, bottom-set net fishermen and trawling operations. The period of investigations extended from 1962-1968.


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Fishing with drift-nets beyond the continental shelf was more profitable than fishing within the continental shelf. Fishing operations conducted over the year beyond the shelf yielded an average catch approximately 1000 lbs. per operation while fishing within the shelf yielded an average catch of 400 lbs. per operation. The seas off the south-west and south coasts were found to be much richer in pelagic fish than the seas off the east coasts. There was a seasonal abundance of fish off the south-west, south and east coasts of Ceylon. On the south-west and south coast fish were more abundant during the months of the south-west monsoon while on the east coast fish were more abundant during the months of the north-east monsoon. Drift-net fishing proved to be a more lucrative method of capturing fish than trolling, longlining and trawling in the seas off Ceylon, and has contributed to an increase in the gross catch in Ceylon waters.


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Thirty one species of penaeid prawns have been discovered in Ceylon waters. A taxonomic study of these species was carried out and their distribution in relation to hypothetical oceanographical barriers was discussed (De Bruin 1965.) As penaeid prawns are of important commercial value, a study was made of their distribution and relative abundance in the estuaries and seas round the island. The results of this study are reported in this publication.


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The present study reports another seven species of flying fishes and brings the total for Ceylon to fifteen. Eleven of these fifteen species are represented in the author's collection. A key based on Breader (1938) and Parin (1960) and descriptive notes for these eleven species are given in this paper.


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The total abundance of small pelagic species in Mozambican waters was estimated to be 100 (plus or minus 45) thousand tonnes of which scad and mackerel constituted 57 (plus or minus 39) thousand tonnes. These abundance estimates must be considered as minimum estimates of biomass as the efficiency of the trawl was assumed to be equal to 1.0.


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The results obtained during the third phase of Nauka are reported concerning the standing stock estimates, population length structure and gonad development of scad and mackerel stocks and the catch composition in Mozambican waters.


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An historical account is given of the development of the Lake Albert fisheries since Worthington's survey in 1928. It is noted that the development of the fisheries was related to, and dependent upon, improvements in the type of gear and canoes, an incFease in the number of canoes and outboard engines in use, improved marketing facilities and better road communications. Summarized data, collected mainly since 1954, has been analysed and tabulated to show annual exports to the Congo, total annual catches 'and annual catches of individual species. A change in the relative abundance of the various species in the annual catches is described. It is noted that this change was caused by a change-over from large to small mesh size gill-nets, and that it was associated with an increased demand within Uganda for the smaller species of fish, such as Aleste's baremose and Hydrocynus forskahlii. A brief description of fish processing and marketing in the Lake Albert region is given, which emphasizes the suitability of salt-cured fish to the social and physical environment of the area. Finally, a summary of a recent survey of the potential fish resources of the lake is given in the discussion, and estimates of the 1965 catch at the north and south ends of the lake are compared with the findings of the survey. This showed that there is little danger of overfishing the Alestes baremose stocks of the Wanseko area at the 1965 rate of exploitation of the species, and that the total catch for 1965 at the south end of the lake was well below the estimated annual sustainable yield from the area.


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Following a brief review of development of demersal fishing off Sri Lanka, the author reviews the fishing grounds of the Wadge Bank, the Pedro Bank, and the Mannar Bank. He reviews the deepwater trawling fisheries particularly in relation to the 1972 survey conducted by the 'Optimist' and also small boat trawling in coastal waters. Lastly he considers handlining for groundfish, which is principally conducted by fishermen operating traditional craft.


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Pelagic resources around Sri Lanka may be categorized into three major groups: (1) the small pelagic varieties such as the sprats, halmessa, sardines (salaya, soodaya), and herrings (hurulla). (2) the medium size pelagic species such as the mackerel (kumbala and bolla), barracuda (jeela), seer Spanish mackerel (thora), frigate mackeral (alagoduwa), mackerel tuna (atawalla) and the skipjack (balaya). (3) the large size fishes such as yellow fin tuna (kelawalla), big eye tuna, marlins (koppora and gappara), sail fish (thalapath), sharks (mora) and rays (maduwa). Production levels of exploited resources are noted, and seasonal patterns and annual in their abundance are considered. On the basis of observations and estimations of the existing fisheries, and the results of experimental fishing, figures are presented of the potential yield of those species already exploited. The development of that potential depends on the development of modern techniques of pole and line fishing, application of tuna longline and shark longline, increasing the number of units of drift nets and the introduction of a bait fishery for the longline and pole line fishery. Some features upon which the successes of any venture to exploit such resources are noted, particularly those which relate to the nature of the fishing vessels used.