950 resultados para Microencapsulation, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM


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PR homology domain-containing member 12 (PRDM12) is a highly evolutionary conserved member of the Prdm family of transcription factors that play essential roles in many cell fate decisions. In human, PRDM12 coding mutations have been recently identified in several patients with hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy (HSAN) (submitted elsewhere). Here we show that PRDM12 is involved in sensory neurogenesis in Xenopus and that several of the human Prdm12 mutants show altered structure, subcellular localization and function. In Drosophila, we demonstrate that the sensory neuron specific RNAi knockdown of the Prdm12 ortholog Hamlet induces impaired nociception and that a similar phenotype is observed in hypomorph hamlet mutants. In human fibroblasts of patients with PRDM12 mutations, we identified additional possible downstream target genes including thyrotropin-releasing hormone degrading enzyme (TRHDE). Knock-down of fly TRHDE in sensory neurons resulted in altered nociceptive neurons and impaired nociception. Collectively, these findings provide the first evidence showing that Prdm12 plays an important role in sensory neuron development. They also suggest that it has a critical evolutionarily conserved role in pain perception via modulation of the TRH signaling pathway.


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Concentrations and flux densities of methane were determined during a lagrangian study of an advective filament in the permanent upwelling region off western Mauritania. Newly upwelled waters were dominated by the presence of North Atlantic Central Water and surface CH4 concentrations of 2.2 ± 0.3 nmol L-1 were largely in equilibrium with atmospheric values, with surface saturations of 101.7 ± 14%. As the upwelling filament aged and was advected offshore, CH4 enriched South Atlantic Central Water from intermediate depths of 100 to 350m was entrained into the surface mixed layer of the filament following intense mixing associated with the shelf break. Surface saturations increased to 198.9 ± 15% and flux densities increased from a mean value over the shelf of 2.0 ± 1.1 µmol m-2d-1 to a maximum of 22.6 µmol m-2d-1. Annual CH4 emissions for this persistent filament were estimated at 0.77 ± 0.64 Gg which equates to a maximum of 0.35% of the global oceanic budget. This raises the known outgassing intensity of this area and highlights the importance of advecting filaments from upwelling waters as efficient vehicles for air-sea exchange.


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It has been suggested that genetic influences unmasked during neurodevelopment to produce schizophrenia may appear throughout neurodegeneration to produce AD plus psychosis. Risk of schizophrenia and psychosis in Alzheimer's disease (AD) has been linked to polymorphic variation at the dopamine receptor DRD3 gene implying similar causative mechanisms. We tested this association in a large cohort of Alzheimer's disease patients with a diagnosis of probable AD of 3 years or more duration from the relatively genetically homogenous Northern Irish population. We assessed relationships between genotypes/alleles of the DRD3 BalI polymorphism and the presence or absence of psychotic symptoms (delusions, hallucinations) in AD patients during the month prior to interview and at any stage during the dementia. No significant associations were found when delusions and hallucinations were cross-tabulated against S and G alleles and SS, SG and GG genotypes. Logistic regression failed to detect any influence of APOE, gender, family history or prior psychiatric history. In conclusion, we were unable to confirm previously reported associations between the DRD3 BalI polymorphism and psychotic symptoms in AD.


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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia in the elderly. Epidemiological and molecular genetic studies have shown the existence of several genes associated with increased risk of AD, the major genetic susceptibility locus coding for apolipoprotein E (apoE). A polymorphism in the myeloperoxidase gene (MPO) has previously been associated with AD susceptibility. However, results in the literature are controversial and seem to be dependent on several factors such as gender, apoE polymorphism or the genetic structure of the population. We investigated MPO G-463A and apoE polymorphism in 265 cases and 246 controls from the ApoEurope Study. In females, we found a significant association between MPO genotype and AD (P=0.034), GG genotype frequency being lower in cases (52.4%) as compared to controls (64.2%). In men, there was no significant effect of MPO polymorphism. No interaction was found between MPO polymorphism and apoE epsilon 4 allele. In conclusion, the G-463A polymorphism of MPO was statistically associated with AD in a gender-specific manner. However, given the low significance of P value we suggest no causal effect of the MPO gene in AD, as also evidenced in a recent meta-analysis. Our results support the hypothesis of a possible linkage disequilibrium between the MPO G-463A gene polymorphism and another functional variant involved in AD.


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Reduced arterial compliance precedes changes in blood pressure, which may be mediated through alterations in vessel wall matrix composition. We investigated the effect of the collagen type I-1 gene (COL1A1) +2046G>T polymorphism on arterial compliance in healthy individuals. We recruited 489 subjects (251 men and 238 women; mean age, 22.6±1.6 years). COL1A1 genotypes were determined using polymerase chain reaction and digestion by restriction enzyme Bal1. Arterial pulse wave velocities were measured in 3 segments, aortoiliac (PWVA), aortoradial (PWVB), and aorto-dorsalis-pedis (PWVF), as an index of compliance using a noninvasive optical method. Data were available for 455 subjects. The sample was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with genotype distributions and allele frequencies that were not significantly different from those reported previously. The T allele frequency was 0.22 (95% confidence interval, 0.19 to 0.24). Two hundred eighty-three (62.2%) subjects were genotype GG, 148 (35.5%) subjects were genotype GT, and 24 (5.3%) subjects were genotype TT. A comparison of GG homozygotes with GT and TT individuals demonstrated a statistically significant association with arterial compliance: PWVF 4.92±0.03 versus 5.06±0.05 m/s (ANOVA, P=0.009), PWVB 4.20±0.03 versus 4.32±0.04 m/s (ANOVA, P=0.036), and PWVA 3.07±0.03 versus 3.15±0.03 m/s (ANOVA, P=0.045). The effects of genotype were independent of age, gender, smoking, mean arterial pressure, body mass index, family history of hypertension, and activity scores. We report an association between the COL1A1 gene polymorphism and arterial compliance. Alterations in arterial collagen type 1A deposition may play a role in the regulation of arterial compliance


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A comienzos del siglo XX, Detroit era una ciudad dinámica en pleno desarrollo. Pronto se convirtió en la cuarta ciudad de Estados Unidos, la capital de la naciente industria automovilística. El crecimiento se prolongó hasta finales de los años 50, cuando, a pesar del auge económico de Estados Unidos y de su área metropolitana, Detroit comenzó a mostrar los primeros signos de estancamiento. La crisis se ha prolongado hasta hoy, cuando Detroit constituye el paradigma de la ciudad industrial en declive. Estas dos imágenes contrapuestas, el auge y la crisis, no parecen explicar por sí mismas las causas de la intensidad y persistencia del declive de Detroit. Analizar las interacciones entre crecimiento económico, políticas públicas locales y desarrollo urbano a lo largo del tiempo permitirá subrayar las continuidades y comprender en qué medida el declive de Detroit ancla sus raíces en el modelo planteado durante la etapa de auge.


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The properties of melanoidins prepared from glucose and glycine (GG) were investigated by a three step purification protocol consisting of dialysis, gel filtration at high ionic strength and ion metal affinity chromatography. The high molecular weight fraction obtained in the GG system is responsible for 80% of the total brown colour and its antioxidative ability was about 1/4 of that of Trolox measured by the inhibition of linoleic acid oxidation. GG melanoidins have good affinity towards Cu (II) (32% bound to the resin) while it is much lower towards Pb (II) (10%) and Fe (II) (5%). Capillary zone electrophoresis analysis suggests that GG melanoidins are positively charged, although no signal was observed analysing melanoidins by matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS).


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Several studies have assessed changes in frequency of -174 interleukin (IL)-6 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) with age. If IL-6 tracks with disability and age-related diseases, then there should be reduction, in the oldest old, of the frequency of homozgyous GG subjects, who produce higher IL-6 levels. However, discordant results have been obtained. To explore the relationship between this polymorphism and longevity, we analyzed individual data on long-living subjects and controls from eight case-control studies conducted in Europeans, using meta-analysis. There was no significant difference in the IL-6 genotype between the oldest old and controls (Odds Ratio [OR]=0.96; 95% C.I.: 0.77-1.20; p=0.71), but there was significant between-study heterogeneity (I(2)=55.5%). In a subgroup analyses when male centenarians from the three Italian studies were included, the frequency of the IL-6 -174 GG genotype was significantly lower than the other genotypes (OR=0.49; 95% C.I.: 0.31-0.80; p=0.004), with no evidence of heterogeneity (I(2)=0%). Our data supports a negative association between the GG genotype of IL-6 SNP and longevity in Italian centenarians, with males who carry the genotype being two times less likely to reach extreme old age compared with subjects carrying CC or CG genotypes. These findings were not replicated in other European groups suggesting a possible interaction between genetics, sex and environment in reaching longevity.


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Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) is an endogenous serine protease inhibitor that protects the lungs from excessive tissue damage caused by leukocyte proteases released during inflammation. Recombinant SLPI (rSLPI) has shown potential as a treatment for inflammatory lung conditions. To date, its clinical application has been limited by rapid enzymatic cleavage by cathepsins and rapid clearance from the lungs after inhalation. In this study, rSLPI was encapsulated in 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-[Phospho-L-Serine] : Cholesterol (DOPS : Chol) liposomes for inhalation. Incubation of rSLPI with cathepsin L leads to complete loss of activity while encapsulation of rSLPI in DOPS : Chol liposomes retained 92.6 of its activity after challenge with cathepsin L. rSLPI-loaded liposomes were aerosolized efficiently using a standard nebulizer with a minimal loss of activity and stability. This formulation was biocompatible and encapsulation did not appear to diminish access to intracellular sites of action in in vitro cell culture studies. Liposome encapsulation of rSLPI therefore improves stability and potentially reduces the level and frequency of dosing required for therapeutic effect after inhalation.


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The particle size characteristics and encapsulation efficiency of microparticles prepared using triglyceride materials and loaded with two model water-soluble drugs were evaluated. Two emulsification procedures based on o/w and w/o/w methodologies were compared to a novel spray congealing procedure. After extensive modification of both emulsification methods, encapsulation efficiencies of 13.04% tetracycline HCl and 11.27% lidocaine HCl were achievable in a Witepsol (R)-based microparticle. This compares to much improved encapsulation efficiencies close to 100% for the spray congealing method, which was shown to produce spherical particles of similar to 58 mu m. Drug release studies from a Witepsol (R) formulation loaded with lidocaine HCl showed a temperature-dependent release mechanism, which displayed diffusion-controlled kinetics at temperatures similar to 25 degrees C, but exhibited almost immediate release when triggered using temperatures close to that of skin. Therefore, such a system may find application in topical semi-solid formulations, where a temperature-induced burst release is preferred.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) axis plays a key role in cell development, proliferation, and survival and is implicated in the etiology of several cancers. Few studies have examined the relationship between genetic variation of this axis and esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) or its precursors. METHODS: In a population-based case-control study, we investigated the association of common polymorphisms of IGF-1, IGF-2, IGF-1 receptor, IGF binding protein -3, growth hormones (GH) 1 and GH2, and GH receptor with reflux esophagitis (RE), Barrett esophagus (BE), and EAC. Two hundred and thirty RE, 224 BE, 227 EAC cases, and 260 controls were studied. Gene polymorphisms were identified using publicly available online resources; 102 IGF axis tag and putatively functional single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were analyzed using MassARRAY iPLEX and Taqman assays. Results were analyzed using Haploview.
RESULTS: Three polymorphisms were disease-associated. IGF1 SNP rs6214 was associated with BE (adjusted P = .039). Using GG genotype as reference, odds ratio for BE in AA (wild-type) was 0.43 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.24-0.75). GH receptor SNP rs6898743 was associated with EAC (adjusted P = .0112). With GG as reference, odds ratio for EAC in CC (wildtype) genotype was 0.42 (95% CI, 0.23-0.76). IGF1 (CA)(17) 185-bp allele was associated with RE (adjusted P = .0116). Using IGF1(non17) as reference, odds ratio for RE in IGF1(17) carriers was 7.29 (95% CI, 1.57-46.7).
CONCLUSIONS: In this study, 3 polymorphisms of IGF genes were associated with EAC or its precursors. These polymorphisms may be markers of disease risk; independent validation of our findings is required. These results suggest the IGF pathway is involved in EAC development.


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A significant proportion of human cancers overexpress DNA polymerase beta (Pol beta), the major DNA polymerase involved in base excision repair. The underlying mechanism and biological consequences of overexpression of this protein are unknown. We examined whether Pol beta, expressed at levels found in tumor cells, is involved in the repair of DNA damage induced by oxaliplatin treatment and whether the expression status of this protein alters the sensitivity of cells to oxaliplatin. DNA damage induced by oxaliplatin treatment of HCT116 and HT29 colon cancer cells was observed to be associated with the stabilization of Pol beta protein on chromatin. In comparison with HCT116 colon cancer cells, isogenic oxaliplatin-resistant (HCT-OR) cells were found to have higher constitutive levels of Pol beta protein, faster in vitro repair of a DNA substrate containing a single nucleotide gap and faster repair of 1,2-GG oxaliplatin adduct levels in cells. In HCT-OR cells, small interfering RNA knockdown of Pol beta delayed the repair of oxaliplatin-induced DNA damage. In a different model system, Pol beta-deficient fibroblasts were less able to repair 1,2-GG oxaliplatin adducts and were hypersensitive to oxaliplatin treatment compared with isogenic Pol beta-expressing cells. Consistent with previous studies, Pol beta-deficient mouse fibroblasts were not hypersensitive to cisplatin treatment. These data provide the first link between oxaliplatin sensitivity and DNA repair involving Pol beta. They demonstrate that Pol beta modulates the sensitivity of cells to oxaliplatin treatment. Oncogene (2010) 29, 463-468; doi:10.1038/onc.2009.327; published online 19 October 2009


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We performed a meta-analysis to estimate the magnitude of C3 gene polymorphism effects, and their possible mode of action, on age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The meta-analysis included 16 studies for rs2230199 and 7 studies for rs1047286. Data extraction and risk of bias assessments were performed in duplicate, and heterogeneity and publication bias were explored. There was moderate evidence for association between both polymorphisms and AMD in individuals of European descent. For rs2230199, patients with CG and GG genotypes were 1.44 (95% CI: 1.33 – 1.56) and 1.88 (95% CI: 1.59 – 2.23) times more likely to have AMD than patients with CC genotype. For rs1047286, those with GA and AA genotypes had 1.27 (95% CI: 1.15 – 1.41) and 1.70 (95% CI: 1.27 – 2.11) times higher risk of AMD than those with GG genotypes. These gene effects suggested an additive model. The population attributable risks for the GG/GC and AA/GA genotypes are approximately 5-10%. Stratification of studies on the basis of ethnicity indicates that these variants are very infrequent in Asian populations and the significance of the effect observed is based largely on the high frequency of these variants within individuals of European descent. This meta-analysis supports the association between C3 and AMD and provides a robust estimate of the genetic risk.