935 resultados para Methicillin resistant
The aim of this work was to determine the resistance level of Haemonchus contortus isolated from the Santa Inês flock of the Embrapa (Brazilian government's Agricultural Research Company), Southeast Livestock Unit (CPPSE), as well as to determine costs of characterizing and maintaining this isolate in host donors. Forty-two male Santa Inês lambs were experimentally infected with 4000 H. contortus infective larvae of the field isolate of CPPSE, called Embrapa2010, and divided into six treatment groups, which received triclorfon, albendazol plus cobalt sulfate, ivermectin, moxidectin, closantel and levamisole phosphate, as well as a negative control group (water). Egg per gram (EPG) counts were performed at 0, 3, 7, 10 and 14. days post treatment when the animals were slaughtered for parasite count. The data were analyzed using the RESO statistical program, considering anthelmintic resistance under 95% of efficacy. EPG and worm count presented a linear and significant relation with 94% determination coefficient. The susceptibility results obtained by RESO through both criteria (EPG and worm count) were equal, except for closantel, showing that the isolate Embrapa2010 is resistant to benzimidazoles, macrocyclic lactones and imidazothiazoles. The need of a control group did not appear to be essential since the result for susceptibility in the analyses with or without this group was the same. Suppression in egg production after treatment did not occur in the ivermectin and moxidectin groups. In the control group, the establishment percentage was just 12.5 because of the low number of third-stage larvae, resistance (innate and infection immunity) of the animals studied plus good nutrition. Drug classes presented similar efficacy between adults and immature stages. The costs for isolate characterization were calculated for 42 animals during 60. days. The total cost based on local market rates was approximately US$ 8000. The precise identification of Brazilian isolates and their establishment in host donors would be useful for laboratorial anthelmintic resistance diagnoses through in vitro tests, which has an annual cost of approximately US$ 2500 for maintenance in host donors. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
We studied a nonconcurrent cohort of 582 patients admitted to a medical-surgical intensive care unit. Use of antimicrobials (imipenem and metronidazole) was a risk factor for acquisition of imipenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii only for the subcohort of patients admitted in months in which colonization pressure was lower than the median value. © 2013 by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Due to the few studies about grafting in net melon, in order to obtain better control of soil pathogens, the aim of the present study was to evaluate 16 genotypes of Cucurbitaceae: Benincasa hispida, Luffa cylindrica, pumpkin 'Jacarezinho', pumpkin 'Menina Brasileira', squash 'Exposição', squash 'Coroa', pumpkin 'Canhão Seca', pumpkin 'Squash', pumpkin 'Enrrugado Verde', pumpkin 'Mini Paulista', pumpkin 'Goianinha', watermelon 'Charleston Gray', melon 'Rendondo Gaucho', melon 'Redondo Amarelo', cucumber 'Caipira HS' and cucumber 'Caipira Rubi', regarding to compatibility of grafting in net melon and resistance to Meloidogyne incognita, based on the reproduction factor (RF), according to Oostenbrink (1966). To assess resistance, the seedlings were transplanted to ceramic pots and inoculated with 300/mL eggs and/or second stage juveniles of M. incognita. At 50 days after transplanting, the plants were removed from the pots and the resistance was evaluated. The compatibility between resistant rootstock and grafts of net melon was determined by performing simple cleft grafting, in a commercial net melon hybrid of great market acceptance and susceptible to M. incognita (Bonus no. 2). The genotypes Luffa cylindrica, pumpkin 'Goianinha', pumpkin 'Mini-Paulista', melon 'Redondo Amarelo', watermelon 'Charleston Gray' are resistant to the nematode M. incognita. The better compatibilities occurred with the rootstocks melon 'Amarelo', which presented 100% of success, followed by pumpkin 'Mini-Paulista' with 94%. On the other hand, Sponge gourd, watermelon 'Charleston Gray' and pumpkin 'Goianinha' showed low graft take percentages of 66%, 62% and 50%, respectively.
Mastitis is an important disease for the dairy industry worldwide, causing economic losses and reducing milk quality and production. Staphylococcus aureus is a worldwide agent of this intramammary infection, which also causes foodborne diseases. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) isolates in milk of mastitis cows in Brazil and to analyze the genetic lineages and the content of antimicrobial resistance genes and virulence factors among these isolates. Fifty-six MSSA isolates were recovered from 1,484 milk samples (positive for the California mastitis test) of 518 cows from 11 different farms in Brazil (representing 51% of total Staph. aureus obtained), and they were further characterized. Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus were isolated from 3.7% of California mastitis test-positive tested milk samples and from 6.2% of tested mastitic cows. Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus isolates were characterized by spa typing, agr typing, and multilocus sequence typing, and resistance and virulence traits were investigated by PCR. Seven spa types were identified among MSSA (% of isolates): t127 (44.6), t605 (37.5), t002, t1784, t2066 (1.8), and 2 new ones: t10856 (10.7) and t10852 (1.8). Five distinct sequence types (ST) were detected (% of isolates): ST1 (46.4), ST126 (37.5), ST133 (10.7), ST5 (3.6), and a novel ST registered as ST2493 (1.8). Resistances were detected for streptomycin, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline. One strain contained the chloramphenicol resistance gene (fexA; included within transposon Tn558) and 3 strains contained the tetracycline resistance gene [tet(K)]. Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus strains were susceptible to most of the antibiotics studied and lacked the virulence genes of Panton-Valentine leukocidin (lukF/S-PV), toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (tst), exfoliative toxin A (eta), and exfoliative toxin B (etb), as well as the genes of the immune evasion cluster. Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus isolates were detected in a relatively low proportion of cows with mastitis (6.2%) and recovered isolates presented high diversity of genetic lineages, with CC1 and CC126 the predominant clonal complexes, and CC133 also being detected. Larger epidemiological studies with molecular characterization of isolates are required to deepen the knowledge on the circulating genetic lineages among the cow population with mastitis. © 2013 American Dairy Science Association.
Free films were obtained by the solvent casting method from retrograded starch-pectin dispersions at different polymer proportions and concentrations with and without plasticizer. Film forming dispersions were characterized according to their hardness, birefringence and rheological properties. The polymer dispersions showed a predominantly viscous behavior (G″ > G′) and the absence of plasticizers lead to building of stronger structures, while the occurrence of Maltese crosses in the retrograded dispersions indicates the occurrence of a crystalline organization. Analyses of the films included mechanical properties, thickness, superficial and cross sectional morphology, water vapor permeability, liquid uptake ability, X-ray diffractometry, in vitro dissolution and enzymatic digestion. The high resistant starch content (65.8-96.8%) assured the resistance of materials against enzymatic digestion by pancreatin. Changes in the X-ray diffraction patterns indicated a more organized and crystalline structure of free films in relation to isolated polymers. Increasing of pectin proportion and pH values favored the dissolution and liquid uptake of films. Films prepared with lower polymer concentration presented better barrier function (WVP and mechanical properties). © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Reabilitação Oral - FOAR
Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) are the microorganisms most frequently isolated from clinical samples and are commonly found in neonatal blood cultures. Oxacillin is an alternative treatment of choice for CoNS infections; however, resistance to oxacillin can have a substantial impact on healthcare by adversely affecting morbidity and mortality. The objective of this study was to detect and characterise oxacillin-resistant CoNS strains in blood cultures of newborns hospitalised at the neonatal ward of the University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu. One hundred CoNS strains were isolated and the mecA gene was detected in 69 of the CoNS strains, including 73.2% of Staphylococcus epidermidis strains, 85.7% of Staphylococcus haemolyticus strains, 28.6% of Staphylococcus hominis strains and 50% of Staphylococcus lugdunensis strains. Among these oxacillin-resistant CoNS strains, staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) type I was identified in 24.6%, type II in 4.3%, type III in 56.5% and type IV in 14.5% of the strains. The data revealed an increase in the percentage of CoNS strains isolated from blood cultures from 1991-2009. Furthermore, a predominant SCCmec profile of the oxacillin-resistant CoNS strains isolated from neonatal intensive care units was identified with a prevalence of SCCmec types found in hospital-acquired strains.
A alface é a hortaliça folhosa mais consumida no Brasil. No entanto, a dificuldade em produzi-la vem aumentando, principalmente pela infestação das áreas de produção por Bremia lactucae, sendo o uso de cultivares com resistência horizontal, a alternativa mais viável no controle da doença. Diante do exposto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi obter progênies de alface crespa resistentes às raças de míldio SPBl:01, SPBl:02, SPBl:03, SPBl:04, SPBl:05, SPBl:06 e SPBl:07. O trabalho de melhoramento consistiu de duas etapas: cruzamento dos parentais para obtenção das progênies de alface crespa resistentes e teste de resistência das progênies às raças de B. lactucae. Os parentais utilizados na obtenção das progênies resistentes foram Argeles e linhagem JAB 4-13-7, visando a obtenção de progênies de alface do tipo crespa, com os fatores de resistência R-18 e R-38. Para tanto, adotou-se o método genealógico, tendo como padrão, para as seleções, a cultivar Hortência e o genótipo JAB 4-13-7. Após a seleção e autofecundação das plantas no campo, efetuou-se o teste de resistência ou suscetibilidade, por meio da inoculação nas progênies oriundas dos cruzamentos, de uma mistura de água destilada + esporângios de B. lactucae das raças SPBl:01, SPBl:02, SPBl:03, SPBl:04, SPBl:05, SPBl:06 e SPBl:07 obtidas de isolados coletados nos anos de 2008 a 2010. Quinze dias após a inoculação, as plântulas foram selecionadas, descartando aquelas que possuíam esporulação e pontos necróticos causados por B. lactucae. Pelo método genealógico, selecionaram-se 69 progênies F3 com boas características agronômicas. No entanto, após o teste de resistência ou suscetibilidade, somente 19 apresentaram todas as plantas resistentes ao míldio.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of fipronil (1 mg/kg) against three strains of ivermectin-resistant Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (R. (B.) microplus), naturally infesting cattle from different states of Brazil. Three rural properties with a history of macrocyclic lactones ineffectiveness against the cattle tick, and low frequency use of fipronil in the herd, were selected for the study. The animals were randomized according to the mean tick counts, performed on days 3, 2 and I, into three groups with 10 animals each: T01, control (saline solution); T02, subcutaneous ivermectin (0.63 mg/kg) and T03, topical fipronil (1 mg/kg). Treatment was performed on day 0. Counts of partially engorged female ticks were performed on days 3,7 and 14 post-treatment (DPT), and then every 7 days until the 49th DPT. In all three experiments, it was possible to diagnose resistance of R. (B.) microplus to ivermectin (0.63 mg/kg). The maximum efficacy (arithmetic mean) obtained for ivermectin was 64% in experiment II. On the other hand, the formulation containing fipronil (1 mg/kg) reached high efficacy values (>= 97%) in all three experiments. The results from all experiments in this study demonstrate the high efficacy of 1 mg/kg fipronil, administered pour-on in naturally infested cattle, against strains of R. (B.) microplus that are resistant to 630 mcg/kg ivermectin. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to value the possibility to join, for pulsed Nd:YAG laser welding, thin foils lap joints for sealing components in corrosive environment. Experimental investigations were carried out using a pulsed neodymium: yttrium aluminum garnet laser weld to examine the influence of the pulse energy in the characteristics of the weld fillet. The pulse energy was varied from 1.0 to 2.5 J at increments of 0.25 J with a 4 ms pulse duration. The base materials used for this study were AISI 316L stainless steel and Ni-based alloys foils with 100 mu m thickness. The welds were analyzed by electronic and optical microscopy, tensile shear tests and micro hardness. The results indicate that pulse energy control is of considerable importance to thin foil weld quality because it can generate good mechanical properties and reduce discontinuities in weld joints. The ultimate tensile strength of the welded joints increased at first and then decreased as the pulse energy increased. In all the specimens, fracture occurred in the top foil heat-affected zone next to the fusion line. The microhardness was almost uniform across the parent metal, HAZ and weld metal. A slight increase in the fusion zone and heat-affected zone compared to those measured in the base metal was observed. This is related to the microstructural refinement in the fusion zone, induced by rapid cooling of the laser welding. The process appeared to be very sensitive to the gap between couples.
Imipenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (IRAB) is a major threat for critically ill patients, including those admitted to burn units. Recent studies have suggested that colonization pressure (the proportion of patients or patient-days harbouring the pathogen of interest) is an important driver of the risk for acquisition of multidrug-resistant organisms. With that in mind, we conducted a cohort study, enrolling 208 patients admitted to a burn unit from November 2008 through December 2009. The outcome of interest was the acquisition of IRAB. In addition to the usual risk factors, we assessed the impact of colonization pressure. The number of wound excisions (odds ratio (OR) 12.06, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.82-51.64) and the number of antimicrobials used (OR 22.82, 95% CI 5.15-101.19) were significant risk factors for the outcome of interest. On the other hand, colonization pressure (measured for whole time of exposure or up to the last 14, 7, or 3 days) was not associated with the risk for IRAB acquisition.
Although vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) are reported in Brazil since 1996, data on their impact over settings of different complexity are scarce. We performed a study aimed at identifying determinants ofVRE emergence and spread in a public hospital consortium (comprising 2 hospitals, with 318 and 57 beds) in inner Brazil. Molecular typing and case-control studies (addressing predictors of acquisition or clonality) were performed. Among 122 authocthonous isolates, 106 were Enterococcus faecium (22 clones), and 16, Enterococcus faecalis (5 clones). Incidence was greater in the small-sized hospital, and a previous admission to this hospital was associated with greater risk of VRE colonization or infection during admission to the larger one. Overall risk factors included comorbidities, procedures, and antimicrobials (piperacillin-tazobactam, cefepime, and imipenem). Risk factors varied among different hospitals, species, and clones. Our findings demonstrate that VRE can spread within low-complexity facilities and from these to larger hospitals. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Introduction: This clinical study aimed to determine the microbiological profile resistant to different intracanal medications in primary endodontic infections by using both microbiological culture and the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization technique. Methods: Twenty primarily infected root canals were selected and then instrumented before being randomly divided into 2 groups according to the intracanal medications: calcium hydroxide (Ca[OH](2)) or Ca(OH)(2) + chlorhexidine (CHX). Samples were collected before and after root canal procedures, which consisted in submitting them to microbiological culture and processing them for checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. Results: No differences were found between the Ca(OH)(2) (99.98%) and Ca(OH)(2) + CHX groups (99.76%) regarding the median percentage values for the reduction of cultivable bacteria. The most frequently detected species were Capnocytophaga ochracea (70%) and Fusobacterium nucleatum ssp. vincentii (70%) in the initial samples. After instrumentation, the most frequently detected species were E. faecium (60%). After root canal treatments using either Ca(OH)(2) or Ca(OH)(2) + CHX as intracanal medications, the most frequently detected species were E nucleatum ssp. vincentii (90%) and Enterococcus faecium (40%), respectively. Both treatments significantly decreased the number of bacterial species compared with the initial sample. However, this reduction was significantly greater in the Ca(OH)(2) + CHX group (P < .05). This difference was also observed when evaluating the total bacterial load (P < .05). Conclusions: The use of Ca(OH)(2) associated with CHX as an intracanal medication showed better results by acting on gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms although such an action to eradicate enterococci should also be sought.