953 resultados para Membrane Transport Proteins


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Plasmalemmal injury is a frequent event in the life of a cell. Physical disruption of the plasma membrane is common in cells that operate under conditions of mechanical stress. The permeability barrier can also be breached by chemical means: pathogens gain access to host cells by secreting pore-forming toxins and phospholipases, and the host's own immune system employs pore-forming proteins to eliminate both pathogens and the pathogen-invaded cells. In all cases, the influx of extracellular Ca(2+) is being sensed and interpreted as an "immediate danger" signal. Various Ca(2+)-dependent mechanisms are employed to enable plasma membrane repair. Extensively damaged regions of the plasma membrane can be patched with internal membranes delivered to the cell surface by exocytosis. Nucleated cells are capable of resealing their injured plasmalemma by endocytosis of the permeabilized site. Likewise, the shedding of membrane microparticles is thought to be involved in the physical elimination of pores. Membrane blebbing is a further damage-control mechanism, which is triggered after initial attempts at plasmalemmal resealing have failed. The members of the annexin protein family are ubiquitously expressed and function as intracellular Ca(2+) sensors. Most cells contain multiple annexins, which interact with distinct plasma membrane regions promoting membrane segregation, membrane fusion and--in combination with their individual Ca(2+)-sensitivity--allow spatially confined, graded responses to membrane injury.


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In this chapter the methodological bases are provided to achieve subnanometer resolution on two-dimensional (2D) membrane protein crystals by atomic force microscopy (AFM). This is outlined in detail with the example of AFM studies of the outer membrane protein F (OmpF) from the bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli). We describe in detail the high-resolution imaging of 2D OmpF crystals in aqueous solution and under near-physiological conditions. The topographs of OmpF, and stylus effects and artifacts encountered when imaging by AFM are discussed.


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Renal excretion of citrate, an inhibitor of calcium stone formation, is controlled mainly by reabsorption via the apical Na(+)-dicarboxylate cotransporter NaDC1 (SLC13A2) in the proximal tubule. Recently, it has been shown that the protein phosphatase calcineurin inhibitors cyclosporin A (CsA) and FK-506 induce hypocitraturia, a risk factor for nephrolithiasis in kidney transplant patients, but apparently through urine acidification. This suggests that these agents up-regulate NaDC1 activity. Using the Xenopus lævis oocyte and HEK293 cell expression systems, we examined first the effect of both anti-calcineurins on NaDC1 activity and expression. While FK-506 had no effect, CsA reduced NaDC1-mediated citrate transport by lowering heterologous carrier expression (as well as endogenous carrier expression in HEK293 cells), indicating that calcineurin is not involved. Given that CsA also binds specifically to cyclophilins, we determined next whether such proteins could account for the observed changes by examining the effect of selected cyclophilin wild types and mutants on NaDC1 activity and cyclophilin-specific siRNA. Interestingly, our data show that the cyclophilin isoform B is likely responsible for down-regulation of carrier expression by CsA and that it does so via its chaperone activity on NaDC1 (by direct interaction) rather than its rotamase activity. We have thus identified for the first time a regulatory partner for NaDC1, and have gained novel mechanistic insight into the effect of CsA on renal citrate transport and kidney stone disease, as well as into the regulation of membrane transporters in general.


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Mitochondria are found in all eukaryotic cells and derive from a bacterial endosymbiont [1, 2]. The evolution of a protein import system was a prerequisite for the conversion of the endosymbiont into a true organelle. Tom40, the essential component of the protein translocase of the outer membrane, is conserved in mitochondria of almost all eukaryotes but lacks bacterial orthologs [3-6]. It serves as the gateway through which all mitochondrial proteins are imported. The parasitic protozoa Trypanosoma brucei and its relatives do not have a Tom40-like protein, which raises the question of how proteins are imported by their mitochondria [7, 8]. Using a combination of bioinformatics and in vivo and in vitro studies, we have discovered that T. brucei likely employs a different import channel, termed ATOM (archaic translocase of the outer mitochondria! membrane). ATOM mediates the import of nuclear-encoded proteins into mitochondria and is essential for viability of trypanosomes. It is not related to Tom40 but is instead an ortholog of a subgroup of the 0mp85 protein superfamily that is involved in membrane translocation and insertion of bacterial outer membrane proteins [9]. This suggests that the protein import channel in trypanosomes is a relic of an archaic protein transport system that was operational in the ancestor of all eukaryotes.


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Restriction of proteins to discrete subcellular regions is a common mechanism to establish cellular asymmetries and depends on a coordinated program of mRNA localization and translation control. Many processes from the budding of a yeast to the establishment of metazoan embryonic axes and the migration of human neurons, depend on this type of cell polarization. How factors controlling transport and translation assemble to regulate at the same time the movement and translation of transported mRNAs, and whether these mechanisms are conserved across kingdoms is not yet entirely understood. In this review we will focus on some of the best characterized examples of mRNA transport machineries, the "yeast locasome" as an example of RNA transport and translation control in unicellular eukaryotes, and on the Drosophila Bic-D/Egl/Dyn RNA localization machinery as an example of RNA transport in higher eukaryotes. This focus is motivated by the relatively advanced knowledge about the proteins that connect the localizing mRNAs to the transport motors and the many well studied proteins involved in translational control of specific transcripts that are moved by these machineries. We will also discuss whether the core of these RNA transport machineries and factors regulating mRNA localization and translation are conserved across eukaryotes.


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Based on the structural similarity of viral fusion proteins within the family Paramyxoviridae, we tested recently described and newly synthesized acetanilide derivatives for their capacity to inhibit measles virus (MV)-, canine distemper virus (CDV)- and Nipah virus (NiV)-induced membrane fusion. We found that N-(3-cyanophenyl)-2-phenylacetamide (compound 1) has a high capacity to inhibit MV- and CDV-induced (IC(50) muM), but not NiV-induced, membrane fusion. This compound is of outstanding interest because it can be easily synthesized and its cytotoxicity is low [50 % cytotoxic concentration (CC(50)) >/= 300 muM], leading to a CC(50)/IC(50) ratio of approximately 100. In addition, primary human peripheral blood lymphocytes and primary dog brain cell cultures (DBC) also tolerate high concentrations of compound 1. Infection of human PBMC with recombinant wild-type MV is inhibited by an IC(50) of approximately 20 muM. The cell-to-cell spread of recombinant wild-type CDV in persistently infected DBC can be nearly completely inhibited by compound 1 at 50 muM, indicating that the virus spread between brain cells is dependent on the activity of the viral fusion protein. Our findings demonstrate that this compound is a most applicable inhibitor of morbillivirus-induced membrane fusion in tissue culture experiments including highly sensitive primary cells.


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It is increasingly recognised that chronically activated glia contribute to the pathology of various neurodegenerative diseases, including glaucoma. One means by which this can occur is through the release of neurotoxic, proinflammatory factors. In the current study, we therefore investigated the spatio-temporal patterns of expression of three such cytokines, IL-1β, TNFα and IL-6, in a validated rat model of experimental glaucoma. First, only weak evidence was found for increased expression of IL-1β and TNFα following induction of ocular hypertension. Second, and much more striking, was that robust evidence was uncovered showing IL-6 to be synthesised by injured retinal ganglion cells following elevation of intraocular pressure and transported in an orthograde fashion along the nerve, accumulating at sites of axonal disruption in the optic nerve head. Verification that IL-6 represents a novel marker of disrupted axonal transport in this model was obtained by performing double labelling immunofluorescence with recognised markers of fast axonal transport. The stimulus for IL-6 synthesis and axonal transport during experimental glaucoma arose from axonal injury rather than ocular hypertension, as the response was identical after optic nerve crush and bilateral occlusion of the carotid arteries, each of which is independent of elevated intraocular pressure. Moreover, the response of IL-6 was not a generalised feature of the gp130 family of cytokines, as it was not mimicked by another family member, ciliary neurotrophic factor. Finally, further study suggested that IL-6 may be an early part of the endogenous regenerative response as the cytokine colocalised with growth-associated membrane phosphoprotein-43 in some putative regenerating axons, and potently stimulated neuritogenesis in retinal ganglion cells in culture, an effect that was additive to that of ciliary neurotrophic factor. These data comprise clear evidence that IL-6 is actively involved in the attempt of injured retinal ganglion cells to regenerate their axons.


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Previous findings in rats and in human vegetarians suggest that the plasma carnitine concentration and/or carnitine ingestion may influence the renal reabsorption of carnitine. We tested this hypothesis in rats with secondary carnitine deficiency following treatment with N-trimethyl-hydrazine-3-propionate (THP) for 2 weeks and rats treated with excess L-carnitine for 2 weeks. Compared to untreated control rats, treatment with THP was associated with an approximately 70% decrease in plasma carnitine and with a 74% decrease in the skeletal muscle carnitine content. In contrast, treatment with L-carnitine increased plasma carnitine levels by 80% and the skeletal muscle carnitine content by 50%. Treatment with L-carnitine affected neither the activity of carnitine transport into isolated renal brush border membrane vesicles, nor renal mRNA expression of the carnitine transporter OCTN2. In contrast, in carnitine deficient rats, carnitine transport into isolated brush border membrane vesicles was increased 1.9-fold compared to untreated control rats. Similarly, renal mRNA expression of OCTN2 increased by a factor of 1.7 in carnitine deficient rats, whereas OCTN2 mRNA expression remained unchanged in gut, liver or skeletal muscle. Our study supports the hypothesis that a decrease in the carnitine plasma and/or glomerular filtrate concentration increases renal expression and activity of OCTN2.


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The cardiac sodium current (INa) is responsible for the rapid depolarization of cardiac cells, thus allowing for their contraction. It is also involved in regulating the duration of the cardiac action potential (AP) and propagation of the impulse throughout the myocardium. Cardiac INa is generated by the voltage-gated Na(+) channel, NaV1.5, a 2016-residue protein which forms the pore of the channel. Over the past years, hundreds of mutations in SCN5A, the human gene coding for NaV1.5, have been linked to many cardiac electrical disorders, including the congenital and acquired long QT syndrome, Brugada syndrome, conduction slowing, sick sinus syndrome, atrial fibrillation, and dilated cardiomyopathy. Similar to many membrane proteins, NaV1.5 has been found to be regulated by several interacting proteins. In some cases, these different proteins, which reside in distinct membrane compartments (i.e. lateral membrane vs. intercalated disks), have been shown to interact with the same regulatory domain of NaV1.5, thus suggesting that several pools of NaV1.5 channels may co-exist in cardiac cells. The aim of this review article is to summarize the recent works that demonstrate its interaction with regulatory proteins and illustrate the model that the sodium channel NaV1.5 resides in distinct and different pools in cardiac cells. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Cardiomyocyte Biology: Cardiac Pathways of Differentiation, Metabolism and Contraction.


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Cardiac myocytes are characterized by distinct structural and functional entities involved in the generation and transmission of the action potential and the excitation-contraction coupling process. Key to their function is the specific organization of ion channels and transporters to and within distinct membrane domains, which supports the anisotropic propagation of the depolarization wave. This review addresses the current knowledge on the molecular actors regulating the distinct trafficking and targeting mechanisms of ion channels in the highly polarized cardiac myocyte. In addition to ubiquitous mechanisms shared by other excitable cells, cardiac myocytes show unique specialization, illustrated by the molecular organization of myocyte-myocyte contacts, e.g., the intercalated disc and the gap junction. Many factors contribute to the specialization of the cardiac sarcolemma and the functional expression of cardiac ion channels, including various anchoring proteins, motors, small GTPases, membrane lipids, and cholesterol. The discovery of genetic defects in some of these actors, leading to complex cardiac disorders, emphasizes the importance of trafficking and targeting of ion channels to cardiac function. A major challenge in the field is to understand how these and other actors work together in intact myocytes to fine-tune ion channel expression and control cardiac excitability.


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Ectodomain shedding at the cell surface is a major mechanism to regulate the extracellular and circulatory concentration or the activities of signaling proteins at the plasma membrane. Human meprin β is a 145-kDa disulfide-linked homodimeric multidomain type-I membrane metallopeptidase that sheds membrane-bound cytokines and growth factors, thereby contributing to inflammatory diseases, angiogenesis, and tumor progression. In addition, it cleaves amyloid precursor protein (APP) at the β-secretase site, giving rise to amyloidogenic peptides. We have solved the X-ray crystal structure of a major fragment of the meprin β ectoprotein, the first of a multidomain oligomeric transmembrane sheddase, and of its zymogen. The meprin β dimer displays a compact shape, whose catalytic domain undergoes major rearrangement upon activation, and reveals an exosite and a sugar-rich channel, both of which possibly engage in substrate binding. A plausible structure-derived working mechanism suggests that substrates such as APP are shed close to the plasma membrane surface following an "N-like" chain trace.


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Between day E8 and E12 of embryonic development, the chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) undergoes massive structural rearrangement enabling calcium-uptake from the eggshell to supply the growing embryo. However, the contribution of the various cell types of the chorionic epithelium including the capillary covering (CC) cells, villus cavity (VC) cells, endothelial-like cells, and basal cells to this developmental program is largely unknown. In order to obtain markers for the different cell types in the chorionic epithelium, we determined the expression patterns of various calcium-binding annexins in the developing chicken CAM. By reverse transcription/polymerase chain reaction with primers deduced from nucleotide sequences available in various databases, the presence of annexin (anx)-1, anx-2, anx-5, and anx-6 was demonstrated at days E8 and E12. Quantitative immunoblotting with novel antibodies raised against the recombinant proteins revealed that anx-1 and anx-5 were significantly up-regulated at day E12, whereas anx-2 and anx-6 expression remained almost unchanged in comparison to levels at day E8. Immunohistochemistry of paraffin-embedded sections of E12 CAM revealed anx-1 in CC cells and VC cells. Anx-2 was localized in capillaries in the chorionic epithelium and in basal cells of the allantoic epithelium, whereas anx-6 was detected in basal cells or endothelial-like cells of the chorionic epithelium and in the media of larger vessels in the mesenchyme. A 2-day exposure of the CAM to a tumor cell spheroid resulted in strong proliferation of anx-1-expressing CC cells suggesting that these cells participate in the embryonic response to experimental intervention. Thus, annexins exhibit complementary expression patterns and represent appropriate cell markers for the further characterization of CAM development and the interpretation of results obtained when using CAM as an experimental model.


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Eph receptor tyrosine kinases are key players during the development of the embryonic vasculature; however, their role and regulation in adult angiogenesis remain to be defined. Caveolae are flask-shaped invaginations of the cell membrane; their major structural protein, caveolin-1, has been shown to regulate signaling molecules localized in these micro-domains. The interaction of caveolin-1 with several of these proteins is mediated by the binding of its scaffolding domain to a region containing hydrophobic amino acids within these proteins. The presence of such a motif within the EphB1 kinase domain prompted us to investigate the caveolar localization and regulation of EphB1 by caveolin-1. We report that EphB1 receptors are localized in caveolae, and directly interact with caveolin-1 upon ligand stimulation. This interaction, as well as EphB1-mediated activation of extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK), was abrogated by overexpression of a caveolin-1 mutant lacking a functional scaffolding domain. Interaction between Ephs and caveolin-1 is not restricted to the B-subclass of receptors, since we show that EphA2 also interacts with caveolin-1. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the caveolin-binding motif within the kinase domain of EphB1 is primordial for its correct membrane targeting. Taken together, our findings establish caveolin-1 as an important regulator of downstream signaling and membrane targeting of EphB1.


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11Beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) is essential for the local activation of glucocorticoid receptors (GR). Unlike unliganded cytoplasmic GR, 11beta-HSD1 is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-membrane protein with lumenal orientation. Cortisone might gain direct access to 11beta-HSD1 by free diffusion across membranes, indirectly via intracellular binding proteins or, alternatively, by insertion into membranes. Membranous cortisol, formed by 11beta-HSD1 at the ER-lumenal side, might then activate cytoplasmic GR or bind to ER-lumenal secretory proteins. Compartmentalization of 11beta-HSD1 is important for its regulation by hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (H6PDH), which regenerates cofactor NADPH in the ER lumen and stimulates oxoreductase activity. ER-lumenal orientation of 11beta-HSD1 is also essential for the metabolism of the alternative substrate 7-ketocholesterol (7KC), a major cholesterol oxidation product found in atherosclerotic plaques and taken up from processed cholesterol-rich food. An 11beta-HSD1 mutant adopting cytoplasmic orientation efficiently catalyzed the oxoreduction of cortisone but not 7KC, indicating access to cortisone from both sides of the ER-membrane but to 7KC only from the lumenal side. These aspects may be relevant for understanding the physiological role of 11beta-HSD1 and for developing therapeutic interventions to control glucocorticoid reactivation.


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The H(+) -coupled divalent metal-ion transporter DMT1 serves as both the primary entry point for iron into the body (intestinal brush-border uptake) and the route by which transferrin-associated iron is mobilized from endosomes to cytosol in erythroid precursors and other cells. Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of DMT1 will therefore increase our understanding of iron metabolism and the etiology of iron overload disorders. We expressed wild type and mutant DMT1 in Xenopus oocytes and monitored metal-ion uptake, currents and intracellular pH. DMT1 was activated in the presence of an inwardly directed H(+) electrochemical gradient. At low extracellular pH (pH(o)), H(+) binding preceded binding of Fe(2+) and its simultaneous translocation. However, DMT1 did not behave like a typical ion-coupled transporter at higher pH(o), and at pH(o) 7.4 we observed Fe(2+) transport that was not associated with H(+) influx. His(272) --> Ala substitution uncoupled the Fe(2+) and H(+) fluxes. At low pH(o), H272A mediated H(+) uniport that was inhibited by Fe(2+). Meanwhile H272A-mediated Fe(2+) transport was independent of pH(o). Our data indicate (i) that H(+) coupling in DMT1 serves to increase affinity for Fe(2+) and provide a thermodynamic driving force for Fe(2+) transport and (ii) that His-272 is critical in transducing the effects of H(+) coupling. Notably, our data also indicate that DMT1 can mediate facilitative Fe(2+) transport in the absence of a H(+) gradient. Since plasma membrane expression of DMT1 is upregulated in liver of hemochromatosis patients, this H(+) -uncoupled facilitative Fe(2+) transport via DMT1 can account for the uptake of nontransferrin-bound plasma iron characteristic of iron overload disorders.