1000 resultados para Meier-Graefe, Julius
OBJECTIVE(S): To investigate the relationship between detection of HIV drug resistance by 2 years from starting antiretroviral therapy and the subsequent risk of progression to AIDS and death. DESIGN: Virological failure was defined as experiencing two consecutive viral loads of more than 400 copies/ml in the time window between 0.5 and 2 years from starting antiretroviral therapy (baseline). Patients were grouped according to evidence of virological failure and whether there was detection of the International AIDS Society resistance mutations to one, two or three drug classes in the time window. METHODS: Standard survival analysis using Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox proportional hazards regression model with time-fixed covariates defined at baseline was employed. RESULTS: We studied 8229 patients in EuroSIDA who started antiretroviral therapy and who had at least 2 years of clinical follow-up. We observed 829 AIDS events and 571 deaths during 38,814 person-years of follow-up resulting in an overall incidence of new AIDS and death of 3.6 per 100 person-years of follow-up [95% confidence interval (CI):3.4-3.8]. By 96 months from baseline, the proportion of patients with a new AIDS diagnosis or death was 20.3% (95% CI:17.7-22.9) in patients with no evidence of virological failure and 53% (39.3-66.7) in those with virological failure and mutations to three drug classes (P = 0.0001). An almost two-fold difference in risk was confirmed in the multivariable analysis (adjusted relative hazard = 1.8, 95% CI:1.2-2.7, P = 0.005). CONCLUSION: Although this study shows an association between the detection of resistance at failure and risk of clinical progression, further research is needed to clarify whether resistance reflects poor adherence or directly increases the risk of clinical events via exhaustion of drug options.
A joint project between the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) and the Institute of Radiation Physics was initiated to characterise the PSI whole body counter in detail through measurements and Monte Carlo simulation. Accurate knowledge of the detector geometry is essential for reliable simulations of human body phantoms filled with known activity concentrations. Unfortunately, the technical drawings provided by the manufacturer are often not detailed enough and sometimes the specifications do not agree with the actual set-up. Therefore, the exact detector geometry and the position of the detector crystal inside the housing were determined through radiographic images. X-rays were used to analyse the structure of the detector, and (60)Co radiography was employed to measure the core of the germanium crystal. Moreover, the precise axial alignment of the detector within its housing was determined through a series of radiographic images with different incident angles. The hence obtained information enables us to optimise the Monte Carlo geometry model and to perform much more accurate and reliable simulations.
The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) and thyroid hormone receptors (TR) are members of the nuclear receptor superfamily, which regulate lipid metabolism and tissue differentiation. In order to bind to DNA and activate transcription, PPAR requires the formation of heterodimers with the retinoid X receptor (RXR). In addition to activating transcription through its own response elements, PPAR is able to selectively down-regulate the transcriptional activity of TR, but not vitamin D receptor. The molecular basis of this functional interaction has not been fully elucidated. By means of site-directed mutagenesis of hPPAR alpha we mapped its inhibitory action on TR to a leucine zipper-like motif in the ligand binding domain of PPAR, which is highly conserved among all subtypes of this receptor and mediates heterodimerization with RXR. Replacement of a single leucine by arginine at position 433 of hPPAR alpha (L433R) abolished heterodimerization of PPAR with RXR and consequently its trans-activating capacity. However, a similar mutation of a leucine residue to arginine at position 422 showed no alteration of heterodimerization, DNA binding, or transcriptional activation. The dimerization deficient mutant L433R was no longer able to inhibit TR action, demonstrating that the selective inhibitory effect of PPAR results from the competition for RXR as well as possibly for other TR-auxiliary proteins. In contrast, abolition of DNA binding by a mutation in the P-box of PPAR (C122S) did not eliminate the inhibition of TR trans-activation, indicating that competition for DNA binding is not involved. Additionally, no evidence for the formation of PPAR:TR heterodimers was found in co-immunoprecipitation experiments. In summary, we have demonstrated that PPAR selectively inhibits the transcriptional activity of TRs by competition for RXR and possibly non-RXR TR-auxiliary proteins. In contrast, this functional interaction is independent of the formation of PPAR:TR heterodimers or competition for DNA binding.
BACKGROUND: Although methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) native bone and joint infection (BJI) constitutes the more frequent clinical entity of BJI, prognostic studies mostly focused on methicillin-resistant S. aureus prosthetic joint infection. We aimed to assess the determinants of native MSSA BJI outcomes. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study (2001-2011) of patients admitted in a reference hospital centre for native MSSA BJI. Treatment failure determinants were assessed using Kaplan-Meier curves and binary logistic regression. RESULTS: Sixty-six patients (42 males [63.6%]; median age 61.2 years; interquartile range [IQR] 45.9-71.9) presented an acute (n = 38; 57.6%) or chronic (n = 28; 42.4%) native MSSA arthritis (n = 15; 22.7%), osteomyelitis (n = 19; 28.8%) or spondylodiscitis (n = 32; 48.5%), considered as "difficult-to-treat" in 61 cases (92.4%). All received a prolonged (27.1 weeks; IQR, 16.9-36.1) combined antimicrobial therapy, after surgical management in 37 cases (56.1%). Sixteen treatment failures (24.2%) were observed during a median follow-up period of 63.3 weeks (IQR, 44.7-103.1), including 13 persisting infections, 1 relapse after treatment disruption, and 2 super-infections. Independent determinants of treatment failure were the existence of a sinus tract (odds ratio [OR], 5.300; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.166-24.103) and a prolonged delay to infectious disease specialist referral (OR, 1.134; 95% CI 1.013-1.271). CONCLUSIONS: The important treatment failure rate pinpointed the difficulty of cure encountered in complicated native MSSA BJI. An early infectious disease specialist referral is essential, especially in debilitated patients or in presence of sinus tract.
Objective The goal of this study was to investigate whether increasing the dose of an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) provides as much benefits as combining the ARB with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) in terms of blood pressure (BP) control and urinary albumin excretion (UAE) in hypertensive patients with a proteinuria.Methods We enrolled 20 hypertensive patients with proteinuric nephropathies and a reduced renal function in a randomized, 12-month, triple-crossover, prospective, open-label study to compare the effects of a regular dose of losartan (Los 100mg q.d., LOS100) vs. a high dose of losartan (Los 100mg b.i.d., LOS200) vs. losartan 100mg q.d. associated with lisinopril 20 mg q.d. (LOS100 + LIS20). Each treatment was given for 8 weeks with a 4-week initial run-in period and 2 weeks of washout between each treatment phases. 24 h UAE and ambulatory BP were measured during the running phase and at the end of each treatment period.Results Compared to pretreatment, 24 h SBP and DBP were reduced by 10/5 +/- 7/4 mmHg with LOS100 (P=0.023 vs. baseline) and, respectively, 13/6 +/- 12/5 mmHg with LOS200 (P=0.011) and 19/9 +/- 15/8 mmHg with LOS100+LIS20 (P < 0.01). UAE decreased significantly with LOS100 and to an even greater degree with LOS200 and LOS100+LIS20 (P < 0.01 vs. baseline for both and P=0.032, LOS100+LIS20 vs. LOS200). The combination had a greater impact in patients with a high baseline proteinuria as suggested by a nonparallel leftward shift of the relationship between the changes in UAE induced by the combination and those induced by LOS200. The high dose of losartan was better tolerated than the combination.Conclusion Increasing the dose of losartan from 100mg once daily to 100mg twice a day enables to obtain a greater decrease in BP and proteinuria and is better tolerated than combining the ARB with lisinopril, though the high dose appears to be slightly less effective than the combination in patients with a marked proteinuria. J Hypertens 29: 1228-1235 (C) 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the long-term outcome, safety, and efficacy of partial cricotracheal resection (PCTR) for subglottic stenosis in a group of children and infants weighing less than 10 kg at the time of the surgery. STUDY DESIGN: Historical cohort study. SETTING: Academic tertiary medical center. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Thirty-six children weighing less than 10 kg at the time of the surgery were compared to a group of 65 children who weighed more than 10 kg. The Kaplan Meier method and Cox regression were carried out to detect differences in decannulation time and rates and to examine the influence of various parameters (i.e., comorbidities, type of surgery, and complications requiring revision surgery) at the time of decannulation. Evaluation of the long-term outcome was based on questionnaires assessing breathing, voice, and swallowing. RESULTS: Decannulation rate was 92 percent (33/36) for the group of children weighing less than 10 kg. No significant differences were found between the two body weight groups with respect to the aforementioned covariates. The median follow-up period was nine years (range, 1-23 yrs). Questionnaire responses revealed completely normal breathing and swallowing in 72 percent and 90 percent of the children, respectively. Seventy-one percent of the patients considered their voice to be rough or weak. CONCLUSION: PCTR in infants and children weighing less than 10 kg is a safe and efficient technique with similar long-term results when compared to results seen in older and heavier children.
Rapport de synthèse : Le glaucome à angle ouvert est une neuropathie optique chronique progressive pour laquelle de nombreux traitements tant médicaux que chirurgicaux ont été proposés. La prise en charge chirurgicale s'articule principalement autour de deux chirurgies filtrantes, la trabéculectomie et la sclérectomie profonde avec implant de collagène. Cependant, les complications postopératoires de ces deux interventions étant relativement fréquentes, la recherche s'est orientée vers des traitements alternatifs dont la mise en place de micro-drains. Ces implants de drainage diminuent la pression intraoculaire en créant un court-circuit du flux d'humeur aqueuse de la chambre antérieure vers l'espace sous-conjonctival avec formation d'une bulle de filtration. L'implant Ex-PRESS R-50 est un implant miniature (2.5 mm de long pour 400 µm de diamètre) en acier inoxydable et biocompatible. La présente étude s'est proposée d'étudier l'efficacité et la sécurité de l'implant miniature Ex-Press R-50 lors d'une opération combinée cataracte-glaucome. Trente-cinq yeux de 35 patients (âge moyen: 75 ans) ont été inclus dans l'étude. Tous les patients ont bénéficié d'une opération de la cataracte par phacoemulsification et mise en place d'un implant de chambre postérieure suivie de l'implantation du micro-drain. Les pressions intraoculaires préopératoires et postopératoires, la meilleure acuité visuelle corrigée, le nombre de médicaments anti-glaucomateux ainsi que le type et le nombre de complications ont été évalués mensuellement puis tous les 6 mois pendant 4 ans. Le succès total a été défini par une pression postopératoire finale inférieure à 18mmHg sans traitement médical associé, le succès partiel par une pression postopératoire finale inférieure à 18mmHg avec ou sans traitement médical associé.. Le suivi moyen a été de 36.9 mois avec une baisse de la pression intraoculaire significative d'environ 25%. Une augmentation de l'acuité visuelle a été observée après l'opération de la cataracte et le nombre de médicaments anti-glaucomateux a été réduit de 57%. Dix patients ont bénéficié d'un traitement supplémentaire de la bulle de filtration par injection d'anti-métabolite (mitomycine C). Nous avons observé 8 complications majeures (4 érosions conjonctivales et 4 obstructions de l'orifice interne du micro-drain), toutes suivies de l'ablation de l'implant et de la réalisation d'une chirurgie classique du glaucome. En se basant sur les courbes de Kaplan-Meier à 48 mois, le taux de succès total était de 32.7% et le succès partiel de 53.7%. Nous pouvons conclure suite à ce travail que l'implant miniature Ex-PRESS R-50 est associé à un nombre trop élevé de complications, même si les cas non compliqués ont bénéficié d'une baisse significative de la pression intraoculaire. La modification de l'architecture du micro-drain ainsi que de la technique chirurgicale devrait augmenter le taux de succès.