1000 resultados para Mediterranean Ridge


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The development of the winter-spring phytoplankton bloom was investigated in the Bay of Calvi (Corsica, Ligurian Sea, northwestern Mediterranean) in 1979, 1986, 1988, 1997 and 1998. A drastic reduction of phytoplankton biomass was evidenced over the last 2 decades, in relation to long-term changes in climatic and environmental conditions. Between 1979 and 1998, the monthly averaged chlorophyll a concentrations at 1 m decreased by about 80% during February, March and April. Simultaneously, major changes to hydrodynamic conditions include warmer water, overall decrease of salinity at 10 m depth, longer periods of bright sunshine and lower wind stress. The changes in environmental conditions were large enough to affect the vertical stability of the water column during the winter-spring period and to reduce nutrient replenishment of the surface layer prior to the usual period of phytoplankton growth. Until 1986, the main factor driving nutrient replenishment was the winter upward mixing of nutrient-rich deep waters, while the progressive reduction of mixing from 1988 induced nutrient limitation of surface waters in the last decade. The following hypotheses on changes in the development of the winter-spring phytoplankton bloom are made: (1) Until 1986, phytoplankton peaks took place in relatively high-nutrient waters and were diatom-dominated. (2) Between 1986 and 1988, decreasing Si availability led to Si limitation which caused a reduction in diatom abundance. This resulted in the disappearance of the diatom-dominated pulses and in lower phytoplankton biomass and was accompanied by a shift toward non-siliceous phytoplankton. (3) In 1988, 1997 and 1998, decreasing nitrate availability led to nitrate limitation, thus explaining the progressive reduction in non-siliceous phytoplankton biomass. Other, associated changes in benthos assemblages and ichthyofauna are documented. The conclusions from the Bay of Calvi are extended to the whole western Corsican coast. This confirms that the Mediterranean reacts rapidly to external perturbations, which are driven by climate change in that particular area.


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Five sections drilled in multiple holes over a depth transect of more than 2200 m at the Walvis Ridge (SE Atlantic) during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 208 resulted in the first complete early Paleogene deep-sea record. Here we present high-resolution stratigraphic records spanning a ~4.3 million yearlong interval of the late Paleocene to early Eocene. This interval includes the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) as well as the Eocene thermal maximum (ETM) 2 event. A detailed chronology was developed with nondestructive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanning records and shipboard color data. These records were used to refine the shipboard-derived spliced composite depth for each site and with a record from ODP Site 1051 were then used to establish a continuous time series over this interval. Extensive spectral analysis reveals that the early Paleogene sedimentary cyclicity is dominated by precession modulated by the short (100 kyr) and long (405 kyr) eccentricity cycles. Counting of precession-related cycles at multiple sites results in revised estimates for the duration of magnetochrons C24r and C25n. Direct comparison between the amplitude modulation of the precession component derived from XRF data and recent models of Earth's orbital eccentricity suggests that the onset of the PETM and ETM2 are related to a 100-kyr eccentricity maximum. Both events are approximately a quarter of a period offset from a maximum in the 405-kyr eccentricity cycle, with the major difference that the PETM is lagging and ETM2 is leading a 405-kyr eccentricity maximum. Absolute age estimates for the PETM, ETM2, and the magnetochron boundaries that are consistent with recalibrated radiometric ages and recent models of Earth's orbital eccentricity cannot be precisely determined at present because of too large uncertainties in these methods. Nevertheless, we provide two possible tuning options, which demonstrate the potential for the development of a cyclostratigraphic framework based on the stable 405-kyr eccentricity cycle for the entire Paleogene.


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In the last decades, a striking amount of hydrographic data, covering the most part of Mediterranean basin, have been generated by the efforts made to characterize the oceanography and ecology of the basin. On the other side, the improvement in technologies, and the consequent perfecting of sampling and analytical techniques, provided data even more reliable than in the past. Nutrient data enter fully in this context, but suffer of the fact of having been produced by a large number of uncoordinated research programs and of being often deficient in quality control, with data bases lacking of intercalibration. In this study we present a computational procedure based on robust statistical parameters and on the physical dynamic properties of the Mediterranean sea and its morphological characteristics, to partially overcome the above limits in the existing data sets. Through a data pre filtering based on the outlier analysis, and thanks to the subsequent shape analysis, the procedure identifies the inconsistent data and for each basin area identifies a characteristic set of shapes (vertical profiles). Rejecting all the profiles that do not follow any of the spotted shapes, the procedure identifies all the reliable profiles and allows us to obtain a data set that can be considered more internally consistent than the existing ones.


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Data on analyses of chemical composition of DSDP samples of bottom sediments and rocks carried out in P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology are reported. Basal sediments and sedimentary rocks prevail in the sample set.


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An investigation of recent bottom sediments between the Cyprus Island and the Syrian seacoast during Cruise 27 of R/V Vityaz-2 (1993) gave comprehensive field data significantly complementing our understanding of the sedimentation process in this part of the Mediterranean Sea. Mineralogical and geochemical indicators testify to different input into sedimentation of the Syrian and Nile River sources. The Nile River plays a leading role in terrigenous sedimentation in the southeastern Mediterranean Sea, especially in deep-sea areas. In contrast, contribution of weathering products of basalts and ophiolites from the Syrian drainage area (hornblende, monoclinic and rhombic pyroxenes, olivine, spinel, palagonite, and epidote) are particularly detectable in sediments of the near-coast zone. During Late Quaternary contribution of terrigenous material both from the Syrian and Nile sources was irregular in time.


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The paper presents characteristics of the Nd and Sr isotopic systems of ultrabasic rocks, gabbroids, plagiogranites, and their minerals as well as data on helium and hydrocarbons in fluid inclusions of the same samples. Materials presented in this publication were obtained by studying samples dredged from the MAR crest zone at 5°-6°N (U/Pb zircon dating, geochemical and petrological-mineralogical studies). It was demonstrated that variations in the isotopic composition of He entrapped in rocks and minerals were controlled by variable degrees of mixing of juvenile He, which is typical of basaltic glass for MAR (DM source), and atmospheric He. Increase in the atmospheric He fraction in plutonic rocks and, to a lesser degree, in their minerals reflects involvement of seawater or hydrated material of the oceanic crust in magmatic and postmagmatic processes. This conclusion finds further support in positive correlation between the fraction of mantle He (R ratio) and 87Sr/86Sr ratio. High-temperature hydration of ultrabasic rocks (amphibolization) was associated with increase in the fraction of mantle He, while their low-temperature hydration (serpentinization) was accompanied by drastic decrease in this fraction and significant increase in 87Sr/86Sr ratio. Insignificant variations in 143Nd/144Nd (close to 0.5130) and 87Sr/86Sr (0.7035) in most of gabbroids and plagiogranites as well as the fraction of mantle He in these rocks, amphibolites, and their ore minerals indicate that the melts were derived from the depleted mantle. Similar e-Nd values of gabbroids, plagiogranites, and fresh harzburgites (6.77-8.39) suggest that these rocks were genetically related to a single mantle source. e-Nd value of serpentinized lherzolites (2.62) likely reflects relations of these relatively weakly depleted mantle residues to another source. Aforementioned characteristics of the rocks generally reflect various degrees of mixing of depleted mantle components with crustal components (seawater) during metamorphic and hydrothermal processes that accompanied formation of the oceanic crust.