1000 resultados para McMath-Hulbert Observatory (University of Michigan)
top row: Rob Huiszenga, Roger Ritzman, Mitch Mendrygal
middle row: ass't coach Bill Johannesen, Rick Neff, Rick Bolhouse, Therlon Harris, Jerry Hubbard, Bill Davids, magr, Rich Bond
front row: Tom Quinn, capt. Jerry Hoddy, coach Rick Bay, Mark King, Jim Hagan
top row: ass't coach Bill Johannesen, Roger Ritzman, Gary Ernst, John Ryan, mangr. Bob Murry
middle row: Jim Brown, Jarrett Hubbard, Dave Curby, Bill Schuk, Rick Neff
front row: Therlon Harris, capt. Mark King, coach Rick Bay, Mitch Mendrygal, Jim Hagan
top row: Jim Brown, Jeff Guyton, David Curby, Bill Schuk, Rich Valley
middle row: ass't coach Bill Johannesen, Bill Davids, John Ryan, Gary Ernst, John King, Jarrett Hubbard, mgr Tom Fillion
front row: Jim Blanks, capt. Mitch Mendrygal, coach Rick Bay, Roger Ritzman, Robert Whitley
back row: Roger Ritzman, Jarrett Hubbard, Gary Ernst, Dave Curby, John Ryan
front row: Jim Brown, ass't coach Bill Johanneson, coach Rick Bay, Mitch Mendrygal, Bill Schuck, Bill Davids, Jeff Guyton
top row: Mark Johnson, John Ryan, Rob Huizenga, Dave Curby
middle row:ass't coach Bill Johanesen, Rich Valley, Dan Brink, Bill Schuck, Jim Brown, mgr. Robert Murray
front row: Rick Neff, capt. Jarrett Hubbard, coach Rick Bay, Gary Ernst, Bill Davids
back row: Rich Lubell, Harold King, Mitch Marsicano, Brad Holman, Karl Briggs, David Myers
middle row: ass't coach Cal Jenkins, Todd Schneider, Amos Goodlow, Mark Churella, Ed Neiswender, mngr. John Becksford
front row: Gary Jonseck, John Ryan, Mark Johnson, coach Bill Johnannesen, Rich Valley, Steve Shuster
top row: coach Bill Johannesen, Brad Holman, Ed Neiswender, capt. Mark Johnson, Harold King, Mitch Mariscano, ass't coach Cal Jenkins
front row: Todd Schneider, Amos Goodlow, Rich Lubell, Karl Briggs, Mark Churella, George Kelley
top row: ass't coach Cal Jenkins, Steve Fraser, Dennis Bauer, Steve Bennett, Bill Petoskey, Bill Konovsky, capt. Karl Briggs, coach Bill Johannesen
front row: trainer Charles Miller, Dan Richard, Bob McAlvey, Kirk Arndt, Mark Churella, Bill Evashevski
back row: coach Dale Bahr, grad ass't Steve Fraser, John Beljan
middle row: ?, Richard Dusenberry, Nemir Nadhir?, Tim Fagan, Patrick McKay
front row: ?, ?, Joe McFarland,
Front Row Stephen Pierce, Tim Fagan, Nemir Nadhir, Mark Pearson, Bill Goodill, Larry Haughn
Second Row: Rich Zboray, Mike DerGarbedian, Jeff Burk, Rob Rechsteiner, Eric Klasson, John Beljan, John Segula, Tim Berry, Kevin Hill
Back Row: Monte Wilcox, Howard Jongsma, Kirk Trost, Rickey Moore, Pat McRae, Jeff Marolt, Scott Rechsteiner, Greg Wright, Stuart Brown, Mike Gersky.
Not Pictured: Joe McFarland, Pat McKay, Luigi Milani.
The magnificent fountain "Sunday Morning in Deep Waters", by Carl Milles stands before the Michigan League, designed for undergraduate women students as a center for their activities. Its facilities are available for the comfort of all university students, staff, alumni and their guests.
Burton Memorial Carillon Tower is a landmark on the Ann Arbor Campus of University of Michigan. Sculpture in the foreground is by the famous artist Carl Milles.