1000 resultados para Martín Ferreiro
Do ponto de vista funcional, os quebra-mares de talude são construídos de modo a proporcionar melhores condições de abrigo aos navios e pequenas embarcações e/ou impedir a acumulação de detritos (areias, calhaus, lodo, etc.) à entrada do canal de acesso. Para reforçar as funções acima mencionadas, por questões económicas e/ou para facilitar alguns processos construtivos, os quebra-mares de talude são projectados com uma superestrutura no seu coroamento, cujo objectivo é evitar que haja passagem de água sobre o coroamento de quebra-mar, ou seja, reduzir o galgamento. Para dimensionar a superestrutura de um quebra-mar de talude é necessário conhecer as forças a que estão sujeitas que, neste caso, são essencialmente devidas às ondas. Estas forças ocorrem quando a onda atinge a estrutura durante o espraiamento e quando a onda interage com a superestrutura depois da sua rebentação, estando disponíveis, para este caso, algumas formulações que permitem obter as pressões ou as forças induzidas pela onda. Quando a onda rebenta na própria superestrutura geram-se forças de impulsos para as quais não existe na literatura nenhuma formulação empírica válida que permita obtê-las a não ser os métodos de impulsos. Na presente dissertação analisaram-se as formulações disponíveis para o cálculo de forças em superestruturas de quebra-mares de talude. Desenvolveu-se uma interface que, de acordo com o tipo de estrutura e as condições de agitação, verifica quais as formulações a utilizar, efectua os cálculos (programados com base nas diferentes formulações de cálculo de forças em estruturas marítimas existentes na literatura) e apresenta os resultados de forma gráfica e quantitativamente. Finalmente aplicou-se a ferramenta ao estudo das pressões/forças em duas superestruturas de quebra-mares reais: a do Porto de Gijón, Espanha e a do Porto de Amboim, Angola. Para um dos casos de estudo, o Porto de Amboim, os resultados foram ainda comparados com os resultados obtidos em ensaios em modelo reduzido. Para estes dois casos de estudo apresenta-se ainda uma análise crítica dos resultados de pressões/forças calculados através das formulações estudados no âmbito desta dissertação. Dos resultados obtidos, a formulação de Martín et al., 1999 é a formulação que se recomenda na literatura no caso de se pretender dimensionar superestruturas de quebra-mares de talude [CIRIA/CUR/CETMEF, 2007]. Convém, no entanto, verificar que as condições em estudo estão dentro do seu limite de validade.
In this paper we evaluate the quantitative impact that a number ofalternative reform scenarios may have on the total expenditure for publicpensions in Spain. Our quantitative findings can be summarized in twosentences. For all the reforms considered, the financial impact of themechanical effect (change in benefits) is order of magnitudes larger thanthe behavioral impact or change in behavior. For the two Spanish reforms,we find once again that their effect on the outstanding liability of theSpanish Social Security System is essentially negligible: neither themechanical nor the behavioral effects amount to much for the 1997 reform,and amount to very little for the 2002 amendment.
We propose a positive theory that is consistent with two important featuresof social security programs around the world: (1) they redistributeincome from young to old and (2) they induce retirement. We construct avoting model that includes a political campaign or debate prior to theelection. The model incorporates single-mindedness of the groups that donot work: while the workers divide their political capital between their age concerns and occupational concerns , the retired concentrate alltheir political capital to support their age group. In our model, theelderly end up getting transfers from the government (paid by the young)and distortionary labor income taxes induce the retirement of the elderly.In addition, our model predicts that occupational groups that work morewill tend to have more political power. The opposite is true fornon-occupational groups (such as the elderly). We provide some evidencethat supports these additional predictions.
This paper reconsiders the empirical evidence on the asymmetricoutput effects of monetary policy. Asymmetric effects is a common feature ofmany theoretical models, and there are many different versions of suchasymmetries. We concentrate on the distinctions between positive andnegative money-supply changes, big and small changes in money-supply, andpossible combinations of the two asymmetries. Earlier research has foundempirical evidence in favor of the former of these in US data. Using M1 asthe monetary variable we find evidence in favor of neutrality of big shocksand non-neutrality of small shocks. The results may, however, be affected bystructual instability of M1 demand. Thus, we substitute M1 with the federalfunds rate. In these data we find that only small negative shocks affectreal aggregate activity. The results are interpreted in terms of menu-costmodels.
This paper analyses the economic growth performance in the Arab world overthe last forty years. The Arab world has managed to reduce povertyperformance despite its relatively disappointing growth performance. Werelate this poor performance of both oil and non-oil producers toinvestment. Contrary to widespread belief, we do not find evidence that lowquantity of investment is the main of low growth. The decline in theinvestment rate followed rather than preceded the reduction in the aggregategrowth rate. We conclude that the low quality of investment projects is thekey determinant of growth. The excessive reliance on public investment, thelow quality of financial institutions, the bad business environment (due topolitical and social instability and to excessive public intervention andoverregulation) and the low quality of human capital are importantdeterminants of systematically unproductive investment decisions and, thus,low economic growth.
There is a controversial debate about the effects of permanent disability benefits on labormarket behavior. In this paper we estimate equations for deserving and receiving disabilitybenefits to evaluate the award error as the difference in the probability of receiving anddeserving using survey data from Spain. Our results indicate that individuals aged between55 and 59, self-employers or working in an agricultural sector have a probability of receiving a benefit without deserving it significantly higher than the rest of individuals. We also find evidence of gender discrimination since male have a significantly higher probability of receiving a benefit without deserving it. This seems to confirm that disability benefits are being used as an instrument for exiting the labor market for some individuals approaching the early retirement or those who do not have right to retire early. Taking into account that awarding process depends on Social Security Provincial Department, this means that some departments are applying loosely the disability requirements for granting disability benefits.
An important policy issue in recent years concerns the number of people claimingdisability benefits for reasons of incapacity for work. We distinguish between workdisability , which may have its roots in economic and social circumstances, and healthdisability which arises from clear diagnosed medical conditions. Although there is a linkbetween work and health disability, economic conditions, and in particular the businesscycle and variations in the risk of unemployment over time and across localities, mayplay an important part in explaining both the stock of disability benefit claimants andinflows to and outflow from that stock. We employ a variety of cross?country andcountry?specific household panel data sets, as well as administrative data, to testwhether disability benefit claims rise when unemployment is higher, and also toinvestigate the impact of unemployment rates on flows on and off the benefit rolls. Wefind strong evidence that local variations in unemployment have an importantexplanatory role for disability benefit receipt, with higher total enrolments, loweroutflows from rolls and, often, higher inflows into disability rolls in regions and periodsof above?average unemployment. Although general subjective measures of selfreporteddisability and longstanding illness are also positively associated withunemployment rates, inclusion of self?reported health measures does not eliminate thestatistical relationship between unemployment rates and disability benefit receipt;indeed including general measures of health often strengthens that underlyingrelationship. Intriguingly, we also find some evidence from the United Kingdom and theUnited States that the prevalence of self?reported objective specific indicators ofdisability are often pro?cyclical that is, the incidence of specific forms of disability arepro?cyclical whereas claims for disability benefits given specific health conditions arecounter?cyclical. Overall, the analysis suggests that, for a range of countries and datasets, levels of claims for disability benefits are not simply related to changes in theincidence of health disability in the population and are strongly influenced by prevailingeconomic conditions. We discuss the policy implications of these various findings.
This paper presents and estimates a dynamic choice model in the attribute space considering rational consumers. In light of the evidence of several state-dependence patterns, the standard attribute-based model is extended by considering a general utility function where pure inertia and pure variety-seeking behaviors can be explained in the model as particular linear cases. The dynamics of the model are fully characterized by standard dynamic programming techniques. The model presents a stationary consumption pattern that can be inertial, where the consumer only buys one product, or a variety-seeking one, where the consumer shifts among varied products.We run some simulations to analyze the consumption paths out of the steady state. Underthe hybrid utility assumption, the consumer behaves inertially among the unfamiliar brandsfor several periods, eventually switching to a variety-seeking behavior when the stationary levels are approached. An empirical analysis is run using scanner databases for three different product categories: fabric softener, saltine cracker, and catsup. Non-linear specifications provide the best fit of the data, as hybrid functional forms are found in all the product categories for most attributes and segments. These results reveal the statistical superiority of the non-linear structure and confirm the gradual trend to seek variety as the level of familiarity with the purchased items increases.
This paper studies price determination in pharmaceutical markets using data for 25 countries, six years and a comprehensive list of products from the MIDAS IMS database. We show that market power and the quality of the product has a significantly positive impact of prices. The nationality of the producer appears to have a small and often insignificant impact on prices, which suggests that countries which regulates prices have relatively little power to do it in a way that advances narrow national interest. We produce a theoretical explanation for this phenomenon based on the fact that low negotiated prices in a country would have a knock-on effect in other markets, and is thus strongly resisted by producers.Another key finding is that the U.S. has prices that are not significantly higher than those of countries with similar income levels. This, together with the former observation on the effect of the nationality of producers casts doubt on the ability of countries to pursue "free-riding" regulation.
Presenta los resultados obtenidos durante la prospección efectuada a bordo del buque japonés "Shinko Maru 2" entre el 04 de noviembre y el 17 de diciembre de 1989, cuyo objetivo principal fue evaluar la factibilidad de explotar comercialmente el Dosidicus gigas (ORBIGNY) "calamar gigante" o "pota" en el mar peruano. El área de estudio comprendió desde los 03°30 ' S hasta el Callao (12°00 'S). Se emplearon dos sistemas de captura: con calamareras automáticas y luces de atracción (JIGGING) y otra con redes de deriva (DRIFT NET), llevándose a cabo 32 y 24 operaciones de pesca respectivamente.
In this paper we explore the effects of the minimum pension program on welfare andretirement in Spain. This is done with a stylized life-cycle model which provides a convenient analytical characterization of optimal behavior. We use data from the Spanish Social Security to estimate the behavioral parameters of the model and then simulate the changes induced by the minimum pension in aggregate retirement patterns. The impact is substantial: there is threefold increase in retirement at 60 (the age of first entitlement) with respect to the economy without minimum pensions, and total early retirement (before or at 60) is almost 50% larger.
Presenta los estimados de biomasa, distribución delos principales recursos pelágicos: anchoveta, sardina, jurel y caballa existentes en el Perú y se determina así mismo el grado de mezcla de estos recursos a partir de los lances de comprobación y la interrelación recurso/ambiente.
Describe las actividades de rastreo del E/E Huamanga, que efectuó del 01 al 18 de diciembre de 1996, entre Puerto Pizarro y Callao. Se demuestra la longitud del cable principal de arrastre y la profundidad que se determinó en una proporción de 3:1. Así mismo, la correspondencia entre los parámetros de abertura vertical y horizontal de la boca de red en función a la velocidad de arrastre, la misma que fue inversa y directamente proporcional teniendo un alto grado de correlación.
Describe los aspectos metodológicos aplicados en el desarrollo del crucero de evaluación del recurso merluza en invierno de 1996, consistente en dos etapas: un rastreo acústico basado en un muestréo sistemático con lances de comprobación y una evaluación por área barrida propiamente dicha. Así mismo, presenta la estructura y nivel de la población de merluza, las condiciones oceanográficas y la estructura del subsistema demersal.