983 resultados para Malón de Chaide, 1530-1589.
BACKGROUND: Chronic alcohol consumption is a risk factor for colorectal cancer. Animal experiments as well as genetic linkage studies in Japanese individuals with inactive acetaldehyde dehydrogenase leading to elevated acetaldehyde concentrations following ethanol ingestion support the hypothesis that acetaldehyde may be responsible for this carcinogenic effect of alcohol. In Caucasians, a polymorphism of alcohol dehydrogenase 1C (ADH1C) exists resulting in different acetaldehyde concentrations following ethanol oxidation. METHODS: To evaluate whether the association between alcohol consumption and colorectal tumor development is modified by ADH1C polymorphism, we recruited 173 individuals with colorectal tumors diagnosed by colonoscopy and 788 control individuals without colorectal tumors. Genotyping was performed using genomic DNA extracted from whole blood followed by polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Genotype ADH1C*1/1 was more frequent in patients with alcohol-associated colorectal neoplasia compared to patients without cancers in the multivariate model controlling for age, gender, and alcohol intake (odds ratio = 1.674, 95% confidence interval = 1.110-2.524, 2-sided p from Wald test = 0.0139). In addition, the joint test of the genetic effect and interaction between ADH1C genotype and alcohol intake (2-sided p = 0.0007) indicated that the difference in ADH1C*1 polymorphisms between controls and colorectal neoplasia is strongly influenced by the alcohol consumption and that only individuals drinking more than 30 g ethanol per day with the genotype ADH1C*1/1 had an increased risk for colorectal tumors. CONCLUSIONS: These data identify ADH1C homozygosity as a genetic risk marker for colorectal tumors in individuals consuming more than 30 g alcohol per day and emphasize the role of acetaldehyde as a carcinogenic agent in alcohol-related colorectal carcinogenesis.
BACKGROUND: As only a minority of alcoholics develop cirrhosis, polymorphic genes, whose products are involved in fibrosis development were suggested to confer individual susceptibility. We tested whether a functional promoter polymorphism in the gene encoding matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3; 1171 5A/6A) was associated liver cirrhosis in alcoholics. METHODS: Independent cohorts from the UK and Germany were studied. (i) UK cohort: 320 alcoholic cirrhotics and 183 heavy drinkers without liver damage and (ii) German cohort: 149 alcoholic cirrhotics, 220 alcoholic cirrhotics who underwent liver transplantation and 151 alcoholics without liver disease. Patients were genotyped for MMP-3 variants by restriction fragment length polymorphism, single strand confirmation polymorphism, and direct sequencing. In addition, MMP-3 transcript levels were correlated with MMP-3 genotype in normal liver tissues. RESULTS: Matrix metalloproteinase-3 genotype and allele distribution in all 1023 alcoholic patients were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. No significant differences in MMP-3 genotype and allele frequencies were observed either between alcoholics with or without cirrhosis. There were no differences in hepatic mRNA transcription levels according to MMP-3 genotype. CONCLUSIONS: Matrix metalloproteinase-3 1171 promoter polymorphism plays no role in the genetic predisposition for liver cirrhosis in alcoholics. Stringently designed candidate gene association studies are required to exclude chance observations.
BACKGROUND: Studies were carried out to test the hypothesis that administration of a glucocorticoid Type II receptor antagonist, mifepristone (RU38486), just prior to withdrawal from chronic alcohol treatment, would prevent the consequences of the alcohol consumption and withdrawal in mice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The effects of administration of a single intraperitoneal dose of mifepristone were examined on alcohol withdrawal hyperexcitability. Memory deficits during the abstinence phase were measured using repeat exposure to the elevated plus maze, the object recognition test, and the odor habituation/discrimination test. Neurotoxicity in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex was examined using NeuN staining. RESULTS: Mifepristone reduced, though did not prevent, the behavioral hyperexcitability seen in TO strain mice during the acute phase of alcohol withdrawal (4 hours to 8 hours after cessation of alcohol consumption) following chronic alcohol treatment via liquid diet. There were no alterations in anxiety-related behavior in these mice at 1 week into withdrawal, as measured using the elevated plus maze. However, changes in behavior during a second exposure to the elevated plus maze 1 week later were significantly reduced by the administration of mifepristone prior to withdrawal, indicating a reduction in the memory deficits caused by the chronic alcohol treatment and withdrawal. The object recognition test and the odor habituation and discrimination test were then used to measure memory deficits in more detail, at between 1 and 2 weeks after alcohol withdrawal in C57/BL10 strain mice given alcohol chronically via the drinking fluid. A single dose of mifepristone given at the time of alcohol withdrawal significantly reduced the memory deficits in both tests. NeuN staining showed no evidence of neuronal loss in either prefrontal cortex or hippocampus after withdrawal from chronic alcohol treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest mifepristone may be of value in the treatment of alcoholics to reduce their cognitive deficits.
Mt Etna's activity has increased during the last decade with a tendency towards more explosive eruptions that produce paroxysmal lava fountains. From January 2011 to April 2012, 25 lava fountaining episodes took place at Etna's New South-East Crater (NSEC). Improved understanding of the mechanism driving these explosive basaltic eruptions is needed to reduce volcanic hazards. This type of activity produces high sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions, associated with lava flows and ash fall-out, but to date the SO2 emissions associated with Etna's lava fountains have been poorly constrained. The Ultraviolet (UV) Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on NASA's Aura satellite and the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) on Aqua were used to measure the SO2 loadings. Ground-based data from the Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand (OPGC) L-band Doppler radar, VOLDORAD 2B, used in collaboration with the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Catania (INGV-CT), also detected the associated ash plumes, giving precise timing and duration for the lava fountains. This study resulted in the first detailed analysis of the OMI and AIRS SO2 data for Etna's lava fountains during the 2011-2012 eruptive cycle. The HYSPLIT trajectory model is used to constrain the altitude of the observed SO2 clouds, and results show that the SO2 emission usually coincided with the lava fountain peak intensity as detected by VOLDORAD. The UV OMI and IR AIRS SO2 retrievals permit quantification of the SO2 loss rate in the volcanic SO2 clouds, many of which were tracked for several days after emission. A first attempt to quantitatively validate AIRS SO2 retrievals with OMI data revealed a good correlation for high altitude SO2 clouds. Using estimates of the emitted SO2 at the time each paroxysm, we observe a correlation with the inter-paroxysm repose time. We therefore suggest that our data set supports the collapsing foam (CF) model [1] as driving mechanism for the paroxysmal events at the NSEC. Using VOLDORAD-based estimates of the erupted magma mass, we observe a large excess of SO2 in the eruption clouds. Satellite measurements indicate that SO2 emissions from Etnean lava fountains can reach the lower stratosphere and hence could pose a hazard to aviation. [1] Parfitt E.A (2004). A discussion of the mechanisms of explosive basaltic eruptions. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 134, 77-107.
BACKGROUND: Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) reduce anemia in cancer patients and may improve quality of life, but there are concerns that ESAs might increase mortality. OBJECTIVES: Our objectives were to examine the effect of ESAs and identify factors that modify the effects of ESAs on overall survival, progression free survival, thromboembolic and cardiovascular events as well as need for transfusions and other important safety and efficacy outcomes in cancer patients. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Library, Medline, Embase and conference proceedings for eligible trials. Manufacturers of ESAs were contacted to identify additional trials. SELECTION CRITERIA: We included randomized controlled trials comparing epoetin or darbepoetin plus red blood cell transfusions (as necessary) versus red blood cell transfusions (as necessary) alone, to prevent or treat anemia in adult or pediatric cancer patients with or without concurrent antineoplastic therapy. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We performed a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials comparing epoetin alpha, epoetin beta or darbepoetin alpha plus red blood cell transfusions versus transfusion alone, for prophylaxis or therapy of anemia while or after receiving anti-cancer treatment. Patient-level data were obtained and analyzed by independent statisticians at two academic departments, using fixed-effects and random-effects meta-analysis. Analyses were according to the intention-to-treat principle. Primary endpoints were on study mortality and overall survival during the longest available follow-up, regardless of anticancer treatment, and in patients receiving chemotherapy. Tests for interactions were used to identify differences in effects of ESAs on mortality across pre-specified subgroups. The present review reports only the results for the primary endpoint. MAIN RESULTS: A total of 13933 cancer patients from 53 trials were analyzed, 1530 patients died on-study and 4993 overall. ESAs increased on study mortality (combined hazard ratio [cHR] 1.17; 95% CI 1.06-1.30) and worsened overall survival (cHR 1.06; 95% CI 1.00-1.12), with little heterogeneity between trials (I(2) 0%, p=0.87 and I(2) 7.1%, p=0.33, respectively). Thirty-eight trials enrolled 10441 patients receiving chemotherapy. The cHR for on study mortality was 1.10 (95% CI 0.98-1.24) and 1.04; 95% CI 0.97-1.11) for overall survival. There was little evidence for a difference between trials of patients receiving different cancer treatments (P for interaction=0.42). AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: ESA treatment in cancer patients increased on study mortality and worsened overall survival. For patients undergoing chemotherapy the increase was less pronounced, but an adverse effect could not be excluded.
BACKGROUND: Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents reduce anaemia in patients with cancer and could improve their quality of life, but these drugs might increase mortality. We therefore did a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials in which these drugs plus red blood cell transfusions were compared with transfusion alone for prophylaxis or treatment of anaemia in patients with cancer. METHODS: Data for patients treated with epoetin alfa, epoetin beta, or darbepoetin alfa were obtained and analysed by independent statisticians using fixed-effects and random-effects meta-analysis. Analyses were by intention to treat. Primary endpoints were mortality during the active study period and overall survival during the longest available follow-up, irrespective of anticancer treatment, and in patients given chemotherapy. Tests for interactions were used to identify differences in effects of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents on mortality across prespecified subgroups. FINDINGS: Data from a total of 13 933 patients with cancer in 53 trials were analysed. 1530 patients died during the active study period and 4993 overall. Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents increased mortality during the active study period (combined hazard ratio [cHR] 1.17, 95% CI 1.06-1.30) and worsened overall survival (1.06, 1.00-1.12), with little heterogeneity between trials (I(2) 0%, p=0.87 for mortality during the active study period, and I(2) 7.1%, p=0.33 for overall survival). 10 441 patients on chemotherapy were enrolled in 38 trials. The cHR for mortality during the active study period was 1.10 (0.98-1.24), and 1.04 (0.97-1.11) for overall survival. There was little evidence for a difference between trials of patients given different anticancer treatments (p for interaction=0.42). INTERPRETATION: Treatment with erythropoiesis-stimulating agents in patients with cancer increased mortality during active study periods and worsened overall survival. The increased risk of death associated with treatment with these drugs should be balanced against their benefits. FUNDING: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Medical Faculty of University of Cologne, and Oncosuisse (Switzerland).
Throughout the years, various treatment modalities have been presented for the treatment of Class II Division 1 malocclusions. The goal of this paper is to present a treatment approach that involves the extraction of the maxillary first molars followed by use of fixed appliances with low-friction brackets. This treatment approach has proven to be an efficient treatment modality for Class II Division 1 malocclusions, especially with noncompliant patients.
Pedicle hooks which are used as an anchorage for posterior spinal instrumentation may be subjected to considerable three-dimensional forces. In order to achieve stronger attachment to the implantation site, hooks using screws for additional fixation have been developed. The failure loads and mechanisms of three such devices have been experimentally determined on human thoracic vertebrae: the Universal Spine System (USS) pedicle hook with one screw, a prototype pedicle hook with two screws and the Cotrel-Dubousset (CD) pedicle hook with screw. The USS hooks use 3.2-mm self-tapping fixation screws which pass into the pedicle, whereas the CD hook is stabilised with a 3-mm set screw pressing against the superior part of the facet joint. A clinically established 5-mm pedicle screw was tested for comparison. A matched pair experimental design was implemented to evaluate these implants in constrained (series I) and rotationally unconstrained (series II) posterior pull-out tests. In the constrained tests the pedicle screw was the strongest implant, with an average pull-out force of 1650 N (SD 623 N). The prototype hook was comparable, with an average failure load of 1530 N (SD 414 N). The average pull-out force of the USS hook with one screw was 910 N (SD 243 N), not significantly different to the CD hook's average failure load of 740 N (SD 189 N). The result of the unconstrained tests were similar, with the prototype hook being the strongest device (average 1617 N, SD 652 N). However, in this series the difference in failure load between the USS hook with one screw and the CD hook was significant. Average failure loads of 792 N (SD 184 N) for the USS hook and 464 N (SD 279 N) for the CD hook were measured. A pedicular fracture in the plane of the fixation screw was the most common failure mode for USS hooks.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Prior studies suggest that clients need to actively govern knowledge transfer to vendor staff in offshore outsourcing. In this paper, we analyze longitudinal data from four software maintenance offshore out-sourcing projects to explore why governance may be needed for knowledge transfer and how governance and the individual learning of vendor engineers inter-act over time. Our results suggest that self-control is central to learning, but may be hampered by low levels of trust and expertise at the outset of projects. For these foundations to develop, clients initially need to exert high amounts of formal and clan controls to enforce learning activities against barriers to knowledge sharing. Once learning activities occur, trust and expertise increase and control portfolios may show greater emphases on self-control.
When bivalent stimuli (i.e., stimuli with relevant features for two different tasks) occur occasionally among univalent stimuli, performance is slowed on subsequent univalent stimuli even if they have no overlapping stimulus features. This finding has been labeled the bivalency effect. It indexes an adjustment of cognitive control, but the underlying mechanism is not well understood yet. The purpose of the present study was to shed light on this question, using event-related potentials. We used a paradigm requiring predictable alternations between three tasks, with bivalent stimuli occasionally occurring on one task. The results revealed that the bivalency effect elicited a sustained parietal positivity and a frontal negativity, a neural signature that is typical for control processes implemented to resolve interference. We suggest that the bivalency effect reflects interference, which may be caused by episodic context binding.
In this paper we follow a theory-based approach to study the assimilation of compliance software in highly regulated multinational enterprises. These relatively new software products support the automation of controls which are associated with mandatory compliance requirements. We use institutional and success factor theories to explain the assimilation of compliance software. A framework for analyzing the assimilation of Access Control Systems (ACS), a special type of compliance software, is developed and used to reflect the experiences obtained in four in-depth case studies. One result is that coercive, mimetic, and normative pressures significantly effect ACS assimilation. On the other hand, quality aspects have only a moderate impact at the beginning of the assimilation process, in later phases the impact may increase if performance and improvement objectives become more relevant. In addition, it turns out that position of the enterprises and compatibility heavily influence the assimilation process.