Audit report on the Delaware County Solid Waste Disposal Commission for the year ended June 30, 2014
Audit report on the Delaware County Solid Waste Disposal Commission for the year ended June 30, 2014
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a gastrointestinal hormone that potentiates glucose-induced insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells. The mechanisms of interaction between GLP-1 and glucose signaling pathways are not well understood. Here we studied the coupling of the cloned GLP-1 receptor, expressed in fibroblasts or in COS cells, to intracellular second messengers and compared this signaling with that of the endogenous receptor expressed in insulinoma cell lines. Binding of GLP-1 to the cloned receptor stimulated formation of cAMP with the same dose dependence and similar kinetics, compared with the endogenous receptor of insulinoma cells. Compared with forskolin-induced cAMP accumulation, that induced by GLP-1 proceeded with the same initial kinetics but rapidly reached a plateau, suggesting fast desensitization of the receptor. Coupling to the phospholipase C pathway was assessed by measuring inositol phosphate production and variations in the intracellular calcium concentration. No GLP-1-induced production of inositol phosphates could be measured in the different cell types studied. A rise in the intracellular calcium concentration was nevertheless observed in transfected COS cells but was much smaller than that observed in response to norepinephrine in cells also expressing the alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor. Importantly, no such increase in the intracellular calcium concentration could be observed in transfected fibroblasts or insulinoma cells, which, however, responded well to thrombin or carbachol, respectively. Together, our data show that interaction between GLP-1 and glucose signaling pathways in beta cells may be mediated uniquely by an increase in the intracellular cAMP concentration, with the consequent activation of protein kinase A and phosphorylation of elements of the glucose-sensing apparatus or of the insulin granule exocytic machinery.
The effect of amino acid and/or glucose administration before and during exercise on protein metabolism in visceral tissues and skeletal muscle was examined in mongrel dogs. The dogs were subjected to treadmill running (150 minutes at 10 km/h and 12% incline) and intravenously infused with a solution containing amino acids and glucose (AAG), amino acids (AA), glucose (G) or saline (S) in randomized order. The infusion was started 60 minutes before exercise and continued until the end of the exercise period. An arteriovenous-difference technique was used to estimate both tissue protein degradation and synthesis. When S was infused, the release of leucine (Leu) from the gut and phenylalanine (Phe) from the hindlimb significantly increased during exercise, thus indicating that exercise augmented proteolysis in these tissues. The balance of Leu across the gut during exercise demonstrated a net uptake with both AAG and AA, whereas a net release was observed for G and S. In addition, Leu uptake in the gut during the last 90 minutes of the exercise period tended to be greater with AAG versus AA (P = .06). Phe balance across the hindlimb during the late exercise period showed a significant release with S, AA, and G, whereas the balance with AAG did not show a significant release. These results suggest that exercise-induced proteolysis in the gut may be reduced by supplementation with AA, and this effect may be enhanced by concomitant G administration. However, in skeletal muscle, both AA and G may be required to prevent net protein degradation during exercise. G provided without AA did not achieve net protein synthesis in either tissue.
The objective of this study was to establish whether there are olfactory interactions in the Lysiphlebus testaceipes Toxoptera citricida and Citrus aurantium tritrophic system. The response of male and female L. testaceipes to different odour sources of the host plant C. aurantium, the aphid host T. citricida and aphid-plant complex were investigated using a Y-tube olfactometer. Laboratory experiments were conducted by exposing individually aged male and female L. testaceipes to eight different odour treatments. Response of the parasitoids was taken after 15 min exposure to the volatiles from the different odour sources and based on their orientation to the particular chamber. Seventy percent of both male and female L. testaceipes showed high attractivity to aphid infested leaves. There was no significant difference based on age and sex of the parasitoid on their choice of odour. The organic compounds released by these combinations acted as semiochemicals in the tritrophic interactions and it is suggested that insect feeding induced attraction of the parasitoid L. testaceipes.
Phan-Hug F, Thurneysen E, Theintz G, Ruffieux C, Grouzmann E. Impact of videogame playing on glucose metabolism in children with type 1 diabetes. Time spent playing videogames (VG) occupies a continually increasing part of children's leisure time. They can generate an important state of excitation, representing a form of mental and physical stress. This pilot study aimed to assess whether VG influences glycemic balance in children with type 1 diabetes. Twelve children with type 1 diabetes were subjected to two distinct tests at a few weeks interval: (i) a 60-min VG session followed by a 60-min rest period and (ii) a 60-min reading session followed by a 60-min rest period. Heart rate, blood pressure, glycemia, epinephrine (E), norepinephrine (NE), cortisol (F), and growth hormone (GH) were measured at 30 min intervals from -60 to +120 min. Non-parametric Wilcoxon tests for paired data were performed on Δ-values computed from baseline (0 min). Rise in heart rate (p = 0.05) and NE increase (p = 0.03) were shown to be significantly higher during the VG session when compared to the reading session and a significant difference of Δ-glycemic values was measured between the respective rest periods. This pilot study suggests that VG playing could induce a state of excitation sufficient to activate the sympathetic system and alter the course of glycemia. Dietary and insulin dose recommendations may be needed to better control glycemic excursion in children playing VG.
We evaluated the role of the G alpha-q (Galphaq) subunit of heterotrimeric G proteins in the insulin signaling pathway leading to GLUT4 translocation. We inhibited endogenous Galphaq function by single cell microinjection of anti-Galphaq/11 antibody or RGS2 protein (a GAP protein for Galphaq), followed by immunostaining to assess GLUT4 translocation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Galphaq/11 antibody and RGS2 inhibited insulin-induced GLUT4 translocation by 60 or 75%, respectively, indicating that activated Galphaq is important for insulin-induced glucose transport. We then assessed the effect of overexpressing wild-type Galphaq (WT-Galphaq) or a constitutively active Galphaq mutant (Q209L-Galphaq) by using an adenovirus expression vector. In the basal state, Q209L-Galphaq expression stimulated 2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake and GLUT4 translocation to 70% of the maximal insulin effect. This effect of Q209L-Galphaq was inhibited by wortmannin, suggesting that it is phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase) dependent. We further show that Q209L-Galphaq stimulates PI3-kinase activity in p110alpha and p110gamma immunoprecipitates by 3- and 8-fold, respectively, whereas insulin stimulates this activity mostly in p110alpha by 10-fold. Nevertheless, only microinjection of anti-p110alpha (and not p110gamma) antibody inhibited both insulin- and Q209L-Galphaq-induced GLUT4 translocation, suggesting that the metabolic effects induced by Q209L-Galphaq are dependent on the p110alpha subunit of PI3-kinase. In summary, (i) Galphaq appears to play a necessary role in insulin-stimulated glucose transport, (ii) Galphaq action in the insulin signaling pathway is upstream of and dependent upon PI3-kinase, and (iii) Galphaq can transmit signals from the insulin receptor to the p110alpha subunit of PI3-kinase, which leads to GLUT4 translocation.
Résumé large public: Une altération localisée du métabolisme du glucose, le substrat énergétique préférentiellement utilisé dans le cerveau, est un trait caractéristique précoce de la maladie d'Alzheimer (MA). Il est maintenant largement admis que le beta-amyloïde, la neuroinflammation et le stress oxydatif participent au développement de la MA. Cependant les mécanismes cellulaires de la pathogenèse restent à identifier. Le métabolisme cérébral a ceci de remarquable qu'il repose sur la coopération entre deux types cellulaires, ainsi les astrocytes et les neurones constituent une unité métabolique. Les astrocytes sont notamment responsables de fournir aux neurones des substrats énergétiques, ainsi que des précurseurs du glutathion pour la défense contre le stress oxydatif. Ces fonctions astrocytaires sont essentielles au bon fonctionnement et à la survie neuronale; par conséquent, une altération de ces fonctions astrocytaires pourrait participer au développement de certaines maladies cérébrales. Le but de ce travail est, dans un premier temps, d'explorer les effets de médiateurs de la neuroinflammation (les cytokines pro-inflammatoires) et du peptide beta-amyloïde sur le métabolisme des astrocytes corticaux, en se focalisant sur les éléments en lien avec le métabolisme énergétique et le stress oxydatif. Puis, dans un second temps, de caractériser les conséquences pour les neurones des modifications du métabolisme astrocytaire induites par ces substances. Les résultats obtenus ici montrent que les cytokines pro-inflammatoires et le beta-amyloïde induisent une profonde altération du métabolisme astrocytaire, selon deux profils distincts. Les cytokines pro-inflammatoires, particulièrement en combinaison, agissent comme « découpleurs » du métabolisme énergétique du glucose, en diminuant l'apport potentiel de substrats énergétiques aux neurones. En plus de son effet propre, le peptide beta-amyloïde potentialise les effets des cytokines pro-inflammatoires. Or, dans le cerveau de patients atteints de la MA, les astrocytes sont exposés simultanément à ces deux types de substances. Les deux types de substances ont un effet ambivalent en termes de stress oxydatif. Ils induisent à la fois une augmentation de la libération de glutathion (potentiellement protecteur pour les neurones voisins) et la production d'espèces réactives de l'oxygène (potentiellement toxiques). Etant donné l'importance de la coopération entre astrocytes et neurones, ces modulations du métabolisme astrocytaire pourraient donc avoir un retentissement majeur sur les cellules environnantes, et en particulier sur la fonction et la survie neuronale. Résumé Les astrocytes et les neurones constituent une unité métabolique. Les astrocytes sont notamment responsables de fournir aux neurones des substrats énergétiques, tels que le lactate, ainsi que des précurseurs du glutathion pour la défense contre le stress oxydatif. Une altération localisée du métabolisme du glucose, le substrat énergétique préférentiellement utilisé dans le cerveau, est un trait caractéristique, précoce, de la maladie d'Alzheimer (MA). Il est maintenant largement admis que le beta-amyloïde, la neuroinflammation et le stress oxydatif participent au développement de la MA. Cependant, les mécanismes cellulaires de la pathogenèse restent à identifier. Le but de ce travail est d'explorer les effets des cytokines pro-inflammatoires (Il-1 ß et TNFα) et du beta-amyloïde (Aß) sur le métabolisme du glucose des astrocytes corticaux en culture primaire ainsi que de caractériser les conséquences, pour la viabilité des neurones voisins, des modifications du métabolisme astrocytaire induites par ces substances. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les cytokines pro-inflammatoires et le beta-amyloïde induisent une profonde altération du métabolisme astrocytaire, selon deux profils distincts. Les cytokines pro-inflammatoires, particulièrement en combinaison, agissent comme « découpleurs » du métabolisme glycolytique astrocytaire. Après 48 heures, le traitement avec TNFα et Il-lß cause une augmentation de la capture de glucose et de son métabolisme dans la voie des pentoses phosphates et dans le cycle de Krebs. A l'inverse, il cause une diminution de la libération de lactate et des stocks cellulaires de glycogène. En combinaison avec les cytokines tel qu'in vivo dans les cerveaux de patients atteints de MA, le peptide betaamyloïde potentialise les effets décrits ci-dessus. Isolément, le Aß cause une augmentation coordonnée de la capture de glucose et de toutes les voies de son métabolisme (libération de lactate, glycogenèse, voie des pentoses phosphate et cycle de Krebs). Les traitements altèrent peu les taux de glutathion intracellulaires, par contre ils augmentent massivement la libération de glutathion dans le milieu extracellulaire. A l'inverse, les deux types de traitements augmentent la production intracellulaire d'espèces réactives de l'oxygène (ROS). De plus, les cytokines pro-inflammatoires en combinaison augmentent massivement la production des ROS dans l'espace extracellulaire. Afin de caractériser l'impact de ces altérations métaboliques sur la viabilité des neurones environnants, un modèle de co-culture et des milieux conditionnés astrocytaires ont été utilisés. Les résultats montrent qu'en l'absence d'une source exogène d'antioxydants, la présence d'astrocytes favorise la viabilité neuronale ainsi que leur défense contre le stress oxydatif. Cette propriété n'est cependant pas modulée par les différents traitements. D'autre part, la présence d'astrocytes, et non de milieu conditionné, protège les neurones contre l'excitotoxicité due au glutamate. Les astrocytes prétraités (aussi bien avec le beta-amyloïde qu'avec les cytokines pro-inflammatoires) perdent cette propriété. Cet élément suggère que la perturbation du métabolisme astrocytaire causé par les cytokines pro-inflammatoires ou le beta-amyloïde pourrait participer à l'atteinte de la viabilité neuronale associée à certaines pathologies neurodégénératives.
The thermogenic response to a 100-g oral glucose challenge was studied in 12 patients with Graves' disease using continuous indirect calorimetry. Seven hyperthyroid patients were reinvestigated under the same experimental conditions after medical therapy. The mean net increase in energy expenditure (delta EE) following the glucose challenge was the same in hyperthyroid patients as compared to a control group (delta EE = +0.15 +/- 0.02 and 0.15 +/- 0.01 kcal/min, respectively) and the treated patients (delta EE = +0.11 +/- 0.03 kcal/min ns). When expressed as a percentage of the energy content of the glucose challenge, the mean glucose induced thermogenesis was similar in all three groups: 7.0 +/- 1.0%, 7.4 +/- 0.5%, and 5.5 +/- 1.3% in hyperthyroid, control subjects, and treated patients, respectively. It is concluded that the high energy requirement of hyperthyroid patients is due primarily to an elevated resting energy expenditure. The postprandial thermogenesis in itself does not contribute to the elevated fuel utilization in Graves' disease.
Gene-lifestyle interactions have been suggested to contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes. Glucose levels 2 h after a standard 75-g glucose challenge are used to diagnose diabetes and are associated with both genetic and lifestyle factors. However, whether these factors interact to determine 2-h glucose levels is unknown. We meta-analyzed single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) × BMI and SNP × physical activity (PA) interaction regression models for five SNPs previously associated with 2-h glucose levels from up to 22 studies comprising 54,884 individuals without diabetes. PA levels were dichotomized, with individuals below the first quintile classified as inactive (20%) and the remainder as active (80%). BMI was considered a continuous trait. Inactive individuals had higher 2-h glucose levels than active individuals (β = 0.22 mmol/L [95% CI 0.13-0.31], P = 1.63 × 10(-6)). All SNPs were associated with 2-h glucose (β = 0.06-0.12 mmol/allele, P ≤ 1.53 × 10(-7)), but no significant interactions were found with PA (P > 0.18) or BMI (P ≥ 0.04). In this large study of gene-lifestyle interaction, we observed no interactions between genetic and lifestyle factors, both of which were associated with 2-h glucose. It is perhaps unlikely that top loci from genome-wide association studies will exhibit strong subgroup-specific effects, and may not, therefore, make the best candidates for the study of interactions.
A large body of data gathered over the last decades has delineated the neuronal pathways that link the central nervous system with the autonomic innervation of the endocrine pancreas, which controls alpha- and beta-cell secretion activity and mass. These are important regulatory functions that are certainly keys for preserving the capacity of the endocrine pancreas to control glucose homeostasis over a lifetime. Identifying the cells involved in controlling the autonomic innervation of the endocrine pancreas, in response to nutrient, hormonal and environmental cues and how these cues are detected to activate neuronal activity are important goals of current research. Elucidation of these questions may possibly lead to new means for preserving or restoring defects in insulin and glucagon secretion associated with type 2 diabetes.
The specific sensitization of tumor cells to the apoptotic response induced by genotoxins is a promising way of increasing the efficacy of chemotherapies. The RasGAP-derived fragment N2, while not regulating apoptosis in normal cells, potently sensitizes tumor cells to cisplatin- and other genotoxin-induced cell death. Here we show that fragment N2 in living cells is mainly located in the cytoplasm and only minimally associated with specific organelles. The cytoplasmic localization of fragment N2 was required for its cisplatin-sensitization property because targeting it to the mitochondria or the ER abrogated its ability to increase the death of tumor cells in response to cisplatin. These results indicate that fragment N2 requires a spatially constrained cellular location to exert its anti-cancer activity.
Other Audit Reports - 28E Organizations
Other Audit Reports - 28E Organizations
Endurance training improves exercise performance and insulin sensitivity, and these effects may be in part mediated by an enhanced fat oxidation. Since n-3 and n-9 unsaturated fatty acids may also increase fat oxidation, we hypothesised that a diet enriched in these fatty acids may enhance the effects of endurance training on exercise performance, insulin sensitivity and fat oxidation. To assess this hypothesis, sixteen normal-weight sedentary male subjects were randomly assigned to an isoenergetic diet enriched with fish and olive oils (unsaturated fatty acid group (UFA): 52 % carbohydrates, 34 % fat (12 % SFA, 12 % MUFA, 5 % PUFA), 14 % protein), or a control diet (control group (CON): 62 % carbohydrates, 24 % fat (12 % SFA, 6 % MUFA, 2 % PUFA), 14 % protein) and underwent a 10 d gradual endurance training protocol. Exercise performance was evaluated by measuring VO2max and the time to exhaustion during a cycling exercise at 80 % VO2max; glucose homeostasis was assessed after ingestion of a test meal. Fat oxidation was assessed by indirect calorimetry at rest and during an exercise at 50 % VO2max. Training significantly increased time to exhaustion, but not VO2max, and lowered incremental insulin area under the curve after the test meal, indicating improved insulin sensitivity. Those effects were, however, of similar magnitude in UFA and CON. Fat oxidation tended to increase in UFA, but not in CON. This difference was, however, not significant. It is concluded that a diet enriched with fish- and olive oil does not substantially enhance the effects of a short-term endurance training protocol in healthy young subjects.
Age-related macular degeneration is characterized by the formation of drusen containing amyloid-β (Aβ) and the degeneration of photoreceptors. To explore the largely unknown role of Aβ in the retina, we investigated the effects on photoreceptors of the oligomeric form of Aβ(1-42). Subretinal injection of the Aβ peptide induced misplaced expression of recoverin and synaptophysin in the photoreceptors, oxidative stress in their inner and outer segments, and finally apoptosis. Aβ did not induce cell death in purified photoreceptor cell cultures, but did so in retinal cell cultures, thereby suggesting that the cellular environment plays a role in Aβ-induced photoreceptor apoptosis. Subretinal injection of Aβ was followed by activation and migration of microglial cells and then by photoreceptor apoptosis. Microglial cells phagocytosed rhodopsin-containing debris and Aβ in the subretinal space. Quantitative RT-PCR allowed us to identify a specific gene expression profile associated with the Aβ-induced progression of retinal degeneration and consistent with oxidative stress, inflammation, and an apoptotic program. The gene most highly upregulated in Aβ-injected retinas was that for the chemokine CCL2, and its absence or that of its cognate receptor CCR2 greatly reduced migration of activated microglial cells to the site of retinal injury and profoundly worsened photoreceptor degeneration and disorganization of the retinal pigment epithelium in Aβ-injected retinas. Our study pinpoints the roles of Aβ and of CCL2/CCR2 axis-dependent inflammation in photoreceptor apoptosis.