912 resultados para MARIJUANA SMOKING
Breast cancer is the second most frequent type of cancer worldwide and is the most common malignant disease among women. Risk factors for breast cancer include early menarche, late menopause, hormonal therapies, exposure to environmental pollutants, smoking and alcohol use. However, increased or prolonged exposure to estrogen is the most important risk factor. It has been suggested that accumulation of DNA damage may contribute to breast carcinogenesis. Epidemiological studies suggest that cytogenetic biomarkers such as micronuclei in peripheral blood lymphocytes may predict cancer risk because they indicate genomic instability in target tissues. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the frequencies of micronuclei and the extent of DNA damage detected by comet assay in peripheral blood lymphocytes of untreated breast cancer patients and healthy women. The study was conducted using peripheral blood lymphocytes from 45 women diagnosed for Ductal ""in situ"" or invasive breast carcinoma and 85 healthy control women. Micronuclei and comet assays were performed to detect spontaneous DNA damage. The results showed that micronuclei frequencies and tail intensity, detected by comet assay, were significantly higher in the breast cancer group than in controls. The levels of DNA damage were similar in smokers and non-smokers, and aging did not influence the frequencies of micronuclei or tail intensity values observed in either group. In conclusion, the present work demonstrates higher levels of DNA damage in untreated breast cancer patients than in healthy women.
Paracoccidioidomycosis has been known for over 100 years, and until now, there were only few estimates of the disease`s incidence. We aim to analyze 1,000 cases treated between 1960 and 1999 at Ribeirao Preto city, Sao Paulo, Brazil, where the disease`s incidence range detected was 1.6 to 3.7 cases per 100,000 habitants per year (mean = 2.7 cases/year). We observed a male to female ratio of 6:1 and an age distribution from 3 to 85 years. The acute/subacute form of the disease accounted for 25.4% of cases. Most of the patients (93.5%) had lived or worked in rural areas before the disease development. Smoking and alcoholism were reported by 64.7% and 37.2% of patients, respectively. Comorbidities identified included tuberculosis (8.3%), Chagas` disease (8.6%), and human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (4.2%). The present study revealed an area in Brazil where paracoccidioidomycosis is hyperendemic (has the highest reported incidence of this disease); this endemic area is probably caused by geological and climatic conditions as well as intensive agriculture.
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-9-THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD), the two main ingredients of the Cannabis sativa plant have distinct symptomatic and behavioral effects. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in healthy volunteers to examine whether Delta-9-THC and CBD had opposite effects on regional brain function. We then assessed whether pretreatment with CBD can prevent the acute psychotic symptoms induced by Delta-9-THC. Fifteen healthy men with minimal earlier exposure to cannabis were scanned while performing a verbal memory task, a response inhibition task, a sensory processing task, and when viewing fearful faces. Subjects were scanned on three occasions, each preceded by oral administration of Delta-9-THC, CBD, or placebo. BOLD responses were measured using fMRI. In a second experiment, six healthy volunteers were administered Delta-9-THC intravenously on two occasions, after placebo or CBD pretreatment to examine whether CBD could block the psychotic symptoms induced by Delta-9-THC. Delta-9-THC and CBD had opposite effects on activation relative to placebo in the striatum during verbal recall, in the hippocampus during the response inhibition task, in the amygdala when subjects viewed fearful faces, in the superior temporal cortex when subjects listened to speech, and in the occipital cortex during visual processing. In the second experiment, pretreatment with CBD prevented the acute induction of psychotic symptoms by Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Delta-9-THC and CBD can have opposite effects on regional brain function, which may underlie their different symptomatic and behavioral effects, and CBD`s ability to block the psychotogenic effects of Delta-9-THC. Neuropsychopharmacology (2010) 35, 764-774; doi:10.1038/npp.2009.184; published online 18 November 2009
This study reports on the views of Primary Health Care (PHC) providers in Southeast Brazil on the use of alcohol and other drugs which reflect stigma, moralization, or negative judgment. Six hundred nine PHC professionals from the Brazilian states of Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais took part in the study. The majority (86.5%) of these professionals were female. Attitudes toward the use of alcohol and other drugs were evaluated in comparison to Hansen`s disease, obesity, depression, schizophrenia. HIV/AIDS, and tobacco use. The use of tobacco, marijuana/cocaine, and alcohol were the most negatively judged behaviors (p < 0.05). Nursing assistants and community health care workers demonstrated the severest judgment of alcohol use. In addition, marijuana/cocaine addicts and alcoholics suffered the highest rate of rejection by professionals. The hypothesis that the use of alcohol and other drugs is a behavior stigmatized by health professionals being confirmed, it is important to develop strategies for changing provider attitudes in order to provide a higher quality of service to these patients. This study is important as a first study among PHC professionals about social stigma of alcohol and other drugs users. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Context: Cannabis use can both increase and reduce anxiety in humans. The neurophysiological substrates of these effects are unknown. Objective: To investigate the effects of 2 main psycho-active constituents of Cannabis sativa (Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol [Delta 9-THC] and cannabidiol [CBD]) on regional brain function during emotional processing. Design: Subjects were studied on 3 separate occasions using an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging paradigm while viewing faces that implicitly elicited different levels of anxiety. Each scanning session was preceded by the ingestion of either 10 mg of Delta 9-THC, 600 mg of CBD, or a placebo in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled design. Participants: Fifteen healthy, English-native, right-handed men who had used cannabis 15 times or less in their life. Main Outcome Measures: Regional brain activation (blood oxygenation level-dependent response), electrodermal activity (skin conductance response [SCR]), and objective and subjective ratings of anxiety. Results: Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol increased anxiety, as well as levels of intoxication, sedation, and psychotic symptoms, whereas there was a trend for a reduction in anxiety following administration of CBD. The number of SCR fluctuations during the processing of intensely fearful faces increased following administration of Delta 9-THC but decreased following administration of CBD. Cannabidiol attenuated the blood oxygenation level dependent signal in the amygdala and the anterior and posterior cingulate cortex while subjects were processing intensely fearful faces, and its suppression of the amygdalar and anterior cingulate responses was correlated with the concurrent reduction in SCR fluctuations. Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol mainly modulated activation in frontal and parietal areas. Conclusions: Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and CBD had clearly distinct effects on the neural, electrodermal, and symptomatic response to fearful faces. The effects of CBD on activation in limbic and paralimbic regions may contribute to its ability to reduce autonomic arousal and subjective anxiety, whereas the anxiogenic effects of Delta 9-THC may be related to effects in other brain regions.
Background: This study examined the effect of Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) on brain activation during a motor inhibition task. Methods: Functional magnetic resonance imaging and behavioural measures were recorded while 15 healthy volunteers performed a Go/No-Go task following administration of either THC or CBD or placebo in a double-blind, pseudo-randomized, placebo-controlled repeated measures within-subject design. Results: Relative to placebo, THC attenuated activation in the right inferior frontal and the anterior cingulate gyrus. In contrast, CBD deactivated the left temporal cortex and insula. These effects were not related to changes in anxiety, intoxication, sedation, and psychotic symptoms. Conclusions: These data suggest that THC attenuates the engagement of brain regions that mediate response inhibition. CBD modulated function in regions not usually implicated in response inhibition.
Background: Obesity is epidemic worldwide, and increases in cesarean delivery rates have occurred in parallel. Objective: This study aimed to determine whether cesarean delivery is a risk factor for obesity in adulthood in a birth cohort of Brazilian subjects. Design: We initiated a birth cohort study in Ribeirao Preto, southeastern Brazil, in 1978. A randomly selected sample of 2057 subjects from the original cohort was reassessed in 2002-2004. Type of delivery, birth weight, maternal smoking, and schooling were obtained after birth. The following data from subjects were collected at 23-25 y of age: body mass index (BMI; in kg/m(2)), physical activity, smoking, and income. Obesity was defined as a BMI >= 30. A Poisson multivariable model was performed to determine the association between cesarean delivery and BMI. Results: The obesity rate in adults born by cesarean delivery was 15.2% and in those born by vaginal delivery was 10.4% (P = 0.002). Adults born by cesarean delivery had an increased risk (prevalence ratio: 1.58; 95% CI: 1.23, 2.02) of obesity at adulthood after adjustments. Conclusion: We hypothesize that increasing rates of cesarean delivery may play a role in the obesity epidemic worldwide. Am J Clin Nutr 2011;93:1344-7.
There is evidence that intrauterine growth restriction, resulting in newborn girls that are small for gestational age (SGA), may be related to the onset of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Thus, we studied whether women born SGA have a higher prevalence of PCOS than women born appropriate for gestational age (AGA). This was a prospective birth cohort study of 384 women born at term between June 1, 1978, and May 31, 1979, in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. After exclusion, 165 women effectively participated in this study, of whom 43 were SGA and 122 were AGA. The prevalence of PCOS was analysed. At a mean age of 29 years, the women agreed to follow the study protocol, which included: anamnesis, physical examination, serum tests [follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, total and free testosterone, dehydroepiandrostenedione sulphate, 17-OH-progesterone, fasting insulin, sex steroid-binding globulin (SHBG) and fasting glucose] and pelvic ultrasound. Data regarding gestational age, birthweight, age at menarche and maternal data were obtained from the files of the cohort. The adjusted relative risk (RR) values of the SGA, insulin resistance, body mass index, maternal smoking and parity variables were analysed using Poisson regression with robust adjustment of variance for the prediction of PCOS. The prevalence of PCOS was higher in the SGA group than in the AGA group [adjusted RR = 2.44, 95% CI (1.39-4.28)]. Hyperandrogenism was more prevalent in the SGA women than in the AGA women (P = 0.011). Circulating SHBG was lower in the SGA women than in the AGA women (P = 0.041), but fasting insulinemia was similar in both groups. The prevalence of PCOS in SGA women was twice as high as in AGA women in our study population.
Background: Birth weight is positively associated with adult bone mass. However, it is not clear if its effect is already evident in early adulthood. Objective: To investigate the association between birth weight, adult body size, the interaction between them and bone mass in young adults. Methods: Bone densitometry by DXA was performed on 496 individuals (240 men) aged 23-24 years from the 1978/79 Ribeirao Preto (southern Brazil) birth cohort, who were born and still residing in the city in 2002. Birth weight and length as well as adult weight and height were directly measured and converted to z-scores. The influence of birth weight and length, and adult weight and height on bone area (BA), bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) at the lumbar spine, proximal femur and femoral neck were investigated through simple and multiple linear regression models. Adjustments were made for sex, skin color, gestational age, physical activity level, smoking status and dietary consumption of protein, calcium and alcohol. Interaction terms between birth weight and adult weight, and birth length and adult height were tested. Results: Men in the highest fertile of birth weight distribution had greater BA and BMC at all three bone sites when compared with their counterparts in the lowest tertiles (p<0.008). For BMD, this trend was observed only in the lumbar spine. Adult weight and height were positively associated with BA and BMC at all three bone sites (p<0.05). For BMD, these associations were seen for adult weight, but for adult height an association was observed only in the lumbar spine. Birth weight retained positive associations with proximal femur BA and BMC after adjustments for current weight and height. No interaction was observed between variables measuring prenatal growth and adult body size. Conclusion: Birth weight and postnatal growth are independent determinants of adult bone mass in a sample of Brazilian adults. This effect is already evident in early adulthood. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Polymorphic variations of several genes associated with dietary effects and exposure to environmental carcinogens may influence susceptibility to leukemia development. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the polymorphisms of debrisoquine hydroxylase (CYP2D6), epoxide hydrolase (EPHX1), myeloperoxidase (MPO), and quinone-oxoreductase (NQO1), which have been implicated in xenobiotic metabolism, on the risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). We evaluated the frequency of polymorphisms in the CYP2D6 (*3 and *4), EPHX1 (*2 and *3), MPO (*2), and NQO1 (*2) genes in 206 patients with childhood ALL and in 364 healthy individuals matched for age and gender from a Brazilian population separated by ethnicity (European ancestry and African ancestry), using the PCR-RFLP method. The CYP2D6 polymorphism variants were associated with an increased risk of ALL. The EPHX1, NQO1, and MPO variant genotypes were significantly associated with a reduced risk of childhood ALL. A significantly stronger protective effect is observed when the EPHX1, NQO1, and MPO variant genotypes are combined suggesting that, CYP2D6 polymorphisms may play a role in the susceptibility to pediatric ALL, whereas the EPHX1, NQO1, and MPO polymorphisms might have a protective function against leukemogenesis. Environ. Mal. Mulagen. 51:48-56, 2010. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Dietary patterns have been related to health outcomes and morbi-mortality. Mediterranean diet indexes are correlated With adequate nutrient intake. The objective of the present study was to analyse the adequacy of nutrient intake of a posteriori defined Mediterranean (MDP) and Western (WDP) diet patterns in the Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN) cohort. A sample of 17 197 subjects participated in the study. Participants completed I 136-item validated semi-quantitative FFQ. Principal component analysis was used to define dietary patterns. Individuals were classified according to quintiles of adherence based on dietary pattern scores. Non-dietary variables, such as smoking and physical activity habits, were also taken into account. The probability approach was used to assess nutrient intake adequacy of certain vitamins (vitamins B(12), B(6), B(3), B(2), B(1), A, C, D and E) and minerals (Na, Zn, iodine, Se, folic acid, P, Mg, K, Fe and Ca). Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the adequacy of nutrient intake according to adherence to dietary patterns. WDP and MDP were defined. A higher quintile of adherence to an MDP was associated to I lower prevalence of inadequacy for the intake of Zn, iodine, vitamin E, Mg, Fe, vitamin B I, vitamin A, Se, vitamin C and folic acid. The adjusted OR for not reaching at least six (or at leas( ten) nutrient recommendations were 0.09 (95% Cl: 0.07, 0.11) (and 0.02 (95% Cl: 0.00, 0.16)) for the upper quintile of MDP and 4.4 (95% Cl: 3.6, 5.5) and 2.5 (95 % Cl: 1.1, 5.4) for the WDP. The MDP was associated to a better profile of nutrient intake.
Objectives. The aims of this report were to describe the 5-year overall survival (OS) in a group of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) patients and to investigate the effects of age, gender, anatomic localization, tumor evolution time, smoking and alcohol intake, nodal status, tumoral recurrences, histologic classification, p53 and p63 immunoexpression, human papillomavirus DNA presence, and treatment on the prognostic outcome. Study design. Survival curves were generated using Kaplan-Meier method, and univariate and multivariate analyses were made using the log rank test and Cox regression, respectively. Results. The 5-year OS was 28.6%, and the univariate analysis showed significant results for p53 and p63 immunoexpression, age, and anatomic localization. The Cox regression demonstrated poor OS for tumors with p53 immunoexpression and for patients aged over 60 years. There were also significant differences in survival depending on the anatomic localizations. Conclusion. These results highlight the influence of p53 immunoexpression, age, and anatomic localization in OSCC evolution. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008; 106: 685-95)
Background Many studies have suggested that adolescence is a period of particular vulnerability to neurocognitive effects associated with substance misuse. However, few large studies have measured differences in cognitive performance between chronic cannabis users who started in early adolescence (before age 15) with those who started later. Aims To examine the executive functioning of individuals who started chronic cannabis use before age 15 compared with those who started chronic cannabis use after 15 and controls. Method We evaluated the performance of 104 chronic cannabis users (49 early-onset users and 55 late-onset users) and 44 controls who undertook neuropsychological tasks, with a focus on executive functioning. Comparisons involving neuropsychological measures were performed using generalised linear model analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results The early-onset group showed significantly poorer performance compared with the controls and the late-onset group on tasks assessing sustained attention, impulse control and executive functioning. Conclusions Early-onset chronic cannabis users exhibited poorer cognitive performance than controls and late-onset users in executive functioning. Chronic cannabis use, when started before age 15, may have more deleterious effects on neurocognitive functioning.
Background: The presence of cancer stem cell (CSC) antigens can be evidenced in some human tumors by phenotypic analysis through immunostaining. This study aims to identify a putative CSC immunophenotype in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and determine its influence on prognosis. Methods: The following data were retrieved from 157 patents: age, gender, primary anatomic site, smoking and alcohol intake, recurrence, metastases, histologic classification, treatment, disease-free survival (DFS), and overall survival (OS). An immunohistochemical study for CD44 and CD24 was performed in a tissue microarray of 157 paraffin blocks of OSCCs. Results: In univariate analysis, the immunostaining pattern showed significant influences in relation to OS for alcohol intake and treatment, as well as for the CD44+ and CD44-/CD24- immunophenotypes. The multivariate test confirmed these associations. Conclusions: Based on our results, the CD44 immunostaining and the absence of immunoexpression of these two investigated markers can be used in combination with other clinicopathologic information to improve the assessment of prognosis in OSCC.
Background/Aims: Renal risks of nicotine exposure associated with hypercholesterolemia are still unknown. Methods: Thus, hypercholesterolemic rats (HC) and their control (C) were evaluated by inulin clearance (InCl) measured at baseline and during nicotine infusion (100 mu g/kg b.w.). Five groups were studied: (i) C; (ii) DEN (C submitted to a renal denervation); (iii) C + L-arginine (0.25% in drinking water); (iv) HC, and (v) HC + L-arginine (0.25% in drinking water). Furthermore, C and HC had their renal blood flow (RBF) measured and they have also been chronically treated with nicotine (12.5 mu g/ml in drinking water) to assess InCl on the 8th day. Results: Nicotine increased blood pressure in C, DEN and HC and reduced InCl only in C. L-Arginine treatment blunted nicotine effects on blood pressure and increased InCl only in C. Moreover, nicotine did not change RBF in C but elicited in HC, whereas renal vascular resistance was increased in C and unchanged in HC. Indeed, chronic nicotine exposure has also reduced InCl in C. Conclusion: Nicotine acted on the adrenergic system and nitric oxide counteracted this action in C, but the same may not be applied to HC. An impairment in renal autoregulation may explain why InCl was unchanged in HC. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel