908 resultados para Littlefield, Connecticut


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Copyright history has long been a subject of intense and contested enquiry, and has once again become the subject of critical scrutiny with the publication of "Copyright at Common Law in 1774" by Prof Tomas Gomez-Arostegui in the Connecticut Law Review ((2014) 47 Conn. L. Rev. 1).
This online resource documents two events organised to explore the impact of "Copyright at Common Law in 1774". It incorporates a public lecture by Prof Gomez-Arostegui, and the full record of a one-day symposium of international experts debating the implications of Gomez-Arostegui's scholarship in this domain.


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This paper focuses on the concept of ‘legal but corrupt’ from a pluralist perspective. I argue that the naming and ‘discovery’ of corruption relies on an authority to scrutinise and investigate institutional conduct. The plurality of state and non-state laws under which we are governed sets limits however on any institutional capacity to name and so discover misconduct. The paper focuses on the scandals involving the Catholic Church both in Ireland and in the United States and from there I examine how the state’s power to intervene in alternate institutions is conceived.


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Gun related violence is a complex issue and accounts for a large proportion of violent incidents. In the research reported in this paper, we set out to investigate the pro-gun and anti-gun sentiments expressed on a social media platform, namely Twitter, in response to the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Connecticut, USA. Machine learning techniques are applied to classify a data corpus of over 700,000 tweets. The sentiments are captured using a public sentiment score that considers the volume of tweets as well as population. A web-based interactive tool is developed to visualise the sentiments and is available at this http://www.gunsontwitter.com. The key findings from this research are: (i) There are elevated rates of both pro-gun and anti-gun sentiments on the day of the shooting. Surprisingly, the pro-gun sentiment remains high for a number of days following the event but the anti-gun sentiment quickly falls to pre-event levels. (ii) There is a different public response from each state, with the highest pro-gun sentiment not coming from those with highest gun ownership levels but rather from California, Texas and New York.


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This is an Accepted Manuscript of the Introduction and Conclusion of Tamboukou, M. (2015), Sewing, Fighting and Writing: Radical Practices in Work, Politics and Culture, Rowman & Littlefield. © 2015 Rowman & Littlefield, All Rights Reserved.


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As the global population becomes increasingly urban, research is needed to explore how local culture, land use, and policy will influence urban natural resource management. We used a broad-scale comparative approach and survey of residents within the Portland (Oregon)-Vancouver (Washington) metropolitan areas, USA, two states with similar geographical and ecological characteristics, but different approaches to land-use planning, to explore resident perceptions about natural resources at three scales of analysis: property level (“at or near my house”), neighborhood (“within a 20-minute walk from my house”), and metro level (“across the metro area”). At the metro-level scale, nonmetric multidimensional scaling revealed that the two cities were quite similar. However, affinity for particular landscape characteristics existed within each city with the greatest difference generally at the property-level scale. Portland respondents expressed affinity for large mature trees, tree-lined streets, public transportation, and proximity to stores and services. Vancouver respondents expressed affinity for plentiful accessible parking. We suggest three explanations that likely are not mutually exclusive. First, respondents are segmented based on preferences for particular amenities, such as convenience versus commuter needs. Second, historical land-use and tax policy legacies may influence individual decisions. Third, more environmentally attuned worldviews may influence an individual’s desire to produce environmentally friendly outcomes. Our findings highlight the importance of acknowledging variations in residents’ affinities for landscape characteristics across different scales and locations because these differences may influence future land-use policies about urban natural resources.


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Durante años la investigación literaria ha encontrado fruición en buscar y encontrar inconsistencias narrativas en la Tebaida de Estacio. Concretamente, hay cierto grado de consenso respecto a que las incongruencias en que incurre Júpiter son debidas a negligencia o incuria por parte del poeta. De hecho, no se puede negar que el soberano del cielo se contradice en las ocasiones en que alude a su relación con el Destino. No obstante, no será únicamente el poeta flavio el objeto de mi atención en este artículo. Hoy día se continúa acudiendo a la autoridad filosófica de Séneca (fundamentalmente a Dial. 1.5.8) siempre que el Zeus/Júpiter poshomérico (también el virgiliano) incurre en lo que hemos dado en considerar «incoherencias». Sin embargo, excepción hecha de las composiciones hesiódicas, el estatuto teológico de Zeus/Júpiter es altamente inestable en toda la tradición literaria griega y romana. Quizá deberíamos aceptar, entonces, que durante siglos los que estudiamos literatura antigua hemos tendido a prescindir de la voz autorial y de su autoridad omnímoda para manipular el material literario preexistente con el objeto de generar nuevos significados y nuevas cosmovisiones. En definitiva, nos hemos mostrado proclives a calificar de inconsistencias todo aquello que no se adecua a nuestras expectativas o prejuicios.


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A paper read at the 1960 annual meeting of the American Oriental Society held in New Haven, Connecticut, and updated in July 2016.


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Includes indexes.


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Includes indexes.


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Conferencia y debate posterior con Matt Madden y Jessica Abel, reconocidos autores internacionales de cómic que disertaron sobre sus resppectivos procesos de trabajo y acerca de sus fuentes y referencias, centrándose especialmente en relacionar sus modos de producción con los del arte contemporáneo. Matt Madden es un historietista estadounidense de gran reconocimiento internacional, miembro del movimiento OuBaPo. Empezó su carrera en Míchigan editando sus propios mini-cómics. Publicó su primera novela gráfica, Black Candy, en el año 1998. Usando como referencia el libro Ejercicios de estilo, escrito por Raymond Queneau, publicó en el año 2005 99 ejercicios de estilo, donde la misma historieta de una página se repite de 99 formas distintas. Desde el año 2006 es editor, junto con su esposa Jessica Abel, de The Best American Comics, una serie de libros de periodicidad anual que recogen lo mejor de la historieta estadounidense por año. Cada volumen cuenta con un editor invitado, normalmente un historietista relevante, como Neil Gaiman (2010) o Alison Bechdel (2011). Madden y Abel imparten clases en la Escuela de Artes Visuales de la Universidad de Yale (New Haven, Connecticut, USA). Jessica Abel es una historietista estadounidense, también de gran proyección internacional, conocida por sus trabajos Life Sucks, Drawing Words & Writing Pictures, Soundtrack, La Perdida, Mirror, Window,Radio: An Illustrated Guide (en colaboración con Ira Glass) y la antología Artbabe. Las exposiciones unipersonales de Abel incluyen Corridoio Altervox en Roma, en la Galería Phoenix de Brighton; el Festival Internacional de Cómics de Oporto, en Portugal; Viñetas desde o Atlántico en La Coruña, España; y en la Comicon de Nápoles. Sus exposiciones grupales incluyen la Galería Jean Albano en Chicago; Athaneum, Stripdagen, en Holanda; las galerías Davidson en Seattle; la Galería Forbes en Hyde Park Art Center, en Nueva York; la Galería Regina Miller y la Galería Vox en Filadelfia; el Centre National de la Bande Dessinée et de l'Image en Angoulême, Francia; y el Museo Norman Rockwell en Stockbridge, Massachussetts.


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Value-Stream mapping (VSM) is a helpful tool to identify waste and improvement areas. It has emerged as a preferred way to support and implement the lean approach. While lean principles are well-established and have broad applicability in manufacturing, their extension to information technology is still limited. Based on a case study approach, this paper presents the implementation of VSM in an IT firm as a lean IT improvement initiative. It involves mapping the current activities of the firm and identifying opportunities for improvement. After several interviews with employees who are currently involved in the process, current state map is prepared to describe the existing problem areas. Future state map is prepared to show the proposed improvement action plans. The achievements of VSM implementation are reduction in lead time, cycle time and resources. Our finding indicates that, with the new process change, total lead time can be reduced from 20 days to 3 days – 92% reduction in overall lead time for database provisioning process.


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Originally, Carolinians grew rice on dry land, but early in the eighteenth century, cultivation spread to swampy fresh water areas. Until the 1850s, rice reigned supreme. But large-scale rice production was limited to the tidal marshes and inland swamp, while cotton became profitable statewide after the invention of the cotton gin. In its heyday, however, rice made a few hundred planters extremely wealthy. It also contributed to cross culturation and the making of Carolina as a rich cultural hybrid. In this essay, it is this aspect of rice cultivation that Professor Littlefield describes.


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Este trabajo tiene el propósito de responder cómo ha cambiado la manera en que los economistas colombianos hablan sobre “desigualdad” a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XX.