992 resultados para Lisbon earthquake
Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of New University of Lisbon for obtaining the degree of Master in Environmental Management Systems
Mestrado em Fisioterapia
It is important to understand and forecast a typical or a particularly household daily consumption in order to design and size suitable renewable energy systems and energy storage. In this research for Short Term Load Forecasting (STLF) it has been used Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and, despite the consumption unpredictability, it has been shown the possibility to forecast the electricity consumption of a household with certainty. The ANNs are recognized to be a potential methodology for modeling hourly and daily energy consumption and load forecasting. Input variables such as apartment area, numbers of occupants, electrical appliance consumption and Boolean inputs as hourly meter system were considered. Furthermore, the investigation carried out aims to define an ANN architecture and a training algorithm in order to achieve a robust model to be used in forecasting energy consumption in a typical household. It was observed that a feed-forward ANN and the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm provided a good performance. For this research it was used a database with consumption records, logged in 93 real households, in Lisbon, Portugal, between February 2000 and July 2001, including both weekdays and weekend. The results show that the ANN approach provides a reliable model for forecasting household electric energy consumption and load profile. © 2014 The Author.
Dissertation presented at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the New University of Lisbon in fulfillment of the requirements for the Masters degree in Electrical Engineering and Computers
According to numerous studies, airborne nanoparticles have a potential to produce serious adverse human health effects when deposited into the respiratory tract. The most important parts of the lung are the alveolar regions with their enormous surface areas and potential to transfer nanoparticles into the blood stream. These effects may be potentiated in case of the elderly, since this population is more susceptible to air pollutants in general and more to nanoparticles than larger particles. The main goal of this investigation was to determine the exposure of institutionalized elders to nanoparticles using Nanoparticle Surface Area Monitor (NSAM) equipment to calculate the deposited surface area (DSA) of nanoparticles into elderly lungs. In total, 193 institutionalized individuals over 65 yr of age were examined in four elderly care centers (ECC). The occupancy daily pattern was achieved by applying a questionnaire, and it was concluded that these subjects spent most of their time indoors, including the bedroom and living room, the indoor microenvironments with higher prevalence of elderly occupancy. The deposited surface area ranged from 10 to 46 mu m(2)/cm(3). The living rooms presented significantly higher levels compared with bedrooms. Comparing PM10 concentrations with nanoparticles deposited surface area in elderly lungs, it is conceivable that living rooms presented the highest concentration of PM10 and were similar to the highest average DSA. The temporal distribution of DSA was also assessed. While data showed a quantitative fluctuation in values in bedrooms, high peaks were detected in living rooms.
European Master in Multimedia and Audiovisual Administration
Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão de Serviços de Saúde
A racionalização do uso de medicamentos constitui-se como um fator contribuinte para a melhoria da segurança do doente, no que respeita à segurança da medicação e do medicamento, especialmente quando este é administrado a idosos. A avaliação do uso de medicamentos potencialmente inapropriados no idoso constitui-se como uma medida que concorre para evitar, prevenir ou corrigir eventos adversos associados ao seu uso. As benzodiazepinas (BZD) são uma das classes de medicamentos mais prescritas em idosos. No entanto, e apesar da sua utilidade clínica algumas são consideradas inapropriadas nesta faixa etária por potenciarem o efeito sedativo e aumentar a incidência de quedas e fraturas. A longo prazo, na promoção da qualidade do sono, a sua efetividade é discutível já que a toma de uma benzodiazepina para a resolução de um problema como o sono, muitas vezes pontual, passa a ser um problema crónico de exigência de toma contínua, sem que a qualidade deste seja restabelecida, pondo em risco a segurança do doente.
Outlining the best strategies for seismic risk mitigation requires that both benefits and costs of retrofitting are known in advance. The assessment of the vulnerability of building typologies is a first step of a more extensive effort, concerning the analysis of the viability of seismic risk mitigation and taking into account retrofitting costs. The methodology adopted to obtain the seismic vulnerability of some classes of residential buildings existing in mainland Portugal is presented. This methodology is based on a structural analysis of individual buildings belonging to the same typology. An application example is presented to illustrate the methodology. Fragility curves of “boxed” building typology are also presented and broken down into three height classes: low rise, medium-rise and high-rise. These curves are based on average capacity spectra derived from several individual buildings belonging to the same typology.
It is considered that using crushed recycled concrete as aggregate for concrete production is a viable alternative to dumping and would help to conserve abiotic resources. This use has fundamentally been based on the coarse fraction because the fine fraction is likely to degrade the performance of the resulting concrete. This paper presents results from a research work undertaken at Institut Superior Tecnico (IST), Lisbon, Portugal, in which the effects of incorporating two types of superplasticizer on the mechanical performance of concrete containing fine recycled aggregate were evaluated. The purpose was to see if the addition of superplasticizer would offset the detrimental effects associated with the use of fine recycled concrete aggregate. The experimental programme is described and the results of tests for splitting tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and abrasion resistance are presented. The relative performance of concrete made with recycled aggregate was found to decrease. However, the same concrete with admixtures in general exhibited a better mechanical performance than the reference mixes without admixtures or with a less active superplasticizer. Therefore, it is argued that the mechanical performance of concrete made with fine recycled concrete aggregates can be as good as that of conventional concrete, if superplasticizers are used to reduce the water-cement ratio of the former concrete.
The reuse of structural concrete elements to produce new concrete aggregates is accepted as an alternative to dumping them and is favourable to the sustainability of natural reserves. Even though the construction sector is familiar with the use of coarse recycled concrete aggregates, the recycled concrete fines are classified as less noble resources. This research sets out to limit the disadvantages associated with the performance of concrete containing fine recycled concrete aggregates through the use of superplasticisers. Two types of latest generation superplasticisers were used that differ in terms of water reduction capacity and robustness, and the workability, density and compressive strength of each of the compositions analysed were then compared: a reference concrete, with no plasticisers, and concrete mixes with the superplasticisers. For each concrete family mixes with 0%, 10%, 30%, 50% and 100% replacement ratios of fine natural aggregates (FNA) by fine recycled concrete aggregates (FRA) were analysed. Concrete with incorporation of recycled aggregates was found to have poorer relative performance. The mechanical performance of concrete with recycled aggregates and superplasticisers was generally superior to that of the reference concrete with no admixtures and of conventional concrete with lower performance superplasticisers.
A avaliação de empresas sempre constituiu um tema de elevada reflexão, sendo que vários especialistas tentam encontrar os modelos que melhor se adaptam a situações específicas e para as quais precisam de determinar um valor. No contexto empresarial português começa a ganhar significância a prática da gestão orientada para a criação de valor (Value-Based Management). O conceito de Value-Based Management assistiu a um particular desenvolvimento nos últimos 20 anos como resultado da globalização e desregulamentação dos mercados financeiros, dos avanços nas tecnologias de informação e do aumento da importância dos investidores institucionais. Vários analistas apresentaram evidência de que as empresas que adotam sistemas VBM melhoram o seu desempenho económico em relação a outras de dimensão semelhante no mesmo setor. É neste contexto que o EVA (Economic Value Added) se apresenta como uma métrica de desempenho privilegiada nos processos de controlo das decisões estratégicas tomadas. No presente trabalho pretendemos abordar o conceito da gestão baseada na criação de valor e a sua importância para o acionista, o que implica rever outros modelos de avaliação tradicionais baseados no valor contabilístico. Como métrica de avaliação do desempenho passado da empresa ao nível da criação de valor vamos dar particular importância ao estudo do EVA, fazendo referência à possível correlação entre esta métrica e o MVA (Market Value Added). O objetivo principal é analisar empiricamente a relação do EVA como medida de desempenho associada à criação de valor para os acionistas com a performance da empresa. Com efeito, vamos efetuar um estudo de caso, que vai incidir sobre um grupo empresarial português, referência no seu setor de atividade, o Grupo Galp Energia, cotado na Euronext Lisbon. Pensamos que a crescente prática da gestão baseada na criação de valor nas empresas cotadas em Portugal e a necessidade de aferir os resultados desta, tornam esta investigação pertinente, para além do facto de serem poucos os estudos empíricos à questão da criação de valor e a sua correlação com o valor acrescentado de mercado e com o valor de mercado dos capitais próprios das empresas cotadas em Portugal.
Many learning problems require handling high dimensional datasets with a relatively small number of instances. Learning algorithms are thus confronted with the curse of dimensionality, and need to address it in order to be effective. Examples of these types of data include the bag-of-words representation in text classification problems and gene expression data for tumor detection/classification. Usually, among the high number of features characterizing the instances, many may be irrelevant (or even detrimental) for the learning tasks. It is thus clear that there is a need for adequate techniques for feature representation, reduction, and selection, to improve both the classification accuracy and the memory requirements. In this paper, we propose combined unsupervised feature discretization and feature selection techniques, suitable for medium and high-dimensional datasets. The experimental results on several standard datasets, with both sparse and dense features, show the efficiency of the proposed techniques as well as improvements over previous related techniques.
Feature selection is a central problem in machine learning and pattern recognition. On large datasets (in terms of dimension and/or number of instances), using search-based or wrapper techniques can be cornputationally prohibitive. Moreover, many filter methods based on relevance/redundancy assessment also take a prohibitively long time on high-dimensional. datasets. In this paper, we propose efficient unsupervised and supervised feature selection/ranking filters for high-dimensional datasets. These methods use low-complexity relevance and redundancy criteria, applicable to supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised learning, being able to act as pre-processors for computationally intensive methods to focus their attention on smaller subsets of promising features. The experimental results, with up to 10(5) features, show the time efficiency of our methods, with lower generalization error than state-of-the-art techniques, while being dramatically simpler and faster.
The aim of this study was to contribute to the assessment of exposure levels of ultrafine particles in the urban environment of Lisbon, Portugal, due to automobile traffic, by monitoring lung deposited alveolar surface area (resulting from exposure to ultrafine particles) in a major avenue leading to the town center during late spring, as well as in indoor buildings facing it. Data revealed differentiated patterns for week days and weekends, consistent with PM2.5 and PM10 patterns currently monitored by air quality stations in Lisbon. The observed ultrafine particulate levels may be directly correlated with fluxes in automobile traffic. During a typical week, amounts of ultrafine particles per alveolar deposited surface area varied between 35 and 89.2 mu m2/cm3, which are comparable with levels reported for other towns in Germany and the United States. The measured values allowed for determination of the number of ultrafine particles per cubic centimeter, which are comparable to levels reported for Madrid and Brisbane. In what concerns outdoor/indoor levels, we observed higher levels (32 to 63%) outdoors, which is somewhat lower than levels observed in houses in Ontario.