999 resultados para Libraries - Medical


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Websites of academic institutions are the prime source of information about the institution. Libraries, being the main provider of information for the academics, need to be represented in the respective homepages with due importance. Keeping this in mind, this study is an attempt to understand and analyze the presence and presentation of libraries of Engineering Colleges (EC) in Kerala in their respective websites. On the basis of the reviewed literature and an observation of libraries of nationally important institutions imparting technical education in India, a set of criteria were developed for analyzing the websites/web pages. Based on this an extensive survcy of the websites of ECs were done. The collected data was then analyzed using Microsoft Excel. The library websites were then ranked on the basis of this analysis. It was observed that majority of the websites of ECs in Kerala have least representation of their respective libraries. Another important observation is that even the highest scoring libraries satisfy only half of the criteria listed for analysis.


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Electronic resources have become a vital part of an academic library especially in universities and higher education institutions. The availability of electronic resources and the acceptance of the fonnat among the academics are rising day by day. As far as engineering students are concerned, they are much techno-savy and are more used to electronic resources. So it has become necessary for the libraries of engineering institutions to subscribe and provide access to electronic resources to satisfy its user community. Many studies have identified that academics are much preferring online journals and databases than their print counter-parts


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Scholarly communication over the past 10 to 15 years has gained a tremendous momentum with the advent of Internet and the World Wide Web. The web has transformed the ways by which people search, find, use and communicate information. Innovations in web technology since 2005 have brought out an array of new services and facilities and an enhanced version of the web named Web 2.0. Web 2.0 facilitates a collaborative environment in which the information users can interact with the information. Web 2.0 enables its users to create, annotate, review, share re-use and represent the information in new ways thereby optimizing the information dissemination


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The development of computer and network technology is changing the education scenario and transforming the teaching and learning process from the traditional physical environment to the digital environment. It is now possible to access vast amount of information online and enable one to one communication without the confines of place or time. While E-learning and teaching is unlikely to replace face-to-face training and education it is becoming an additional delivery method, providing new learning opportunities to many users. It is also causing an impact on library services as the increased use of ICT and web based learning technologies have paved the way for providing new ICT based services and resources to the users. Online learning has a crucial role in user education, information literacy programmes and in training the library professionals. It can help students become active learners, and libraries will have to play a greater role in this process of transformation. The significance of libraries within an institution has improved due to the fact that academic libraries and information services are now responsible for e-learning within their organization.


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The purpose of this paper is to describe the design and development of a digital library at Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), India, using DSpace open source software. The study covers the structure, contents and usage of CUSAT digital library. Design/methodology/approach – This paper examines the possibilities of applying open source in libraries. An evaluative approach is carried out to explore the features of the CUSAT digital library. The Google Analytics service is employed to measure the amount of use of digital library by users across the world. Findings – CUSAT has successfully applied DSpace open source software for building a digital library. The digital library has had visits from 78 countries, with the major share from India. The distribution of documents in the digital library is uneven. Past exam question papers share the major part of the collection. The number of research papers, articles and rare documents is less. Originality/value – The study is the first of its type that tries to understand digital library design and development using DSpace open source software in a university environment with a focus on the analysis of distribution of items and measuring the value by usage statistics employing the Google Analytics service. The digital library model can be useful for designing similar systems


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Since last few years open source integrated library systems gaining attention of library and information science professionals. This paper tries to identify the extent of adoption of Koha, an open source ILS in libraries around the world through a Web based study. The study found that Koha adoption in libraries is still at infancy


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The basic concepts of digital signal processing are taught to the students in engineering and science. The focus of the course is on linear, time invariant systems. The question as to what happens when the system is governed by a quadratic or cubic equation remains unanswered in the vast majority of literature on signal processing. Light has been shed on this problem when John V Mathews and Giovanni L Sicuranza published the book Polynomial Signal Processing. This book opened up an unseen vista of polynomial systems for signal and image processing. The book presented the theory and implementations of both adaptive and non-adaptive FIR and IIR quadratic systems which offer improved performance than conventional linear systems. The theory of quadratic systems presents a pristine and virgin area of research that offers computationally intensive work. Once the area of research is selected, the next issue is the choice of the software tool to carry out the work. Conventional languages like C and C++ are easily eliminated as they are not interpreted and lack good quality plotting libraries. MATLAB is proved to be very slow and so do SCILAB and Octave. The search for a language for scientific computing that was as fast as C, but with a good quality plotting library, ended up in Python, a distant relative of LISP. It proved to be ideal for scientific computing. An account of the use of Python, its scientific computing package scipy and the plotting library pylab is given in the appendix Initially, work is focused on designing predictors that exploit the polynomial nonlinearities inherent in speech generation mechanisms. Soon, the work got diverted into medical image processing which offered more potential to exploit by the use of quadratic methods. The major focus in this area is on quadratic edge detection methods for retinal images and fingerprints as well as de-noising raw MRI signals


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There are around 150 engineering colleges (ECs) in Kerala under the government, aided and self financing (S.F.) sectors. While the college libraries in the government and aided sectors receive several grants, the libraries of S.F. colleges are solely run by their own funds. The rising costs of scholarly publications and strict AICTE stipulations regarding libraries and their collection, pose great difficulties to the libraries in all sectors in finding adequate budgets to provide quality services. Library cooperation/resource sharing helps to overcome this problem to a considerable extent. The present study analysed the facilities and services of the ECs affiliated to M.G.University, Kerala to identify whether there is a need for resource sharing (RS) among these libraries. The satisfaction of the users with their library resources and services were also ascertained. The study put forward a model for RS and the opinion of the librarians and users regarding the same were collected. Structured questionnaires were used to collect the required data. The study revealed that a wide gap exist between the libraries with respect to their facilities and services and many of the S.F. libraries have better infrastructure when compared to the government and aided college libraries. Majority of the respondents opined that RS is necessary to satisfy their information needs. The model of RS proposed by the study was widely accepted by the librarians and users. Based on the opinions and suggestions of the respondents, the study developed the potential model for resource sharing- the Virtual Resource Sharing Centre (VRSC).


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The assessment of maturity of software is an important area in the general software sector. The field of OSS also applies various models to measure software maturity. However, measuring maturity of OSS being used for several applications in libraries is an area left with no research so far. This study has attempted to fill the research gap. Measuring maturity of software contributes knowledge on its sustainability over the long term. Maturity of software is one of the factors that positively influence adoption. The investigator measured the maturity of DSpace software using Woods and Guliani‟s Open Source Maturity Model-2005. The present study is significant as it addresses the aspects of maturity of OSS for libraries and fills the research gap on the area. In this sense the study opens new avenues to the field of library and information science by providing an additional tool for librarians in the selection and adoption of OSS. Measuring maturity brings in-depth knowledge on an OSS which will contribute towards the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use as explained in the Technology Acceptance Model theory.


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Lasers play an important role for medical, sensoric and data storage devices. This thesis is focused on design, technology development, fabrication and characterization of hybrid ultraviolet Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (UV VCSEL) with organic laser-active material and inorganic distributed Bragg reflectors (DBR). Multilayer structures with different layer thicknesses, refractive indices and absorption coefficients of the inorganic materials were studied using theoretical model calculations. During the simulations the structure parameters such as materials and thicknesses have been varied. This procedure was repeated several times during the design optimization process including also the feedback from technology and characterization. Two types of VCSEL devices were investigated. The first is an index coupled structure consisting of bottom and top DBR dielectric mirrors. In the space in between them is the cavity, which includes active region and defines the spectral gain profile. In this configuration the maximum electrical field is concentrated in the cavity and can destroy the chemical structure of the active material. The second type of laser is a so called complex coupled VCSEL. In this structure the active material is placed not only in the cavity but also in parts of the DBR structure. The simulations show that such a distribution of the active material reduces the required pumping power for reaching lasing threshold. High efficiency is achieved by substituting the dielectric material with high refractive index for the periods closer to the cavity. The inorganic materials for the DBR mirrors have been deposited by Plasma- Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) and Dual Ion Beam Sputtering (DIBS) machines. Extended optimizations of the technological processes have been performed. All the processes are carried out in a clean room Class 1 and Class 10000. The optical properties and the thicknesses of the layers are measured in-situ by spectroscopic ellipsometry and spectroscopic reflectometry. The surface roughness is analyzed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and images of the devices are taken with scanning electron microscope (SEM). The silicon dioxide (SiO2) and silicon nitride (Si3N4) layers deposited by the PECVD machine show defects of the material structure and have higher absorption in the ultra violet range compared to ion beam deposition (IBD). This results in low reflectivity of the DBR mirrors and also reduces the optical properties of the VCSEL devices. However PECVD has the advantage that the stress in the layers can be tuned and compensated, in contrast to IBD at the moment. A sputtering machine Ionsys 1000 produced by Roth&Rau company, is used for the deposition of silicon dioxide (SiO2), silicon nitride (Si3N4), aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and zirconium dioxide (ZrO2). The chamber is equipped with main (sputter) and assisted ion sources. The dielectric materials were optimized by introducing additional oxygen and nitrogen into the chamber. DBR mirrors with different material combinations were deposited. The measured optical properties of the fabricated multilayer structures show an excellent agreement with the results of theoretical model calculations. The layers deposited by puttering show high compressive stress. As an active region a novel organic material with spiro-linked molecules is used. Two different materials have been evaporated by utilizing a dye evaporation machine in the clean room of the department Makromolekulare Chemie und Molekulare Materialien (mmCmm). The Spiro-Octopus-1 organic material has a maximum emission at the wavelength λemission = 395 nm and the Spiro-Pphenal has a maximum emission at the wavelength λemission = 418 nm. Both of them have high refractive index and can be combined with low refractive index materials like silicon dioxide (SiO2). The sputtering method shows excellent optical quality of the deposited materials and high reflection of the multilayer structures. The bottom DBR mirrors for all VCSEL devices were deposited by the DIBS machine, whereas the top DBR mirror deposited either by PECVD or by combination of PECVD and DIBS. The fabricated VCSEL structures were optically pumped by nitrogen laser at wavelength λpumping = 337 nm. The emission was measured by spectrometer. A radiation of the VCSEL structure at wavelength 392 nm and 420 nm is observed.


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Optische Spektroskopie ist eine sehr wichtige Messtechnik mit einem hohen Potential für zahlreiche Anwendungen in der Industrie und Wissenschaft. Kostengünstige und miniaturisierte Spektrometer z.B. werden besonders für moderne Sensorsysteme “smart personal environments” benötigt, die vor allem in der Energietechnik, Messtechnik, Sicherheitstechnik (safety and security), IT und Medizintechnik verwendet werden. Unter allen miniaturisierten Spektrometern ist eines der attraktivsten Miniaturisierungsverfahren das Fabry Pérot Filter. Bei diesem Verfahren kann die Kombination von einem Fabry Pérot (FP) Filterarray und einem Detektorarray als Mikrospektrometer funktionieren. Jeder Detektor entspricht einem einzelnen Filter, um ein sehr schmales Band von Wellenlängen, die durch das Filter durchgelassen werden, zu detektieren. Ein Array von FP-Filter wird eingesetzt, bei dem jeder Filter eine unterschiedliche spektrale Filterlinie auswählt. Die spektrale Position jedes Bandes der Wellenlänge wird durch die einzelnen Kavitätshöhe des Filters definiert. Die Arrays wurden mit Filtergrößen, die nur durch die Array-Dimension der einzelnen Detektoren begrenzt werden, entwickelt. Allerdings erfordern die bestehenden Fabry Pérot Filter-Mikrospektrometer komplizierte Fertigungsschritte für die Strukturierung der 3D-Filter-Kavitäten mit unterschiedlichen Höhen, die nicht kosteneffizient für eine industrielle Fertigung sind. Um die Kosten bei Aufrechterhaltung der herausragenden Vorteile der FP-Filter-Struktur zu reduzieren, wird eine neue Methode zur Herstellung der miniaturisierten FP-Filtern mittels NanoImprint Technologie entwickelt und präsentiert. In diesem Fall werden die mehreren Kavitäten-Herstellungsschritte durch einen einzigen Schritt ersetzt, die hohe vertikale Auflösung der 3D NanoImprint Technologie verwendet. Seit dem die NanoImprint Technologie verwendet wird, wird das auf FP Filters basierende miniaturisierte Spectrometer nanospectrometer genannt. Ein statischer Nano-Spektrometer besteht aus einem statischen FP-Filterarray auf einem Detektorarray (siehe Abb. 1). Jeder FP-Filter im Array besteht aus dem unteren Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR), einer Resonanz-Kavität und einen oberen DBR. Der obere und untere DBR sind identisch und bestehen aus periodisch abwechselnden dünnen dielektrischen Schichten von Materialien mit hohem und niedrigem Brechungsindex. Die optischen Schichten jeder dielektrischen Dünnfilmschicht, die in dem DBR enthalten sind, entsprechen einen Viertel der Design-Wellenlänge. Jeder FP-Filter wird einer definierten Fläche des Detektorarrays zugeordnet. Dieser Bereich kann aus einzelnen Detektorelementen oder deren Gruppen enthalten. Daher werden die Seitenkanal-Geometrien der Kavität aufgebaut, die dem Detektor entsprechen. Die seitlichen und vertikalen Dimensionen der Kavität werden genau durch 3D NanoImprint Technologie aufgebaut. Die Kavitäten haben Unterschiede von wenigem Nanometer in der vertikalen Richtung. Die Präzision der Kavität in der vertikalen Richtung ist ein wichtiger Faktor, der die Genauigkeit der spektralen Position und Durchlässigkeit des Filters Transmissionslinie beeinflusst.


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This thesis describes the development of a model-based vision system that exploits hierarchies of both object structure and object scale. The focus of the research is to use these hierarchies to achieve robust recognition based on effective organization and indexing schemes for model libraries. The goal of the system is to recognize parameterized instances of non-rigid model objects contained in a large knowledge base despite the presence of noise and occlusion. Robustness is achieved by developing a system that can recognize viewed objects that are scaled or mirror-image instances of the known models or that contain components sub-parts with different relative scaling, rotation, or translation than in models. The approach taken in this thesis is to develop an object shape representation that incorporates a component sub-part hierarchy- to allow for efficient and correct indexing into an automatically generated model library as well as for relative parameterization among sub-parts, and a scale hierarchy- to allow for a general to specific recognition procedure. After analysis of the issues and inherent tradeoffs in the recognition process, a system is implemented using a representation based on significant contour curvature changes and a recognition engine based on geometric constraints of feature properties. Examples of the system's performance are given, followed by an analysis of the results. In conclusion, the system's benefits and limitations are presented.


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We develop efficient techniques for the non-rigid registration of medical images by using representations that adapt to the anatomy found in such images. Images of anatomical structures typically have uniform intensity interiors and smooth boundaries. We create methods to represent such regions compactly using tetrahedra. Unlike voxel-based representations, tetrahedra can accurately describe the expected smooth surfaces of medical objects. Furthermore, the interior of such objects can be represented using a small number of tetrahedra. Rather than describing a medical object using tens of thousands of voxels, our representations generally contain only a few thousand elements. Tetrahedra facilitate the creation of efficient non-rigid registration algorithms based on finite element methods (FEM). We create a fast, FEM-based method to non-rigidly register segmented anatomical structures from two subjects. Using our compact tetrahedral representations, this method generally requires less than one minute of processing time on a desktop PC. We also create a novel method for the non-rigid registration of gray scale images. To facilitate a fast method, we create a tetrahedral representation of a displacement field that automatically adapts to both the anatomy in an image and to the displacement field. The resulting algorithm has a computational cost that is dominated by the number of nodes in the mesh (about 10,000), rather than the number of voxels in an image (nearly 10,000,000). For many non-rigid registration problems, we can find a transformation from one image to another in five minutes. This speed is important as it allows use of the algorithm during surgery. We apply our algorithms to find correlations between the shape of anatomical structures and the presence of schizophrenia. We show that a study based on our representations outperforms studies based on other representations. We also use the results of our non-rigid registration algorithm as the basis of a segmentation algorithm. That algorithm also outperforms other methods in our tests, producing smoother segmentations and more accurately reproducing manual segmentations.


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A review article of the The New England Journal of Medicine refers that almost a century ago, Abraham Flexner, a research scholar at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, undertook an assessment of medical education in 155 medical schools in operation in the United States and Canada. Flexner’s report emphasized the nonscientific approach of American medical schools to preparation for the profession, which contrasted with the university-based system of medical education in Germany. At the core of Flexner’s view was the notion that formal analytic reasoning, the kind of thinking integral to the natural sciences, should hold pride of place in the intellectual training of physicians. This idea was pioneered at Harvard University, the University of Michigan, and the University of Pennsylvania in the 1880s, but was most fully expressed in the educational program at Johns Hopkins University, which Flexner regarded as the ideal for medical education. (...)


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To coordinate ambulances for emergency medical services, a multiagent system uses an auction mechanism based on trust. Results of tests using real data show that this system can efficiently assign ambulances to patients, thereby reducing transportation time. Emergency transportation on specialized vehicles is needed when a person's health is in risk of irreparable damage. A patient can't benefit from sophisticated medical treatments and technologies if she or he isn't placed in a proper healthcare center with the appropriate medical team. For example, strokes are neurological emergencies involving a limited amount of time in which treatment measures are effective