1000 resultados para Libraries - Medical
Teaching Motivational Interviewing to Medical Students to Improve Behavior Change Counseling Skills.
Every medical practitioner is confronted on a daily basis with emergencies. Among these, life-threatening emergencies can have disastrous consequences in term of morbidity and mortality; 22 cardiac arrests and 10 deaths were reported among the 1,650 Swiss practices during a 5 year period. The occurrence of life-threatening emergencies at the office necessitates, according to the type and place of the practice, the skills of the practitioner and the organization of his practice, the implementation of procedures, equipments (for example room equipped with a defibrillator, respiratory nebulizer, splints, emergency drugs) and specific continuous education programs that should be encouraged and made available to the whole medical corporation.
The first part of the article focused on the individual mechanisms--body, psyche and relational context--alienating the patient. The second part addresses alienating mechanisms related to the medical apparatus and the dominant discourses produced within and by society. The aim is not to comprehensively list possible mechanisms, but to discuss some of them using illustrative examples.
The increase in total health care expenditures in France can be explained by three distinct factors : the purely demographic effect (namely, the increase in the proportion of elderly people, given that health expenditure is an increasing function of age) ; the changes in morbidity at a given age ; the changes in practices, for a given age and morbidity level (e.g technological progress). The aim of this paper is basically to disentangle, evaluate and interpret the respective effects of these three factors. [Extrait introduction p. 3]
Purpose The purpose of our multidisciplinary study was to define a pragmatic and secure alternative to the creation of a national centralised medical record which could gather together the different parts of the medical record of a patient scattered in the different hospitals where he was hospitalised without any risk of breaching confidentiality. Methods We first analyse the reasons for the failure and the dangers of centralisation (i.e. difficulty to define a European patients' identifier, to reach a common standard for the contents of the medical record, for data protection) and then propose an alternative that uses the existing available data on the basis that setting up a safe though imperfect system could be better than continuing a quest for a mythical perfect information system that we have still not found after a search that has lasted two decades. Results We describe the functioning of Medical Record Search Engines (MRSEs), using pseudonymisation of patients' identity. The MRSE will be able to retrieve and to provide upon an MD's request all the available information concerning a patient who has been hospitalised in different hospitals without ever having access to the patient's identity. The drawback of this system is that the medical practitioner then has to read all of the information and to create his own synthesis and eventually to reject extra data. Conclusions Faced with the difficulties and the risks of setting up a centralised medical record system, a system that gathers all of the available information concerning a patient could be of great interest. This low-cost pragmatic alternative which could be developed quickly should be taken into consideration by health authorities.
Statistics has become an indispensable tool in biomedical research. Thanks, in particular, to computer science, the researcher has easy access to elementary "classical" procedures. These are often of a "confirmatory" nature: their aim is to test hypotheses (for example the efficacy of a treatment) prior to experimentation. However, doctors often use them in situations more complex than foreseen, to discover interesting data structures and formulate hypotheses. This inverse process may lead to misuse which increases the number of "statistically proven" results in medical publications. The help of a professional statistician thus becomes necessary. Moreover, good, simple "exploratory" techniques are now available. In addition, medical data contain quite a high percentage of outliers (data that deviate from the majority). With classical methods it is often very difficult (even for a statistician!) to detect them and the reliability of results becomes questionable. New, reliable ("robust") procedures have been the subject of research for the past two decades. Their practical introduction is one of the activities of the Statistics and Data Processing Department of the University of Social and Preventive Medicine, Lausanne.
Si le tableau clinique évoque une malaria et que le résultat des examens parasitologiques n?est pas disponible ou est négatif, le praticien n?a pas d?information basée sur l?évidence pour savoir s?il doit donner ou non un traitement présomptif. Afin d?identifier les facteurs cliniques et paracliniques prédictifs d?une parasitémie à Plasmodium, nous avons mené une étude prospective chez les voyageurs ou migrants en provenance d?une zone tropicale ou subtropicale et qui consultaient pour de la fièvre. Le questionnaire comprenait 49 items explorant les données démographiques, les caractéristiques du voyage, les éléments de l?anamnèse et de l?examen clinique ainsi que les résultats de laboratoire. 336 sujets avec données complètes ont été recrutés (97 patients atteints de malaria et 239 contrôles avec fièvre et examen parasitologique négatif). L?analyse de régression multivariée a permis d?identifier les facteurs prédictifs de maiaria suivants : prophylaxie inadéquate, sudations, absence de douleur abdominale, température )38"C, mauvais état général, splénomégalie, compte leucocytaire (1 O x 1 03/L, plaquettes ~ 1 5 0 x l 03/L, taux d?hémoglobine <12 g/dL et éosinophiles (5%. La présence d?une splénomégalie avait le coefficient de probabilité positif pour un diagnostic de malaria le plus élevé (1 3.6) ; venait ensuite la présence d?une thrombopénie (1 1 .O). Dans le contexte de la consultation ambulatoire de la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire (prévalence de malaria de 29%), la probabilité post- test d?avoir un examen parasitologique positif était de 85% pour la splénomégalie et de 82% pour la thrombopénie. Même si le seuil thérapeutique n?est pas absolument défini, il semble raisonnable d?envisager un traitement présomptif lorsque la probabilité post- test est >80%. Si le médecin est réticent à administrer un traitement sans documentation parasitologique, il devrait au moins se retenir d?entreprendre d?autres investigations coûteuses, et plutôt répéter l?examen parasitologique après 12-24 heures.
Les cellules CD8? T cytolytiques (CTL) sont les principaux effecteurs du système immunitaire adaptatif contre les infections et les tumeurs. La récente identification d?antigènes tumoraux humains reconnus par des cellules T cytolytiques est la base pour le, développement des vaccins antigène spécifiques contre le cancer. Le nombre d?antigènes tumoraux reconnus par des CTL que puisse être utilisé comme cible pour la vaccination des patients atteints du cancer est encore limité. Une nouvelle technique, simple et rapide, vient d?être proposée pour l?identification d?antigènes reconnus par des CTL. Elle se base sur l?utilisation de librairies combinatoriales de peptides arrangées en un format de "scanning" ou balayage par position (PS-SCL). La première partie de cette étude a consisté à valider cette nouvelle technique par une analyse détaillée de la reconnaissance des PS-SCL par différents clones de CTL spécifiques pour des antigènes associés à la tumeur (TAA) connus ainsi que par des clones de spécificité inconnue. Les résultats de ces analyses révèlent que pour tous les clones, la plupart des acides aminés qui composent la séquence du peptide antigénique naturel ont été identifiés par l?utilisation des PS-SCL. Les résultats obtenus ont permis d?identifier des peptides analogues ayant une antigènicité augmentée par rapport au peptide naturel, ainsi que des peptides comportant de multiples modifications de séquence, mais présentant la même réactivité que le peptide naturel. La deuxième partie de cette étude a consisté à effectuer des analyses biométriques des résultats complexes générés par la PS-SCL. Cette approche a permis l?identification des séquences correspondant aux épitopes naturels à partir de bases de données de peptides publiques. Parmi des milliers de peptides, les séquences naturelles se trouvent comprises dans les 30 séquences ayant les scores potentiels de stimulation les plus élevés pour chaque TAA étudié. Mais plus important encore, l?utilisation des PS-SCL avec un clone réactif contre des cellules tumorales mais de spécificité inconnue nous a permis d?identifier I?epitope reconnu par ce clone. Les données présentées ici encouragent l?utilisation des PS-SCL pour l?identification et l?optimisation d?épitopes pour des CTL réactifs anti-tumoraux, ainsi que pour l?étude de la reconnaissance dégénérée d?antigènes par les CTL.<br/><br/>CD8+ cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) are the main effector cells of the adaptive immune system against infection and tumors. The recent identification of moleculariy defined human tumor Ags recognized by autologous CTL has opened new opportunities for the development of Ag-specific cancer vaccines. Despite extensive work, however, the number of CTL-defined tumor Ags that are suitable targets for the vaccination of cancer patients is still limited, especially because of the laborious and time consuming nature of the procedures currentiy used for their identification. The use of combinatorial peptide libraries in positionai scanning format (Positional Scanning Synthetic Combinatorial Libraries, PS-SCL)' has recently been proposed as an alternative approach for the identification of these epitopes. To validate this approach, we analyzed in detail the recognition of PS-SCL by tumor-reactive CTL clones specific for multiple well-defined tumor-associated Ags (TAA) as well as by tumor-reactive CTL clones of unknown specificity. The results of these analyses revealed that for all the TAA-specific clones studied most of the amino acids composing the native antigenic peptide sequences could be identified through the use of PS-SCL. Based on the data obtained from the screening of PS-SCL, we could design peptide analogs of increased antigenicity as well as cross-reactive analog peptides containing multiple amino acid substitutions. In addition, the resuits of PS-SCL-screening combined with a recently developed biometric data analysis (PS-SCL-based biometric database analysis) allowed the identification of the native peptides in public protein databases among the 30 most active sequences, and this was the case for all the TAA studied. More importantiy, the screening of PS- SCL with a tumor-reactive CTL clone of unknown specificity resulted in the identification of the actual epitope. Overall, these data encourage the use of PS-SCL not oniy for the identification and optimization of tumor-associated CTL epitopes, but also for the analysis of degeneracy in T lymphocyte receptor (TCR) recognition of tumor Ags.<br/><br/>Les cellules T CD8? cytolytiques font partie des globules blancs du sang et sont les principales responsables de la lutte contre les infections et les tumeurs. Les immunologistes cherchent depuis des années à identifier des molécules exprimées et présentées à la surface des tumeurs qui puissent être reconnues par des cellules T CD8? cytolytiques capables ensuite de tuer ces tumeurs de façon spécifique. Ce type de molécules représente la base pour le développement de vaccins contre le cancer puisqu?elles pourraient être injectées aux patients afin d?induire une réponse anti- tumorale. A présent, il y a très peu de molécules capables de stimuler le système immunitaire contre les tumeurs qui sont connues parce que les techniques développées à ce jour pour leur identification sont complexes et longues. Une nouvelle technique vient d?être proposée pour l?identification de ce type de molécules qui se base sur l?utilisation de librairies de peptides. Ces librairies représentent toutes les combinaisons possibles des composants de base des molécules recherchées. La première partie de cette étude a consisté à valider cette nouvelle technique en utilisant des cellules T CD8? cytolytiques capables de tuer des cellules tumorales en reconnaissant une molécule connue présente à leur surface. On a démontré que l?utilisation des librairies permet d?identifier la plupart des composants de base de la molécule reconnue par les cellules T CD8? cytolytiques utilisées. La deuxième partie de cette étude a consisté à effectuer une recherche des molécules potentiellement actives dans des protéines présentes dans des bases des données en utilisant un programme informatique qui permet de classer les molécules sur la base de leur activité biologique. Parmi des milliers de molécules de la base de données, celles reconnues par nos cellules T CD8? cytolytiques ont été trouvées parmi les plus actives. Plus intéressant encore, la combinaison de ces deux techniques nous a permis d?identifier la molécule reconnue par une population de cellules T CD8? cytolytiques ayant une activité anti-tumorale, mais pour laquelle on ne connaissait pas la spécificité. Nos résultats encouragent l?utilisation des librairies pour trouver et optimiser des molécules reconnues spécifiquement par des cellules T CD8? cytolytiques capables de tuer des tumeurs.
QUESTION: In the ageing European population, the proportion of interventions by the emergency medical services (EMS) for elderly patients is increasing, but little is known about the recent trend of EMS interventions in nursing homes. The aim of this analysis was to describe the evolution of the incidence of requests for prehospital EMS interventions for nursing home residents aged 65 years and over between 2004 and 2013. METHODS: A prospective population-based register of routinely collected data for each EMS intervention in the Canton of Vaud. Linear time trends of incidence of requests to the EMS in nursing homes were calculated and stratified by age categories. RESULTS: The number of ambulance interventions in nursing homes for people aged 65 years and over (65+) increased by 68.9% (1124‒1898) between 2004 and 2013. A significant linear increase of the annual incidence of requests to EMS per 1,000 nursing home residents was found for people aged 65-79 (10.2, 95% confidence interval [CI] 6.2-14.2), 80-89 (16.5, 95% CI 14.0-19.0) and over 90 (12.1, 95% CI 5.8-18.4). EMS interventions in nursing home residents who required an emergency physician increased during the same period by 205.6% (from 106 to 324), representing an increase from 2% to 7% of all emergency physician interventions in the Canton. CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirmed an important increase in the incidence of EMS interventions in nursing homes during the last decade, far exceeding the actual increase of the nursing home population during the same period. This evolution represents an important opportunity to reconsider the EMS missions in the context of an ageing society.
The past decade has seen the emergence of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, which have revolutionized the field of human molecular genetics. With NGS, significant portions of the human genome can now be assessed by direct sequence analysis, highlighting normal and pathological variants of our DNA. Recent advances have also allowed the sequencing of complete genomes, by a method referred to as whole genome sequencing (WGS). In this work, we review the use of WGS in medical genetics, with specific emphasis on the benefits and the disadvantages of this technique for detecting genomic alterations leading to Mendelian human diseases and to cancer.
The control of the right application of medical protocols is a key issue in hospital environments. For the automated monitoring of medical protocols, we need a domain-independent language for their representation and a fully, or semi, autonomous system that understands the protocols and supervises their application. In this paper we describe a specification language and a multi-agent system architecture for monitoring medical protocols. We model medical services in hospital environments as specialized domain agents and interpret a medical protocol as a negotiation process between agents. A medical service can be involved in multiple medical protocols, and so specialized domain agents are independent of negotiation processes and autonomous system agents perform monitoring tasks. We present the detailed architecture of the system agents and of an important domain agent, the database broker agent, that is responsible of obtaining relevant information about the clinical history of patients. We also describe how we tackle the problems of privacy, integrity and authentication during the process of exchanging information between agents.
Since January 2008-de facto 2012-medical physics experts (MPEs) are, by law, to be involved in the optimisation process of radiological diagnostic procedures in Switzerland. Computed tomography, fluoroscopy and nuclear medicine imaging units have been assessed for patient exposure and image quality. Large spreads in clinical practice have been observed. For example, the number of scans per abdominal CT examination went from 1 to 9. Fluoroscopy units showed, for the same device settings, dose rate variations up to a factor of 3 to 7. Quantitative image quality for positron emission tomography (PET)/CT examinations varied significantly depending on the local image reconstruction algorithms. Future work will be focused on promoting team cooperation between MPEs, radiologists and radiographers and on implementing task-oriented objective image quality indicators.
This paper presents the results of a survey of academics affiliated to the universities that are members of the Consortium of Academic Libraries of Catalonia (CBUC) and an analysis of the availability in the libraries of these universities of the references cited in a sample of articles published by these academics. The results reflect the major importance that researchers assign to scholarly journals as the main source of scientific information. Most state that they use electronic journals either exclusively or in any case more than print journals, a preference that is higher among younger scholars. With regard to frequency of reading, four out of ten researchers state that they read journals virtually every day, while nine out of ten report that they do so at least once a week. Scholars claim that the obstacles they face when trying to download an article are related to the lack of subscriptions. However, the availability study showed that most of the articles cited in their publications are available at least at one of the CBUC libraries. Though most researchers keep a copy of the articles they consult, just over a third of them use some kind of reference management software.
Viime vuosien nopea kehitys on kiihdyttänyt uusien lääkkeiden kehittämisprosessia. Kombinatorinen kemia on tehnyt mahdolliseksi syntetisoida suuria kokoelmia rakenteeltaan toisistaan poikkeavia molekyylejä, nk. kombinatorisia kirjastoja, biologista seulontaa varten. Siinä molekyylien rakenteeseen liittyvä aktiivisuus tutkitaan useilla erilaisilla biologisilla testeillä mahdollisten "osumien" löytämiseksi, joista osasta saatetaan myöhemmin kehittää uusia lääkeaineita. Jotta biologisten tutkimusten tulokset olisivat luotettavia, on syntetisoitujen komponenttien oltava mahdollisimman puhtaita. Tämän vuoksi tarvitaan HTP-puhdistusta korkealaatuisten komponenttien ja luotettavan biologisen tiedon takaamiseksi. Jatkuvasti kasvavat tuotantovaatimukset ovat johtaneet näiden puhdistustekniikoiden automatisointiin ja rinnakkaistamiseen. Preparatiivinen LC/MS soveltuu kombinatoristen kirjastojen nopeaan ja tehokkaaseen puhdistamiseen. Monet tekijät, esimerkiksi erotuskolonnin ominaisuudet sekä virtausgradientti, vaikuttavat preparatiivisen LC/MS puhdistusprosessin tehokkuuteen. Nämä parametrit on optimoitava parhaan tuloksen saamiseksi. Tässä työssä tutkittiin emäksisiä komponentteja erilaisissa virtausolosuhteissa. Menetelmä kombinatoristen kirjastojen puhtaustason määrittämiseksi LC/MS-puhdistuksen jälkeen optimoitiin ja määritettiin puhtaus joillekin komponenteille eri kirjastoista ennen puhdistusta.