997 resultados para Levi, Giovanni
Diabetes has been associated to the risk of a few cancer sites, though quantification of this association in various populations remains open to discussion. We analyzed the relation between diabetes and the risk of various cancers in an integrated series of case-control studies conducted in Italy and Switzerland between 1991 and 2009. The studies included 1,468 oral and pharyngeal, 505 esophageal, 230 gastric, 2,390 colorectal, 185 liver, 326 pancreatic, 852 laryngeal, 3,034 breast, 607 endometrial, 1,031 ovarian, 1,294 prostate, and 767 renal cell cancer cases and 12,060 hospital controls. The multivariate odds ratios (OR) for subjects with diabetes as compared to those without-adjusted for major identified confounding factors for the cancers considered through logistic regression models-were significantly elevated for cancers of the oral cavity/pharynx (OR = 1.58), esophagus (OR = 2.52), colorectum (OR = 1.23), liver (OR = 3.52), pancreas (OR = 3.32), postmenopausal breast (OR = 1.76), and endometrium (OR = 1.70). For cancers of the oral cavity, esophagus, colorectum, liver, and postmenopausal breast, the excess risk persisted over 10 yr since diagnosis of diabetes. Our data confirm and further quantify the association of diabetes with colorectal, liver, pancreatic, postmenopausal breast, and endometrial cancer and suggest forthe first time that diabetes may also increase the risk of oral/pharyngeal and esophageal cancer. [Table: see text] [Table: see text].
In most areas of the world, thyroid cancer incidence has been appreciably increasing over the last few decades, whereas mortality has steadily declined. We updated global trends in thyroid cancer mortality and incidence using official mortality data from the World Health Organization (1970-2012) and incidence data from the Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (1960-2007). Male mortality declined in all the major countries considered, with annual percent changes around -2/-3% over the last decades. Only in the United States mortality declined up to the mid 1980s and increased thereafter. Similarly, in women mortality declined in most countries considered, with APCs around -2/-5% over the last decades, with the exception of the UK, the United States and Australia, where mortality has been declining up to the late 1980s/late 1990s to level off (or increase) thereafter. In 2008-2012, most countries had mortality rates (age-standardized, world population) between 0.20 and 0.40/100,000 men and 0.20 and 0.60/100,000 women, the highest rates being in Latvia, Hungary, the Republic of Moldova and Israel (over 0.40/100,000) for men and in Ecuador, Colombia and Israel (over 0.60/100,000) for women. In most countries, a steady increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer (mainly papillary carcinomas) was observed in both sexes. The declines in thyroid cancer mortality reflect both variations in risk factor exposure and changes in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, while the increases in the incidence are likely due to the increase in the detection of this neoplasm over the last few decades.
Savary's ulcer is a rare and little known peptic ulcer situated just above Barrett's esophagus. It is predominant in elderly women, bleeds less than Barrett's ulcer and is almost always associated with peptic stenosis. It is, like Barrett's and Wolf's ulcers, a complication of gastroesophageal reflux and not of Barrett's esophagus.
The adult and immature stages of two new species of Goeldichironomus are described and figured. Larvae of G. luridus sp. nov., reared in the laboratory from egg masses, are abundant on organically enriched sediments of a chicken slaughter-house effluent treatment lagoon. Larvae of G. petiolicola sp. nov., live inside petioles of aquatic macrophytes such as Eichhornia azurea and Pontederia lanceolata.
Background Breast cancer in younger women has received increased attention in recent years. Although breast cancer is uncommon in young women, it is the most frequent cancer and the leading cause of cancer death for younger women in developed countries. For Switzerland, the United States and several European countries, declines in breast cancer incidence have been reported since around the year 2000, after decades of increase, among women aged 50 and older. On the other hand an increase in the incidence of breast cancer in younger women has been reported in recent years. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate time trends in breast cancer incidence in younger women in Switzerland. Methods Data on invasive breast cancer cases were obtained from the Swiss Cancer Registries of Basel, Fribourg, Geneva, Graubunden/Glarus, Jura, Neuchatel, St. Gallen-Appenzell, Ticino, Valais, Vaud and Zurich, covering the time period 1996 to 2009. Mid-year population estimates for the respective time period were supplied by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office. For females aged 20-49 years, annual age-standardized incidence rates (ASIRs) (European standard) per 100,000 person-years and corresponding 95%-confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated. For females aged 20-39 and 40-49 years, ASIRs and incidence rate ratios (IRRs) were calculated by grouped time periods, consisting of 3-5 incidence years. IRRs and corresponding 95% CI were calculated using Poisson regression adjusting for age (reference period 1996-2000). Results ASIRs in females aged 20-49 increased gradually since 1996, being 57.36 per 100,000 person-years in 1996 (95% CI 52.54-62.51) and rising to 68.34 (95% CI 63.40-73.57) per 100,000 person-years in 2009. Comparing the time-period 2007-2009 and the reference period 1996-2000, IRRs show values of 1.17 (95% CI 1.04-1.31) for the age-group 20-39 years and 1.04 (95% CI 0.97-1.10) for the age-group 40-49 years. Conclusions Our findings confirm a slight increase in the incidence of invasive breast cancer in younger women in Switzerland during the period 1996-2009. An increase in breast cancer incidence in younger patients is an important public health problem. It warrants further investigations to identify specific risk factors of this population and to better understand the biology of this particular breast cancer.
This paper studies the relationship between the amount of publicinformation that stock market prices incorporate and the equilibriumbehavior of market participants. The analysis is framed in a static, NREEsetup where traders exchange vectors of assets accessing multidimensionalinformation under two alternative market structures. In the first(the unrestricted system), both informed and uninformed speculators cancondition their demands for each traded asset on all equilibrium prices;in the second (the restricted system), they are restricted to conditiontheir demand on the price of the asset they want to trade. I show thatinformed traders incentives to exploit multidimensional privateinformation depend on the number of prices they can condition upon whensubmitting their demand schedules, and on the specific price formationprocess one considers. Building on this insight, I then give conditionsunder which the restricted system is more efficient than the unrestrictedsystem.
The relation among education, disease prevalence, and frequency of health service utilization was analyzed using data from the Swiss National Health Survey SOMIPOPS, conducted in 1981-1983 on a randomly selected sample of 4,255 individuals, representative of the entire Swiss population. The prevalence of several important cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, osteoarticular, and psychiatric disorders was higher among less educated individuals; only allergic conditions were directly associated with indicators of social class. More educated individuals reported lower frequencies of general practitioner visits, but higher frequencies of specialized consultations. These findings confirm that education is an important determinant not only of mortality but also of morbidity and health-care utilization and require careful consideration in terms of the planning and evaluation of health services.
We combine growth theory with US Census data on individual schooling and wages to estimate the aggregate return to human capital and human capital externalities in cities. Our estimates imply that a one-year increase in average schooling in cities increases their aggregate labor productivity by 8 to 11 percent. We find no evidence for aggregate human capital externalities in cities however althoughwe use three different approaches. Our main theoretical contribution is to show how human capital externalities can be identified (non-parametically) even if workers with different levels of human capital are imperfect substitutes in production.
I study the effects of the heterogeneity of traders'horizon in the context of a 2-period NREE model whereall traders are risk averse. Owing to inventory effects,myopic trading behavior generates multiplicity ofequilibria. In particular, two distinct patterns arise.Along the first equilibrium, short term tradersanticipate higher second period price reaction toinformation arrival and, owing to risk aversion,scale back their trading intensity. This, in turn,reduces both risk sharing and information impoundinginto prices enforcing a high returns' volatility-lowprice informativeness equilibrium. In the second one,the opposite happens and a low volatility-high priceinformativeness equilibrium arises.
This paper is concerned with the realism of mechanisms that implementsocial choice functions in the traditional sense. Will agents actually playthe equilibrium assumed by the analysis? As an example, we study theconvergence and stability properties of Sj\"ostr\"om's (1994) mechanism, onthe assumption that boundedly rational players find their way to equilibriumusing monotonic learning dynamics and also with fictitious play. Thismechanism implements most social choice functions in economic environmentsusing as a solution concept the iterated elimination of weakly dominatedstrategies (only one round of deletion of weakly dominated strategies isneeded). There are, however, many sets of Nash equilibria whose payoffs maybe very different from those desired by the social choice function. Withmonotonic dynamics we show that many equilibria in all the sets ofequilibria we describe are the limit points of trajectories that havecompletely mixed initial conditions. The initial conditions that lead tothese equilibria need not be very close to the limiting point. Furthermore,even if the dynamics converge to the ``right'' set of equilibria, it stillcan converge to quite a poor outcome in welfare terms. With fictitious play,if the agents have completely mixed prior beliefs, beliefs and play convergeto the outcome the planner wants to implement.
Studies conducted in different areas of North America and Europe showed a 5-10% decline in the incidence of breast cancer following reductions up to 70% in menopause hormone therapy (HT) use after 2002. The observation that the decline was larger in (or limited to) women aged > or =50 years weighs in favour of an effect of reduced HT use on breast cancer incidence. However, changes in screening are also likely to play a role in the decreasing incidence of breast cancer observed in several countries. In particular, the technical improvements and the increased effectiveness of breast cancer screening and detection during the 1990s led to a decreased number of pre-clinical cases found by screening in subsequent years. Further, disentangling the effects of HT use and screening is difficult, as women who stop using HT may also undergo mammography screening less frequently. Thus, the reasons of the falls in incidence remain open to discussion.
Colorectal cancer is the second most frequent cancer at death and third most common neoplasm in Switzerland, with about 1600 deaths and 4000 new cases per year, respectively. This study describes the recent trends in colorectal polyps and cancers in the canton of Vaud where a rare population-based series on polyps has been available since 1983. The most salient results are the exponential increase in the detection rates of polyps since the late 19805, associated with a doubling in the proportion of right-sided polyps, whereas colorectal cancer incidence remained constant over the last 25 years. The apparent paradox between the strong increase in detection and resection of polyps, largely due to screening activity, and the absence of reduction in colorectal cancer incidence in the Vaud population is discussed.
Quality assurance is an essential process which should be applied for any organised breast cancer screening program since mammography it the only test available for an early diagnosis. It should also assess the quality of diagnostic and treatment processes in order to ascertain that the quality of the screening program would not be altered by the procedures which take place after the screening. Quality assurance must be applied to each component of the screening process: equipment, radiographers (technicians) as well as radiologists. It is a multidisciplinary approach following a well defined protocol, which should be supervised by a coordination unit, the Breast Cancer Screening Foundation in Canton of Vaud. Performances of the Vaud program show clearly at what extend multiple reading method improves the quality of screening. It seems that there is no inconvenient to involve radiologists who wish to participate without any selection to the reading process provided that there is in place a team of 2nd and 3rd readers who benefit of an appropriate training and experience.