908 resultados para Level of confidence
Although human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 2 (HTLV-2) is considered of low pathogenicity, serological diagnosis is important for counseling and monitoring. The confirmatory tests most used are Western blot (WB) and PCR. However, in high-risk populations, about 50% of the indeterminate WB were HTLV-2 positives by PCR. The insensitivity of the WB might be due to the use of recombinant proteins of strains that do not circulate in our country. Another possibility may be a high level of immunosuppression, which could lead to low production of virus, resulting in low stimulation of antibody. We found one mutation, proline to serine in the envelope region in the position 184, presented at least 1/3 of the samples, independent the indeterminate WB profile. In conclusion, we found no correlation of immune state, HTLV-2 proviral load, or env diversity in the K55 region and WB indeterminate results. We believe that the only WB kit available in the market is probably more accurate to detect HTLV-1 antibodies, and some improvement for HTLV-2 detection should be done in the future, especially among high-risk population. J. Med. Virol. 82:837-842,2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
To investigate the effect of earlier triceps surae (TS) surgical lengthening at knee kinematics in the stance phase in patients with cerebral palsy (CP). One thousand and thirty-nine participants from an eligible total of 1750 children with CP were referred to gait analysis laboratory from January 2000 to April 2007. Inclusion criteria were the diagnosis of diparetic spastic CP levels I to III (GMFCS) and complete kinematics documentation. Patients with an asymmetrical knee pattern at kinematics and with different types of TS management among sides were excluded. The patients were divided into two groups according to the mean minimum knee flexion (MMKF) in stance phase: group A (n = 253) MMKF >= 30 degrees and group B (n = 786) MMKF less than 30 degrees. For each group, the occurrence of following procedures for TS in the past: (i) earlier surgery, (ii) gastrocnemius lengthening (zone I), (iii) gastrocnemius and soleus lengthening (zone II), and (iv) calcaneous tendon lengthening (zone III), was investigated. A chi(2) test was applied to check if the number of procedures performed was different between groups. The level of significance was defined as P value of less than 0.05. The number of patients with no earlier surgeries at TS was higher in group B (51.8%) than in group A (39.1%), and this difference was significant (P<0.01). In addition, the number of procedures at the calcaneous tendon was more elevated in group A (36.8%) than in group B (27%), and this finding was statistically significant as well (P<0.02). The percentage of surgical lengthening at zones I and II was very similar between the groups A and B. This study has shown that patients without earlier surgical procedures at TS are more susceptible to reach better extension of the knees in the stance phase. Patients in a crouch gait had a higher number of calcaneous tendon lengthening performed in the past than patients with a more normal knee extension in the stance phase. J Pediatr Orthop B 19:226-230 (C) 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Introduction: The association between serological markers with the need of biological therapy for early rheumatoid arthritis (ERA) is not known, with few available data addressing this question. Objectives: To prospectively evaluate a cohort of patients with ERA (less than 12 months of symptoms) in order to determine the possible association between serological markers (rheumatoid factor (RF), anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (anti-CCP), and citrullinated anti-vimentin (anti-Sa) with parameters of therapeutic outcome (this later defined by the need of introducing biological therapy). Patients and methods: Forty patients with early RA were evaluated at the time of diagnosis and have been followed for 3 years, in use of standardized therapeutic treatment. Demographic and clinical data were recorded, as well as serology tests (ELISA) for RF (IgM, IgG and IgA), anti-CCP (CCP2, CCP3 and CCP3.1) and anti-Sa in the initial evaluation and at 3, 6, 12, 18, 24 and 36 months of follow-up. As outcomes of the RA development, the need or not for biological therapy during the follow-up period were considered. Comparisons were made through the Student t test, mixed-effects regression analysis and analysis of variance (significance level of 5%). Results: The mean age was 45 (+/- 12) years; a female predominance was observed (90%). At the time of diagnosis, RF was observed in 50% of cases (RF IgA - 42%, RF IgG - 30% and RF IgM - 50%), anti-CCP in 50% (no difference between CCP2, CCP3 and CCP3. 1) and anti-Sa in 10%. After 3 years, no change in the RF prevalence neither in the anti-CCP was observed, but the anti-Sa increased to 17.5% (p = 0.001). Biological therapy was necessary in 22.5% of patients. The mean RF IgA and anti-CCP 2 levels during the 3 years were higher among patients who needed biological therapy (p <0.05 for both). Conclusion: Higher titles of RF and anti-CCP over time were associated with the need for biological therapy.
Galectin-3 (Gal-3) is a member of the P-galactoside-binding lectins family and has been implicated in angiogenesis, tumor invasion, and metastatic process in vitro and in vivo. As we showed recently that advanced melanoma patients presented high serum level of Gal-3, we investigated the association of this protein with the outcome of melanoma patients. Whether this protein could be a biomarker has riot been assessed, and we compared the prognostic value of serum Gal-3 in multivariate analysis with lactate dehydrogenase, C-reactive protein and S100B. We conclude that Gal-3 could be of prognostic value in melanoma patients; more precisely, this protein has a strong independent prognostic signification with a cut-off value of 10 ng/ml. After these data, we believe that serum Gal-3 measurement can have an important role in the follow-up and management of advanced American Joint Commission on Cancer stage III and stage IV melanoma patients. Further studies will uncover whether Gal-3 will be able to open new therapeutic perspectives. Melanoma Res 19:316-320 (C) 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Purpose: The objective of this study was to analyze and compare the results obtained after 2 types of treatment, surgical and conservative, for acute patellar dislocations. Methods: We divided 33 patients with acute patellar dislocations into 2 groups. One group with 16 patients underwent conservative treatment (immobilization and subsequent physiotherapy), and the other group with 17 patients underwent surgical treatment. A radiographic examination was performed in the evaluation of the patients to verify predisposing factors for patellofemoral instability, and the Kujala questionnaire was applied with the intention of analyzing the improvement of pain and quality of life. The chi(2) test, t test, and Fisher test were used in the statistical evaluation. A significance level of P<.05 was adopted. Results: The groups were considered parametric in relation to age and sex. The conservative treatment group exhibited a higher number of recurrent dislocations (8 patients) than the surgical treatment group, which did not have any relapses. In addition, the surgical treatment group obtained a better mean score on the Kujala test (92) than the conservative treatment group (69). Conclusions: We conclude that surgical treatment afforded better results. There were no recurrences in the surgical treatment group, but there were 8 recurrences in the conservative treatment group. The mean Kujala score was 92 in the surgical treatment group and 69 in the conservative treatment group.
Background: Dementia screening in elderly people with low education can be difficult to implement. For these subjects, informant reports using the long (L) (26 items) and short (C) (16 items) versions of the Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQCODE) can be useful. The objective of the present study was to investigate the performance of Brazilian versions of the IQCODE L, S and a new short version (SBr) (15 items) in comparison with the Mini-mental State Examination (MMSE) for dementia screening in elderly people with low education. Methods: Thirty-four patients with mild to moderate dementia, diagnosed according to ICD-10 criteria, and 57 controls were evaluated and divided into three groups based on their socioeconomic status and level of education. Patients were evaluated using the MMSE and the informants were interviewed using the IQCODE by interviewers blind to the clinical diagnosis. Results: Education was correlated with MMSE results (r = 0.280, p = 0.031), but not with the versions of the IQCODE. The performance of the instruments, evaluated by the ROC curves, was very similar, with good internal consistency (Cronbach`s alpha = 0.97). MMSE correctly classified 85.7% of the subjects while the three IQCODE versions (L, S and SBr) correctly classified 91.2% of the subjects. Conclusions: The long, short and the new short Brazilian IQCODE versions can be useful as a screening tool for mild and moderate patients with dementia in Brazil. The IQCODE is not biased by schooling, and it seems to be an adequate instrument for samples with low levels of education.
Background: Obstructive sleep apnoea-hypopnoea syndrome (OSAHS) is a respiratory disorder with high morbidity and mortality. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the most commonly prescribed conservative treatment for adults with OSAHS. CPAP therapy normalises or decreases OSAHS symptoms and can reduce and prevent OSAHS complications. Aims: To evaluate adherence to nasal CPAP treatment and CPAP impact on daytime drowsiness. Method: A sample of 20 patients evaluated for daytime drowsiness using the Epworth sleepiness scale and interviewed for adherence to nasal CPAP use. Results: There was a significant decrease in the level of daytime sleepiness of the patients users of nasal CPAP (p=0.017); patients not using nasal CPAP experienced a decrease without statistical significance (p=0.162). 100% of CPAP users reported benefits and 50% of these reported related discomforts. Conclusions: Patients with OSAHS that use CPAP have a greater reduced level of sleepiness than those who do not use it.
Introduction Different modalities of palliation for obstructive symptoms in patients with unresectable esophageal cancer (EC) exist. However, these therapeutic alternatives have significant differences in costs and effectiveness. Methods A Markov model was designed to compare the cost-effectiveness (CE) of self-expandable stent (SES), brachytherapy and laser in the palliation of unresectable EC. Patients were assigned to one of the strategies, and the improvement in swallowing function was compared given the treatment efficacy, probability of survival, and risks of complications associated to each strategy. Probabilities and parameters for distribution were based on a 9-month time frame. Results Under the base-case scenario, laser has the lowest CE ratio, followed by brachytherapy at an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of $4,400.00, and SES is a dominated strategy. In the probabilistic analysis, laser is the strategy with the highest probability of cost-effectiveness for willingness to pay (WTP) values lower than $3,201 and brachytherapy for all WTP yielding a positive net health benefit (NHB) (threshold $4,440). The highest probability of cost-effectiveness for brachytherapy is 96%, and consequently, selection of suboptimal strategies can lead to opportunity losses for the US health system, ranging from US$ 4.32 to US$ 38.09 million dollars over the next 5-20 years. Conclusion Conditional to the WTP and current US Medicare costs, palliation of unresectable esophageal cancers with brachytherapy provides the largest amount of NHB and is the strategy with the highest probability of CE. However, some level of uncertainly remains, and wrong decisions will be made until further knowledge is acquired.
Bovine pericardium is a widely utilized biomaterial. Usually, after harvesting, it is advantageous that the pericardium be immersed in glycerol to improve its shelf life. This can induce some degree of toxicity in the material. The studies were performed in compliance with the rules of ISO 10993 and OECD 487, in the biological evaluation of medical devices. The material was prepared without previous washing. After sterilization by gamma radiation the pericardium was immersed in RPMI 1640 culture medium to fulfill the extraction condition. The same extract was employed in the cytotoxic and genotoxic tests. The procedures were carried out with Chinese hamster ovary cell line and to determine the cytotoxicity, a colorimetric method with the tetrazolium compound MTS was used. For the genotoxicity, following the in vitro micronucleus assay, the test was developed with and without metabolic activation. The Cytotoxicity Index was graphically estimated at the extract concentration of 78%. In the genotoxicity test, the average value of cell proliferation index was found to be 1.62 +/- 0.02 with S9 metabolic activator and 1.91 +/- 0.01 without S9 metabolic activator. Both values are similar to the negative control value in the micronucleus assay. We observed that although the pericardium preserved in glycerol shows a certain level of cytotoxicity, it does not show any genotoxicity.
Objective: The purpose of the present study was to assess the social skills of euthymic patients with bipolar disorder. Methods: A group of 25 outpatients with bipolar disorder type I were evaluated in comparison with a group of 31 healthy volunteers who were matched in terms of level of education, age, sex and intelligence. Both groups were assessed using a self-report questionnaire, the Brazilian Inventario de Habilidades Sociais (IHS, Social Skills Inventory). Two Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale subtests ( Picture Arrangement and Comprehension) were also used in order to assess subject ability to analyse social situations and to make judgements, respectively. Results: Patients with bipolar disorder had lower IHS scores for the domains that assessed conversational skills/social self-confidence and social openness to new people/situations. Patients with anxiety disorders had high scores for the domain that assessed self-confidence in the expression of positive emotions. No differences were found between patients and controls in performance on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Picture Arrangement and Comprehension subtests. Conclusions: Euthymic patients with bipolar disorder present inhibited and overattentive behaviour in relation to other people and their environment. This behaviour might have a negative impact on their level of social functioning and quality of life.
Purpose: The objective of this study was to evaluate the postoperative quality of life (QOL) experienced among a group of 1167 patients who underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic sympathectomy (VATS) to treat primary hyperhidrosis, as compared with the presurgical QOL. Methods: Between February 2002 and June 2007, 1167 patients who had undergone VATS were surveyed. The majority had presented with palmar hyperhidrosis (794 patients; 68%), while 340 (29%) had presented with axillary hyperhidrosis. Based on data obtained from the QOL protocol applied to all of the patients preoperatively, the patients were divided into two groups according to the level of their QOL: group 1 consisted of 312 patients (27%) with poor QOL and group 2 of 855 patients (73%) with very poor QOL. The same protocol was applied postoperatively, and five different levels of satisfaction were obtained. The same parameters were evaluated for both the palmar and the axillary hyperhidrosis subgroups. Results: The patients with very poor QOL had much better results in terms of improvement in QOL than did those with poor QOL ( P < .05). The same result was observed for both the palmar and. axillary hyperhidrosis subgroups (P < .05). Conclusion: The worse the preoperative QOL among patients undergoing sympathectomy to treat primary hyperhidrosis is, the better the postoperative improvement in QOL will be. (J Vase Surg 2010;51:1190-4.)
Background: The Flutter (R) VRP1 combines high frequency oscillation and positive expiratory pressure (PEP). Objective: To separately evaluate the effect of the Flutter (R) VRP1 components (high frequency oscillation and PEP) on mucus transportability in patients with bronchiectasis. Methods: Eighteen patients with bronchiectasis received sessions with the Flutter (R) VRP1 or PEP for 30 min daily in a randomized, crossover study. The treatment duration was four weeks with one of the therapies, one week of a ""wash-out"" period and followed by four more weeks with the other treatment. Weekly secretion samples were collected and evaluated for mucociliary relative transport velocity (RTV), displacement in a simulated cough machine (SCM) and contact angle measurement (CAM). For the proposed comparisons, a linear regression model was used with mixed effects with a significance level of 5%. Results: The Flutter (R) VRP1 treatment resulted in greater displacement in SCM and lower CAM when comparing results from the first (9.6 +/- 3.4 cm and 29.4 +/- 5.7 degrees, respectively) and fourth weeks of treatment (12.44 +/- 10.5 cm and 23.28 +/- 6.2, respectively; p < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the RTV between the treatment weeks for either the Flutter (R) VRP1 or PEP. Conclusion: The use of the Flutter (R) VRP1 for four weeks is capable of altering the respiratory secretion transport properties, and this alteration is related to the high frequency oscillation component. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To asses the onset (%) of patella stabilizer muscles during maximal isometric contraction exercises (MIC) in individuals with and without signs of patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) in open (OKC) and closed (CKC) kinetic chain exercises, Method: Assessments were carried out on 22 women; ten with no complains of anterior knee pain, and 12 with PFPS signs during MIC in OKC and CKC with the knee flexed at 90 degrees. The onset of the electromyographic activity of the vastus mediallis obliquus (VMO), vastus lateralis obliquus (VLO) and vastus lateralis longus (VLL) was identified by means of an algorithm in the Myosystem Br 1 software. The statistical analysis used was Chi-Square test and student`s t test, which are both tests with a level of significance at 5%. Results: The VMO and VLO muscles presented a greater onset compared to the VLL during OKC exercises for both groups and for the PFPS group without CCF No differences were observed between the groups. Conclusion: CKC and OKC exercises seem to benefit the synchronism of the musculature that supposedly benefits the patella stabilizer musculature, and can be recommended in physiotherapeutic treatment programs.
Using BCG, MPT-51 and Ag85 as antigens in an indirect ELISA for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis
This study evaluated the Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein antigen MPT-51, the trimeric antigen 85 (Ag85) complex, and Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) in an indirect ELISA to diagnose bovine tuberculosis (TB) from serum samples. Serum was collected from 208 intra-dermal tuberculin test (ITT)-positive and 54 ITT-negative animals from a region where bovine TB is endemic. Using the Ag85 and BCG antigens, the indirect ELISA was able to discriminate ITT-positive from ITT-negative animals. This level of discrimination was not achieved when using the MPT-51 antigen. The highest sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) of the test was found when BCG was used (Se, 82%; Sp, 91%). Further work in different epidemiological settings and with larger numbers of animals will be required to validate these findings. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: We subjected mice to acute cold stress and studied the effect on phagocytosis by peritoneal macrophages mediated by 3 types of phagocytic receptors: Fc gamma, complement receptors 3 (CR3) and mannose and beta-glucan receptors. Methods: Mice were subjected to a cold stress condition (4 C for 4 h), and then peritoneal macrophages were harvested and phagocytosis assays performed in vitro. Results: We found a striking difference between resting and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-activated macrophages (by intraperitoneal injection of LPS 4 days before the stress experiment): for resting macrophages cold stress caused a decrease in phagocytosis mediated by Fc gamma or mannose receptors, while for activated macrophages we observed an increase in phagocytosis by the 3 types of receptors. These effects were associated with an increase in plasma concentrations of corticosterone and catecholamines following the cold stress. In order to verify whether these hormone changes could account for the observed effects on phagocytosis, we performed in vitro assays by incubating macrophages harvested from nonstressed animals with these hormones for 4 h at 37 degrees C and measuring their phagocytic capacity. The following experiments were done: (a) with resting (nonactivated) macrophages; (b) with macrophages previously activated in vitro by incubation with LPS; (c) with macrophages previously activated in vivo by intraperitoneal injection of mice with LPS, 4 days before harvesting the cells. We found that for resting macrophages, corticosterone decreased phagocytosis mediated by Fc gamma and mannose and beta-glucan receptors, but catecholamines had no effect. For macrophages activated either in vivo or in vitro, catecholamines caused an increase in phagocytosis (excluding mannose receptors) while corticosterone had no effect. Conclusion: The above findings suggest that stress can regulate phagocytosis in different ways, depending on the kind of phagocytic receptor involved, the level of stress hormones and the physiological state of the macrophages. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel