1000 resultados para Leitura em filme
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
In this paper we present results of research conducted on the constitution of the identity of CEM (Centre for Mathematics Education), a group of mathematics teacher educators from the city of São Paulo, Brazil (1984-1997). We emphasize the processes of constitution of CEM’s identities, on the perspective of Oral History in Mathematics Education, of the Model of Semantic Fields and of theories of identities. As part of the broader endeavor of examining possibilities for constituting identities for the group, from several theoretical standpoints, here we report an exercise on constituting the identity of CEM from a Cartesian standpoint; the overall assumption is that we are not properly interested in what CEM is or was, but on the possibilities themselves. We argue that such analysis leads to an understanding of the group as being an accident involving the individual identities of its members but not to an understanding of CEM’s group identity as such.
Rádio e TV Escola: um projeto de capacitação para leitura e produção midiática na comunidade escolar
The extension project "Rádio e TV Escola: capacitação para o uso de canais de comunicação na comunidade escolar" was created in 2006 to enable the introduction of radio and TV stations into two public schools. Supported by Social Communication’s courses of Universidade Sagrado Coração, the project’s goals were: a) collaborate with teachers in developing student’s literacy in writing and interpreting media texts; b) promote a greater awareness among graduate students of the social responsibility of media.
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a systematic teaching of relation between printed words and Brazilian Sign Language on the emergence of reading in one child with deafness, user of Brazilian Sign Language, diagnosed with deafness bi-lateral deep user of hearing, with 9 years and 4 months of age, enrolled in 4th year elementary school. Baseline evaluation selected nine words and their signs and figures to compose the teaching steps and tests that consisted of: (a) relationship between a sign and figure teaching, (b) the relationship between sign and printed word, (c) test of relationship between figure and the printed word and its symmetric (d) test signal in front of picture and the printed word. The participant learned the relationship between sign, figure and printed word and demonstrated reading. This procedure was effective for the participant to emit signals, verbally agreed with the community of Libras in front of textual stimuli, which is characterized as reading.
This paper embraces the tapestry, from Cluny Museum: La Dame a la Licorne. There are in two types of analyses: One is a diachronic vew and also a sincrhonic, which guide its pratice. In the tapestry La Dame a la Licorne at the Cluny Museum a reading based over the myths and symbols was the main line. \The first analyses, diachronic covers the temporality of the tapestry production, the second one, synchronic, describes the level of history, religion and myths envolved. This work consists in a process of actualization and an effort to bring closely the discussion over tapestry, using methods applied to non-verbal readings.
As transformações que tornam a sociedade mais complexa, configuradas na Sociedade da Informação, possibilitam novas formas de acesso as informações e conhecimentos que se manifestam em diferentes rela- ções sociais. No Brasil a valorização da leitura é um tema bastante recente, já que o Plano Nacional do Livro e da Leitura – PNLL - é de 2006. Tem como prioridade transformar a qualidade da capacidade leitora do Brasil e trazer a leitura para o dia-a-dia do brasileiro. Um dos eixos do plano é a Valorização da leitura e da comunicação, com ações para criar consciência sobre o valor social do livro e da leitura. O plano aborda a comunicação relacionada principalmente a dois aspectos: acesso à informação e comunicação sobre a leitura. A comunicação está sempre no centro da existência para qualquer sociedade, em desenvolvimento ou não. A partir de pesquisas sobre a leitura, o Instituto Pró-livro, uma entidade de caráter privado sem fins lucrativos, cujo objetivo principal é o fomento à leitura e à difusão do livro, utiliza-se de diversas estratégias de comunicação pública. Dentre essas experiências destacamos a Campanha “Mãe, lê pra mim?”, como uma prática de comunicação que busca levar informações aos cidadãos a partir do entendimento de se ouvir “as vozes locais”.
This paper aims an epistemologically analysis of the attempt of James Prescott Joule to replace the steam engine by the electric one. In this historical analysis, we use the epistemological categories: style of thinking, collective thinking, intercollective circulation of ideas and practices,Joule and other technicians in Machester received in that time financial incentives from governments and industry to replace the steam engine by the electric one, since it was in Manchester a culture of the technique of the accuracy and precision in which Joule was immersed, which allowed us to initially identify the styles of techniques thinking and experimental efficiency. However, Joule could not replace the steam engine by the electric; and the awareness of the problems faced by him, in the attempt to make such a substitution, led him to seek, through an intercollective circulation of ideas and practices, such as the studies of Faraday and Jacobi, a change of direction in his researches. According to our analysis, what happened was a change of style from a technical to a scientific thinking. In this sense, Joule began to investigate issues of a scientific nature, as the Joule’s effect and the mechanical equivalent of heat, which contributed significantly to the establishment of the principle of conservation of energy. We present here the contributions of this epistemological analysis to the discussion of questions of the nature of science in the basic education and for the training of physics teachers.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAR
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)