937 resultados para Legacy Code
Alexandre Weill
by Sir George Adam Smith ... ; planned by ... Israel Abrahams and ed. by Edwyn R. Bevan ... With an introduction by the master of Balliol
Abstract Some introduced invasive species may be competitively superior to natives because they release allelochemicals, which negatively affect native species. Allelochemicals can be immediately effective after being released but can also persist in soils, resulting in a legacy effect. However, to our knowledge there are no studies which distinguish between allelopathic legacy and immediate allelopathy of invasive species and also test for their relative importance and possible interdependence. We used eleven invasive species and tested whether they show immediate allelopathy and allelopathic legacy effects in a factorial pairwise competition experiment using field-collected soil (invaded/non-invaded) and activated carbon to neutralize allelochemicals. We grew two native and the invasive species in both monocultures and pairwise mixtures. In monocultures, the native species did not experience an allelopathic legacy effect of the invasives, suggesting that invaders generally lack persistent allelochemicals. However, the effects of invader allelochemicals were modulated by competitive interactions. In competition, immediate allelopathy decreased competitive ability of natives, while allelopathic legacy positively affected the natives. Moreover, immediate allelopathic and allelopathic legacy effects were strongly negatively correlated. Our results suggest that both immediately released allelochemicals and the allelochemical legacy of invasive species are important for plant performance under natural conditions, and that natives should be able to recover once the invaders are removed. To test whether immediate allelopathy is responsible for plant invasion success, further studies should compare allelopathic effects between invasive and closely related native species.
Software dependencies play a vital role in programme comprehension, change impact analysis and other software maintenance activities. Traditionally, these activities are supported by source code analysis; however, the source code is sometimes inaccessible or difficult to analyse, as in hybrid systems composed of source code in multiple languages using various paradigms (e.g. object-oriented programming and relational databases). Moreover, not all stakeholders have adequate knowledge to perform such analyses. For example, non-technical domain experts and consultants raise most maintenance requests; however, they cannot predict the cost and impact of the requested changes without the support of the developers. We propose a novel approach to predicting software dependencies by exploiting the coupling present in domain-level information. Our approach is independent of the software implementation; hence, it can be used to approximate architectural dependencies without access to the source code or the database. As such, it can be applied to hybrid systems with heterogeneous source code or legacy systems with missing source code. In addition, this approach is based solely on information visible and understandable to domain users; therefore, it can be efficiently used by domain experts without the support of software developers. We evaluate our approach with a case study on a large-scale enterprise system, in which we demonstrate how up to 65 of the source code dependencies and 77% of the database dependencies are predicted solely based on domain information.
Detecting bugs as early as possible plays an important role in ensuring software quality before shipping. We argue that mining previous bug fixes can produce good knowledge about why bugs happen and how they are fixed. In this paper, we mine the change history of 717 open source projects to extract bug-fix patterns. We also manually inspect many of the bugs we found to get insights into the contexts and reasons behind those bugs. For instance, we found out that missing null checks and missing initializations are very recurrent and we believe that they can be automatically detected and fixed.
Code clone detection helps connect developers across projects, if we do it on a large scale. The cornerstones that allow clone detection to work on a large scale are: (1) bad hashing (2) lightweight parsing using regular expressions and (3) MapReduce pipelines. Bad hashing means to determine whether or not two artifacts are similar by checking whether their hashes are identical. We show a bad hashing scheme that works well on source code. Lightweight parsing using regular expressions is our technique of obtaining entire parse trees from regular expressions, robustly and efficiently. We detail the algorithm and implementation of one such regular expression engine. MapReduce pipelines are a way of expressing a computation such that it can automatically and simply be parallelized. We detail the design and implementation of one such MapReduce pipeline that is efficient and debuggable. We show a clone detector that combines these cornerstones to detect code clones across all projects, across all versions of each project.
Viktor von Weizsäcker has been a German medical doctor and philosopher, well known throughout Europe, but hardly received in the Anglo-American culture. He focusses on the crucial epistemological question how one can conduct research on living beings. The article’s title represents a key quote of his opus magnum “Der Gestaltkreis”, which works out a theory of the unity of perception and motion. According to Viktor von Weizsäcker, one cannot separate the two, meaning that we locate ourselves in a fundamental union with the living world, which has lasting influence on our capacity of perception. This idea does not seem too different from Ian Barbour’s idea about critical realism, exploring a “consciousness of ourselves as arising out of rapport, interconnection and participation in processes reaching beyond ourselves.” Both authors, Viktor von Weizsäcker and Ian Barbour, still have lasting influence on the dialog between religion and science, each in their respective cultures – a further reason to compare their core ideas, after presenting Viktor von Weizsäcker’s life and thought. Finally, the theological impact of von Weizsäcker’s thought will be assessed. Following his philosophy, it becomes clear that the miracle of creation is the condition of the possibility of any perception.