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Objective: To assess the bioequivalence of three ibuprofen formulations (Test formulation: ibuprofen (400 mg capsule) manufactured by Cardinal Health Brasil 402 Ltda. (Sorocaba, Brazil) and licensed to Boehringer Ingelheim do Brasil Quim. e Farm. Ltda. (Sao Paulo, Brazil); Reference formulation (1): ibuprofen (Advil (R); 2 x 200 mg coated tablet) from Wyeth-Whitehall Ltda. (Itapevi, Brazil); Reference formulation (2): ibuprofen (Alivium (R); 8 ml x 50 mg/ml solution) from Schering Plough S.A. (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)) in 24 healthy volunteers of both sexes. Methods: The study was conducted using an open, randomized, three-period crossover design with at least 5-day washout interval. Plasma samples were obtained over a 24-h period. Plasma ibuprofen concentrations were analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) with negative ion electrospray ionization using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). The following pharmacokinetic parameters were obtained from the ibuprofen plasma concentration vs. time curves: AUC(last), AUC(trunctmax) AUC(inf) and C-max. Results: The limit of quantification for ibuprofen was 0.1 mu g x ml(-1). The geometric mean with corresponding 90% confidence interval (CI) for Test/Reference (1) percent ratios were 114.24% (90% CI = 105.67, 123.50%) for C-max, 98.97% (90% CI = 94.69, 103.44%) for AUC(last) and 99.40% (90% CI = 95.21, 103.78%) for AUCinf. The geometric mean and respective 90% confidence interval (CI) for Test/Reference (2) percent ratios were 108.38% (90% Cl = 100.195, 117.25%) for C-max, 100.79% (90% CI = 96.39, 105.40%) for AUC(last) and 101.26% (90% CI = 96.94, 105.77%) for AUC(inf); t(max) for the 400 mg Test capsule was shorter than that for the 2 x 200 mg Reference (1) tablets (p < 0.002). Conclusion: Since the 90% CI for AUC(last), AUC(inf) and C-max ratios were within the 80 - 125% interval proposed by the US FDA, it was concluded that ibuprofen formulation manufactured by Cardinal Health Brasil 402 Ltda. and licensed to Boehringer Ingelheim do Brasil Quim. e Farm. Ltda. is bioequivalent to the Advil (R) and Alivium (R) formulations with regard to both the rate and the extent of absorption.
In the present work, the thermal behavior of prednicarbate was studied using DSC and TG/DTG. The solid product remaining at the first decomposition step of the drug was isolated by TG, in air and N(2) atmospheres and was characterized using LC-MS/MS, NMR, and IR spectroscopy. It was found that the product at the first thermal decomposition step of prednicarbate corresponds to the elimination of the carbonate group bonding to C(17), and a consequent formation of double bond between C(17) and C(16). Structure elucidation of this degradation product by spectral data has been discussed in detail.
Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus is an important cattle pest in Uruguay, and the law regulates its control. It is resistant to organophosphates, synthetic pyrethroids and, as recently discovered, to fipronil. Resistance to macrocyclic lactones (MLs) and amitraz have not been documented; however, veterinarians and farmers have reported treatment failures. The objective of the present work was to study the susceptibility of cattle tick strains from different Uruguayan counties to ivermectin (IVM) and fipronil by using the Larval Immersion Test (LIT). The Mozo strain was used as the susceptible reference strain. From 2007 to 2009, twenty-eight tick populations were collected from different cattle farms with and without history of IVM or fipronil use. A probit analysis estimated dose-mortality regressions, lethal concentrations (LC), and confidence intervals. The resistance ratio (RR) was determined at the LC(50) and LC(90) estimates. To classify a tick population in relation to resistance, three categories based on a statistical analysis of LC and RR between field populations and Mozo strains were defined: susceptible (no differences), incipient resistance (differences and RR(50) < 2) and resistant (differences and RR(50) >= 2). Eighteen field populations were tested with IVM and five of them presented a RR(50) range between 1.35 and 1.98 and the LC(50/90), which is statistically different from the Mozo strain (incipient resistance). However, the RR(90) increases >= 2 in four of the populations, confirming that tick resistance to IVM is emergent. The low RR values obtained could be a result of a low frequency of treatments with IVM. Twenty-seven tick populations were tested with fipronil and six were diagnosed as resistant according to the LIT. Cross-resistance was not observed between fipronil and IVM on these tick populations. The current study presents different R. (B.) microplus populations with an incipient resistance to IVM, and indicates that the fipronil tick resistance is restricted to certain areas in Uruguay. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The prefrontal cortex executes important functions such as differentiation of conflicting thoughts, correct social behavior and personality expression, and is directly implicated in different neurodegenerative diseases. We performed a shotgun proteome analysis that included IEF fractionation, RP-LC, and MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometric analysis of tryptic digests from a pool of seven human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex protein extracts. In this report, we present a catalog of 387 proteins expressed in these samples, identified by two or more peptides and high confidence search scores. These proteins are involved in different biological processes such as cell growth and/or maintenance, metabolism/energy pathways, cell communication/signal trarisduction, protein metabolism, transport, regulation of nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolism, and immune response. This analysis contributes to the knowledge of the human brain proteome by adding sample diversity and protein expression data from an alternative technical approach. It will also aid comparative studies of different brain areas and medical conditions, with future applications in basic and clinical research.
The hydrolysis reaction mechanism of phosphite antioxidants is investigated by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS). The phosphites were chosen because they differed in chemical structure and phosphorus content. Dopant assisted-atmospheric pressure photoionization (DA-APPI) is chosen as the ion source for (lie ionization of the compounds. [it our previous work, DA-APPI was shown to offer an attractive alternative to atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) since it provided background-ion free mass spectra and higher sensitivity [M. Papanastasiou, et al., Polymer Degradation and Stability 91 (11) (2006) 2675-2682]. In positive ion mode, the molecules are generally detected in their protonated form. In negative ion mode, the phosphites are unstable and only fragment ions are observed: these however, are characteristic of each phosphite and may be used for the identification of the analytes in complex mixtures. The analytes under investigation are exposed to accelerated humid ageing conditions and their hydrolytic pathway and stability is investigated. Different substituents around the phosphorus atom are shown to have a significant effect on the stability of the phosphites, with phenol substituents producing very hydrolytically stable structures. Alkanox P24 and PEP-36 follow a similar hydrolytic pathway via the scission of the first and then the second P-O-phenol bonds, eventually leading to the formation of phenol, Phosphorous acid and pentaerythritol as end products. HP-10 exhibits a rather different Structure and the products detected suggest scission of either the P-O-hydrocarbon or one of the P-O-phenol bonds. A phenomenon similar to that of autocatalysis is observed for all phosphites and is attributed to the formation of dialkyl phosphites as intermediate products. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Chemical investigation of the crude extract of a marine sponge Dysidea robusta led to the isolation of an inseparable mixture of saturated ceramides. These were identified from spectroscopic data as well as by hydrolysis followed by LC-MS analysis of the sphingosine moieties.
This article presents a method employing stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) with in situ derivatization, in combination with either thermal or liquid desorption on-line coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the analysis of fluoxetine in plasma samples. Ethyl chloroformate was employed as derivatizing agent producing symmetrical peaks. Parameters such as solvent polarity, time for analyte desorption, and extraction time, were evaluated. During the validation process, the developed method presented specificity, linearity (R-2 > 0.99), precision (R.S.D. < 15%), and limits of quantification (LOQ) of 30 and 1.37 pg mL(-1), when liquid and thermal desorption were employed, respectively. This simple and highly sensitive method showed to be adequate for the measurement-of fluoxetine in typical and trace concentration levels. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present work demonstrates the successful application of automated biocompatible in-tube solid-phase microextraction coupled with liquid chromatography (in-tube SPME/LC) for determination of interferon alpha(2a) (IFN alpha(2a)) in plasma samples for therapeutic drug monitoring. A restricted access material (RAM, protein-coated silica) was employed for preparation of a lab-made biocompatible in-tube SPME capillary that enables the direct injection of biological fluids as well as the simultaneous exclusion of macromolecules by chemical diffusion barrier and drug pre-concentration. The in-tube SPME variables, such as sample volume, draw/eject volume, number of draw-eject cycles, and desorption mode were optimized, to improve the sensitivity of the proposed method. The IFN alpha(2a) analyses in plasma sample were carried out within 25 min (sample preparation and LC analyses). The response of the proposed method was linear over a dynamic range, from 0.06 to 3.0 MIU mL(-1), with correlation coefficient equal to 0.998. The interday precision of the method presented coefficient of variation lower than 8%. The proposed automated method has adequate analytical sensitivity and selectivity for determination of IFN alpha(2a) in plasma samples for therapeutic drug monitoring. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A column switching LC method is presented for the analysis of fluoxetine (FLU) and norfluoxetine (NFLU) by direct injection of human plasma using a lab-made restricted access media (RAM) column. A RAM-BSA-octadecyl silica (C-18) column (40 min x 4.6 mm, 10 mu m) is evaluated in both backflush and foreflush elution modes and coupled with a C-18 lab-made (50 mm x 4.6 mm, 3 pm) analytical column in order to perform online sample preparation. Direct injection of 100 mu L, of plasma samples is possible with the developed approach. In addition, reduction of sample handling is obtained when compared with traditional liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and SPE. The total analysis time is around 20 min. A LOQ of 15 ng/mL is achieved in a concentration range of 15-500 ng/mL, allowing the therapeutic drug monitoring of clinical samples. The precision values achieved are lower than 15% for all the evaluated points with adequate recovery and accuracy. Furthermore, no matrix interferences are found in the analysis and the proposed method shows to be an adequate alternative for analysis of FLU in plasma.
The iso-alpha-acids or isohumulones are the major contributors to the bitter taste of beer, and it is well-recognized that they are degraded during beer aging. In particular, the trans-isohumulones seem to be less stable than the cis-isohumulones. The major radical identified in beer is the 1-hydroxyethyl radical; however, the reactivity between this radical and the isohumulones has not been reported until now. Therefore, we studied the reactivity of isohumulones toward the 1-hydroxyethyl radical through a competitive kinetic approach. It was observed that both cis- and trans-isohumulones and dihydroisohumulones are decomposed in the presence of 1-hydroxyethyl radicals, while the reactivities are comparable. On the other hand, the tetrahydroisohumulones did not react with 1-hydroxyethyl radicals. The apparent second-order rate constants for the reactions between the 1-hydroxyethyl radical and these compounds were determined by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry [ESI(+)-MS/MS]. It follows that degradation of beer bitter acids is highly influenced by the presence of 1-hydroxyethyl radicals. The reaction products were detected by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization-ion trap-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-IT-MS/MS), and the formation of oxidized derivatives of the isohumulones was confirmed. These data help to understand the mechanism of beer degradation upon aging.
Folate is shown to react with singlet-excited state of riboflavin in a diffusion controlled reaction and with triplet-excited state of riboflavin in a somewhat slower reaction with (3)k(q) = 4.8 x 10(8) L mol(-1) s(-1) in aqueous phosphate buffer at pH 7.4, ionic strength of 0.2 mol L(-1), and 25 degrees C. Singlet quenching is assigned as photo-induced reductive electron transfer from ground state folate to singlet-excited riboflavin, while triplet quenching is assigned as one-electron transfer rather than hydrogen atom transfer from folate to triplet-excited riboflavin, as the reaction quantum yield, phi = 0.32, is hardly influenced by solvent change from water to deuterium oxide, phi = 0.37. Cyclic voltammetry showed an irreversible two-electron anodic process for folate, E = 1.14 V versus NHE at a scan-rate of 50 mV s(-1), which appears to be kinetically controlled by the heterogeneous electron transfer from the substrates to the electrode. Main products of folate photooxidation sensitized by riboflavin were pterin-6-carboxylic acid and p-aminobenzoyl-L-glutamic acid as shown by liquid chromatographic ion-trap mass spectrometry (LC-IT-MS).
Little is known about relationships between quality of care (QoC) and use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) among patients with lung cancer (LC). Purpose: This study examines CAM-use among patients with LC in Sweden, associations between QoC and CAM-use among these patients, and reported aspects of LC-care perceived as particularly positive and negative by patients, as well as suggestions for improving QoC. Methods: Survey data from 94 patient members of the Swedish LC patient organization about CAM-use and QoC as measured by the instrument “Quality from the patient’s perspective” were analyzed. Results: Fifty (53%) LC-patients used CAM, with 40 of the CAM-users reporting that CAM helped them. The most common CAMs used were dietary supplements and natural remedies, followed by prayer. Significantly more patients reported using prayer and meditation for cure than was the case for other types of CAM used. Less than half the CAM-users reported having spoken with staff from the biomedical health care system about their CAM-use. Patients provided numerous suggestions for improving LC-care in a variety of areas, aiming at a more effective and cohesive care trajectory. No differences in QoC were found between CAM-users and non-CAM-users, but differences in CAM-use i.e. type of CAM, reasons for using CAM, and CAM-provider consulted could be associated with different experiences of care. Conclusions: It is important to recognize that CAM-users are not a homogeneous group but might seek different types of CAMs and CAM-providers in different situations depending on experiences of care.