963 resultados para Lax connection


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Trypanosoma cruzi is a protozoan infection widely spread in Latin America, from Mexico in the north to Argentina and Chile in the south. The second most important way of acquiring the infection is by blood transfusion. Even if most countries of Latin America have law/decree/norms, that make mandatory the screening of blood donors for infectious diseases, including T. cruzi (El Salvador and Nicaragua do not have laws on the subject), there is usually no enforcement or it is very lax. Analysis of published serologic surveys of T. cruzi antibodies in blood donors done in 1993, indicating the number of donors and screening coverage for T. cruzi in ten countries of Central and South America indicated that the probability of receiving a potentially infected transfusion unit in each country varied from 1,096 per 10,000 transfusions in Bolivia, the highest, to 13.02 or 13.86 per 10,000 transfusions in Honduras and Venezuela respectively, where screening coverage was 100%. On the other hand the probability of transmitting a T. cruzi infected unit was 219/10,000 in Bolivia, 24/10,000 in Colombia, 17/10,000 in El Salvador, and around 2-12/10,000 for the seven other countries. Infectivity risks defined as the likelihood of being infected when receiving an infected transfusion unit were assumed to be 20% for T. cruzi. Based on this, estimates of the absolute number of infections induced by transfusion indicated that they were 832, 236, and 875 in Bolivia, Chile and Colombia respectively. In all the other countries varied from seven in Honduras to 85 in El Salvador. Since 1993, the situation has improved. At that time only Honduras and Venezuela screened 100% of donors, while seven countries, Argentina, Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela, did the same in 1996. In Central America, without information from Guatemala, the screening of donors for T. cruzi prevented the transfusion of 1,481 infected units and the potential infection of 300 individuals in 1996. In the same year, in seven countries of South America, the screening prevented the transfusion of 36,017 infected units and 7, 201 potential cases of transfusional infection.


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Recent years have seen widespread experimentation with market-based instruments (MBIs) for the provision of environmental goods and ecosystem services. However, little attention has been paid to their design or to the effects of the underlying pro-market narrative on environmental policy instruments. The purpose of this article is to analyze the emergence and dissemination of the term "market-based instruments" applied to the provision of environmental services and to assess to what extent the instruments associated are genuinely innovative. The recommendation to develop markets can lead in practice to a variety of institutional forms, as we show it based on the example of payments for environmental services (PES) and biodiversity offsets, two very different mechanisms that are both presented in the literature as MBIs. Our purpose is to highlight the gap between discourse and practice in connection with MBIs.


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This paper explores the factors that determine firm’s R&D cooperation with different partners, paying special attention on the role of tertiary education (degree and PhDs level) in facilitating the connection between the firms and the to scientific bodies (technology centres, public research centres and universities). Here, we attempt to answer two questions. First, are innovative firms that carry out internal and external R&D activities more likely to cooperate on R&D projects with other partners? Second, do Spanish innovative firms with a high participation of researchers with degrees or PhDs tend to cooperate more with scientific partners? To answer both questions we apply a three-dimensional approach on a firm level Panel Data with a sample of 4.998 manufacturing and services Spanish firms. First, we run a complementary test between external R&D acquisition and skilled research workers and find that firms which carry out external R&D activities obtain a greater return on R&D cooperation when they have skilled workers in R&D, especially in high-tech manufactures and KIS services. Second, we carry out a 2-step tobit model to estimate, in the first stage, the determinants that explain whether Spanish innovative firms cooperate or not; and in the second stage the factors that affect the choice of partners. And third, we apply an ordered probit model to test the marginal effects of explanatory variables on the different partners. Here we contrast some of the most interesting empirical hypotheses of previous studies, and which emphasize the role of employees with degrees and PhDs in facilitating cooperative R&D between firms and scientific partners. JEL classification: O31, O33, O38. Key words: Determinants R&D cooperation, industry-university flows, PhD research workers.


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Similar to animal hormones, classic plant hormones are small organic molecules that regulate physiological and developmental processes. In development, this often involves the regulation of growth through the control of cell size or division. The plant hormones auxin and brassinosteroid modulate both cell expansion and proliferation and are known for their overlapping activities in physiological assays. Recent molecular genetic analyses in the model plant Arabidopsis suggest that this reflects interdependent and often synergistic action of the two hormone pathways. Such pathway interactions probably occur through the combinatorial regulation of common target genes by auxin- and brassinosteroid-controlled transcription factors. Moreover, auxin and brassinosteroid signaling and biosynthesis and auxin transport might be linked by an emerging upstream connection involving calcium-calmodulin and phosphoinositide signaling.


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La hipòtesi vol contestar la pregunta següent: pot la ciència-ficció ajudar a construir un nexe d'unió afavorint una lectura ètica de la ciència i la tecnologia? Esbrinant els motius dels distanciament entre ciències i Humanidades, veient en particular com és tractada l'ètica en la literatura de ciència-ficció i cercant punts de connexió entre ambdós mons.


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In this paper, glandular areas associated with the phallus in Triatoma rubrofasciata are described and illustrated for the first time. The glandular areas lie in the membrane surrounding the articulatory apparatus. In order to unambiguously define the locality of the respective glandular areas, some features of the pygophore-phallus connection are redescribed. A possible functional context of the gland secretions is discussed. A preliminary study of several other Reduviidae implies that the described glandular areas occur in a wider range of taxa in this group.


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Chromosomes of eukaryotic organisms are composed of chromatin loops. Using Monte Carlo simulations we investigate how the topological exclusion between loops belonging to different chromosomes affects chromosome behaviour. We show that in a confined space the topological exclusion limiting catenation between loops belonging to different chromosomes entropically drives the formation of chromosomal territories. The same topological exclusion in a connection with interchromosomal binding via transcription factories explains why actively transcribed genes are found preferentially at the peripheries of their chromosomal territories. This paper is based in part on the results presented in J. Dorier and A. Stasiak, Nucl. Acids Res. 37 (2009), 6316 and 38 (2010), 7410.


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L'objectiu primari del projecte recau en la capacitat de connectar dos nodes amb connexió a xarxa, tant si és una simple LAN com si es tracta d'Internet, i fer possible d'establir-hi una comunicació bidireccional emprant el concepte de missatgeria instantània. L'objectiu secundari consisteix a estudiar el motor de comunicació distribuïda que ofereix LaCOLLA, i també la connexió de l'aplicació desenvolupada amb aquesta solució a fi d'emprar-la com a suport de comunicació.


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This thesis seeks to provide an understanding of contemporary Irish social drinking patterns by conducting a detailed analysis of the evolving sociological theories of alcohol consumption in Ireland. ‘Alcohol is a social drug which, to this day, evokes the divisive moral qualities that originated, or at least were solidified, in the last century with the birth of temperance movements’ (Cassidy, 1997:175). The temperance movement in Ireland under Father Mathew, a legacy which still reverberates in Irish society, served to further ingrain the ‘image of the whisky drinking Irishman’ (Ibid: 17). This is seen in such work as Stivers (1976) who uses sociological labelling theory to provide verification of a deviant Irish status, biologically, socially and culturally predisposed to alcohol. The author argues that these temperance movements sought to remove the linkages of alcohol and “Irishness” but this quasi-stigmatisation process created a “self-fulfilling prophecy”, which further abetted the legitimisation of alcohol within cultural spheres. The tourism industry, in connection with drink manufacturers, has had a monumental role in alcohol’s contemporary position within the upper echelons of Irish culture and heritage. Their hand in the commodification of “Stage Irishy”, seen as “craic”, has further entrenched the links between consumption of alcohol and the consumption of Irish Identity “McGovern, 2002). Furthermore, commercial interests are keen to cash in and maintain the dominance of alcohol in Irish society. This thesis concludes that this factor, in connection with the accelerated modernisation that Ireland has experienced since the mid-nineties, has malleable consequences for Irish society. As Keohane and Kuhling (2007) assert, post-modern consumption patterns of excess and ‘insatiability’ have been introduced into contemporary Irish drinking patterns and are affecting the nature of alcohol consumption in Ireland.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Linking the structural connectivity of brain circuits to their cooperative dynamics and emergent functions is a central aim of neuroscience research. Graph theory has recently been applied to study the structure-function relationship of networks, where dynamical similarity of different nodes has been turned into a "static" functional connection. However, the capability of the brain to adapt, learn and process external stimuli requires a constant dynamical functional rewiring between circuitries and cell assemblies. Hence, we must capture the changes of network functional connectivity over time. Multi-electrode array data present a unique challenge within this framework. We study the dynamics of gamma oscillations in acute slices of the somatosensory cortex from juvenile mice recorded by planar multi-electrode arrays. Bursts of gamma oscillatory activity lasting a few hundred milliseconds could be initiated only by brief trains of electrical stimulations applied at the deepest cortical layers and simultaneously delivered at multiple locations. Local field potentials were used to study the spatio-temporal properties and the instantaneous synchronization profile of the gamma oscillatory activity, combined with current source density (CSD) analysis. Pair-wise differences in the oscillation phase were used to determine the presence of instantaneous synchronization between the different sites of the circuitry during the oscillatory period. Despite variation in the duration of the oscillatory response over successive trials, they showed a constant average power, suggesting that the rate of expenditure of energy during the gamma bursts is consistent across repeated stimulations. Within each gamma burst, the functional connectivity map reflected the columnar organization of the neocortex. Over successive trials, an apparently random rearrangement of the functional connectivity was observed, with a more stable columnar than horizontal organization. This work reveals new features of evoked gamma oscillations in developing cortex.


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Eustatic sea level changes during Pleistocene climatic fluctuations produced several cycles of connection-isolation among continental islands of the Sunda shelf. To explore the potential effects of these fluctuations, we reconstructed a model of the vicariant events that separated these islands, based on bathymetric information. Among many possible scenarios, two opposite phylogenetic patterns of evolution were predicted for terrestrial organisms living in this region: one is based on the classical allopatric speciation mode of evolution, while the other is the outcome of a sequential dispersal colonization of the archipelago. We tested the applicability of these predictions with an analysis of sequence variation of the cytochrome b gene from several taxa of Hylomys. They were sampled throughout SE-Asia and the Sunda islands. High levels of haplotype differentiation characterize the different island taxa. Such levels of differentiation support the existence of several allopatric species, as was suggested by previous allozyme and morphological data. Also in accordance with previous results, the occurrence of two sympatric species from Sumatra is suggested by their strongly divergent haplotypes. One species, Hylomys suillus maxi, is found both on Sumatra and in Peninsular Malaysia, while the other, H. parvus, is endemic to Sumatra. Its closest relative is H. suillus dorsalis from Borneo. Phylogenetic reconstructions also demonstrate the existence of a Sundaic clade composed of all island taxa, as opposed to those from the continent. Although there is no statistical support for either proposed biogeographic model of evolution, we argue that the sequential dispersal scenario is more appropriate to describe the genetic variation found among the Hylomys taxa. However, despite strong differentiation among island haplotypes, the cladistic relationships between some island taxa could not be resolved. We argue that this is evidence of a rapid radiation, suggesting that the separation of the islands may have been perceived as a simultaneous event rather than as a succession of vicariant events. Furthermore, the estimates of divergence times between the haplotypes of these taxa suggest that this radiation may actually have predated the climatic fluctuations of the Pleistocene. Further refinement of the initial palaeogeographic models of evolution are therefore needed to account for these results.


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Introduction : DTI has proven to be an exquisite biomarker of tissue microstructure integrity. This technique has been successfully applied to schizophrenia in showing that fractional anisotropy (FA, a marker of white matter integrity) is diminished in several areas of the brain (Kyriakopoulos M et al (2008)). New ways of representing diffusion data emerged recently and achieved to create structural connectivity maps in healthy brains (Hagmann P et al. (2008)). These maps have the capacity to study alterations over the entire brain at the connection and network level. This is of high interest in complex disconnection diseases like schizophrenia. We report on the specific network alterations of schizophrenic patients. Methods : 13 patients with chronic schizophrenia were recruited from in-patient, day treatment, out-patient clinics. Comparison subjects were recruited and group-matched to patients on age, sex, handedness, and parental social economic-status. This study was approved by the local IRB and subjects had to give informed written consent. They were scanned with a 3T clinical MRI scanner. DTI and high-resolution anatomical T1w imaging were performed during the same session. The path from diffusion MRI to a multi-resolution structural connection matrices of the entire brain is a five steps process that was performed in a similar way as described in Hagmann P et al. (2008). (1) DTI and T1w MRI of the brain, (2) segmentation of white and gray matter, (3) white matter tractography, (4) segmentation of the cortex into 242 ROIs of equal surface area covering the entire cortex (Fig 1), (5) the connection network was constructed by measuring for each ROI to ROI connection the related average FA along the corresponding tract. Results : For every connection between 2 ROIs of the network we tested the hypothesis H0: "average FA along fiber pathway is larger or equal in patients than in controls". H0 was rejected for connections where average FA in a connection was significantly lower in patients than in controls. Threshold p-value was 0.01 corrected for multiple comparisons with false discovery rate. We identified consistently that temporal, occipito-temporal, precuneo-temporal as well as frontal inferior and precuneo-cingulate connections were altered (Fig 2: significant connections in yellow). This is in agreement with the known literature, which showed across several studies that FA is diminished in several areas of the brain. More precisely, abnormalities were reported in the prefrontal and temporal white matter and to some extent also in the parietal and occipital regions. The alterations reported in the literature specifically included the corpus callosum, the arcuate fasciculus and the cingulum bundle, which was the case here as well. In addition small world indexes are significantly reduced in patients (p<0.01) (Fig. 3). Conclusions : Using connectome mapping to characterize differences in structural connectivity between healthy and diseased subjects we were able to show widespread connectional alterations in schizophrenia patients and systematic small worldness decrease, which is a marker of network desorganization. More generally, we described a method that has the capacity to sensitively identify structure alterations in complex disconnection syndromes where lesions are widespread throughout the connectional network.


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L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és estudiar i implementar una solució segura de connectivitat sense fil a la infraestructura actual aprofitant al màxim tots els sistemes ja implementats, de manera que no pateixin greus canvis estructurals.


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Synchronization behavior of electroencephalographic (EEG) signals is important for decoding information processing in the human brain. Modern multichannel EEG allows a transition from traditional measurements of synchronization in pairs of EEG signals to whole-brain synchronization maps. The latter can be based on bivariate measures (BM) via averaging over pair-wise values or, alternatively, on multivariate measures (MM), which directly ascribe a single value to the synchronization in a group. In order to compare BM versus MM, we applied nine different estimators to simulated multivariate time series with known parameters and to real EEGs.We found widespread correlations between BM and MM, which were almost frequency-independent for all the measures except coherence. The analysis of the behavior of synchronization measures in simulated settings with variable coupling strength, connection probability, and parameter mismatch showed that some of them, including S-estimator, S-Renyi, omega, and coherence, aremore sensitive to linear interdependences,while others, like mutual information and phase locking value, are more responsive to nonlinear effects. Onemust consider these properties together with the fact thatMM are computationally less expensive and, therefore, more efficient for the large-scale data sets than BM while choosing a synchronization measure for EEG analysis.


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Aquest projecte es base en una aplicació de prevenda per terminals amb Sistema Operatiu Windows CE 4.3 i plataforma Pocket PC 2003. L'aplicació permetrà al terminal conectar-se amb un ordenador central (PC) per tal de descarregar la informació dels clients, artícles, rutes, etc. Una vegada s'hagi rebut la informació, el comercial podrà anar visitant els diferents clients seguint una ruta i introduint les comandes. En qualsevol moment del dia el comercial podrà enviar les comandes a la central mitjançant una conecció remota o bé mitjançant una comunicació directa.