958 resultados para Laser remote sensing


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A novel approach for simultaneous measurement of chirp (any parameter that can induce strain gradient on FBG) and temperature using a single FBG is proposed. Change in reflectivity at central wavelength of FBG reflection & Bragg wavelength shifts induced due to temperature were used for chirp & temperature measurements respectively. Theoretical resolution limit for chirp and temperature using an Optical Spectrum Analyzer (OSA) with 1pm wavelength resolution and >58dB dynamic range are 12.8fm and 1/13 degrees C respectively.


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Land cover (LC) changes play a major role in global as well as at regional scale patterns of the climate and biogeochemistry of the Earth system. LC information presents critical insights in understanding of Earth surface phenomena, particularly useful when obtained synoptically from remote sensing data. However, for developing countries and those with large geographical extent, regular LC mapping is prohibitive with data from commercial sensors (high cost factor) of limited spatial coverage (low temporal resolution and band swath). In this context, free MODIS data with good spectro-temporal resolution meet the purpose. LC mapping from these data has continuously evolved with advances in classification algorithms. This paper presents a comparative study of two robust data mining techniques, the multilayer perceptron (MLP) and decision tree (DT) on different products of MODIS data corresponding to Kolar district, Karnataka, India. The MODIS classified images when compared at three different spatial scales (at district level, taluk level and pixel level) shows that MLP based classification on minimum noise fraction components on MODIS 36 bands provide the most accurate LC mapping with 86% accuracy, while DT on MODIS 36 bands principal components leads to less accurate classification (69%).


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We report here the role of remote sensing (RS) and geographical information system (GIS) in the identification of geomorphic records and understanding of the local controls on the retreat of glaciers of the Baspa Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India. The geomorphic records mapped are accumulation zone, exposed ablation zone, moraine-covered ablation zone, snout, deglaciated valley, lateral moraine, medial moraine, terminal moraine and hanging glacier. Details of these features and stages of deglaciation have been extracted from RS data and mapped in a GIS environment. Glacial geomorphic data have been generated for 22 glaciers of the Baspa Valley. The retreat of glaciers has been estimated using the glacial maxima observed on satellite images. On the basis of percentage of retreat and the critical analysis of glacial geomorphic data for 22 glaciers of the Baspa Valley, they are classified into seven categories of very low to very very high retreat. From the analysis of the above 22 glaciers, it has been found that other than global warming, the retreat of glaciers of the Baspa Valley is inversely proportional to the size of the accumulation zone and the ratio of the moraine covered ablation/exposed ablation zone.


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Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a powerful tool for mapping and remote sensing. The theory and operation of SAR have seen a period of intense activity in recent years. This paper attempts to review some of the more advanced topics studied in connection with modern SAR systems based on digital processing. Following a brief review of the principles involved in the operation of SAR, attention is focussed on special topics such as advanced SAR modelling and focussing techniques, in particular clutterlock and autofocus, Doppler centroid (DC) estimation methods involving seismic migration technique, moving target imaging, bistatic radar imaging, effects of system nonlinearities, etc.


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Mineral dust constitutes the single largest contributor of natural aerosols over continents. The first step towards separating natural aerosol radiative impact from its anthropogenic counterparts over continents is to gather information on dust aerosols. The infrared (IR) radiance (10.5-12.5 mu m) acquired from the Kalpana-I satellite (similar to 8-km resolution) was used to retrieve regional characteristics of dust aerosols over the Afro-Asian region during the winter of 2004, coinciding with a national aerosol campaign. Here, we used aerosol-induced IR radiance depression as an index of dust load. The regional distribution of dust over various arid and semi-arid regions of India and adjacent continents has been estimated, and these data in conjunction with regional maps of column aerosol optical depth (AOD) are used to infer anthropogenic aerosol fraction. Surprisingly, even over desert locations in India and Saudi Arabia, the anthropogenic fraction was relatively high (similar to 0.3 to 0.4) and the regionally averaged anthropogenic fraction over India was 0.62 +/- 0.06.


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Coronal holes are the coolest and darkest regions of the upper solar atmosphere, as observed both on the solar disk and above the solar limb. Coronal holes are associated with rapidly expanding open magnetic fields and the acceleration of the high-speed solar wind. During the years of the solar minima, coronal holes are generally confined to the Sun's polar regions, while at solar maxima they can also be found at lower latitudes. Waves, observed via remote sensing and detected in-situ in the wind streams, are most likely responsible for the wind and several theoretical models describe the role of MHD waves in the acceleration of the fast solar wind. This paper reviews the observational evidences of detection of propagating waves in these regions. The characteristics of the waves, like periodicities, amplitude, speed provide input parameters and also act as constraints on theoretical models of coronal heating and solar wind acceleration.


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Image fusion techniques are useful to integrate the geometric detail of a high-resolution panchromatic (PAN) image and the spectral information of a low-resolution multispectral (MSS) image, particularly important for understanding land use dynamics at larger scale (1:25000 or lower), which is required by the decision makers to adopt holistic approaches for regional planning. Fused images can extract features from source images and provide more information than one scene of MSS image. High spectral resolution aids in identification of objects more distinctly while high spatial resolution allows locating the objects more clearly. The geoinformatics technologies with an ability to provide high-spatial-spectral-resolution data helps in inventorying, mapping, monitoring and sustainable management of natural resources. Fusion module in GRDSS, taking into consideration the limitations in spatial resolution of MSS data and spectral resolution of PAN data, provide high-spatial-spectral-resolution remote sensing images required for land use mapping on regional scale. GRDSS is a freeware GIS Graphic User Interface (GUI) developed in Tcl/Tk is based on command line arguments of GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) with the functionalities for raster analysis, vector analysis, site analysis, image processing, modeling and graphics visualization. It has the capabilities to capture, store, process, analyse, prioritize and display spatial and temporal data.


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Fully structured and matured open source spatial and temporal analysis technology seems to be the official carrier of the future for planning of the natural resources especially in the developing nations. This technology has gained enormous momentum because of technical superiority, affordability and ability to join expertise from all sections of the society. Sustainable development of a region depends on the integrated planning approaches adopted in decision making which requires timely and accurate spatial data. With the increased developmental programmes, the need for appropriate decision support system has increased in order to analyse and visualise the decisions associated with spatial and temporal aspects of natural resources. In this regard Geographic Information System (GIS) along with remote sensing data support the applications that involve spatial and temporal analysis on digital thematic maps and the remotely sensed images. Open source GIS would help in wide scale applications involving decisions at various hierarchical levels (for example from village panchayat to planning commission) on economic viability, social acceptance apart from technical feasibility. GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System, http://wgbis.ces.iisc.ernet.in/grass) is an open source GIS that works on Linux platform (freeware), but most of the applications are in command line argument, necessitating a user friendly and cost effective graphical user interface (GUI). Keeping these aspects in mind, Geographic Resources Decision Support System (GRDSS) has been developed with functionality such as raster, topological vector, image processing, statistical analysis, geographical analysis, graphics production, etc. This operates through a GUI developed in Tcltk (Tool command language / Tool kit) under Linux as well as with a shell in X-Windows. GRDSS include options such as Import /Export of different data formats, Display, Digital Image processing, Map editing, Raster Analysis, Vector Analysis, Point Analysis, Spatial Query, which are required for regional planning such as watershed Analysis, Landscape Analysis etc. This is customised to Indian context with an option to extract individual band from the IRS (Indian Remote Sensing Satellites) data, which is in BIL (Band Interleaved by Lines) format. The integration of PostgreSQL (a freeware) in GRDSS aids as an efficient database management system.


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Wetlands are the most productive and biologically diverse but very fragile ecosystems. They are vulnerable to even small changes in their biotic and abiotic factors. In recent years, there has been concern over the continuous degradation of wetlands due to unplanned developmental activities. This necessitates inventorying, mapping, and monitoring of wetlands to implement sustainable management approaches. The principal objective of this work is to evolve a strategy to identify and monitor wetlands using temporal remote sensing (RS) data. Pattern classifiers were used to extract wetlands automatically from NIR bands of MODIS, Landsat MSS and Landsat TM remote sensing data. MODIS provided data for 2002 to 2007, while for 1973 and 1992 IR Bands of Landsat MSS and TM (79m and 30m spatial resolution) data were used. Principal components of IR bands of MODIS (250 m) were fused with IRS LISS-3 NIR (23.5 m). To extract wetlands, statistical unsupervised learning of IR bands for the respective temporal data was performed using Bayesian approach based on prior probability, mean and covariance. Temporal analysis of wetlands indicates a sharp decline of 58% in Greater Bangalore attributing to intense urbanization processes, evident from a 466% increase in built-up area from 1973 to 2007.


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Renewable energy resources are those having a cycling time less than 100 years and are renewed by the nature and their supply exceeds the rate of consumption. Renewable energy systems use resources that are constantly replaced in nature and are usually less polluting. In order to tap the potential of renewable energy sources, there is a need to assess the availability of resources spatially as well as temporally. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) along with Remote Sensing (RS) helps in mapping on spatial and temporal scales of the resources and demand. The spatial database of resource availability and the demand would help in the regional energy planning. This paper discusses the application of geographical information system (GIS) to map the solar potential in Karnataka state, India. Regions suitable for tapping solar energy are mapped on the basis of global solar radiation data, and this analysis provides a picture of the potential. The study identifies that Coastal parts of Karnataka with the higher global solar radiation is ideally suited for harvesting solar energy. The potential analysis reveals that, maximum global solar radiation is in districts such as Uttara Kannada and Dakshina Kannada. Global solar radiation in Uttara Kannada during summer, monsoon and winter are 6.31, 4.40 and 5.48 kWh/sq.m, respectively. Similarly, Dakshina Kannada has 6.16, 3.89 and 5.21 kWh/sq.m during summer, monsoon and winter.


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Urbanisation is the increase in the population of cities in proportion to the region's rural population. Urbanisation in India is very rapid with urban population growing at around 2.3 percent per annum. Urban sprawl refers to the dispersed development along highways or surrounding the city and in rural countryside with implications such as loss of agricultural land, open space and ecologically sensitive habitats. Sprawl is thus a pattern and pace of land use in which the rate of land consumed for urban purposes exceeds the rate of population growth resulting in an inefficient and consumptive use of land and its associated resources. This unprecedented urbanisation trend due to burgeoning population has posed serious challenges to the decision makers in the city planning and management process involving plethora of issues like infrastructure development, traffic congestion, and basic amenities (electricity, water, and sanitation), etc. In this context, to aid the decision makers in following the holistic approaches in the city and urban planning, the pattern, analysis, visualization of urban growth and its impact on natural resources has gained importance. This communication, analyses the urbanisation pattern and trends using temporal remote sensing data based on supervised learning using maximum likelihood estimation of multivariate normal density parameters and Bayesian classification approach. The technique is implemented for Greater Bangalore – one of the fastest growing city in the World, with Landsat data of 1973, 1992 and 2000, IRS LISS-3 data of 1999, 2006 and MODIS data of 2002 and 2007. The study shows that there has been a growth of 466% in urban areas of Greater Bangalore across 35 years (1973 to 2007). The study unravels the pattern of growth in Greater Bangalore and its implication on local climate and also on the natural resources, necessitating appropriate strategies for the sustainable management.


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Rapid urbanisation in India has posed serious challenges to the decision makers in regional planning involving plethora of issues including provision of basic amenities (like electricity, water, sanitation, transport, etc.). Urban planning entails an understanding of landscape and urban dynamics with causal factors. Identifying, delineating and mapping landscapes on temporal scale provide an opportunity to monitor the changes, which is important for natural resource management and sustainable planning activities. Multi-source, multi-sensor, multi-temporal, multi-frequency or multi-polarization remote sensing data with efficient classification algorithms and pattern recognition techniques aid in capturing these dynamics. This paper analyses the landscape dynamics of Greater Bangalore by: (i) characterisation of direct impervious surface, (ii) computation of forest fragmentation indices and (iii) modeling to quantify and categorise urban changes. Linear unmixing is used for solving the mixed pixel problem of coarse resolution super spectral MODIS data for impervious surface characterisation. Fragmentation indices were used to classify forests – interior, perforated, edge, transitional, patch and undetermined. Based on this, urban growth model was developed to determine the type of urban growth – Infill, Expansion and Outlying growth. This helped in visualising urban growth poles and consequence of earlier policy decisions that can help in evolving strategies for effective land use policies.


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This paper investigates a new Glowworm Swarm Optimization (GSO) clustering algorithm for hierarchical splitting and merging of automatic multi-spectral satellite image classification (land cover mapping problem). Amongst the multiple benefits and uses of remote sensing, one of the most important has been its use in solving the problem of land cover mapping. Image classification forms the core of the solution to the land cover mapping problem. No single classifier can prove to classify all the basic land cover classes of an urban region in a satisfactory manner. In unsupervised classification methods, the automatic generation of clusters to classify a huge database is not exploited to their full potential. The proposed methodology searches for the best possible number of clusters and its center using Glowworm Swarm Optimization (GSO). Using these clusters, we classify by merging based on parametric method (k-means technique). The performance of the proposed unsupervised classification technique is evaluated for Landsat 7 thematic mapper image. Results are evaluated in terms of the classification efficiency - individual, average and overall.


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The widely used Bayesian classifier is based on the assumption of equal prior probabilities for all the classes. However, inclusion of equal prior probabilities may not guarantee high classification accuracy for the individual classes. Here, we propose a novel technique-Hybrid Bayesian Classifier (HBC)-where the class prior probabilities are determined by unmixing a supplemental low spatial-high spectral resolution multispectral (MS) data that are assigned to every pixel in a high spatial-low spectral resolution MS data in Bayesian classification. This is demonstrated with two separate experiments-first, class abundances are estimated per pixel by unmixing Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer data to be used as prior probabilities, while posterior probabilities are determined from the training data obtained from ground. These have been used for classifying the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite LISS-III MS data through Bayesian classifier. In the second experiment, abundances obtained by unmixing Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus are used as priors, and posterior probabilities are determined from the ground data to classify IKONOS MS images through Bayesian classifier. The results indicated that HBC systematically exploited the information from two image sources, improving the overall accuracy of LISS-III MS classification by 6% and IKONOS MS classification by 9%. Inclusion of prior probabilities increased the average producer's and user's accuracies by 5.5% and 6.5% in case of LISS-III MS with six classes and 12.5% and 5.4% in IKONOS MS for five classes considered.