981 resultados para Laser additive technology
Depuis plus de 10 ans les modèles numériques d'altitude (MNA) produits par technologie de « light detection and ranging » (« LIDAR ») ont fourni de nouveaux outils très utiles pour des études géomorphologiques, particulièrement dans le cas des glissements de terrain. Le balayage laser terrestre (« TLS ») permet une utilisation très souple. Le TLS peut être employé pour la surveillance ou dans des situations d'urgence qui nécessitent une acquisition rapide d'un MNA afin d'évaluer l'aléa. Au travers de trois exemples, nous démontrons l'utilité du TLS pour la quantification de volumes de glissements de terrain, la création de profils et l'analyse de séries temporelles. Ces études de cas sont des glissements de terrain situés dans les argiles sensibles de l'est du Canada (Québec, Canada) ou de petits glissements rotationnels dans les berges d'une rivière (Suisse).
There are two main ways in which the knowledge created in universities has been transferred to firms: licensing agreements and the creation of spin-offs. In this paper, we describe the main steps in the transfer of university innovations, the main incentive issues that appear in this process, and the contractual solutions proposed to address them.
L’objectiu del projecte consisteix en l’estudi, simulació i implantació d’un conjunt d’aplicacions que permeten tenir un control sobre possibles problemes que puguin succeir a la nostra xarxa. Aquest projecte és la solució als problemes de detecció d’errors en el funcionament de les infraestructures de networking de les que disposen els nostres clients.
BACKGROUND: Pathogen reduction of platelets (PRT-PLTs) using riboflavin and ultraviolet light treatment has undergone Phase 1 and 2 studies examining efficacy and safety. This randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT) assessed the efficacy and safety of PRT-PLTs using the 1-hour corrected count increment (CCI(1hour) ) as the primary outcome. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A noninferiority RCT was performed where patients with chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia (six centers) were randomly allocated to receive PRT-PLTs (Mirasol PRT, CaridianBCT Biotechnologies) or reference platelet (PLT) products. The treatment period was 28 days followed by a 28-day follow-up (safety) period. The primary outcome was the CCI(1hour) determined using up to the first eight on-protocol PLT transfusions given during the treatment period. RESULTS: A total of 118 patients were randomly assigned (60 to PRT-PLTs; 58 to reference). Four patients per group did not require PLT transfusions leaving 110 patients in the analysis (56 PRT-PLTs; 54 reference). A total of 541 on-protocol PLT transfusions were given (303 PRT-PLTs; 238 reference). The least square mean CCI was 11,725 (standard error [SE], 1.140) for PRT-PLTs and 16,939 (SE, 1.149) for the reference group (difference, -5214; 95% confidence interval, -7542 to -2887; p<0.0001 for a test of the null hypothesis of no difference between the two groups). CONCLUSION: The study failed to show noninferiority of PRT-PLTs based on predefined CCI criteria. PLT and red blood cell utilization in the two groups was not significantly different suggesting that the slightly lower CCIs (PRT-PLTs) did not increase blood product utilization. Safety data showed similar findings in the two groups. Further studies are required to determine if the lower CCI observed with PRT-PLTs translates into an increased risk of bleeding.
En els últims anys printed electronics està aixecant un gran interès entre la indústria electrònica. Aquest tipus de procés consisteix en imprimir circuits amb tècniques d'impressió convencionals utilitzant tintes conductores, resistives, dielèctriques o semiconductores sobre substrats flexibles de baix cost com paper o plàstic. Fer servir aquestes tècniques s'espera que suposi una reducció dels costos de producció degut a que és un procés totalment additiu el que fa que sigui més senzill i es redueixi la quantitat de material emprat. El disseny de dispositius bàsics com resistències, condensadors i bobines per posteriorment veure la relació entre simulacions i valors obtinguts ha ocupat la primera part del projecte. La segona s’ha centrat en fer prototips d’antenes per a RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) amb la tecnologia que es disposa a CEPHIS (Centre de Prototips i Solucions Hardwre-Software). Tot això ha servit per caracteritzar la tecnologia de la que es disposa i saber en quins apartats s’ha de seguir treballant per aconseguir millors prestacions.
The epidemiological methods have become useful tools for the assessment of the effectiveness and safety of health care technologies. The experimental methods, namely the randomized controlled trials (RCT), give the best evidence of the effect of a technology. However, the ethical issues and the very nature of the intervention under study sometimes make it difficult to carry out an RCT. Therefore, quasi-experimental and non-experimental study designs are also applied. The critical issues concerning these designs are discussed. The results of evaluative studies are of importance for decision-makers in health policy. The measurements of the impact of a medical technology should go beyond a statement of its effectiveness, because the essential outcome of an intervention or programme is the health status and quality of life of the individuals and populations concerned.
The present project has performed the study and development of a new technique for the detection of gases with range resolution. This technique called FMCW-lidar is a technique that evolves from the FMCW-radar technique to be applied to lidar systems. Moreover, it takes advantage of the appearance of spectral absorption lines because of the interaction between light and gases to tune the light wavelength of a laser emitter with one of this spectral lines and then detects the backscattered light and analyzes it in order to obtain gas concentration measurements. The first part of the project consisted in the analysis of the WMS technique which is a technique for the in-situ measurement of gases. A complete theoretical analysis has been performed and some experiments have been carried out in order to test the technique and to validate its application to an FMCW-modulated system for the detection of gases. The second part of the project consisted in the analysis of the lidar FMCW technique for solid target detection and its extension to continuous media. The classical form of this technique has been analyzed for a distributed medium and a filtering effect has been found which prevents the accurate acquisition of the medium response. A modification of the technique has been proposed and a validation via simulations and some experiments has been carried on. After performing these tests, a novel system is proposed to be developed and tested in order to perform the indicated gas detection with range resolution.
Network airlines have been increasingly focusing their operations on hub airports through the exploitation of connecting traffic, allowing them to take advantage of economies of traffic density, which are unequivocal in the airline industry. Less attention has been devoted to airlines? decisions on point-to-point thin routes, which could be served using different aircraft technologies and different business models. This paper examines, both theoretically and empirically, the impact on airlines ?networks of the two major innovations in the airline industry in the last two decades: the regional jet technology and the low-cost business model. We show that, under certain circumstances, direct services on point-to-point thin routes can be viable and thus airlines may be interested in deviating passengers out of the hub.
The Cinque Torri group (Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy) is an articulated system of unstable carbonatic rock monoliths located in a very important tourism area and therefore characterized by a significant risk. The instability phenomena involved represent an example of lateral spreading developed over a larger deep seated gravitational slope deformation (DSGSD) area. After the recent fall of a monolith of more than 10 000 m3, a scientific study was initiated to monitor the more unstable sectors and to characterize the past movements as a fundamental tool for predicting future movements and hazard assessment. To achieve greater insight on the ongoing lateral spreading process, a method for a quantitative analysis of rotational movements associated with the lateral spreading has been developed, applied and validated. The method is based on: i) detailed geometrical characterization of the area by means of laser scanner techniques; ii) recognition of the discontinuity sets and definition of a reference frame for each set, iii) correlation between the obtained reference frames related to a specific sector and a stable external reference frame, and iv) determination of the 3D rotations in terms of Euler angles to describe the present settlement of the Cinque Torri system with respect to the surrounding stable areas. In this way, significant information on the processes involved in the fragmentation and spreading of a former dolomitic plateau into different rock cliffs has been gained. The method is suitable to be applied to similar case studies.
Network airlines have been increasingly focusing their operations on hub airports through the exploitation of connecting traffic, allowing them to take advantage of economies of traffic density, which are unequivocal in the airline industry. Less attention has been devoted to airlines' decisions on point-to-point thin routes, which could be served using different aircraft technologies and different business models. This paper examines, both theoretically and empirically, the impact on airlines' networks of the two major innovations in the airline industry in the last two decades: the regional jet technology and the low-cost business model. We show that, under certain circumstances, direct services on point-to-point thin routes can be viable and thus airlines may be interested in deviating passengers out of the hub. Keywords: regional jet technology; low-cost business model; point-to-point network; hub-and-spoke network JEL Classi…fication Numbers: L13; L2; L93
This paper analyzes the behavior of the tax revenue to output ratio over the business cycle. In order to replicate the empirical evidence, we develop a simple model combining the standard Ak growth model with the tax evasion phenomenon. When individuals conceal part of their true income from the tax authority, they face the risk of being audited and hence of paying the corresponding fine. Under the empirically plausible assumptions that the intertemporal elasticity of substitution exhibits a sufficiently small value and that productivity shocks are serially correlated, we show that the elasticity of government revenue with respect to output is larger than one, which agrees with the empirical evidence. This result holds even if the tax system displays flat tax rates. We extend the previous setup to generate larger fiscal deficits when the economy experiences a recession.