991 resultados para Laboratory animal
In disease ecology, there is growing evidence that environmental quality interacts with parasite and host to determine host susceptibility to an infection. Most studies of malaria parasites have focused on the infection costs incurred by the hosts, and few have investigated the costs on mosquito vectors. The interplay between the environment, the vector and the parasite has therefore mostly been ignored and often relied on unnatural or allopatric Plasmodium/vector associations. Here, we investigated the effects of natural avian malaria infection on both fecundity and survival of field-caught female Culex pipiens mosquitoes, individually maintained in laboratory conditions. We manipulated environmental quality by providing mosquitoes with different concentrations of glucose-feeding solution prior to submitting them to a starvation challenge. We used molecular-based methods to assess mosquitoes' infection status. We found that mosquitoes infected with Plasmodium had lower starvation resistance than uninfected ones only under low nutritional conditions. The effect of nutritional stress varied with time, with the difference of starvation resistance between optimally and suboptimally fed mosquitoes increasing from spring to summer, as shown by a significant interaction between diet treatment and months of capture. Infected and uninfected mosquitoes had similar clutch size, indicating no effect of infection on fecundity. Overall, this study suggests that avian malaria vectors may suffer Plasmodium infection costs in their natural habitat, under certain environmental conditions. This may have major implications for disease transmission in the wild.
This report describes a laboratory evaluation of three asphaltic concrete, plant produced mixtures containing Asphadur. The mixtures represent a type A asphaltic concrete and two type B asphaltic concretes. The type A and one of the type B mixtures were used in pavements and will be evaluated later for durability and serviceability. The second type B mixture was made only for laboratory testing. In each instance, control batches of the same mixtures but without Asphadur were made for comparison. Type A is a high type asphaltic concrete, requires a minimum of 65 percent crushed particles and is generally used for higher traffic volume roads. Type B is used for intermediate or lower traffic volumes and requires a minimum of 30 percent crushed particles.
Interest in the use of ground rubber from used tires as a hot asphalt mix binder has been increasing due to the magnitude of the disposal problem posed by the annual addition of millions of waste tires to the refuse stream. This study evaluates, through laboratory means, the performance of asphalt-rubber as a hot mix binder as compared to conventional asphalt. The results indicate that asphalt-rubber outperforms its base asphalt in mixes of identical gradation and comparable void content on tests that are heavily dependent on binder characteristics (resilient modulus and indirect tension). An appreciable increase in rut resistance due to the use of asphalt-rubber is not indicated.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar alguns subprodutos agroindustriais utilizados na alimentação animal e identificar os principais minerais presentes. Amostras de farelos de algodão, arroz, canola, soja e trigo; farinhas de peixe, carne e penas + vísceras; cascas de algodão, arroz, laranja; bagaços de tomate e de laranja foram coletadas em diferentes locais de produção. O método analítico empregado foi a análise por ativação com nêutrons seguida de espectrometria gama. Os níveis de minerais encontrados em todas as amostras, inclusive aqueles considerados tóxicos, tais como As, Cd e Hg, não excederam os limites máximos permitidos em dietas para animais domésticos. Os valores obtidos foram comparados com os comumente encontrados em forragens.
A number of claims have been made that polymer modified asphalt cements, multi-grade asphalt cements, and other modifications of the liquid asphalt will prevent rutting and other deterioration of asphalt mixes, thereby, extending the service life of asphalt pavements. This laboratory study evaluates regular AC-20 asphalt cement, PAC-30 polymer modified asphalt cement and AC-10-30 multi-grade asphalt cement. PAC-30 was also evaluated with 15% Gilsonite and 15% Witcurb in a 75% crushed stone - 25% sand mix. These mixtures were evaluated for all Marshall properties along with indirect tensile, resilient modulus, and creep resistance.
In view of the energy, environmental, and economic advantages of the foamed asphalt process using local aggregates in cold mixes and the promising results from Research Project HR-212, a 4.2-mile section of county road in Muscatine County was built with foamed asphalt and local aggregates during August-September 1983. Extensive laboratory evaluation was carried out on five plant mixes representing foamed mixes used in the nine test sections, a laboratory prepared foamed mix, and a laboratory prepared hot mix similar to Plant Mix 1. The foamed mixes were compacted, cured under 15 curing conditions and tested for bulk specific gravity, Marshall stability at 77° F and at 140° F, cured moisture content, resilient modulus and effects of moisture damage due to freeze-thaw cycles, water soaking, and vacuum saturation. In addition, four sets of 83 core samples were taken at 1 to 15 months and tested for moisture content, specific gravity, Marshall stability, and resilient modulus. In summary, the test road has performed satisfactorily for almost two years. The few early construction problems encountered were to be expected for experimental projects dealing with new materials and technologies. Overall results to date are encouraging and foamed asphalt mixes have proved to have the potential as a viable base material in areas where marginal aggregates are available. It is hoped and expected that performance evaluation of the test sections will be continued and that more foamed asphalt trial projects will be constructed and monitored so that experiences and findings from this project can be verified and mix design criteria can be gradually established. For future foamed asphalt projects it is recommended that anti-stripping additives, such as hydrated lime, be added in view of the potential moisture susceptibility of foamed mixes observed in the laboratory evaluation.
O experimento foi conduzido em área da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS, com o objetivo de verificar os efeitos de três níveis de adubação nitrogenada (0, 150 e 300 kg/ha de N) em pastagem de milheto (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke) cv. Comum, sobre a produção animal. Foram utilizados novilhos de corte e avaliados o desempenho por animal, o número de animais.dia/ha e o ganho de peso vivo por área. O sistema de pastejo adotado foi o contínuo, com ajustes de carga para manter uma pressão de pastejo de 10%, caracterizando um resíduo médio de 3.168 kg de matéria seca/ha. As variáveis dependentes mostraram relação linear positiva com os níveis de adubação nitrogenada, o que denota o alto potencial do milheto.
Newsletter produced by Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship about the animal industry in Iowa. Previously titled Animal Industry News.
Extensive programmed laboratory tests involving some 400 asphalt emulsion slurry seals (AESS) were conducted. Thirteen aggregates including nine Iowa sources, a quartzite, a synthetic aggregate (Haydite), a limestone stone from Nebraska, and a Chat aggregate from Kansas were tested in combination with four emulsions and two mineral fillers, resulting in a total of 40 material combinations. A number of meetings were held with the Iowa DOT engineers and 12 state highway departments that have had successful slurry seal experiences and records, and several slurry seal contractors and material and equipment suppliers were contacted. Asphalt emulsion slurry seal development, uses, characteristics, tests, and design methods were thoroughly reviewed in conjunction with Iowa's experiences through these meetings and discussions and through a literature search (covering some 140 articles and 12 state highway department specifications). It was found that, while asphalt emulsion slurry seals (when properly designed and constructed) can economically improve the quality and extend the life of existing pavement surface, experiences with them had been mixed due to the many material, slurry, and construction variables that affect their design, construction, and performance. The report discusses those variables identified during the course of the project and makes recommendations concerning design procedures, design criteria, specifications and the means of evaluating them.
This research evaluated the concrete strength of two mixes which were used in the Polk County project NHS-500-1(3)--10-77 and were developed to meet a contract requirement of 900 psi third-point 28-day flexural strength. Two concrete mixes, the Proposed Mix and the Enhanced Mix, were tested for strength. Based on the experimental results, it was found that the addition of 50 lb of cementitious materials did not significantly increase concrete strength. The requirement of 900 psi 28-day third-point flexural strength (MOR-TPL) was not achieved by this amount of addition of cementitious materials.
Tungsten carbide used in snowplow blades was studied from three manufacturers. The carbides were measured for common industry properties including specific gravity and hardness. In addition, an abrasion resistance was performed. There was no significant difference found in abrasion resistance between the Kenametal and the Valk carbides. The Bucyrus carbides showed improved abrasion resistance, but were outside industry specifications for specific gravity.
This is Part 3 of a study of creep and resilient modulus testing of hot mix asphalt concrete. The creep and resilient modulus testing in Part 1 showed the improved load carrying characteristics of crushed particles. Cores from pavements drilled in Part 2 exhibited a poor correlation with rutting and creep/resilient modulus on pavement with a range of rut depths. The objective of Part 3 was to determine the relationship of creep and resilient modulus for 1) Marshall specimens from laboratory mixing for mix design; 2) Marshall specimens from construction plant mixing; and 3) cores drilled from the hot mixed asphalt pavement. The creep and resilient modulus data from these three sources exhibited substantial variations. No meaningful correlations of the results from these three sources were obtained.
Fine limestone aggregate is abundant in several areas of the state. The aggregate is a by-product from the production of concrete stone. Roller compacted concrete (RCC) is a portland cement concrete mixture that can be produced with small size aggregate. The objective of the research was to evaluate limestone screenings in RCC mixes. Acceptable strength and freeze/thaw durability were obtained with 300 pounds of portland cement and 260 pounds of Class C fly ash. The amount of aggregate passing the number 200 sieve ranged from 4.6 to 11 percent. Field experience in Iowa indicates that the aggregate gradation is more critical to placeability and compactibility than laboratory strength and durability.
Environmental enrichment paradigms in adult laboratory animals, consisting of physical, perceptual, and social stimulation, have been shown to affect synapse and cell morphology in sensory cortex and enhance learning ability, whereas enrichment, which is in harmony with the animal's natural habitat may have even greater implications for plasticity. Previous studies in our laboratory have shown that whisker stimulation induced the formation of synapses and spines in the corresponding barrel. In the present study adult C57/Bl6J female laboratory mice at 6 weeks of age were placed during 2 months in a protected enrichment enclosure in a forest clearing at the Chisti Les Biological Station, Tvier, Russia. We analyzed neuropil ultrastructure in the C2 barrel using serial-section electron microscopy on a total of eight mice (n=4 enriched, n=4 standard cagemate controls). Quantitative analyses of volumes of neuropil showed a significant increase in excitatory and inhibitory synapses on spines and excitatory synapses on dendritic shafts in the C2 barrel in the enriched group compared with standard cagemate controls. These results demonstrate that naturalistic experience alters the synaptic circuitry in layer IV of the somatosensory cortex, the first cortical relay of sensory information, leaving a lasting trace that may guide subsequent behavior.