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The World Health Organization (WHO, 2005) recommends consumption of fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet with daily recommendation of 5 servings or at least 400 g per day. Fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Papaya fruit is known for his high nutrient and fiber content, and with few exceptions, it is generally consumed ripe due to its characteristic flavor and aroma. Digestion improvement has been attributed to consumption of papaya; this we speculate is attributed to the fiber content and proteolytic enzymes associated with this highly nutritious fruit. However, research is lacking that evaluates the impact of papaya fruit on human digestion. Papain is a proteolytic enzyme generally extracted from the latex of unripe papaya. Previous research has focused on evaluating papain activity from the latex of different parts of the plant; however there are no reports about papain activity in papaya pulp through fruit maturation. The activity of papain through different stages of ripeness of papaya and its capacity of dislodging meat bolus in an in vitro model was addressed. The objective of this study was to investigate whether papain activity and fiber content are responsible for the digestive properties attributed to papaya and to find a processing method that preserves papaya health properties with minimal impact on flavor. Our results indicated that papain was active at all maturation stages of the fruit. Ripe papaya pulp displayed the highest enzyme activity and also presented the largest meat bolus displacement. The in vitro digestion study indicated that ripe papaya displayed the highest protein digestibility; this is associated with proteolytic enzymes still active at the acidity of the stomach. Results from the in vitro fermentation study indicated that ripe papaya produced the highest amount of Short Chain Fatty Acids SCFA of the three papaya substrates (unripe, ripe, and processed). SCFA are the most important product of fermentation and are used as indicators of the amount of substrate fermented by microorganisms in the colon. The combination of proteolytic enzymes and fiber content found in papaya make of this fruit not only a potential digestive aid, but also a good source of SCFA and their associated potential health benefits. Irradiation processing had minimal impact on flavor compounds of papaya nectar. However, processed papaya experienced the lowest protein digestibility and SCFA production among the papaya substrates. Future research needs to explore new processing methods for papaya that minimize the detrimental impact on enzyme activity and SCFA production.
International audience
Novel cementing materials formulations containing flexible polymeric admixtures have been studied aiming at improving the mechanical behavior of oil well cement slurries submitted to steam injection. However, research activities in this sector are still under development. The steam injected directly into the well causes casing dilation, which after a reduction in temperature, tends to return to its original dimensions, resulting in crack formation and hydraulic isolation loss of the well, which will result in shortening of well life. In this scenario, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the mechanical behavior of Portland-based slurries containing SBR latex, applied in oil well cementing of wells submitted to steam injection. Were formulated slurries with densities of 1.797 g/cm3 (15.0 lb/Gal) and 1.869 g/cm3 (15.6 lb/Gal), containing admixtures with a latex concentration of 0; 66.88; 133.76; 200.64 and 267.52 L/m3 (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 gpc). Tests including rheology, fluid loss control, thickening time, API compressive strength and splitting tensile strength, beyond steam injection simulation. Microstrutural characteristics of the slurries were also performed (XRD, TG, FTIR and SEM). The results showed that increasing the polymer concentration increased in the rheological properties and fluid loss, and a decrease in the elasticity modulus of the cement slurries. The results obtained showed that the slurries can be applied in cementing operations of oil wells submitted to steam injection.
Oil wells subjected to cyclic steam injection present important challenges for the development of well cementing systems, mainly due to tensile stresses caused by thermal gradients during its useful life. Cement sheath failures in wells using conventional high compressive strength systems lead to the use of cement systems that are more flexible and/or ductile, with emphasis on Portland cement systems with latex addition. Recent research efforts have presented geopolymeric systems as alternatives. These cementing systems are based on alkaline activation of amorphous aluminosilicates such as metakaolin or fly ash and display advantageous properties such as high compressive strength, fast setting and thermal stability. Basic geopolymeric formulations can be found in the literature, which meet basic oil industry specifications such as rheology, compressive strength and thickening time. In this work, new geopolymeric formulations were developed, based on metakaolin, potassium silicate, potassium hydroxide, silica fume and mineral fiber, using the state of the art in chemical composition, mixture modeling and additivation to optimize the most relevant properties for oil well cementing. Starting from molar ratios considered ideal in the literature (SiO2/Al2O3 = 3.8 e K2O/Al2O3 = 1.0), a study of dry mixtures was performed,based on the compressive packing model, resulting in an optimal volume of 6% for the added solid material. This material (silica fume and mineral fiber) works both as an additional silica source (in the case of silica fume) and as mechanical reinforcement, especially in the case of mineral fiber, which incremented the tensile strength. The first triaxial mechanical study of this class of materials was performed. For comparison, a mechanical study of conventional latex-based cementing systems was also carried out. Regardless of differences in the failure mode (brittle for geopolymers, ductile for latex-based systems), the superior uniaxial compressive strength (37 MPa for the geopolymeric slurry P5 versus 18 MPa for the conventional slurry P2), similar triaxial behavior (friction angle 21° for P5 and P2) and lower stifness (in the elastic region 5.1 GPa for P5 versus 6.8 GPa for P2) of the geopolymeric systems allowed them to withstand a similar amount of mechanical energy (155 kJ/m3 for P5 versus 208 kJ/m3 for P2), noting that geopolymers work in the elastic regime, without the microcracking present in the case of latex-based systems. Therefore, the geopolymers studied on this work must be designed for application in the elastic region to avoid brittle failure. Finally, the tensile strength of geopolymers is originally poor (1.3 MPa for the geopolymeric slurry P3) due to its brittle structure. However, after additivation with mineral fiber, the tensile strength became equivalent to that of latex-based systems (2.3 MPa for P5 and 2.1 MPa for P2). The technical viability of conventional and proposed formulations was evaluated for the whole well life, including stresses due to cyclic steam injection. This analysis was performed using finite element-based simulation software. It was verified that conventional slurries are viable up to 204ºF (400ºC) and geopolymeric slurries are viable above 500ºF (260ºC)
The development of activities in the oil and gas sector has been promoting the search for materials more adequate to oilwell cementing operation. In the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the cement sheath integrity tend to fail during steam injection operation which is necessary to increase oil recovery in reservoir with heavy oil. Geopolymer is a material that can be used as alternative cement. It has been used in manufacturing of fireproof compounds, construction of structures and for controlling of toxic or radioactive waste. Latex is widely used in Portland cement slurries and its characteristic is the increase of compressive strength of cement slurries. Sodium Tetraborate is used in dental cement as a retarder. The addition of this additive aim to improve the geopolymeric slurries properties for oilwell cementing operation. The slurries studied are constituted of metakaolinite, potassium silicate, potassium hydroxide, non-ionic latex and sodium tetraborate. The properties evaluated were: viscosity, compressive strength, thickening time, density, fluid loss control, at ambient temperature (27 ºC) and at cement specification temperature. The tests were carried out in accordance to the practical recommendations of the norm API RP 10B. The slurries with sodium tetraborate did not change either their rheological properties or their mechanical properties or their density in relation the slurry with no additive. The increase of the concentration of sodium tetraborate increased the water loss at both temperatures studied. The best result obtained with the addition of sodium tetraborate was thickening time, which was tripled. The addition of latex in the slurries studied diminished their rheological properties and their density, however, at ambient temperature, it increased their compressive strength and it functioned as an accelerator. The increase of latex concentration increased the presence of water and then diminished the density of the slurries and increased the water loss. From the results obtained, it was concluded that sodium tetraborate and non-ionic latex are promising additives for geopolymer slurries to be used in oilwell cementing operation
A seringueira é uma planta de fácil reconhecimento por ser lenhosa, de porte mediano a grande, que apresenta um padrão característico de desfolha e reenfolhamento e, sobretudo, pela produção de látex. O objetivo do trabalho foi efetuar um estudo anatômico e morfológico foliar, comparando os clones RRIM 600 e GT 1 de seringueira &91;Hevea brasiliensis (Wild. ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell.- Arg&93;, desenvolvidos sob as mesmas condições edáficas e climáticas, para obtenção de informações que possam fornecer subsídios para correlações com dados fisiológicos e também diferenciar os clones em relação ao conteúdo de fibras, espessamento de tecidos do parênquima paliçádico e do parênquima lacunoso, caracterização anatômica do pecíolo, número e tamanho de estômatos e fornecer dados referentes a morfologia foliolar. Foram realizadas secções transversais na região do mesófilo, nervura central e pecíolo, seguindo-se os métodos usuais de preparação de lâminas permanentes. Foram realizadas análises biométricas de extensões de tecidos dos parênquimas paliçádico e lacunoso e contagem do número de células do parênquima lacunoso. Paralelamente foram realizadas análises biométricas para aferições de estômatos. Não houve diferenças para a altura das células epidérmicas, altura e número de camadas do parênquima lacunoso e para o comprimento e para a maior largura do limbo foliolar. Porém houve variação para a espessura das células do parênquima paliçádico, sendo que GT 1 apresentou maior espessura em relação a RRIM 600. GT1 apresentou maior número de estômatos em relação a RRIM 600, porém com menor tamanho. GT1 apresentou maior diâmetro da nervura central da folha e do pecíolo e maior quantidade de fibras de esclerênquima que RRIM 600.
42 p.
A interacção dos humanos com os computadores envolve uma combinação das tarefas de programação e de utilização. Nem sempre é explícita a diferença entre as duas tarefas. Introduzir comandos num programa de desenho assistido por computador é utilização ou programação numa linguagem interpretada? Modificar uma folha de cálculo com macros é utilização ou programação? Usar um “Integrated Development Environment” ou IDE para inserir dados num ficheiro é utilização (do IDE) ou programação? A escrita de um texto usando LaTeX ou HTML é utilização ou programação numa “markup language”? Recorrer a um programa de computação simbólica é utilização ou programação? Utilizar um processador de texto é utilização ou programação visual? Ao utilizador não se exige um conhecimento completo de todos os comandos, todos os menus, todos os símbolos do software que utiliza. Nem a memorização da sintaxe e de todos os pormenores de funcionamento de um programa é um atributo necessário ou sequer útil ao utilizador; a concretização desse conhecimento não assegura maior eficiência na utilização. Quando se começa, apenas algumas instruções elementares são recebidas, por vezes de um colega, de um Professor, ou obtidas recorrendo à pesquisa na Internet. Com a familiarização, o utilizador exige mais do Software que usa e de si próprio: um manual passa a ser um recurso de grande utilidade. A confiança conquistada gera, periodicamente, a necessidade de auto-exame e de aumento do âmbito do conhecimento. Desta forma, quem utiliza computadores acaba por ser confrontado com uma tarefa que, efectivamente, pode ser considerada ou requer programação. Põe-se uma questão no imediato (se ninguém decidiu por si) que é a da selecção da linguagem de programação. A abordagem multiparadigma e longa experiência de utilização do C++ tornam-no atractivo para aplicações onde a eficiência se combina com a disponibilidade de estruturas de dados e algoritmos adoptados pela indústria (o que coloquialmente se denomina STL, Standard Template Library, cf. [#breymann, #josuttis], mais geralmente biblioteca Standard). Adicionalmente, linguagens populares como o Java, C# e PHP possuem sintaxes inspiradas e em muitas partes coincidentes com as do C e C++. Por exemplo, um ciclo “for” em Java é parcialmente coincidente com o do C99, que é um sub-conjunto do “for” do C++. São os pormenores, a eficiência e as capacidades do C++ que permitem a criação de software Profissional. Todos os sistemas operativos clássicos (Unix, Microsoft Windows, Linux) dispõem de compiladores, IDE, bibliotecas e são em grande parte construídos recorrendo a C e C++. Relativamente a outras linguagens, a quantidade de ferramentas disponível e o conhecimento adquirido durante décadas é difícil de ignorar. Esse conhecimento faz com que a sintaxe do C++ pareça muito maior do que o estritamente necessário e afaste potenciais interessados. A longa evolução do C++ introduziu também uma diferença no estilo muito marcada. Código dos anos 80 e 90 do século XX é frequentemente menos legível do que o que correntemente se produz. Muitos tutoriais disponíveis online fazem parecer a linguagem menos rigorosa (e mais complexa) do que na realidade é, já que raramente é apresentado o caso geral da sintaxe. Constata-se que muitos autores ainda usam os cabeçalhos do C, quando já não são necessários. Scott Meyers afirma que o C++ é uma federação de linguagens [#scottmeyers] e por esse facto requer perspectivas de abordagem distintas de outras linguagens. Sem alguma sistematização é difícil apreciar a sua compacidade e coerência. Porém, a forma harmoniosa como as componentes sintácticas se encaixam é uma grande mais-valia do C++ só constatada com experimentação e leitura atenta. A presente monografia dirige-se a quem pretenda utilizar o C++ como ferramenta profissional de Software. Em termos de pré-requisitos Académicos, dir-se-á que um curso (1º Ciclo) de Ciência ou de Engenharia aumentará o interesse por certos aspectos mais técnicos da linguagem mas qualquer indivíduo com gosto pela experimentação tirará proveito do conteúdo. Este texto não busca a exaustividade enciclopédica na cobertura do tema. Neste texto forneço, de forma directa, uma introdução ao C++ a qual permite começar a produzir código sem os custos da dispersão de fontes e notações na recolha de informação. Antecipo assim a sua utilização nos Países de Língua Portuguesa, uma vez que os textos que encontrei são ora mais exigentes ora menos completos, frequentemente ambos.
The objective of the present dissertation is a born-digital critical edition of the Hebrew Old Testament book of Qohelet. The edition is based on an extensive collation of variant readings from indirect sources – the Septuagint, the Peshitta, the works of St. Jerome (the Vulgate and the Commentary), and the Targum – as well as from direct sources such as the Qumran fragments and Hebrew medieval manuscripts. The ultimate goal of the edition is (a) to reproduce the earliest textual form, the Archetype, that can be reconstructed on the basis of the available evidence; and (b) to propose a rehabilitation of the Original of the Author by resorting, when necessary, to conjectural emendation. We date the Archetype to the II century BCE, corresponding to the date of Hebrew fragments from Qumran, while we place the Original between the V and III centuries BCE. Unlike previous critical editions of Qohelet, ours follows the so-called eclectic model, which involves the reconstitution of a critical text and the preparation of an apparatus of secondary variants. Our edition includes, moreover, new data, taken both from primary literature, such as the recently published Göttingen Septuagint, and from up-to-date studies and critical commentaries on the text of Qohelet. The work is made up of five main parts: an introduction, which sets forth the rationale of the edition and the methodology adopted; the collation, where the variants are listed in their original language; the commentary, where they are extensively discussed; the critical text accompanied by the apparatus, which presents a selection of authentic Hebrew variants taken from the collation; and finally, a translation of the critical text. The edition uses the mark-up language of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). It is realized in pdf, via LaTeX, and will be available in digital form, via the TEI-Publisher editor.