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Vibration modes of a submerged hull are excited by fluctuating forces generated at the propeller and transmitted to the hull via the propeller-shafting system. The low frequency hull vibrational modes result in significant sound radiation. This work investigates the reduction of the far-field radiated sound pressure by optimising the connection point of the shafting system to the hull. The submarine hull is modelled as a fluid loaded cylindrical hull with truncated conical shells at each end. The propeller-shafting system consists of the propeller, shaft, thrust bearing and foundation, and is modelled in a modular approach using a combination of spring-mass-damper elements and continuous systems (beams, plates, shells). The foundation is attached to the stern side end plate of the hull, which is modelled as a circular plate coupled to an annular plate. By tuning the connection radius of the foundation to the end plate, the maximum radiated noise in a given frequency range can be minimised.


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Computer modelling approaches have significant potential to enable decision-making about various aspects of responsive manufacturing. In order to understand the system prior to the selection of any responsiveness strategy, multiple process segments of organisations need to be modelled. The article presents a novel systematic approach for creating coherent sets of unified enterprise, simulation and other supporting models that collectively facilitate responsiveness. In this approach, enterprise models are used to explicitly define relatively enduring relationships between (i) production planning and control (PPC) processes, that implement a particular strategy and (ii) process-oriented elements of production systems, that are work loaded by the PPC processes. Coherent simulation models, can in part be derived from the enterprise models, so that they computer execute production system behaviours. In this way, time-based performance outcomes can be simulated; so that the impacts of alternative PPC strategies on the planning and controlling historical or forecasted patterns of workflow, through (current and possible future) production system models, can be analysed. The article describes the unified modelling approach conceived and its application in a furniture industry case study small and medium enterprise (SME). Copyright © 2010 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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A roofing contractor typically needs to acquire as-built dimensions of a roof structure several times over the course of its build to be able to digitally fabricate sheet metal roof panels. Obtaining these measurements using the exiting roof surveying methods could be costly in terms of equipment, labor, and/or worker exposure to safety hazards. This paper presents a video-based surveying technology as an alternative method which is simple to use, automated, less expensive, and safe. When using this method, the contractor collects video streams with a calibrated stereo camera set. Unique visual characteristics of scenes from a roof structure are then used in the processing step to automatically extract as-built dimensions of roof planes. These dimensions are finally represented in a XML format to be loaded into sheet metal folding and cutting machines. The proposed method has been tested for a roofing project and the preliminary results indicate its capabilities.


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The failure mode of axially loaded simple, single lap joints formed between thin adherends which are flexible in bending is conventionally described as one of axial peeling. We have observed - using high-speed photography - that it is also possible for failure to be preceded by the separation front, or crack, moving in a transverse direction, i.e. perpendicular to the direction of the axial load. A simple energy balance analysis suggests that the critical load for transverse failure is the same as that for axial separation for both flexible lap joints, where the bulk of the stored elastic energy lies in the adhesive, and structural lap joints in which the energy stored in the adherends dominates. The initiation of the failure is dependent on a local increases in either stress or strain energy to some critical values. In the case of a flexible joint, this will occur within the adhesive layer and the critical site will be close to one of the corners of the joint overlap from which the separation front can proceed either axially or transversely. These conclusions are supported by a finite element analysis of a joint formed between adherends of finite width by a low modulus adhesive. © 2012 Taylor & Francis.


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Up to 50% increase in the power density of the existing pressurized water reactor (PWR)-type reactors can be achieved by the use of internally and externally cooled annular fuel geometry. As a result, the accumulated stock-piles of Pu, especially if incorporated infertile-free inert matrix, can be burnt at a substantially higher rate as compared with the conventional mixed oxide-fueled reactors operating at standard power density. In this work, we explore the basic feasibility of a PWR core fully loaded with Pu incorporated infertile-free fuel of annular internally and externally cooled geometry and operating at 150% of nominal power density. We evaluate basic burnable poison designs, fuel management strategies, and reactivity feedback coefficients. The three-dimensional full core neutronic analysis performed with Studsvik Core Management System showed that the design of such a Pu-loaded annular fuel core is feasible but significantly more challenging than the Pu fertile-free core with solid fuel pins operating at nominal power density. The main difficulty arises from the fact that the annular fuel core requires at least 50% higher initial Pu loading in order to maintain the standard fuel cycle length of 18 months. Such a high Pu loading results in hardening of the neutron spectrum and consequent reduction in reactivity worth of all reactivity control mechanisms and, in some cases, positive moderator temperature coefficient (MTC). The use of isotopically enriched Gd and Er burnable poisons was found to be beneficial with respect to maximizing Pu burnup and reducing power peaking factors. Overall, the annular fertile-free Pu-loaded high-power-density core appears to be feasible, although it still has relatively high power peaking and potential for slightly positive MTC at beginning of cycle. However, we estimate that limiting the power density to 140% of the nominal case would assure acceptable core power peaking and negative MTC at all times during the cycle.


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This paper investigates the basic feasibility of using reactor-grade Pu in fertile-free fuel (FFF) matrix in pressurized water reactors (PWRs). Several important issues were investigated in this work: the Pu loading required to achieve a specific interrefueling interval, the impact of inert matrix composition on reactivity constrained length of cycle, and the potential of utilizing burnable poisons (BPs) to alleviate degradation of the reactivity control mechanism and temperature coefficients. Although the subject was addressed in the past, no systematic approach for assessment of BP utilization in FFF cores was published. In this work, we examine all commercially available BP materials in all geometrical arrangements currently used by the nuclear industry with regards to their potential to alleviate the problems associated with the use of FFF in PWRs. The recently proposed MgO-ZrO2 solid-state solution fuel matrix, which appears to be very promising in terms of thermal properties and radiation damage resistance, was used as a reference matrix material in this work. The neutronic impact of the relative amounts of MgO and ZrO2 in the matrix were also studied. The analysis was performed with a neutron transport and fuel assembly burnup code BOXER. A modified linear reactivity model was applied to the two-dimensional single fuel assembly results to approximate the full core characteristics. Based on the results of the performed analyses, the Pu-loaded FFF core demonstrated potential feasibility to be used in existing PWRs. Major FFF core design problems may be significantly mitigated through the correct choice of BP design. It was found that a combination of BP materials and geometries may be required to meet all FFF design goals. The use of enriched (in most effective isotope) BPs, such as 167Er and 157Gd, may further improve the BP effectiveness and reduce the fuel cycle length penalty associated with their use.


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This paper presents results of a feasibility study aimed at developing a zero-transuranic-discharge fuel cycle based on the U-Th-TRU ternary cycle. The design objective is to find a fuel composition (mixture of thorium, enriched uranium, and recycled transuranic components) and fuel management strategy resulting in an equilibrium charge-discharge mass flow. In such a fuel cycle scheme, the quantity and isotopic vector of the transuranium (TRU) component is identical at the charge and discharge time points, thus allowing the whole amount of the TRU at the end of the fuel irradiation period to be separated and reloaded into the following cycle. The TRU reprocessing activity losses are the only waste stream that will require permanent geological storage, virtually eliminating the long-term radiological waste of the commercial nuclear fuel cycle. A detailed three-dimensional full pressurized water reactor (PWR) core model was used to analyze the proposed fuel composition and management strategy. The results demonstrate the neutronic feasibility of the fuel cycle with zero-TRU discharge. The amount of TRU and enriched uranium loaded reach equilibrium after about four TRU recycles. The reactivity coefficients were found to be within a range typical for a reference PWR core. The soluble boron worth is reduced by a factor of ∼2 from a typical PWR value. Nevertheless, the results indicate the feasibility of an 18-month fuel cycle design with an acceptable beginning-of-cycle soluble boron concentration even without application of burnable poisons.


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Response of a PWR core loaded with Combined Non-Fertile and UO2 (CONFU) fuel assemblies to control rod ejection accident was evaluated. A number of core arrangements and TRU fuel compositions were considered and the results were compared with the performance of a reference all-UO2 core. The comparison was based on the results of a simple point kinetics model with thermal reactivity feedbacks and temperature dependant materials properties. The reactivity coefficients and core average kinetics parameters were obtained from the full core 3D neutronic simulations. The results show that application of the CONFU assembly concept causes only minor deviation of fuel performance characteristics in reactivity initiated accidents. This is a consequence of relatively small loadings of TRU in the CONFU assembly and therefore dominating role of conventional UO2 fuel in the neutronic performance of the core.


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In this study, the effects of cooling time prior to reprocessing spent LWR fuel has on the reactor physics characteristics of a PWR fully loaded with homogeneously mixed U-Pu or U-TRU oxide (MOX) fuel is examined. A reactor physics analysis was completed using the CASM04e code. A void reactivity feedback coefficient analysis was also completed for an infinite lattice of fresh fuel assemblies. Some useful conclusions can be made regarding the effect that cooling time prior to reprocessing spent LWR fuel has on a closed homogeneous MOX fuel cycle. The computational analysis shows that it is more neutronically efficient to reprocess cooled spent fuel into homogeneous MOX fuel rods earlier rather than later as the fissile fuel content decreases with time. Also, the number of spent fuel rods needed to fabricate one MOX fuel rod increases as cooling time increases. In the case of TRU MOX fuel, with time, there is an economic tradeoff between fuel handling difficulty and higher throughput of fuel to be reprocessed. The void coefficient analysis shows that the void coefficient becomes progressively more restrictive on fuel Pu content with increasing spent fuel cooling time before reprocessing.


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The dynamical behaviour of the sidewall has an important influence on tyre vibration characteristics. Nonetheless, it remains crudely represented in many existing models. The current work considers a geometrically accurate, two-dimensional, sidewall description, with a view to identifying potential shortcomings in the approximate formulations and identifying the physical characteristics that must be accounted for. First, the mean stress state under pressurisation and centrifugal loading is investigated. Finite-Element calculations show that, while the loaded sidewall shape remains close to a toroid, its in-plane tensions differ appreciably from the associated analytical solution. This is largely due to the inability of the anisotropic sidewall material to sustain significant azimuthal stress. An approximate analysis, based on the meridional tension alone, is therefore developed, and shown to yield accurate predictions. In conjunction with a set of formulae for the 'engineering constants' of the sidewall material, the approximate solutions provide a straightforward and efficient means of determining the base state for the vibration analysis. The latter is implemented via a 'waveguide' discretisation of a variational formulation. Its results show that, while the full geometrical description is necessary for a complete and reliable characterisation of the sidewall's vibrational properties, a one-dimensional approximation will often be satisfactory in practice. Meridional thickness variations only become important at higher frequencies (above 500 Hz for the example considered here), and rotational inertia effects appear to be minor at practical vehicle speeds. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper studies the low frequency vibrational behaviour of a submerged hull. The submerged hull is modelled as a finite fluid-loaded cylindrical shell closed at each end by circular plates. The external pressure acting on the hull due to the fluid loading is analytically calculated using an infinite model. Three excitation cases of the hull are considered. In the first model, an axial point force is applied at the centre of one end plate, giving rise to an axisymmetric case in which only the zeroth circumferential shell modes are excited. In the second model, an axial point force is applied at the edge of the end plate. In the third model, a radial point force is applied also at the edge of the end plate. In the second and third load cases, all cylindrical shell circumferential modes are excited. The effects of fluid loading and different excitation locations are studied. A more complex hull model including stiffeners and bulkheads is then examined. A smeared approach is used to analytically model the ring stiffeners. All load cases are again considered and the effects of the various influencing factors on the low frequency responses are described.


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To determine the load at which FRPs debond from concrete beams using global-energy-balance-based fracture mechanics concepts, the single most important parameter is the fracture energy of the concrete-FRP interface, which is easy to define but difficult to determine. Debonding propagates in the narrow zone of concrete, between the FRP and the (tension) steel reinforcement bars in the beam, and the presence of nearby steel bars prevents the fracture process zone, which in concrete is normally extensive, from developing fully. The paper presents a detailed discussion of the mechanism of the FRP debonding, and shows that the initiation of debonding can be regarded as a Mode I (tensile) fracture in concrete, despite being loaded primarily in shear. It is shown that the incorporation of this fracture energy in the debonding model developed by the authors, details of which are presented elsewhere, gives predictions that match the test results reported in the literature. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Monopile foundations, currently designed using the p-y method, are technically viable in supporting larger offshore wind turbines in waters to a depth of 30 m. The p-y method was developed to better understand the behavior of laterally loaded long slender piles required for the offshore oil and gas installations. The lateral load-deformation behavior of two monopiles, 5 and 7.5 m dia, installed in soft clays of varying undrained shear strength and stiffness, was studied. A combination of axial and lateral loads expected at an offshore wind farm location with a water depth of 30 m was used in the analysis. It was established that the Matlock (1970) p-y curves are too soft and under-estimate the ultimate soil reaction at all depths except at the monopile tip. At the pile tip, the base shear was not accounted for in the p-y curves, hence resulting in the over-estimation of the soil reaction. Consequently, the Matlock (1970) p-y formulation significantly underestimates the monopile ultimate lateral capacity. The use of the Matlock (1970) p-y method would result in over-conservative designs of monopiles for offshore wind turbines. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference (Houston, TX 5/6-9/2013).


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A new amino silica monolithic column was developed for DNA extraction in a miniaturized format. The monolithic column was prepared in situ by polymerization of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) and N-(beta-aminoethyl)-gamma-aminopropylmethyldimethoxysilane (AEAPMDMS). DNA was loaded in 50 mM tris(hydroxylmethyl)aminomethane-EDTA buffer at pH 7.0 and eluted with 300 mM potassium phosphate solution at pH 10.0. Under optimal condition, a 6.0-cm monolithic column provided a capacity of 56 ng DNA with an extraction efficiency of 71 +/- 5.2% (X +/- RSD). When the amino silica monolithic column was applied to extract genomic DNA from the whole blood of crucian carp, an extraction efficiency of 52 +/- 5.6% (X +/- SD) was obtained by three extractions. Since the chaotropic-based sample loading and organic solvent wash steps were avoided in this procedure, the purified DNA was suitable for downstream processes such as PCR. This amino silica monolithic column was demonstrated to allow rapid and efficient DNA purification in microscale.


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Biodegradable polymers can be applied to a variety of implants for controlled and local drug delivery. The aim of this study is to develop a biodegradable and nanoporous polymeric platform for a wide spectrum of drug-eluting implants with special focus on stent-coating applications. It was synthesized by poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA 65:35, PLGA 75:25) and polycaprolactone (PCL) in a multilayer configuration by means of a spin-coating technique. The antiplatelet drug dipyridamole was loaded into the surface nanopores of the platform. Surface characterization was made by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). Platelet adhesion and drug-release kinetic studies were then carried out. The study revealed that the multilayer films are highly nanoporous, whereas the single layers of PLGA are atomically smooth and spherulites are formed in PCL. Their nanoporosity (pore diameter, depth, density, surface roughness) can be tailored by tuning the growth parameters (eg, spinning speed, polymer concentration), essential for drug-delivery performance. The origin of pore formation may be attributed to the phase separation of polymer blends via the spinodal decomposition mechanism. SE studies revealed the structural characteristics, film thickness, and optical properties even of the single layers in the triple-layer construct, providing substantial information for drug loading and complement AFM findings. Platelet adhesion studies showed that the dipyridamole-loaded coatings inhibit platelet aggregation that is a prerequisite for clotting. Finally, the films exhibited sustained release profiles of dipyridamole over 70 days. These results indicate that the current multilayer phase therapeutic approach constitutes an effective drug-delivery platform for drug-eluting implants and especially for cardiovascular stent applications.