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We report on Suzaku observations of selected regions within the southern giant lobe of the radio galaxy Centaurus A. In our analysis we focus on distinct X-ray features detected with the X-ray Imaging Spectrometer within the range 0.5-10 keV, some of which are likely associated with fine structure of the lobe revealed by recent high-quality radio intensity and polarization maps. With the available photon statistics, we find that the spectral properties of the detected X-ray features are equally consistent with thermal emission from hot gas with temperatures kT > 1 keV, or with a power-law radiation continuum characterized by photon indices Gamma similar to 2.0 +/- 0.5. However, the plasma parameters implied by these different models favor a synchrotron origin for the analyzed X-ray spots, indicating that a very efficient acceleration of electrons up to greater than or similar to 10 TeV energies is taking place within the giant structure of Centaurus A, albeit only in isolated and compact regions associated with extended and highly polarized radio filaments. We also present a detailed analysis of the diffuse X-ray emission filling the whole field of view of the instrument, resulting in a tentative detection of a soft excess component best fitted by a thermal model with a temperature of kT similar to 0.5 keV. The exact origin of the observed excess remains uncertain, although energetic considerations point to thermal gas filling the bulk of the volume of the lobe and mixed with the non-thermal plasma, rather than to the alternative scenario involving a condensation of the hot intergalactic medium around the edges of the expanding radio structure. If correct, this would be the first detection of the thermal content of the extended lobes of a radio galaxy in X-rays. The corresponding number density of the thermal gas in such a case is n(g) similar to 10(-4) cm(-3), while its pressure appears to be in almost exact equipartition with the volume-averaged non-thermal pressure provided by the radio-emitting electrons and the lobes' magnetic field. A prominent large-scale fluctuation of the Galactic foreground emission, resulting in excess foreground X-ray emission aligned with the lobe, cannot be ruled out. Although tentative, our findings potentially imply that the structure of the extended lobes in active galaxies is likely to be highly inhomogeneous and non-uniform, with magnetic reconnection and turbulent acceleration processes continuously converting magnetic energy to internal energy of the plasma particles, leading to possibly significant spatial and temporal variations in the plasma beta parameter around the volume-averaged equilibrium condition beta similar to 1.


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Given that the ability to manage numbers is essential in a modern society, mathematics anxiety – which has been demonstrated to have unfortunate consequences in terms of mastery of math – has become a subject of increasing interest, and the need to accurately measure it has arisen. One of the widely employed scales to measure math anxiety is the Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (AMAS) (Hopko, Mahadevan, Bare & Hunt, 2003). The first aim of the present paper was to confirm the factor structure of the AMAS when administered to Italian high school and college students, and to test the invariance of the scale across educational levels. Additionally, we assessed the reliability and validity of the Italian version of the scale. Finally, we tested the invariance of the AMAS across genders. The overall findings provide evidence for the validity and reliability of the AMAS when administered to Italian students.


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Bradykinin-related peptides (BRPs) are significant components of the defensive skin secretions of many anuran amphibians, and these secretions represent the source of the most diverse spectrum of such peptides so far encountered in nature. Of the many families of bioactive peptides that have been identified from this source, the BRPs uniquely appear to represent homologues of counterparts that have specific distributions and receptor targets within discrete vertebrate taxa, ranging from fishes through mammals. Their broad spectra of actions, including pain and inflammation induction and smooth muscle effects, make these peptides ideal weapons in predator deterrence. Here, we describe a novel 12-mer BRP (RVALPPGFTPLR-RVAL-(L1, T6, L8)-bradykinin) from the skin secretion of the Fujian large-headed frog (Limnonectes fujianensis). The C-terminal 9 residues of this BRP (-LPPGFTPLR) exhibit three amino acid substitutions (L/R at Position 1, T/S at Position 6 and L/F at Position 8) when compared to canonical mammalian bradykinin (BK), but are identical to the kinin sequence present within the cloned kininogen-2 from the Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis) and differ from that encoded by kininogen-2 of the Tibetan ground tit (Pseudopodoces humilis) at just a single site (F/L at Position 8). These data would imply that the novel BRP is an amphibian defensive agent against predation by sympatric turtles and also that the primary structure of the avian BK, ornithokinin (RPPGFTPLR), is not invariant within this taxon. Synthetic RVAL-(L1, T6, L8)-bradykinin was found to be an antagonist of BK-induced rat tail artery smooth muscle relaxation acting via the B2-receptor.


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The growing accessibility to genomic resources using next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies has revolutionized the application of molecular genetic tools to ecology and evolutionary studies in non-model organisms. Here we present the case study of the European hake (Merluccius merluccius), one of the most important demersal resources of European fisheries. Two sequencing platforms, the Roche 454 FLX (454) and the Illumina Genome Analyzer (GAII), were used for Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) discovery in the hake muscle transcriptome. De novo transcriptome assembly into unique contigs, annotation, and in silico SNP detection were carried out in parallel for 454 and GAII sequence data. High-throughput genotyping using the Illumina GoldenGate assay was performed for validating 1,536 putative SNPs. Validation results were analysed to compare the performances of 454 and GAII methods and to evaluate the role of several variables (e.g. sequencing depth, intron-exon structure, sequence quality and annotation). Despite well-known differences in sequence length and throughput, the two approaches showed similar assay conversion rates (approximately 43%) and percentages of polymorphic loci (67.5% and 63.3% for GAII and 454, respectively). Both NGS platforms therefore demonstrated to be suitable for large scale identification of SNPs in transcribed regions of non-model species, although the lack of a reference genome profoundly affects the genotyping success rate. The overall efficiency, however, can be improved using strict quality and filtering criteria for SNP selection (sequence quality, intron-exon structure, target region score).


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O papel ecológico das gorgónias (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) nos fundos marinhos rochosos é mundialmente reconhecido. Contudo, a informação acerca da ecologia e biologia das espécies de gorgónias nas zonas temperadas do NE Atlântico é manifestamente escassa, especialmente tendo em consideração as actuais perturbações globais, regionais e locais. Nos fundos rochosos da costa algarvia até aos 30 m, verificouse que várias espécies de gorgónias são abundantes e frequentes, nomeadamente Eunicella labiata, Eunicella gazella, Eunicella verrucosa, Leptogorgia lusitanica e Leptogorgia sarmentosa. As populações de gorgónias são co-dominadas por diferentes espécies que apresentaram elevados índices de associação, indicando reduzidos níveis de competição entre elas. Em todo o caso, a estrutura dos povoamentos diferiu com as condições locais. Todas as espécies evidenciaram padrões de distribuição semelhantes ao longo do gradiente de profundidade, i.e. a abundância aumenta significamente com a profundidade após os 15 m. A profundidades mais baixas (até aos 15 m), a distribuição das gorgónias parece ser condicionada por factores abióticos e pela competição com algas. Com efeito, os padrões de distribuição espacial das espécies de gorgónias na costa algarvia são determinados pela interacção de pressões naturais e antropogénicas (ex. pesca). Ainda que as colónias de maior tamanho não tenham sido restritas a áreas menos pescadas, em áreas mais perturbadas pela pesca, a distribuição dos tamanhos das colónias estava maioritariamente desviada para tamanhos mais pequenos. Os efeitos das perturbações naturais nas populações de gorgónias foram evidenciados pela ocorrência de padrões demográficos distintos em áreas vizinhas sujeitas a níveis semelhantes de pressões antropogénicas. Estes estudos demonstraram, ainda, que os efeitos na distribuição de frequências de tamanho das colónias são dependentes das espécies de gorgónias em causa: Eunicella labiata não parece ser afectada; Leptogorgia sarmentosa é tendencialmente afectada por pressões antropogénicas; Eunicella gazella e Leptogorgia lusitanica aparentam ser afectadas, quer por pressões naturais, quer por pressões antropogénicas. Os efeitos verificados nos padrões da distribuição de frequências de tamanho, particularmente a tendência para o desvio destas frequências para tamanhos mais pequenos em áreas sujeitas a perturbações, poderão ter consequências para a biodiversidade dos fundos sublitorais rochosos na costa algarvia. Com efeito, o presente estudo apoia o paradigma geral de que os corais são habitats que suportam comunidades de elevada biodiversidade e abundância. Num dos poucos estudos que examinam a relação entre as gorgónias e as suas comunidades de invertebrados epibentónicos, foi verificado que as gorgónias (Eunicella gazella e Leptogorgia lusitanica) sustentam comunidades ricas (11 phyla, 181 taxa) e abundantes (7284 indivíduos). Estas comunidades são dominadas por anfípodes, mas os poliquetas tiveram um grande contributo para os níveis elevados de biodiversidade. Verificou-se, igualmente, que o tamanho da colónia desempenha um papel fundamental na biodiversidade, na medida em que as colónias de menor tamanho apresentaram um contributo mais baixo, comparativamente às médias e grandes. Ainda que ambas as gorgónias partilhem a maioria das espécies amostradas, 11 e 18 taxa foram exclusivos de Eunicella gazella e Leptogorgia lusitanica, respectivamente (excluindo indivíduos com presenças únicas). No entanto, a maioria destes taxa eram ou pouco abundantes ou pouco frequentes. A excepção foi a presença de planárias (Turbellaria) de coloração branca nas colónias de Eunicella gazella, provavelmente beneficiando do efeito de camuflagem proporcionado pelos ramos com a mesma coloração. Com efeito, a complementaridade entre as comunidades epibentónicas associadas a ambas as gorgónias diminuiu quando usados os dados de presença/ausência, sugerindo que os padrões de biodiversidade são mais afectados pelas alterações na abundância relativa das espécies dominantes do que pela composição faunística. As comunidades de epifauna bentónica associadas a estas gorgónias não só apresentaram valores elevados de ®-diversidade, como de ¯- diversidade, resultantes de padrões intrincados de variabilidade na sua composição e estrutura. Ainda que o conjunto de espécies disponíveis para colonização seja, na generalidade, o mesmo para ambos os locais, cada colónia apresenta uma parte deste conjunto. Na sua totalidade, as colónias de gorgónias poderão funcionar como uma metacomunidade, mas a estrutura das comunidades associadas a cada colónia (ex. número total de espécies e abundância) parecem depender dos atributos da colónia, nomeadamente superfície disponível para colonização (altura, largura e área), complexidade e heterogeneidade (dimensão fractal e lacunaridade, respectivamente) e cobertura epibentónica “colonial” (ex. fauna colonial e algas macroscópicas; CEC). Numa primeira tentativa para quantificar a relação entre as gorgónias e os invertebrados epibentónicos a elas associados (em termos de abundância e riqueza específica), verificou-se que a natureza e a intensidade destas relações dependem da espécie hospedeira e variam para os grupos taxonómicos principais. No entanto, independentemente do grupo taxonómico, a riqueza específica e a abundância estão significativamente correlacionadas com a CEC. Com efeito, a CEC provavelmente devido a um efeito trófico (aumento da disponibilidade alimentar directo ou indirecto), combinado com a superfície disponível para colonização (efeito espécies-área) foram as variáveis mais relacionadas com os padrões de abundância e riqueza específica. Por outro lado, ainda que a complexidade estrutural seja frequentemente indicada como um dos factores responsáveis pela elevada diversidade e abundância das comunidades bentónicas associadas a corais, a dimensão fractal e a lacunaridade apenas foram relevantes nas comunidades associadas a Leptogorgia lusitanica. A validade do paradigma que defende que a complexidade estrutural promove a biodiversidade poderá ser, então, dependente da escala a que se realizam os estudos. No caso das gorgónias, o efeito da complexidade ao nível dos agregados de gorgónias poderá ser muito mais relevante do que ao nível da colónia individual, reforçando a importância da sua conservação como um todo, por forma a preservar a diversidade de espécies hospedeiras, o seu tamanho e estrutura. Actividades antropogénicas como a pesca, podem, ainda, ter efeitos negativos ao nível da reprodução de espécies marinhas. Analogamente ao verificado para os padrões de distribuição espacial das populações de gorgónias na costa algarvia, a informação relativa à sua reprodução é igualmente escassa. Os estudos realizados em populações de Eunicella gazella a 16m de profundidade, demonstraram que o desenvolvimento anual das estruturas reprodutivas é altamente sincronizado entre os sexos. A razão entre sexos na população foi de 1.09 (F:M), encontrando-se perto da paridade. A espermatogénese estende-se por 6 a 8 meses, enquanto que a oogénese é mais demorada, levando mais de um ano para que os oócitos se desenvolvam até estarem maduros. Antes da libertação dos gâmetas, foi observada uma elevada fecundidade nas fêmeas (27.30§13.24 oócitos pólipo−1) e nos machos (49.30§31.14 sacos espermáticos pólipo−1). Estes valores encontram-se entre os mais elevados reportados à data para zonas temperadas. A libertação dos gâmetas (não há evidência de desenvolvimento larvar, nem à superfície da colónia, nem no seu interior) occorre em Setembro/ Outubro, após um período de elevada temperatura da água do mar. As fêmeas emitem oócitos maduros de elevadas dimensões, retendo, todavia, os oócitos imaturos que se desenvolvem apenas na época seguinte. Ainda que o efeito da pesca nas populações de gorgónias da costa do Algarve seja perceptível, às taxas actuais, o mergulho recreativo não aparenta afectar seriamente estas populações. Contudo, sendo uma indústria em expansão e conhecendo-se a preferência de mergulhadores por áreas rochosas naturais ricas em espécies bentónicas, futuramente poderá vir a afectar estes habitats. A monitorização de mergulhadores na costa algarvia mostrou que a sua maioria (88.6 %) apresenta comportamentos que podem impactar o habitat, com uma taxa média de contactos de 0.340§0.028 contactos min−1. Esta taxa foi mais elevada em mergulhadores com moderada experiência e na fase inicial do mergulho (0–10 min). Os contactos com as barbatanas e mãos foram comuns, resultando, maioritariamente, na resuspensão do sedimento, mas geralmente apresentando um impacto reduzido. Todavia, a fauna também foi afectada, quer por danos físicos, quer pela interacção com os mergulhadores, e num cenário de expansão significativa desta actividade, os impactos na fauna local poderão aumentar, com consequências para os ecossistemas de fundos rochosos da costa sul de Portugal. Na sua globalidade, a informação recolhida nos estudos que contemplam esta tese, por ser em grande parte totalmente nova para a região, espera-se que contribua para a gestão da zona costeira do Algarve.


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Tese de doutoramento (co-tutela), Geologia (Geodinâmica Interna), Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Faculté des Sciences D’Orsay-Université Paris-Sud, 2014


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar (Ecologia Marinha)


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This paper describes the development and testing of a robotic capsule for search and rescue operations at sea. This capsule is able to operate autonomously or remotely controlled, is transported and deployed by a larger USV into a determined disaster area and is used to carry a life raft and inflate it close to survivors in large-scale maritime disasters. The ultimate goal of this development is to endow search and rescue teams with tools that extend their operational capability in scenarios with adverse atmospheric or maritime conditions.


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This study presents the validation of a French version of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale in four Francophone countries. The aim was to re-analyze the item selection and then compare this newly developed French-language form with the international form 2.0. Exploratory factor analysis was used as a tool for item selection, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) verified the structure of the CAAS French-language form. Measurement equivalence across the four countries was tested using multi-group CFA. Adults and adolescents (N=1,707) participated from Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France. Items chosen for the final version of the CAAS French-language form are different to those in the CAAS international form 2.0 and provide an improvement in terms of reliability. The factor structure is replicable across country, age, and gender. Strong evidence for metric invariance and partial evidence for scalar invariance of the CAAS French-language form across countries is given. The CAAS French-language and CAAS international form 2.0 can be used in a combined form of 31 items. The CAAS French-language form will certainly be interesting for practitioners using interventions based on the life design paradigm or aiming at increasing career adapt-ability.


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The nucleotide sequence of a genomic DNA fragment thought previously to contain the dihydrofolate reductase gene (DFR1) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by genetic criteria was determined. This DNA fragment of 1784' basepairs contains a large open reading frame from position 800 to 1432, which encodes a enzyme with a predicted molecular weight of 24,229.8 Daltons. Analysis of the amino acid sequence of this protein revealed that the yeast polypep·tide contained 211 amino acids, compared to the 186 residues commonly found in the polypeptides of other eukaryotes. The difference in size of the gene product can be attributed mainly to an insert in the yeast gene. Within this region, several consensus sequences required for processing of yeast nuclear and class II mitochondrial introns were identified, but appear not sufficient for the RNA splicing. The primary structure of the yeast DHFR protein has considerable sequence homology with analogous polypeptides from other organisms, especially in the consensus residues involved in cofactor and/or inhibitor binding. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence also revealed the presence of a number of canonical sequences identified in yeast as having some function in the regulation of gene expression. These include UAS elements (TGACTC) required for tIle amino acid general control response, and "TATA H boxes as well as several consensus sequences thought to be required for transcriptional termination and polyadenylation. Analysis of the codon usage of the yeast DFRl coding region revealed a codon bias index of 0.0083. this valve very close to zero suggestes 3 that the gene is expressed at a relatively low level under normal physiological conditions. The information concerning the organization of the DFRl were used to construct a variety of fusions of its 5' regulatory region with the coding region of the lacZ gene of E. coli. Some of such fused genes encoded a fusion product that expressed in E.coli and/or in yeast under the control of the 5' regulatory elements of the DFR1. Further studies with these fusion constructions revealed that the beta-galactosidase activity encoded on multicopy plasmids was stimulated transiently by prior exposure of yeast host cells to UV light. This suggests that the yeast PFRl gene is indu.ced by UV light and nlay in1ply a novel function of DHFR protein in the cellular responses to DNA damage. Another novel f~ature of yeast DHFR was revealed during preliminary studies of a diploid strain containing a heterozygous DFRl null allele. The strain was constructed by insertion of a URA3 gene within the coding region of DFR1. Sporulation of this diploid revealed that meiotic products segregated 2:0 for uracil prototrophy when spore clones were germinated on medium supplemented with 5-formyltetrahydrofolate (folinic acid). This finding suggests that, in addition to its catalytic activity, the DFRl gene product nlay play some role in the anabolisln of folinic acid. Alternatively, this result may indicate that Ura+ haploid segregants were inviable and suggest that the enzyme has an essential cellular function in this species.


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This thesis deals with some aspects of the Physics of the early universe, like phase transitions, bubble nucleations and premodial density perturbations which lead to the formation structures in the universe. Quantum aspects of the gravitational interaction play an essential role in retical high-energy physics. The questions of the quantum gravity are naturally connected with early universe and Grand Unification Theories. In spite of numerous efforts, the various problems of quantum gravity remain still unsolved. In this condition, the consideration of different quantum gravity models is an inevitable stage to study the quantum aspects of gravitational interaction. The important role of gravitationally coupled scalar field in the physics of the early universe is discussed in this thesis. The study shows that the scalar-gravitational coupling and the scalar curvature did play a crucial role in determining the nature of phase transitions that took place in the early universe. The key idea in studying the formation structure in the universe is that of gravitational instability.


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. The cotton mill industry is one of the important medium and large-scale industries in the State of Kerala. Due to the widespread development of the handloom industry in the State, there is an environment conducive to the growth of cotton spinning mills which produce yarn, the raw material required by the handloom industry. New spin— ing mills are being commissioned. But the performance of the existing cotton spinning and weaving mills in the State is not quite satisfactory. Hence an analysis has been carried out into the profitability and financial position of the industry in Kerala. The objective of the study is to make a financial analysis of the industry covering various aspects such as cost structure, productivity, asset structure, financial structure and working capital management.


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Objective: to assess, in a randomized sample of measurements made with the NBAS scale, in preterm and / or low birth weight babies, some psychometric characteristics of the same as her construct validity and internal consistency. Materials and methods: we designed a study of assessment of Psychometric properties. From a study of cross-sectional measurements, there were made assessment of the statistic behavior of the items, individually and in their internal consistency, then, there were carried out, type exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Results: we find that, in the analysis of preterm or low birth weight babies, the scale remains largely, the overall structure of factors proposed since 1982, in relation to the dimensions of habituation, social interactive and complementary. The items that make up the dimensions of SNA and motor systems are integrated. Also, we found Cronbach alpha values for internal consistency, which reflects higher to medium correlation levels in the behavioral and reflex items. Conclusion: the NBAS scale reflects characteristics of construct validity and internal consistency, which credits it as a useful tool in clinical assessment of neurodevelopmental effects of preterm or low birth weight babies. It is necessary to analyze the structure of the scale when used for purposes of scientific research.


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This paper considers the potential contribution of secondary quantitative analyses of large scale surveys to the investigation of 'other' childhoods. Exploring other childhoods involves investigating the experience of young people who are unequally positioned in relation to multiple, embodied, identity locations, such as (dis)ability, 'class', gender, sexuality, ethnicity and race. Despite some possible advantages of utilising extensive databases, the paper outlines a number of methodological problems with existing surveys which tend to reinforce adultist and broader hierarchical social relations. It is contended that scholars of children's geographies could overcome some of these problematic aspects of secondary data sources by endeavouring to transform the research relations of large scale surveys. Such endeavours would present new theoretical, ethical and methodological complexities, which are briefly considered.


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Understanding and predicting changes in storm tracks over longer time scales is a challenging problem, particularly in the North Atlantic. This is due in part to the complex range of forcings (land–sea contrast, orography, sea surface temperatures, etc.) that combine to produce the structure of the storm track. The impact of land–sea contrast and midlatitude orography on the North Atlantic storm track is investigated through a hierarchy of GCM simulations using idealized and “semirealistic” boundary conditions in a high-resolution version of the Hadley Centre atmosphere model (HadAM3). This framework captures the large-scale essence of features such as the North and South American continents, Eurasia, and the Rocky Mountains, enabling the results to be applied more directly to realistic modeling situations than was possible with previous idealized studies. The physical processes by which the forcing mechanisms impact the large-scale flow and the midlatitude storm tracks are discussed. The characteristics of the North American continent are found to be very important in generating the structure of the North Atlantic storm track. In particular, the southwest–northeast tilt in the upper tropospheric jet produced by southward deflection of the westerly flow incident on the Rocky Mountains leads to enhanced storm development along an axis close to that of the continent’s eastern coastline. The approximately triangular shape of North America also enables a cold pool of air to develop in the northeast, intensifying the surface temperature contrast across the eastern coastline, consistent with further enhancements of baroclinicity and storm growth along the same axis.