999 resultados para LAMELLAR MORPHOLOGY


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Establishing the long-term repeatability of quantitative measures of lumbar intervertebral disc and spinal morphology is important for planning interventional studies. We aimed to examine this issue and to determine to what extent a smaller number of measurements per disc or vertebral level could be used to save operator time without compromising measurement precision. Twenty-one healthy male subjects were scanned at baseline and 1.5 years later. On sagittal MR-scans intervertebral disc cross-sectional area, anterior disc height, posterior disc height, intervertebral angle and intervertebral length were measured. The repeatability of the average value from all sagittal images or from 1, 3, 5 or 7 images centred at the spinous process was evaluated. Bland-Altman analysis showed all measurements to be repeatable between testing days. Intervertebral length was the most precise measurement (coefficients of variation [CVs] between 1.2% and 1.5%), followed by disc cross-sectional area (CVs between 2.9% and 3.6%). Variance component analysis showed that using 7 images, but not 1, 3 or 5 images, resulted in a similar level of measurement error as when measurements from all images were included.


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A phase change material (PCM) from a mixture of plant oils was incorporated into electrospun poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) nanofibers using an emulsion electrospinning technique. Effects of PCM and PVA content in the emulsions on nanofiber morphology, heat properties, and phase change stability were examined. Higher PCM loadings in the nanofibers led to increased fiber diameter, gouged fiber surfaces, and higher heat enthalpies. The fibers maintained their morphological integrity even if the PCM melted. They showed reliable heat-regulating performance which can undergo at least 100 cycles of phase change. Such PCM fibers may be used for the development of thermoregulating fabrics or in passive heat storage devices.


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Aim: Allen's rule posits that the appendages of endothermic organisms will be larger in warmer climates to allow for dumping of heat loads. Given a link between appendage size and climate, we tested the prediction that climate change has driven the evolution of larger bills in birds, resulting in measurable changes over the recent past. Location: Australia. Methods: We explored geographical and temporal variation in bill surface area of five Australian parrot species to determine whether individuals from warmer climates have larger bills, and whether there have been increases in bill surface area over time, consistent with climatic warming. Measurements were obtained from museum specimens dating from 1871 to 2008. These data were then related to geographical location, collection date and locality-specific climate data, in order to construct and compare models of spatio-temporal and climate-related variation in bill morphology. Results: There have been increases in bill surface area in mulga parrots (Psephotus varius), gang-gang cockatoos (Callocephalon fimbriatum), red-rumped parrots (Psephotus haematonotus) and male crimson rosellas (Platycercus elegans), equating to a c. 4-10% increase in bill surface area since 1871. Average maximum summer temperature in the 5 years prior to specimen collection also positively predicted bill surface area in mulga parrots, red-rumped parrots and crimson rosellas, consistent with Allen's rule. With the exception of red-rumped parrots, however, models with geographical location and year of collection were still better predictors of bill surface area than local climate at the date of collection. Main conclusions: Our analysis provides evidence that four species of parrot have exhibited adaptive change in bills over the past century potentially mitigating the thermal stress caused by climatic warming. Although consistent with the predicted effects of climate change, the temporal patterns we observe may have additional causes, however, such as changes in primary productivity, habitat or food availability.


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 Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) with particle size of20 nm have been synthesised through the template directed method at low temperature. The pH value of the reaction solution was found to have a great impact on the morphology of the final products. The morphology of resultant MSNs were investigated through transmission electron microscope. The mesoporous structure was examined by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller and Barrett-Joyner-Halenda methods. The results suggested that the high pH value had a great effect on the morphology of the final MSNs. Higher pH value intensified the interaction between particles. The pH value less than 10 is good for the formation of nanoparticles, while at pH 12, a silica framework with heterogeneous mesopore structure can be obtained.


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Nacomposites of polymers and lamellar clayminerals, has generated high scientific and technological interest, for having mechanical properties and gas barriers differentiated of polymers and conventional composites. In this work, it was developed nanocomposites by single screw extruder and injection, utilizing commercial raw material, with the goal to investigate the quality of new developed materials. It was evaluated the influence of the content and the kind of clay in the structure and in the nanocomposites properties. It was used regular and elastomeric poly (methyl methacrylate) (Acrigel LEP 100 and Acrigel ECP800) and six montmorillonites (Cloisite 10A, 11B, 15A, 20A, 25A e 30B) at the concentration of 1% e 3% in weight. The nanocomposites were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), colorimetric, optical transparency, flexural and tensile tests, Rockwell hardness and esclerometry. It was founded that is possible to obtain intercalated and exfoliated nanocomposites PMMA/MMT, and the top results was obtained in the materials with 1%in clay weight organophilizated with 2M2HT (Cloisite 15A and 20A) presented intercalate and hybrid morphology (exfoliated and flocullated). The ones that was produced with organophilizated clay with 2MHTL8 (Cloisite 30B) had excellent visual quality, but the majority presented hybrid morphology. In the materials processed with organophilizated clay with MT2ETOH (Cloisite 30B), there were color change and loss of transparency. It occurs improvement in a few mechanical properties, mainly in the materials produced with PMMA elastomeric (Acrigel ECP800), being more significant, the increase in the resistance to stripping in those nanocomposites


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The immatures of Polybia paulista Ihering were described using light and scanning electron microscopy and the results are compared with previous descriptions within the same or related wasps. This study is based on 2 whole nests collected in the municipality of Rio Claro, São Paulo, in Brazil. We have detected the existence of 5 larval instars. The main morphological alterations over development occur in the relative size of structures, yet certain structures appear with subsequent instars and become more evident later in development: increasing density in the number of body spines and papillae; the appearance of body setae in fifth-instar larvae; opening of spiracles upon second-instar larvae; 2 body shapes in fifth-instar larvae; the appearance of a lateral tooth on the mandibles of fourth instar; presence of spines on the maxillae of fifth-instar larvae; altered shape of galea and palps upon third-instar larvae from a cluster of sensilla to a conical elevation; and the appearance of spines on postmentum upon fourth-instar larvae. This way, the present study presents a detailed description of the immatures of P. paulista, and we hope the presented information can be useful to morphological, taxonomic, and phylogenetic studies.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o uso da cápsula renal de eqüino preservada em glicerina 98% no reparo de lesões lamelares esclerais em cães. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 12 cães, machos e fêmeas, com peso médio de 12kg. Foram realizadas avaliações clínica e morfológica aos 1, 3, 7, 15, 30 e 60 dias de pós-operatório. Após anestesia geral e procedimentos padrões de preparo do campo operatório, foi realizada cantotomia temporal, seguida de incisão conjutival e escleral com área de 0,5x0,5 cm na posição de 1hora, próxima ao limbo. em seguida, um fragmento de mesma dimensão de cápsula renal de eqüino preservada em glicerina, previamente hidratado em solução salina, foi aplicado ao defeito escleral criado sendo fixado com pontos simples isolados com vicryl 7-0®. RESULTADOS: A avaliação clínica revelou blefaroespasmo/fotofobia até o sétimo dia de pós-operatório. Foi observado edema conjuntival até o quinto dia, acompanhado de secreção ocular mucóide, que persistiu até o décimo dia de pós-operatório. Não foram observados sinais clínicos de rejeição do enxerto em todos os animais, em todos os períodos avaliados. Os segmentos anterior e posterior do bulbo ocular não apresentaram sinais de inflamação. A análise morfológica revelou exsudação inflamatória aguda nos períodos precoces e intermediários da avaliação e inflamação crônica nos períodos tardios da observação. Houve incorporação do enxerto ao leito receptor. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem que a cápsula renal de eqüino preservada pode ser mais uma alternativa de membrana biológica para o reparo de lesões esclerais lamelares em cães e no homem.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O endotélio corneal é uma monocamada de células poligonais. A integridade e saúde dessa camada são essenciais para a manutenção da transparência corneal normal. Este estudo reportou pela primeira vez, de forma detalhada, a morfologia ultra-estrutural e a morfometria do endotélio corneal de suínos adultos mestiços à microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). A superfície endothelial corneal apresentou um padrão regular de células poligonais, com predomínio da forma hexagonal e de bordas celulares nítidas. O núcleo foi observado como protuberância arredondada no centro da célula. Também foram observados os cílios (2-4) em apenas algumas células da região periférica da córnea, as aberturas das vesículas pinocitóticas na proximidade dos cílios, as microvilosidades, as varas da borda e as bordas celulares em formato de zigzag. A área celular média foi significativamente maior (P<0,05) no centro da córnea do que na periferia, com um coeficiente de variação menor no centro da córnea. A densidade celular média foi significativamente maior na periferia (P<0,05) e 43,9% maior que os dados reportados por outros autores na microscopia especular, o que demonstra o efeito da retração celular durante o processamento das amostras. O valor médio do número de lados das células (pleomorfismo) foi de 5,9, o que evidencia um predomínio do formato hexagonal. A percentagem de células hexagonais foi significativamente maior no centro (P<0,001). Os parâmetros obtidos nesta pesquisa servirão de base para estudos futuros sobre o efeito de medicamentos, cirurgias intracamerulares ou soluções para armazenamento de córneas para transplantes no endotélio corneal do suíno.