931 resultados para LACTIC-ACIDOSIS
PURPOSE: We present the long-term results of a large consecutive series of patients undergoing ileal orthotopic bladder substitution following radical cystectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between April 1985 and 2005 orthotopic bladder substitution with an ileal low pressure reservoir was performed in 482 patients (including 40 women) after radical and, if possible, nerve sparing cystectomy. In 447 cases the procedure was combined with an afferent ileal isoperistaltic tubular segment. The patients were followed prospectively. RESULTS: In the 482 patients 61 early (less than 30 days) diversion related complications requiring prolonged hospital stay or readmission were noted and 115 late complications required treatment. At 1 year continence was good in 92% of patients during the day and in 79% at night. At last followup 93% of patients could void spontaneously. Of 442 evaluable men 99 (22.4%) reported having erections without and 68 (15.4%) with medical assistance. Ureteroileal stenosis was observed in 12 of 447 (2.7%) patients. Urethral recurrence was detected in 25 of 482 (5%) patients. A total of 15 (5%) patients received vitamin B12 substitution. Renal parenchyma decreased only in patients with preoperative or postoperative ureteral obstruction. After 10 years patients with normal renal function had no long-term acidosis and in 20 patients the incidence of osteoporosis resembled that of the normal population. CONCLUSIONS: Ileal orthotopic bladder substitution combined with an afferent ileal tubular segment allows for good long-term functional results provided patients are restrictively selected, postoperative instructions are followed carefully, and typical complications such as outlet obstruction and hernias are treated early.
Fillers are an important tool in the armamentarium of the physician combating aging phenomena. A wide variety of filler substances are now available that meet many, but by far not all, needs in aesthetic medicine. The most commonly used substances now are hyaluronic acid and collagen preparations that have slightly different indications, but collagen requires pre-use testing to rule out inflammatory complications. Poly-L-lactic acid has gained its place in the filling of adipose tissue wasting in HIV-infected patients. Autologous fat is easy to harvest and inject and has virtually no risk of adverse side effects. Permanent fillers may be of advantage but carry the risk of permanent adverse reactions. Skillful combination of different fillers as well as with botulinum toxin injections and other cosmetic procedures may give optimal results.
In the United States, rumenocentesis has been recommended especially for early diagnosis of subacute rumen acidosis (SARA). The objective of the current study was to evaluate health risks due to the technique ofrumenocentesis and to measure pH in ruminal juice using a commercial indicator paper (Pehanon) and a pH electrode (reference method). After 11 dairy cows underwent rumenocentesis, the clinical status of those animals was evaluated daily, and cows were slaughtered as well as pathologically--anatomically examined on day 7. During the observation period, the following pathological clinical signs were evident: forced inspiration (3 cows), transient episode of hyperthermia (2 cows), increased tension of the abdominal wall (8 cows) and positive foreign body tests (3 cows). One cow had to be culled on day 7 because of severe generalised septic peritonitis spreading from the site of rumenocentesis. At slaughter, hematoma formation in the area of the puncture site was found in 9 out of 10 cows. It was concluded that the severe complications encountered with this technique do not legitimate rumenocentesis as a routine procedure for collection of rumen juice samples in cows under Swiss conditions. The correlation between the pH reference method and the commercial indicator paper was the high (r = 0.926).
Lactococcus lactis IL1403, a lactic acid bacterium widely used for food fermentation, is often exposed to stress conditions. One such condition is exposure to copper, such as in cheese making in copper vats. Copper is an essential micronutrient in prokaryotes and eukaryotes but can be toxic if in excess. Thus, copper homeostatic mechanisms, consisting chiefly of copper transporters and their regulators, have evolved in all organisms to control cytoplasmic copper levels. Using proteomics to identify novel proteins involved in the response of L. lactis IL1403 to copper, cells were exposed to 200 muM copper sulfate for 45 min, followed by resolution of the cytoplasmic fraction by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. One protein strongly induced by copper was LctO, which was shown to be a NAD-independent lactate oxidase. It catalyzed the conversion of lactate to pyruvate in vivo and in vitro. Copper, cadmium, and silver induced LctO, as shown by real-time quantitative PCR. A copper-regulatory element was identified in the 5' region of the lctO gene and shown to interact with the CopR regulator, encoded by the unlinked copRZA operon. Induction of LctO by copper represents a novel copper stress response, and we suggest that it serves in the scavenging of molecular oxygen.
OBJECTIVE: Lateral ridge augmentations are traditionally performed using autogenous bone grafts to support membranes for guided bone regeneration (GBR). The bone-harvesting procedure, however, is accompanied by considerable patient morbidity. AIM: The aim of the present study was to test whether or not resorbable membranes and bone substitutes will lead to successful horizontal ridge augmentation allowing implant installation under standard conditions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twelve patients in need of implant therapy participated in this study. They revealed bone deficits in the areas intended for implant placement. Soft tissue flaps were carefully raised and blocks or particles of deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) (Bio-Oss) were placed in the defect area. A collagenous membrane (Bio-Gide) was applied to cover the DBBM and was fixed to the surrounding bone using poly-lactic acid pins. The flaps were sutured to allow for healing by primary intention. RESULTS: All sites in the 12 patients healed uneventfully. No flap dehiscences and no exposures of membranes were observed. Nine to 10 months following augmentation surgery, flaps were raised in order to visualize the outcomes of the augmentation. An integration of the DBBM particles into the newly formed bone was consistently observed. Merely on the surface of the new bone, some pieces of the grafting material were only partly integrated into bone. However, these were not encapsulated by connective tissue but rather anchored into the newly regenerated bone. In all of the cases, but one, the bone volume following regeneration was adequate to place implants in a prosthetically ideal position and according to the standard protocol with complete bone coverage of the surface intended for osseointegration. Before the regenerative procedure, the average crestal bone width was 3.2 mm and to 6.9 mm at the time of implant placement. This difference was statistically significant (P<0.05, Wilcoxon's matched pairs signed-rank test). CONCLUSION: After a healing period of 9-10 months, the combination of DBBM and a collagen membrane is an effective treatment option for horizontal bone augmentation before implant placement.
PURPOSE: To design an artificial mouth in order to evaluate if a new diagnostic tool (Clinpro Cario Diagnosis) can be used for early detection of secondary caries at resin composite margins in vitro. METHODS: 32 intact human third molars received standardized Class-V resin composite restorations (Tetric Ceram bonded with Syntac SC). After storage for 4 weeks at 37 degrees C, teeth were subjected to 5,000 or 10,000 thermocycles (+/- 5 degrees C and +/- 55 degrees C) and polysiloxane impressions were taken. Streptococcus mutans 10449 (SM) was used in a nutrition medium to initiate a secondary caries process. Daily, the teeth were incubated for 2 x 2.5 hours in SM containing nutrition medium followed by 2 x 9.5 hours incubation in artificial saliva. Teeth were investigated after total incubation periods of 4, 6, and 8 weeks. After the different incubation protocols, the restoration margins were evaluated for infection and secondary caries processes in using Clinpro Cario Diagnosis which measures site-specifically the lactic acid production of SM in response to a sucrose challenge. The color signal was read 5 minutes after removal of the diagnostic impression. After thermocycling and biological load cycling, precision polysiloxane impressions were taken and replicas were investigated under a light microscope for gap widths at enamel and dentin margins. Demineralization was evaluated by fluorescence microscopy in using a special FITC filter. The demineralization depths at the cavity margin were calculated with Xpert for Windows using a pixel distance of 5 microm. RESULTS: After the different thermocycling protocols, no differences in gap widths and demineralization depths were found (P > 0.05). After SM incubation, gap widths and demineralization depths were significantly dependent on SM incubation time and previous number of thermocycles (P < 0.05). Lactic acid formations of SM were detectable by Clinpro Cario Diagnosis at dentin cavosurface margins formed after 6 weeks of incubation with SM (P < 0.05).
The case of a patient with a newly diagnosed HIV infection and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is presented. Despite treatment with high-dose trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) and prednisone with initial improvement, the patient acutely deteriorated with severe acidosis and died on the 4th day of hospitalization. Cryptococcus neoformans grew the next day in broncheoalveolar lavage (BAL) and blood culture. As simultaneous presence of more than one opportunistic infection can occur in these patients, systematic workup for other common opportunistic infections must be performed.
OBJECT: Brain tissue acidosis is known to mediate neuronal death. Therefore the authors measured the main parameters of cerebral acid-base homeostasis, as well as their interrelations, shortly after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) in humans. METHODS: Brain tissue pH, PCO2, PO2, and/or lactate were measured in 151 patients with severe head injuries, by using a Neurotrend sensor and/or a microdialysis probe. Monitoring was started as soon as possible after the injury and continued for up to 4 days. During the 1st day following the trauma, the brain tissue pH was significantly lower, compared with later time points, in patients who died or remained in a persistent vegetative state. Six hours after the injury, brain tissue PCO2 was significantly higher in patients with a poor outcome compared with patients with a good outcome. Furthermore, significant elevations in cerebral concentrations of lactate were found during the 1st day after the injury, compared with later time points. These increases in lactate were typically more pronounced in patients with a poor outcome. Similar biochemical changes were observed during later hypoxic events. CONCLUSIONS: Severe human TBI profoundly disturbs cerebral acid-base homeostasis. The observed pH changes persist for the first 24 hours after the trauma. Brain tissue acidosis is associated with increased tissue PCO2 and lactate concentration; these pathobiochemical changes are more severe in patients who remain in a persistent vegetative state or die. Furthermore, increased brain tissue PCO2 (> 60 mm Hg) appears to be a useful clinical indicator of critical cerebral ischemia, especially when accompanied by increased lactate concentrations.
Accelerated vascular calcification is a severe complication of chronic kidney disease contributing to high morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing renal replacement therapy. Sodium thiosulfate is increasingly used for the treatment of soft tissue calcifications in calciphylaxis. Therefore, we determined whether it also prevents development of vascular calcifications in chronic kidney disease. We found that uremic rats treated by thiosulfate had no histological evidence of calcification in the aortic wall whereas almost three-fourths of untreated uremic rats showed aortic calcification. Urinary calcium excretion was elevated and the calcium content of aortic, heart, and renal tissue was significantly reduced in the thiosulfate-treated compared to non-treated animals. Sodium thiosulfate treatment transiently lowered plasma ionized calcium and induced metabolic acidosis. It also lowered bone strength in the treated animals compared to their normal controls. Hence, sodium thiosulfate prevented vascular calcifications in uremic rats, likely by enhancing acid- and/or chelation-induced urinary calcium loss. The negative impact on rat bone integrity necessitates a careful risk-benefit analysis before sodium thiosulfate can be used in individual human patients.
PURPOSE: We evaluated the impact of stenting the ureteroileal anastomosis on its competence, upper urinary tract dilatation, gastrointestinal recovery, metabolic parameters and patency rate after cystectomy with ileal bladder substitution or ileal conduit. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 54 patients (37 with an ileal bladder substitute and 17 with an ileal conduit) were prospectively randomized into 2 groups, with (29) or without (25) perioperative stenting of the ureteroileal anastomosis. In all cases an end-to-side ureteroileal refluxing anastomosis was performed. The stents were removed after 5 to 10 days. The parameters assessed postoperative days 1, 3 and 7 were creatinine concentration from the wound drains, upper urinary tract dilatation, time to bowel function recovery, serum creatinine, as well as urea and incidence of metabolic acidosis. RESULTS: Median patient age was 68 years (range 45 to 85). Urine leak on postoperative day 1 was more frequent in those anastomoses without stents, and on postoperative days 3 and 7 the values were comparable. Stenting of the ureteroileal anastomosis resulted in significantly decreased early postoperative upper urinary tract dilatation, improved recovery of bowel function and decreased metabolic acidosis. In either group no patient had clinical evidence of ureteroileal anastomotic stricture during the early postoperative period. Three patients with perioperative stenting required surgical or endoscopic treatment for a stricture of the ureteroileal anastomosis during the 12-month followup. CONCLUSIONS: Stenting of the ureteroileal anastomosis allows for significantly less frequent incidence of early postoperative dilatation of the pelvicaliceal system, bowel activity resumes significantly earlier and metabolic acidosis is significantly less frequent.
Polylactide (PLA) is a biodegradable polymer that has been used in particle form for drug release, due to its biocompatibility, tailorable degradation kinetics, and desirable mechanical properties. Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) may be either dissolved or encapsulated within these biomaterials to create micro- or nanoparticles. Delivery of an AIP within fine particles may overcome solubility or stability issues that can result in early elimination or degradation of the AIP in a hostile biological environment. Furthermore, it is a promising method for controlling the rate of drug delivery and dosage. The goal of this project is to develop a simple and cost-effective device that allows us to produce monodisperse micro- and nanocapsules with controllable size and adjustable sheath thickness on demand. To achieve this goal, we have studied the dual-capillary electrospray and pulsed electrospray. Dual-capillary electrospray has received considerable attention in recent years due to its ability to create core-shell structures in a single-step. However, it also increases the difficulty of controlling the inner and outer particle morphology, since two simultaneous flows are required. Conventional electrospraying has been mainly conducted using direct-current (DC) voltage with little control over anything but the electrical potential. In contrast, control over the input voltage waveform (i.e. pulsing) in electrospraying offers greater control over the process variables. Poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) microspheres and microcapsules were successfully fabricated via pulsed-DC electrospray and dual-capillary electrospray, respectively. Core shell combinations produced include: Water/PLLA, PLLA/polyethylene glycol (PEG), and oleic Acid/PLLA. In this study, we designed a novel high-voltage pulse forming network and a set of new designs for coaxial electrospray nozzles. We also investigated the effect of the pulsed voltage characteristics (e.g. pulse frequency, pulse amplitude and pulse width) on the particle’s size and uniformity. We found that pulse frequency, pulse amplitude, pulse width, and the combinations of these factors had a statistically significant effect on the particle’s size. In addition, factors such as polymer concentration, solvent type, feed flow rate, collection method, temperature, and humidity can significantly affect the size and shape of the particles formed.
OBJECTIVE: To compare anesthesia recovery quality after racemic (R-/S-) or S-ketamine infusions during isoflurane anesthesia in horses. ANIMALS: 10 horses undergoing arthroscopy. PROCEDURES: After administration of xylazine for sedation, horses (n = 5/group) received R-/S-ketamine (2.2 mg/kg) or S-ketamine (1.1 mg/kg), IV, for anesthesia induction. Anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in oxygen and R-/S-ketamine (1 mg/kg/h) or S-ketamine (0.5 mg/kg/h). Heart rate, invasive mean arterial pressure, and end-tidal isoflurane concentration were recorded before and during surgical stimulation. Arterial blood gases were evaluated every 30 minutes. Arterial ketamine and norketamine enantiomer plasma concentrations were quantified at 60 and 120 minutes. After surgery, horses were kept in a padded recovery box, sedated with xylazine, and video-recorded for evaluation of recovery quality by use of a visual analogue scale (VAS) and a numeric rating scale. RESULTS: Horses in the S-ketamine group had better numeric rating scale and VAS values than those in the R-/S-ketamine group. In the R-/S-ketamine group, duration of infusion was positively correlated with VAS value. Both groups had significant increases in heart rate and mean arterial pressure during surgical stimulation; values in the R-/S-ketamine group were significantly higher than those of the S-ketamine group. Horses in the R-/S-ketamine group required slightly higher end-tidal isoflurane concentration to maintain a surgical plane of anesthesia. Moderate respiratory acidosis and reduced oxygenation were evident. The R-norketamine concentrations were significantly lower than S-norketamine concentrations in the R-/S-ketamine group. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Compared with R-/S-ketamine, anesthesia recovery was better with S-ketamine infusions in horses.
There is a direct correlation between the development of the multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and the elevated mortality associated with sepsis. The mechanisms responsible for MODS development are being studied, however, the main efforts regarding MODS evaluation have focused on oxygen delivery optimization and on the modulation of the characteristic inflammatory cascade of sepsis, all with negative results. Recent studies have shown that there is development of tissue acidosis, even when there are normal oxygen conditions and limited presence of tissue cellular necrosis or apoptosis, which would indicate that cellular energetic dysfunction may be a central element in MODS pathogenesis. Mitochondrias are the main source of cellular energy, central regulators of cell death and the main source for reactive oxygen species. Several mechanisms contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction during sepsis, that is blockage of pyruvate entry into the Krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation substrate use in other enzymatic complexes, enzymatic complex inhibition and membrane damage mediated by oxidative stress, and reduction in mitochondrial content. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha (HIF-1alpha) is a nuclear transcription factor with a central role in the regulation of cellular oxygen homeostasis. Its induction under hypoxic conditions is associated to the expression of hundreds of genes that coordinate the optimization of cellular oxygen delivery and the cellular energy metabolism. HIF-1alpha can also be stabilized under normoxic condition during inflammation and this activation seems to be associated with a prominent pro-inflammatory profile, with lymphocytes dysfunction, and to a reduction in cellular oxygen consumption. Further studies should establish a role for HIF-1alpha as a therapeutic target.
INTRODUCTION: It is unclear to which level mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) should be increased during septic shock in order to improve outcome. In this study we investigated the association between MAP values of 70 mmHg or higher, vasopressor load, 28-day mortality and disease-related events in septic shock. METHODS: This is a post hoc analysis of data of the control group of a multicenter trial and includes 290 septic shock patients in whom a mean MAP > or = 70 mmHg could be maintained during shock. Demographic and clinical data, MAP, vasopressor requirements during the shock period, disease-related events and 28-day mortality were documented. Logistic regression models adjusted for the geographic region of the study center, age, presence of chronic arterial hypertension, simplified acute physiology score (SAPS) II and the mean vasopressor load during the shock period was calculated to investigate the association between MAP or MAP quartiles > or = 70 mmHg and mortality or the frequency and occurrence of disease-related events. RESULTS: There was no association between MAP or MAP quartiles and mortality or the occurrence of disease-related events. These associations were not influenced by age or pre-existent arterial hypertension (all P > 0.05). The mean vasopressor load was associated with mortality (relative risk (RR), 1.83; confidence interval (CI) 95%, 1.4-2.38; P < 0.001), the number of disease-related events (P < 0.001) and the occurrence of acute circulatory failure (RR, 1.64; CI 95%, 1.28-2.11; P < 0.001), metabolic acidosis (RR, 1.79; CI 95%, 1.38-2.32; P < 0.001), renal failure (RR, 1.49; CI 95%, 1.17-1.89; P = 0.001) and thrombocytopenia (RR, 1.33; CI 95%, 1.06-1.68; P = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: MAP levels of 70 mmHg or higher do not appear to be associated with improved survival in septic shock. Elevating MAP >70 mmHg by augmenting vasopressor dosages may increase mortality. Future trials are needed to identify the lowest acceptable MAP level to ensure tissue perfusion and avoid unnecessary high catecholamine infusions.
Microparticles containing large payloads of two anti-tuberculosis (TB) drugs were prepared and evaluated for suitability as a dry powder inhalation targeting alveolar macrophages. A solution containing one part each of isoniazid and rifabutin, plus two parts poly(lactic acid) (L-PLA) was spraydried. Drug content and in vitro release were assayed by HPLC, and DSC was used to elucidate release behaviour. Particle size was measured by laser scattering and aerosol characteristics by cascade impaction using a Lovelace impactor. Microparticles were administered to mice using an inhouse inhalation apparatus or by intra-tracheal instillation. Drugs in solution were administered orally and by intra-cardiac injection. Flow cytometry and HPLC were used to investigate the specificity and magnitude of targeting macrophages. Microparticles having drug content -50% (w/w), particle size -5 m and satisfactory aerosol characteristics (median mass aerodynamic diameter, MMAD = 3.57 m; geometric standard deviation, GSD = 1.41m; fine particle fraction, FPF <4.6"", = 78.91:1: 8.4%) were obtained in yields of >60%. About 70% of the payload was released in vitro in 10 days. Microparticles targeted macrophages and not epithelial cells on inhalation. Drug concentrations in macrophages were -20 times higher when microparticles were inhaled rather than drug solutions administered. Microparticles were thus deemed suitable for enhanced targeted drug delivery to lung macrophages.