957 resultados para López, Vicente


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Sign.: [paragrafo]6, A-Z8, 2A-2D8, 2E6


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Existe emisión con variantes tipográficas en la port. y con dedicatoria a Juan V, Rey de Portugal y esc. real calc. en cabecera de h. 2¶2


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Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: La Real Compañia formada por S.M. para llevar a efecto el canal de navegación y riego del reyno de Murcia, las... experiencias de que informa D. Domingo Aguirre... le han confirmado en los abusos y fraudes que hacen muchos... (XVIII/4279).


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Hay 1 ejemp. encuadernado con: Ant. Iosephi Cavanilles Icones et descriptiones plantarum, quae aut sponte in Hispania crescunt, aut in hortis hospitantur : volumen III (XVIII/2465)


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Hay 1 ejemp. encuadernado con: Ant. Iosephi Cavanilles Icones et descriptiones plantarum, quae aut sponte in Hispania crescunt, aut in hortis hospitantur : volumen V (XVIII/2466)


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Scour compromises the operation of offshore facilities. This article describes the results of an investigation aimed at the analysis of different methods used in the scour protection systems design at offshore wind farms. The study is focused on transitional waters, where monopile foundations present medium or large diameters. Using the experience of offshore wind farms currently installed, a new design formula is proposed. All of this with the aim of improving a preliminary design of scour protection systems considering maritime parameters


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The different theoretical models related with storm wave characterization focus on determining the significant wave height of the peak storm, the mean period and, usually assuming a triangle storm shape, their duration. In some cases, the main direction is also considered. Nevertheless, definition of the whole storm history, including the variation of the main random variables during the storm cycle is not taken into consideration. The representativeness of the proposed storm models, analysed in a recent study using an empirical maximum energy flux time dependent function shows that the behaviour of the different storm models is extremely dependent on the climatic characteristics of the project area. Moreover, there are no theoretical models able to adequately reproduce storm history evolution of the sea states characterized by important swell components. To overcome this shortcoming, several theoretical storm shapes are investigated taking into consideration the bases of the three best theoretical storm models, the Equivalent Magnitude Storm (EMS), the Equivalent Number of Waves Storm (ENWS) and the Equivalent Duration Storm (EDS) models. To analyse the representativeness of the new storm shape, the aforementioned maximum energy flux formulation and a wave overtopping discharge structure function are used. With the empirical energy flux formulation, correctness of the different approaches is focussed on the progressive hydraulic stability loss of the main armour layer caused by real and theoretical storms. For the overtopping structure equation, the total volume of discharge is considered. In all cases, the results obtained highlight the greater representativeness of the triangular EMS model for sea waves and the trapezoidal (nonparallel sides) EMS model for waves with a higher degree of wave development. Taking into account the increase in offshore and shallow water wind turbines, maritime transport and deep vertical breakwaters, the maximum wave height of the whole storm history and that corresponding to each sea state belonging to its cycle's evolution is also considered. The procedure considers the information usually available for extreme waves' characterization. Extrapolations of the maximum wave height of the selected storms have also been considered. The 4th order statistics of the sea state belonging to the real and theoretical storm have been estimated to complete the statistical analysis of individual wave height