985 resultados para Justin Richardson


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One of the most important factors that affects the performance of energy detection (ED) is the fading channel between the wireless nodes. This article investigates the performance of ED-based spectrum sensing, for cognitive radio (CR), over two-wave with diffuse power (TWDP) fading channels. The TWDP fading model characterizes a variety of fading channels, including well-known canonical fading distributions, such as Rayleigh and Rician, as well as worse than Rayleigh fading conditions modeled by the two-ray fading model. Novel analytic expressions for the average probability of detection over TWDP fading that account for single-user and cooperative spectrum sensing as well as square law selection diversity reception are derived. These expressions are used to analyze the behavior of ED-based spectrum sensing over moderate, severe and extreme fading conditions, and to investigate the use of cooperation and diversity as a means of mitigating the fading effects. Our results indicate that TWDP fading conditions can significantly degrade the sensing performance; however, it is shown that detection performance can be improved when cooperation and diversity are employed. The presented outcomes enable us to identify the limits of ED-based spectrum sensing and quantify the trade-offs between detection performance and energy efficiency for cognitive radio systems deployed within confined environments such as in-vehicular wireless networks.


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‘Canzone d’autore’ is the name that a vast community of Italian music critics, authors, per-formers, producers agreed upon in the mid-1970s, to describe the Italian singer-songwriter genre. Singer-songwriters, who had been missing from Italian popular music – with very few exceptions – until the late 1950s, had become increasingly popular after 1958, and were dubbed ‘cantautori’ in 1960. The term, which propagated to Spain, Catalonia, and Latin Amer-ica, is still in use, but ‘canzone d’autore’ superseded it as a genre label, highlighting the con-nections between authorship and artistic value, implied in the already established notion of ‘Cinéma d’auteur’ from which it was derived.

The expression ‘entechno laiko tragoudi’ (‘art-folk song’) was coined in Greece by Mikis The-odorakis in the 1950s, to describe a new music genre combining the urban-folk musical idi-om with lyrics coming from high-art poetry. Although the origins of the genre are tied to the work of composers like Theodorakis and Hatzidakis who did not perform as singers, from the 1970s onwards entechno became the privileged field of new generations of Greek singer-songwriters. Dropping ‘laiko’ (folk) from its label, entechno expanded its musical influences outside the urban-folk repertory and transformed into the more all-encompassing contempo-rary ‘art song’.


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The modulation of neural activity in visual cortex is thought to be a key mechanism of visual attention. The investigation of attentional modulation in high-level visual areas, however, is hampered by the lack of clear tuning or contrast response functions. In the present functional magnetic resonance imaging study we therefore systematically assessed how small voxel-wise biases in object preference across hundreds of voxels in the lateral occipital complex were affected when attention was directed to objects. We found that the strength of attentional modulation depended on a voxel's object preference in the absence of attention, a pattern indicative of an amplificatory mechanism. Our results show that such attentional modulation effectively increased the mutual information between voxel responses and object identity. Further, these local modulatory effects led to improved information-based object readout at the level of multi-voxel activation patterns and to an increased reproducibility of these patterns across repeated presentations. We conclude that attentional modulation enhances object coding in local and distributed object representations of the lateral occipital complex.


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Biodiversity continues to decline in the face of increasing anthropogenic pressures such as habitat destruction, exploitation, pollution and introduction of alien species. Existing global databases of species’ threat status or population time series are dominated by charismatic species. The collation of datasets with broad taxonomic and biogeographic extents, and that support computation of a range of biodiversity indicators, is necessary to enable better understanding of historical declines and to project – and avert – future declines. We describe and assess a new database of more than 1.6 million samples from 78 countries representing over 28,000 species, collated from existing spatial comparisons of local-scale biodiversity exposed to different intensities and types of anthropogenic pressures, from terrestrial sites around the world. The database contains measurements taken in 208 (of 814) ecoregions, 13 (of 14) biomes, 25 (of 35) biodiversity hotspots and 16 (of 17) megadiverse countries. The database contains more than 1% of the total number of all species described, and more than 1% of the described species within many taxonomic groups – including flowering plants, gymnosperms, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, beetles, lepidopterans and hymenopterans. The dataset, which is still being added to, is therefore already considerably larger and more representative than those used by previous quantitative models of biodiversity trends and responses. The database is being assembled as part of the PREDICTS project (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems – www.predicts.org.uk). We make site-level summary data available alongside this article. The full database will be publicly available in 2015.


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A comunicação apresenta as directivas de desenvolvimento de um modelo distribuído e a sua aplicação à Ribeira da Pradiela (distrito de Évora, afluente do Dejebe). A utilização de modelos distribuídos de precipitação/escoamento superficial para modelação integrada dos fenómenos hidrodinâmicos, transporte de sedimentos e qualidade da água à escala da bacia hidrográfica, é fundamental para uma correcta percepção dos binómios causas/efeitos e consequente gestão optimizada dos recursos hídricos. Os modelos distribuídos existentes assentam em malhas estruturadas de células regulares adjacentes (DEM) ou em malhas de triângulos irregulares adjacentes (TIN). Os primeiros têm um processamento relativamente simples e são compatíveis com a estrutura matricial de uma imagem raster, contudo obrigam a uma densidade de informação uniforme sobre a área em estudo, apresentam problemas de escala na representação das linhas de água e das variáveis distribuídas como a altitude, classes de solo, classes de uso do solo, dotações de rega, fertilizantes e pesticidas. As redes TIN são mais versáteis e no caso particular de os pontos levantados sobre o terreno formarem uma métrica regular, a rede TIN representa uma malha estruturada. Os modelos existentes que utilizam uma malha TIN definem a rede hidrográfica pelas arestas comuns dos triângulos que formam um ângulo côncavo entre si. Esta implementação pode forçar a existência de linhas de água onde não existem traços morfológicos da sua existência. A metodologia proposta para gerar as linhas de água passa por definir uma área de influência associada a cada nó (polígono de Voronoi) que drena por uma linha de água definida entre o próprio nó e o nó vizinho com o qual forma o maior declive. Esta metodologia é relativamente simples, não cria ambiguidades e permite criar uma rede hidrográfica cuja estrutura é perfeitamente compatível com a implementação de um algoritmo de diferenças finitas. As secções transversais das linhas de água são definidas como função da área a montante da respectiva secção. A precipitação efectiva é calculada à escala da bacia pelo método da curva número (CN) do Soil Conservation Service (SCS) e à escala de uma parcela pela equação de Richardson. O escoamento é resolvido pela equação da onda cinemática nas linhas de água de ordem superior, pela equação de conservação da massa nas depressões e pelas equações de Saint-Venant na linha de água principal. É considerado o destacamento nas encostas e o destacamento/ transporte/ deposição nas linhas de água. Também é considerado o transporte de poluentes adsorvidos aos sedimentos, bem como fenómenos de wash-off .


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Bien qu’ils soient exposés tous deux aux rayons ultraviolets (UVR) solaires, cette exposition génotoxique n’entraîne pas les mêmes conséquences dans l’oeil et la peau. Le rôle des rayons UV dans l’induction et la progression des cancers cutanés est bien démontré. Ces rayons génotoxiques sont absorbés par l’ADN. Ils y induisent ainsi des changements conformationnels pouvant mener à la formation de différents dommages. On retrouve de façon prédominante la liaison de pyrimidines adjacentes en dimères cyclobutyliques de pyrimidines (CPD). Ceux-ci causent les mutations signatures responsables des cancers de la peau induits par les UVR. Cependant, aucune évidence ne démontre l’existence de cancer induit par les UVR dans la cornée. Nous avons donc tenté de découvrir les mécanismes permettant à la cornée d’éviter la transformation tumorale induite par les UVR. L’irradiation d’yeux de lapins aux rayons UVB a permis de prouver la capacité de ces rayons à induire la formation de CPD, et ce, de la cornée jusqu’au cristallin. Par la suite, l’irradiation d’yeux humains aux trois types de rayons UV (UVA, B et C) a permis d’y établir leur patron d’induction de CPD. Nous avons ainsi démontré que l’épithélium cornéen est particulièrement sensible à l’induction de CPD, tous types de rayons UV confondus. Enfin, la comparaison de la quantité de dommages présents dans des échantillons de peaux et de cornées irradiées à la même dose d’UVB a permis de démontrer que l’épithélium cornéen est 3.4 fois plus sensible à l’induction de CPD que l’épiderme. Nous avons par la suite étudié les mécanismes de réponse à ce stress. L’analyse de la viabilité cellulaire à la suite d’irradiations à différentes doses d’UVB a révélé que les cellules de la cornée et de la peau ont la même sensibilité à la mort cellulaire induite par les UVR. Nous avons alors analysé la vitesse de réparation des dommages induits par les UVR. Nos résultats démontrent que les CPD sont réparés 4 fois plus rapidement dans les cellules de la cornée que de la peau. L’analyse des protéines de reconnaissance des dommages a révélé que les cellules de la cornée possèdent plus de protéines DDB2 que les cellules de la peau, et ce, surtout liées à la chromatine. Nous avons alors tenté d’identifier la cause de cette accumulation. Nos analyses révèlent que la cornée possède une moins grande quantité d’ARNm DDB2, mais que la demi-vie de la protéine y est plus longue. Enfin, nos résultats suggèrent que l’accumulation de DDB2 dans les cellules de la cornée est entre autres due à une demi-vie plus longue de la protéine. Cette forte présence de DDB2 dans les cellules de la cornée permettrait un meilleur balayage de l’ADN, faciliterait de ce fait la détection de CPD ainsi que leur réparation et contribuerait donc à la capacité de la cornée à éviter la transformation tumorale induite par les UVR.


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Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2013


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Concert program for Opera Workshop, Il Mondo Della Luna, November 10, 2008


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Concert Program


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Concert Program


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Summary form only given, as follows. In Vol. 12, no. 3 (Summer 2007), page 9, bottom of the left column, in 'Computer Architecture and Amdahl??s Law' by Gene Amdahl, the claim about invalidating Amdahl??s Law in 1988 came from a team at Sandia National Laboratories, and not Los Alamos. The correct text should read: "Several years later I was informed of a proof that Amdahl's Law was invalidated by someone at Sandia National Laboratories, where a number of computers interconnected as an Ncube by communication lines, but with each computer also connected to I/O devices for loading the operating system, initial data, and results." On page 20 of the same issue, in the second sentence of the diagram explanation note by Justin Rattner, the percentage figures for the sequential and the system coordination parts of the workload were interchanged. The correct version of this sentence should read: "assuming a fixed sized problem, Amdahl speculated that most programs would require at least 10% of the computation to be sequential (only one instruction executing at a time), with overhead due to interprocessor coordination averaging 25%."


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Introdução: O Active Straight Leg Raise (ASLR) tem sido sugerido como um indicador clínico da estabilidade lombopélvica. Estratégias passivas e ativas podem contribuir para aumentar esta estabilidade, assim como programas de exercício baseados nas mesmas estratégias ativas. Objetivos: Comparar os efeitos imediatos da compressão pélvica manual (CP), do drawing-in (DI) e do bracing abdominal (BA) durante o ASLR em indivíduos com e sem dor lombopélvica crónica e inespecífica, e avaliar o efeito prolongado das manobras de estabilização ativas através dos programas de exercícios de controlo motor, Pilates e McGill. Métodos: Estudo transversal, com uma amostra de 111 voluntários, 52 sem dor lombopélvica (NLPPG) e 59 com dor lombopélvica (LPPG), e estudo experimental, formado pelo LPPG dividido em 19 no grupo controlo (GC), 20 no grupo pilates (GP) e 20 no grupo mcgill (GMg). Foi avaliado o ASLR padrão, o ASLR com CP, o ASLR com DI e ASLR com BA. Os participantes foram avaliados antes e após as 8 semanas de implementação dos programas exercícios de McGill e Richardson, apenas aos respetivos grupos. Resultados: O LPPG apresentou significativamente maior score no ASLR comparativamente ao NLPPG (z=-9,361; p<0,001). Apesar do BA ter apresentado scores inferiores às restantes estratégias (p<0,001), todas elas foram capazes de diminuir o score do ASLR (p<0,001). Após a aplicação dos programas de exercícios, verificou-se que o GP (p<0,001) e o GMg (p<0,001) apresentaram scores significativamente menores no ASLR, relativamente ao GC. No GP e no GMg verificou-se uma diminuição do score do ASLR (Z=-4,028; p<0,001; Z=-4,179; p<0,001, respetivamente). Além disso, GMg apresentou uma tendência para apresentar menores scores do ASLR comparativamente ao GP. Conclusão: Qualquer uma destas manobras de estabilização quando adicionada ao ASLR pode aumentar a estabilidade lombopélvica, especialmente o BA. Os exercícios de Pilates e de McGill permitiram melhorar os scores do ASLR.