981 resultados para Juntas directivas
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Contiene: Parte 1- 3 (Encuadernadas juntas)
Siguense las reglas de vida que el diacono Agapito escriuio para el emperador Iustiniano ... : h. 136-146. Elogio al retrato de Don Aluaro de Baçan, Marques de Santa Cruz ... : h. 152-184.
El Isidro : p. 1-323 ; Canción en Loor de San Isidro de Madrid... : p. 324-330 ; Justa poética y alabanzas juntas que hizo la... villa de Madrid San Isidro... / recopiladas por lope de Vega Carpio : p. 337-616, con port. propia.
At head of title: 1810--Un siglo de instituciones--1910.
Edited by Francesco Accorso, Jacopo Anello Botti, Antoine Leconte, Jacques Cujas, François Duaren & Agostino Caravita.
Teresa Wilms -- Páginas de mi diario -- Con las manos juntas -- Los tres cantos -- Del diario de Sylvia -- Anuarí -- Una hora de charla con Teresa Wilms Montt / Sara Hüber.
Prólogo.--Patriotismo y cultura de unas juntas: como se inicia un museo.--Adquisición de objetos.--Apuntes para un catálogo.--El edificio.--Los fundadores del museo.--Epílogo.--Láminas.
Torna-se muito importante demonstrar as experiências cristãs que existiram e coexistiram juntas ou/e imersas nas culturas extrapalestinenses e que exerceram protagonismo no anúncio do querigma. São experiências cristãs vividas e realizadas no período do cristianismo primitivo, e que, sem dúvida, contribuíram significativamente para o seu processo de expansão. Apresentamos a perícope Atos 8,26-40. Trata-se do episódio de Filipe e o Etíope. Acontece um deslocamento do eixo geográfico-missionário de Samaria ao caminho que desce de Jerusalém a Gaza , retornando a Cesaréia. O texto abre o horizonte das experiências cristãs a outros povos e nações, representadas nesta perícope pela figura do Etíope eunuco. Partindo de Atos 8,26-40, na perspectiva da redação lucana como ponto de partida, por meio dos procedimentos exegéticos e dos recursos histórico- literários, apoiado no referencial teórico dos conceitos de etnicidade e fronteiras étnicas, nós pretendemos investigar a possibilidade de uma experiência cristã vivenciada na Etiópia, que se constrói etnicamente desde as identidades que interagem na perícope e que apontam ao imaginário do universo simbólico do Etíope. Assim, resgataremos na exegese bíblica pautas hermenêuticas para a nossa prática teológico-bíblica-pastoral no horizonte das identidades e fronteiras étnicas do universo afro americano e caribenho.
Este estudo tem a finalidade de contribuir para a compreensão da concepção de docência que se articulou em um dos espaços de uma das maiores universidades brasileiras, a Universidade de São Paulo, ou seja, o Instituto de Química, conhecido como IQ-USP. Nessa perspectiva, o IQ-USP é, portanto, destacado como o objeto de estudo desta pesquisa, uma vez que sua história se entrelaça com a própria criação da Universidade e seu paradigma científico está centrado no perfil de análise determinado por este trabalho: a área de conhecimento das ciências exatas. Partindo do pressuposto que a concepção de como se deve constituir o ensino superior está intrinsecamente relacionada com a visão de mundo, de conhecimento e de educação elaborada pela própria trajetória histórica da universidade, mas também pelas relações que esta estabelece com a comunidade, durante todo o seu processo de ação , é possível dizer que tais crenças e valores, selecionados e hierarquizados pela comunidade acadêmica, acabam por intervir na formação específica de seus professores. Destaca-se, assim, sob o olhar da pesquisa qualitativa, o estudo a respeito da trajetória de formação do profissional docente que se constitui ao longo da história da própria Universidade em que esse está inserido e que subsidia a sua concepção de ser docente. Nessa perspectiva, alguns autores trazem muitas contribuições para o esclarecimento da concepção de docência implícita na formação do professor universitário e seus reflexos na prática docente cotidiana. Entre estes autores, destacamos o pensamento de Paschoal Senise (2006), Maria Isabel da Cunha (2007), Heladio César G. Antunha (1974) e J. Gimeno Sacristán (1998 e 1999). A coleta de dados foi realizada utilizando-se documentos históricos e informativos, como também entrevistas semi-estruturadas, em uma abordagem sempre qualitativa, uma vez que esta nos fornece melhores condições de entendimento dos aspectos subjetivos de que se reveste a problemática da pesquisa. Fundamentado nos dados levantados e analisados à luz da contribuição teórica dos autores referenciados neste trabalho, reforçamos a conclusão de que a instituição faz o profissional, evidenciando-se na formação do docente do IQ-USP a tradição e a inovação, dialeticamente, caminhando juntas.(AU)
T he socio - economy of the coastal municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte semiarid coast was analyzed th r ou g h by the actors, ant hropogenic implications, fishing environment and composition of its fish fauna, as well as the trend of product ion landed by the artisanal fleet with the aim of identifying the sustainability and management. In this study, were used participatory methodologies, monthly data of rainfall between September 2001 and December 2010; landings of the artisanal fleet during January 2001 to December 2010; and socioeconomic (IBGE, 2002/2010), (IDEMA, 2011/2012), (MPA, 2010; 2012), UNDP and MS (2013). Based on these data, we performed analysis of variance were performed using the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process (HAP) and s tatistical models of multiple regression and time series. It was identified that the occupation of the coastal and marine zone through salt industry, tourism, shrimp farming, oil and gas and wind energy reconfigured the environment and attracted new actors . Rainfall influenced the catches, of which 35% occur in the rainy season, 40% in the dry season and 25% independent. Production increased 55%, in the period analyzed , being landed in 31 ports spread over 11 municipalities, cap tured in environments mangrov e/ estuarine (23%), coastal (46%) and oceanic (31%). Despite market up 41 species, were commercialized in the region production concentrated in eight, mainly landed in Macau and Caiçara North, by vessels of small and medium - sized (motorized and sailboats) . Highlights included three species ( Hirundichthys affins , Coryphaena hippurus and Opisthonema oglinum ), which together accounted for 63.3% of the whole volume. It was found that the motorized vessels tripled in number while sailboats reduced by half. Landin gs by different types of vessels tend to increase over time, while the small sailboats vessels, decrease. The introduction of more new motorized vessels and sailboats also tend to increase production. The study concluded that GDP and HDI of coastal countie s increased however inequality persisted. The potential of artisanal fishing is in the stage “ unfavorable ” of development and the trend in fish production is to grow over time and with the entry of more vessels. However, it is urgent that the state actions to promote and enhance planning to restore fish stocks in a sustainable and profitable fisheries standards. Therefore, it is recommend the strategic use of natural resources in a sustainable development perspective.
The recognition of karst reservoirs in carbonate rocks has become increasingly common. However, most karst features are small to be recognized in seismic sections or larger than expected to be investigated with borehole data. One way forward has been the study of analogue outcrops and caves. The present study investigates lithofacies and karst processes, which lead to the generation of the largest system of caves in South America. The study area is located in the Neoproterozoic Una Group in central-eastern Brazil. This province comprises several systems of carbonate caves (Karmann and Sanchéz, 1979), which include the Toca da Boa Vista and Barriguda caves, considered the largest caves in South America (Auler and Smart, 2003). These caves were formed mainly in dolomites of the Salitre Formation, which was deposited in a shallow marine environment in an epicontinental sea (Medeiros and Pereira, 1994). The Salitre Formation in the cave area comprises laminated mud/wakestones, intraclastic grainstones, oncolitic grainstones, oolitic grainstones, microbial laminites, colunar stromatolites, trombolites and fine siliciclastic rocks (marls, shales, and siltites). A thin layer and chert nodules also occur at the top of the carbonate unit. Phosphate deposits are also found. Our preliminary data indicate that folds and associated joints control the main karstification event at the end of the Brasiliano orogeny (740-540 Ma). We recognized five lithofacies in the cave system: (1) Bottom layers of grainstone with cross bedding comprise the main unit affected by speleogenesis, (2) thin grainstone layers with thin siltite layers, (3) microbial laminites layers, (4) layers of columnar stromatolites, and a (5) top layer of siltite. Levels (1) to (3) are affected by intense fracturing, whereas levels (4) and (5) seal the caves and have little fracturing. Chert, calcite and gipsite veins cut across the carbonate units and play a major role in diagenesis. Our preliminary study indicate that hypogenic spelogenesis is the main process of karst development and contributed significantly to the generation of secondary porosity and permeability in the carbonate units.
The fracturing in carbonate rocks has been attracting increasingly attention due to new oil discoveries in carbonate reservoirs. This study investigates how the fractures (faults and joints) behave when subjected to different stress fields and how their behavior may be associated with the generation of karst and consequently to increased secondary porosity in these rocks. In this study I used satellite imagery and unmanned aerial vehicle UAV images and field data to identify and map faults and joints in a carbonate outcrop, which I consider a good analogue of carbonate reservoir. The outcrop comprises rocks of the Jandaíra Formation, Potiguar Basin. Field data were modeled using the TECTOS software, which uses finite element analysis for 2D fracture modeling. I identified three sets of fractures were identified: NS, EW and NW-SE. They correspond to faults that reactivate joint sets. The Ratio of Failure by Stress (RFS) represents stress concentration and how close the rock is to failure and reach the Mohr-Coulomb envelopment. The results indicate that the tectonic stresses are concentrated in preferred structural zones, which are ideal places for carbonate dissolution. Dissolution was observed along sedimentary bedding and fractures throughout the outcrop. However, I observed that the highest values of RFS occur in fracture intersections and terminations. These are site of karst concentration. I finally suggest that there is a relationship between stress concentration and location of karst dissolution in carbonate rocks.
The fracturing in carbonate rocks has been attracting increasingly attention due to new oil discoveries in carbonate reservoirs. This study investigates how the fractures (faults and joints) behave when subjected to different stress fields and how their behavior may be associated with the generation of karst and consequently to increased secondary porosity in these rocks. In this study I used satellite imagery and unmanned aerial vehicle UAV images and field data to identify and map faults and joints in a carbonate outcrop, which I consider a good analogue of carbonate reservoir. The outcrop comprises rocks of the Jandaíra Formation, Potiguar Basin. Field data were modeled using the TECTOS software, which uses finite element analysis for 2D fracture modeling. I identified three sets of fractures were identified: NS, EW and NW-SE. They correspond to faults that reactivate joint sets. The Ratio of Failure by Stress (RFS) represents stress concentration and how close the rock is to failure and reach the Mohr-Coulomb envelopment. The results indicate that the tectonic stresses are concentrated in preferred structural zones, which are ideal places for carbonate dissolution. Dissolution was observed along sedimentary bedding and fractures throughout the outcrop. However, I observed that the highest values of RFS occur in fracture intersections and terminations. These are site of karst concentration. I finally suggest that there is a relationship between stress concentration and location of karst dissolution in carbonate rocks.