935 resultados para John Russel Young
The Association between Hazardous Cigarette, Cannabis, and Alcohol Use in a Population of Young Men.
AIMS: The objectives of this study were to analyse (a) the distribution of risky single-occasion drinking (RSOD) among 19-year-old men in Switzerland and (b) to show the percentage of all alcohol consumption in the form of RSOD. METHODS: The study was based on a census of Swiss francophone 19-year-old men consecutively reporting for processing. The study was conducted at Army Recruitment Center. The participants were 4116 recruits consecutively enrolling for mandatory army recruitment procedures between 23 January and 29 August in 2007. The measures were alcohol consumption measured in drinks of approximately 10 g of pure alcohol, number of drinking occasions with six or more drinks (RSOD) in the past 12 months and a retrospective 1 week drinking diary. RESULTS: 264 recruits were never seen by the research staff, 3536 of the remaining 3852 conscripts completed a questionnaire which showed that 7.2% abstained from alcohol and 75.5% of those drinking had an RSOD day at least monthly. The typical frequency of drinking was 1-3 days per week on weekends. The average quantity on weekends was about seven drinks, 69.3% of the total weekly consumption was in the form of RSOD days, and of all the alcohol consumed, 96.2% was by drinkers who had RSOD days at least once a month. CONCLUSION: Among young men, RSOD constitutes the norm. Prevention consequently must address the total population and not only high-risk drinkers.
Client change talk (CT) during motivational interviewing and brief motivational interventions (BMIs) have been described as predictors of behavior change, but these links have not been clearly evaluated in research on young people. Within 127 BMIs with 20-year-old men with at-risk alcohol consumption, each CT utterance was categorized and given a strength rating using the Motivational Interviewing Skill Code 2.1. Several ways of categorizing and measuring CT were tested using stepwise regression procedures. Overall CT measures were not significantly related to changes in drinking at 6-month follow-up. Regarding CT sub-dimensions, the frequency of ability/desire/need to change and of ability/desire/need not to change, as well as the average strength of ability/desire/need, predicted significant change in the expected direction. CT length was not significantly linked to outcome. The frequency and strength with which some CT sub-dimensions are expressed during BMI seemed to be important predictors of change in drinking among young men and might thus be especially important for clinicians to notice.
PURPOSE: To examine the relationship between the nonmedical prescription drug use (NMPDU) of six drug classes and health. METHODS: Data on young adults males (mean age, 19.96 years) from the baseline and follow-up of the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF) were used (n = 4,958). Two sets of logistic regression models were fitted to examine the associations between NMPDU of opioid analgesics, sedatives or sleeping pills, anxiolytics, antidepressants, beta blockers and stimulants, and health status (assessed using the Medical Outcomes Study 12-Item Short Form Survey Instrument [SF-12 v2]). We first computed odds ratios between NMPDU at baseline and poor mental and physical health at follow-up, adjusting for poor mental or physical health at baseline. We then computed odds ratios between poor mental and physical health at baseline and NMPDU at follow-up, adjusting for NMPDU at baseline. RESULTS: Three key findings regarding mental health were (1) there was a reciprocal risk between poor mental health and sedatives and anxiolytics; (2) poor mental health increased NMPDU of opioid analgesics and antidepressants but not vice versa; and (3) there were no associations with stimulants. Three key findings regarding physical health were (1) poor physical health increased the risk of NMPDU of anxiolytics; (2) the only reciprocal risk was between physical health and NMPDU of opioid analgesics; and (3) there were no associations with stimulants. CONCLUSION: These results, among the first ever on reciprocal effects between NMPDU and mental and physical health status, give unique information concerning the adverse effects of NMPDU on health and vice versa. The study shows that NMPDU is not only a sign of self-medication but may induce health problems.
Introduction Le tabac représente un risque majeur pour la santé de chacun, avec un lien direct établi entre le risque de développer des pathologies et la durée de sa consommation. Les jeunes sont donc des cibles primordiales pour la prévention du tabac ; les quelques recherches effectuées dans ce groupe d'âge ne sont pas encore parvenues à identifier des moyens efficaces afin d'éviter le début de la cigarette ou d'arrêter une consommation préexistante. Les buts de cette étude sont d'identifier les effets de l'intervention motivationnelle brève et de définir la nécessité d'un booster dans cette catégorie particulière de la population que sont les jeunes hommes de 19 ans. Méthodes Cette étude a été menée d'octobre 2008 à septembre 2009 au centre de recrutement de Lausanne, Vaud. Les individus étaient invités à participer à une intervention motivationnelle brève ciblant simultanément le tabac, l'alcool et le cannabis, sans screening préalable. Les 823 volontaires ont été assignés de manière randomisée entre les groupes cas et témoin, avec dans le groupe intervention une nouvelle randomisation attribuant un booster téléphonique trois mois plus tard à certains cas. Ce travail se fixe uniquement sur les résultats concernant le tabac, six mois après l'intervention. Les effets (statut de fumeur et de fumeur quotidien, nombre de cigarettes fumées en moyenne, dépendance à la cigarette selon les critères de Fagerström) étaient analysés sur la base d'un questionnaire écrit au baseline, puis d'un contact téléphonique au follow-up à six mois ; ils ont été analysés séparément pour différents groupes : l'entier des participants, les fumeurs et les fumeurs quotidiens. Résultats Les interventions motivationnelles brèves n'ont aucun effet significatif sur la consommation de tabac. Elles ont cependant une tendance bénéfique sur le fait d'être de fumeur et fumeur quotidien, sur le nombre de cigarettes consommées en moyenne et la dépendance selon Fagerström chez tous les participants, ainsi que dans les sous-groupes de fumeurs et fumeurs quotidiens. Les résultats des boosters ne sont pas significatifs et entraînent des effets mitigés selon les analyses effectuées et les groupes observés. Discussion Les interventions motivationnelles brèves n'ont pas d'effet significatif mais semblent avoir une tendance favorable à une diminution de la consommation de tabac. Les boosters ne paraissent pas avoir d'impact bénéfique mais ces conclusions sont à pondérer avec le fait qu'aucun des résultats obtenus n'est significatif. Des recherches plus systématiques sont nécessaires pour mieux comprendre ces résultats décevants : en ce qui concernent les interventions, les causes à envisager sont le fait d'utiliser des volontaires sans screening préalable, de cibler l'intervention sur de multiples substances pendant un temps relativement court ou encore la difficulté de cibler les jeunes vis-à -vis des risques liés à la cigarette ; quant aux boosters, une augmentation de fréquence ou de durée pourrait représenter une alternative, afin de rendre cette session complémentaire efficace.
The aim of this study is to identify cognitive variables that predict disordered eating attitudes in a nonclinical sample composed of 50 female university students. Repertory grid technique was used to assess cognitive features of self-construing and cognitive conflicts. Drive for Thinness and Body Dissatisfaction scales from the Eating Disorder Inventory 2 were used as dependent variables, as previous studies suggested that high scores on these scales are associated with the risk of developing or aggravating eating syndromes. Results suggest that drive for thinness can be associated with cognitive conflicts, whereas body dissatisfaction may be higher for those who construct themselves as inadequate and similar to others. In addition, both dependent variables were predicted by being younger and having a higher body mass index.
Exposure to fine airborne particulate matter (PM(2.5)) is associated with cardiovascular events and mortality in older and cardiac patients. Potential physiologic effects of in-vehicle, roadside, and ambient PM(2.5) were investigated in young, healthy, nonsmoking, male North Carolina Highway Patrol troopers. Nine troopers (age 23 to 30) were monitored on 4 successive days while working a 3 P.M. to midnight shift. Each patrol car was equipped with air-quality monitors. Blood was drawn 14 hours after each shift, and ambulatory monitors recorded the electrocardiogram throughout the shift and until the next morning. Data were analyzed using mixed models. In-vehicle PM(2.5) (average of 24 microg/m(3)) was associated with decreased lymphocytes (-11% per 10 microg/m(3)) and increased red blood cell indices (1% mean corpuscular volume), neutrophils (6%), C-reactive protein (32%), von Willebrand factor (12%), next-morning heart beat cycle length (6%), next-morning heart rate variability parameters, and ectopic beats throughout the recording (20%). Controlling for potential confounders had little impact on the effect estimates. The associations of these health endpoints with ambient and roadside PM(2.5) were smaller and less significant. The observations in these healthy young men suggest that in-vehicle exposure to PM(2.5) may cause pathophysiologic changes that involve inflammation, coagulation, and cardiac rhythm.
This paper analyzes the profile of Spanish young innovative companies (YICs) and the determinants of innovation and imitation strategies. The results for an extensive sample of 2,221 Spanish firms studied during the period 2004–2010 show that YICs are found in all sectors, although they are more concentrated in high-tech sectors and, in particular, in knowledge-intensive services (KIS). Three of every four YICs are involved in KIS. Our results highlight that financial and knowledge barriers have much impact on the capacity of young, small firms to innovate and to become YICs, whereas market barriers are not obstacles to becoming a YIC. Public funding, in particular from the European Union, makes it easier for a new firm to become a YIC. In addition, YICs are more likely to innovate than mature firms, although they are more susceptible to sectoral and territorial factors. YICs make more dynamic use of innovation and imitation strategies when they operate in high-tech industries and are based in science parks located close to universities. Keywords: innovation strategies, public innovation policies, barriers to innovation, multinomial probit model. JEL Codes: D01, D22 , L60, L80, O31