979 resultados para Johannes Kolb Site (S.C.)
Dissolution rates of calcareous ooze were measured for samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 506, which is in the area of the Galapagos Spreading Center. Using the free-drift method, measurements were carried out at 25 °C and atmospheric pressure. No significant difference in dissolution rates was found among the samples from three holes. However, in the present samples, the concentration of carbonate ion in seawater that is in equilibrium with calcite is 20 to 30% greater than is the case with synthetic calcite. That is, the dissolution rate of calcite under nearequilibrium conditions is greater than that of either synthetic calcite or sediments from the central Pacific (Morse, 1978). These results are consistent with field evidence indicating that the calcium carbonate compensation depth in the Galapagos region is shallower than in most other Pacific regions (Berger et al., 1976).
Glassy Turonian foraminifera preserved in clay-rich sediments from the western tropical Atlantic yield the warmest equivalent d18O sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) yet reported for the entire Cretaceous-Cenozoic. We estimate Turonian SSTs that were at least as warm as (conservative mean ~30 °C) to significantly warmer (warm mean ~33 °C) than those in the region today. However, if independent evidence for high middle Cretaceous pCO2 is reliable and resulted in greater isotopic fractionation between seawater and calcite because of lower sea-surface pH, our conservative and warm SST estimates would be even higher (32 and 36°C, respectively). Our new tropical SSTs help reconcile geologic data with the predictions of general circulation models that incorporate high Cretaceous pCO2 and lend support to the hypothesis of a Cretaceous greenhouse. Our data also strengthen the case for a Turonian age for the Cretaceous thermal maximum and highlight a 20-40 m.y. mismatch between peak Cretaceous-Cenozoic global warmth and peak inferred tectonic CO2 production. We infer that this mismatch is either an artifact of a hidden Turonian pulse in global ocean-crust cycling or real evidence of the influence of some other factor on atmospheric CO2 and/or SSTs. A hidden pulse in crust cycling would explain the timing of peak Cretaceous-Cenozoic sea level (also Turonian), but other factors are needed to explain high-frequency (~10-100 k.y.) instability in middle Cretaceous SSTs reported elsewhere.
Results of the analyses of twenty-three samples from the Middle Miocene to Lower Pliocene strata from DSDP Site 467, offshore California, are presented. The analyses were performed with the aim of determining the origin of the organic matter, the stratigraphic section's hydrocarbon generation potential and extent of organic diagenesis. Organic carbon contents are an order of magnitude greater than those typically found in deep sea sediments, suggesting an anoxic depositional environment and elevated levels of primary productivity. Hydrocarbon generation potentials are above average for most samples. The results of elemental analyses indicate that the kerogens are primarily composed of type II organic matter and are thermally immature. Analysis of the bitumen fractions confirms that the samples are immature. In cores from 541 to 614 meters, the gas chromatograms of the C15+ non-aromatic hydrocarbon fractions are dominated by a single peak which was identified as 17*(H), 18*(H), 21beta(H)-28, 30-bisnorhopane. This interval is the same area in which the highest degrees of anoxia are observed as reflected by the lowest pristane/phytane ratios. This correlation may have some implications with regard to the origin of the bisnorhopane and its possible use as an indicator of anoxic depositional conditions within thermally immature sediments.
Site 1123 is located on the northeastern flank of the Chatham Rise. Sedimentological and clay mineralogical analyses indicate a very fine grained carbonate-rich sediment. Smectite and illite are the main constituents of the clay mineral assemblage. High smectite values in the Eocene decrease in younger sediment sequences. Illite and chlorite concentrations increase in younger sediments with significant steps at 13.5, 9, and 6.4 Ma. The kaolinite content is near the detection limit and not significant. We observed only small fluctuations of the clay mineral composition, which indicates a uniform sedimentation process, probably driven by long-term processes. Good correspondence is shown between increasing illite and chlorite values and the tectonic uplift history of the Southern Alps.