990 resultados para Joachim
In all European Union countries, chemical residues are required to be routinely monitored in meat. Good farming and veterinary practice can prevent the contamination of meat with pharmaceutical substances, resulting in a low detection of drug residues through random sampling. An alternative approach is to target-monitor farms suspected of treating their animals with antimicrobials. The objective of this project was to assess, using a stochastic model, the efficiency of these two sampling strategies. The model integrated data on Swiss livestock as well as expert opinion and results from studies conducted in Switzerland. Risk-based sampling showed an increase in detection efficiency of up to 100% depending on the prevalence of contaminated herds. Sensitivity analysis of this model showed the importance of the accuracy of prior assumptions for conducting risk-based sampling. The resources gained by changing from random to risk-based sampling should be transferred to improving the quality of prior information.
Dichelobacter nodosus, the etiological agent of ovine footrot, exists both as virulent and as benign strains, which differ in virulence mainly due to subtle differences in the three subtilisin-like proteases AprV2, AprV5 and BprV found in virulent, and AprB2, AprB5 and BprB in benign strains of D. nodosus. Our objective was a molecular genetic epidemiological analysis of the genes of these proteases by direct sequence analysis from clinical material of sheep from herds with and without history of footrot from 4 different European countries. The data reveal the two proteases known as virulent AprV2 and benign AprB2 to correlate fully to the clinical status of the individuals or the footrot history of the herd. In samples taken from affected herds, the aprV2 gene was found as a single allele whereas in samples from unaffected herds several alleles with minor modifications of the aprB2 gene were detected. The different alleles of aprB2 were related to the herds. The aprV5 and aprB5 genes were found in the form of several alleles scattered without distinction between affected and non-affected herds. However, all different alleles of aprV5 and aprB5 encode the same amino acid sequences, indicating the existence of a single protease isoenzyme 5 in both benign and virulent strains. The genes of the basic proteases BprV and BprB also exist as various alleles. However, differences found in samples from affected versus non-affected herds do not reflect the currently known epitopes that are attributed to differences in biochemical activity. The data of the study confirm the prominent role of AprV2 in the virulence of D. nodosus and shed a new light on the presence of the other protease genes and their allelic variants in clinical samples.
In this study, we compared direction detection thresholds of passive self-motion in the dark between artistic gymnasts and controls. Twenty-four professional female artistic gymnasts (ranging from 7 to 20 years) and age-matched controls were seated on a motion platform and asked to discriminate the direction of angular (yaw, pitch, roll) and linear (leftward–rightward) motion. Gymnasts showed lower thresholds for the linear leftward–rightward motion. Interestingly, there was no difference for the angular motions. These results show that the outstanding self-motion abilities in artistic gymnasts are not related to an overall higher sensitivity in self-motion perception. With respect to vestibular processing, our results suggest that gymnastic expertise is exclusively linked to superior interpretation of otolith signals when no change in canal signals is present. In addition, thresholds were overall lower for the older (14–20 years) than for the younger (7–13 years) participants, indicating the maturation of vestibular sensitivity from childhood to adolescence.
The objective of the study was to determine if there are sex-based differences in the prevalence and clinical outcomes of subclinical peripheral artery disease (PAD). We evaluated the sex-specific associations of ankle-brachial index (ABI) with clinical cardiovascular disease outcomes in 2797 participants without prevalent clinical PAD and with a baseline ABI measurement in the Health, Aging, and Body Composition study. The mean age was 74 years, 40% were black, and 52% were women. Median follow-up was 9.37 years. Women had a similar prevalence of ABI < 0.9 (12% women versus 11% men; P = 0.44), but a higher prevalence of ABI 0.9-1.0 (15% versus 10%, respectively; P < 0.001). In a fully adjusted model, ABI < 0.9 was significantly associated with higher coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality, incident clinical PAD and incident myocardial infarction in both women and men. ABI < 0.9 was significantly associated with incident stroke only in women. ABI 0.9-1.0 was significantly associated with CHD death in both women (hazard ratio 4.84, 1.53-15.31) and men (3.49, 1.39-8.72). However, ABI 0.9-1.0 was significantly associated with incident clinical PAD (3.33, 1.44-7.70) and incident stroke (2.45, 1.38-4.35) only in women. Subclinical PAD was strongly associated with adverse CV events in both women and men, but women had a higher prevalence of subclinical PAD.
The authors review the implicit association test (IAT), its use in marketing, and the methodology and validity issues that surround it. They focus on a validity problem that has not been investigated previously, namely, the impact of cognitive inertia on IAT effects. Cognitive inertia refers to the difficulty in switching from one categorization rule to another, which causes IAT effects to depend on the order of administration of the two IAT blocks. In Study 1, the authors observe an IAT effect when the compatible block precedes the incompatible block but not when it follows the incompatible block. In Studies 2 and 3, the IAT effect changes its sign when the order of the blocks reverses. Cognitive inertia distorts individual IAT scores and diminishes the correlations between IAT scores and predictor variables when the block order is counterbalanced between subjects. Study 4 shows that counterbalancing the block order repeatedly within subjects can eliminate cognitive inertia effects on the individual level. The authors conclude that researchers should either interpret IAT scores at the aggregate level or, if individual IAT scores are of interest, counterbalance the block order repeatedly within subjects.
We demonstrate that the IAT is crucially influenced by the order in which the two IAT-blocks are administered. In three studies the IAT-effect is shown to change in magnitude and sign when the order of the ‘compatible’ and the ‘incompatible’ block is reversed. Order effects are caused by cognitive inertia, the difficulty to switch from one categorization rule to another categorization rule. Cognitive inertia distorts correlations between IAT-scores and other variables. While the common practice of counterbalancing block-order between-subjects does not cancel out these distortions, we show in study 4 that counterbalancing block-order repeatedly within-subjects can eliminate order effects.
Vibrations, Posture, and the Stabilization of Gaze: An Experimental Study on Impedance Control R. KREDEL, A. GRIMM & E.-J. HOSSNER University of Bern, Switzerland Introduction Franklin and Wolpert (2011) identify impedance control, i.e., the competence to resist changes in position, velocity or acceleration caused by environmental disturbances, as one of five computational mechanisms which allow for skilled and fluent sen-sorimotor behavior. Accordingly, impedance control is of particular interest in situa-tions in which the motor task exhibits unpredictable components as it is the case in downhill biking or downhill skiing. In an experimental study, the question is asked whether impedance control, beyond its benefits for motor control, also helps to stabi-lize gaze what, in turn, may be essential for maintaining other control mechanisms (e.g., the internal modeling of future states) in an optimal range. Method In a 3x2x4 within-subject ANOVA design, 72 participants conducted three tests on visual acuity and contrast (Landolt / Grating and Vernier) in two different postures (standing vs. squat) on a platform vibrating at four different frequencies (ZEPTOR; 0 Hz, 4 Hz, 8 Hz, 12 Hz; no random noise; constant amplitude) in a counterbalanced or-der with 1-minute breaks in-between. In addition, perceived exertion (Borg) was rated by participants after each condition. Results For Landolt and Grating, significant main effects for posture and frequency are re-vealed, representing lower acuity/contrast thresholds for standing and for higher fre-quencies in general, as well as a significant interaction (p < .05), standing for in-creasing posture differences with increasing frequencies. Overall, performance could be maintained at the 0 Hz/standing level up to a frequency of 8 Hz, if bending of the knees was allowed. The fact that this result is not only due to exertion is proved by the Borg ratings showing significant main effects only, i.e., higher exertion scores for standing and for higher frequencies, but no significant interaction (p > .40). The same pattern, although not significant, is revealed for the Vernier test. Discussion Apparently, postures improving impedance control not only turn out to help to resist disturbances but also assist in stabilizing gaze in spite of these perturbations. Con-sequently, studying the interaction of these control mechanisms in complex unpre-dictable environments seems to be a fruitful field of research for the future. References Franklin, D. W., & Wolpert, D. M. (2011). Computational mechanisms of sensorimotor control. Neuron, 72, 425-442.