994 resultados para Jasmin, Jacques (1798-1864)


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In this important article Richard Hoyle, one of the country’s leading historians of the early modern period, introduces new perspectives on the Land Tax and its use in the analysis of local communities in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. He uses as his case study the parish of Earls Colne in Essex, on which he has already written extensively with Professor Henry French. The article begins with an overview of the tax itself, explaining its history and the procedures for the collection of revenues – including the numerous changes which took place. The sizeable problems confronting any would-be analyst of the data are clearly identified, and Hoyle observes that because of these apparently insoluble difficulties the potential of the tax returns has never been fully realised. He then considers the surviving documentation in The National Archives, providing an accessible introduction to the sources and their arrangement, and describing the particularly important question o f the redemption of the tax by payment of a lump sum. The extent of redemption (in the years around 1800-1804) is discussed. Hoyle draws attention to the potential for linking the tax returns themselves with the redemption certificates (which have never been subjected to historical analysis and thereby proposes new ways of exploiting the evidence of the taxation as a whole. The article then discusses in detail the specific case of Earls Colne, with tabulated data showing the research potential. Topics analysed include the ownership of property ranked by size of payment, and calculations whereby the amount paid may be used to determine the worth of land and the structure of individual estates. The important question of absentee owners is investigated, and there is a very valuable consideration of the potential for looking at portfolio estate ownership, whereby owners held land in varying proportions in a number of parishes. It is suggested that such studies will allow us to be more aware of the entirety of property ownership, which a focus on a single community does not permit. In the concluding paragraph it is argued that using these sources we may see the rise and fall of estates, gain new information on landownership, landholding and farm size, and even approach the challenging topic of the distribution of wealth.


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L'organisation des manuscrits arthuriens du cycle du Graal de Jacques d'Armagnac (BNF fr. 117-120 qu'il a hérité de son arrière-grand-père le duc Jean de Berry et dont il a fait retoucher les peintures et BNF fr. 113-116 qu'il a fait exécuter entre 1470 et 1475), leur agencement, leur illustration et leurs subdivisions sont un indice précieux de la conception et de la réception de ces compilations. Ils soulignent l'effort de constitution d'un ensemble romanesque cohérent centré sur la figure de Lancelot.


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The presidency of Jacques Chirac in France (1995-2007) was scarred by two crushing defeats: the parliamentary elections of 25 May and 1 June 1997, and the referendum on the European Constitution of 29 May 2005. As both were highly personal setbacks, since both votes were taken at Chirac’s initiative they suggest that a dominant presidential position, twice won, was twice squandered owing to a failure of leadership. This chapter argues, firstly, that the weaknesses of the presidency arose chiefly from the three decades of Chirac’s career before the 1995 election – and, secondly, that Chirac’s record of presidential leadership, though limited, is more substantial than these two major failures suggest.


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JASMIN is a super-data-cluster designed to provide a high-performance high-volume data analysis environment for the UK environmental science community. Thus far JASMIN has been used primarily by the atmospheric science and earth observation communities, both to support their direct scientific workflow, and the curation of data products in the STFC Centre for Environmental Data Archival (CEDA). Initial JASMIN configuration and first experiences are reported here. Useful improvements in scientific workflow are presented. It is clear from the explosive growth in stored data and use that there was a pent up demand for a suitable big-data analysis environment. This demand is not yet satisfied, in part because JASMIN does not yet have enough compute, the storage is fully allocated, and not all software needs are met. Plans to address these constraints are introduced.


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This article establishes the authenticity of a half length portrait of Napoleon, long thought to be a copy.


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Hellström, Staffan. Tystnaden i ljudfilm - En studie i Jacques Tatis ”Mon Uncle”. C-uppsats. Falun: Institutionen för kultur & medier, Högskolan Dalarna. HT-2008Denna uppsats undersöker Jacques Tatis användning av tystnaden i samspel med ljud och hur de komiska situationerna uppkommer genom detta. Dess syfte är att öka kunskapen för ljudläggare hur man kan använda tystnaden i samverkan med ljud för att uppnå önskat resultat. Den har även som syfte att visa hur specifikt Jacques Tati åstadkommer detta. Uppsatsen innehåller en kvalitativ närläsning, analys och personlig tolkning av fyra scener ur Tatis film ”Mon Uncle” från 1958. Undersökningen är genomförd med ett hermeneutiskt synsätt. Tystnaden definieras som något som endast kan förekomma när ljud existerar.Utredningen genomförs med teoretiskt stöd av Bela Balázs teorier om ljud i film samt Robert Bressons anteckningar om filmkonsten. Bressons filmer är väldigt liknande Tatis filmer på det tekniska planet och är därför relevanta för jämförelser.Sammanfattningsvis kan det sägas att Tati ljudmässigt skapar sina komiska situationer genom ett samspel mellan ljud, tystnad och ett repeterande av monotona ljud. I likhet med Bresson är han intresserad att lyfta fram det osedda och göra oss uppmärksamma på tystnaden.


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A presente dissertação tem por objetivo estudar alguns aspectos de Paroles, conjunto de poemas de Jacques Prévert (1900-1977). Ela começa com um primeiro capítulo de introdução à retórica: uma breve história da retórica ou de seu lugar na sociedade ocidental, em seguida uma apresentação do sistema retórico. O segundo capítulo estuda a trajetória da vida e da escrita de Jacques Prévert até a publicação de Paroles. O terceiro capítulo estuda alguns aspectos de Paroles. Ele começa por perguntar qual o tipo de linguagem utilizada por Prévert: ela é tão simples e popular quanto parece? Depois, ele se debruça sobre a questão do jogo de palavras. Em seguida ele tenta fazer um levantamento bastante completo, um inventário das figuras de retórica presentes em Paroles. Para evitar que a leitura do capítulo se tornasse excessivamente pesada e indigesta, foi organizado um anexo que recebeu todo o inventário quantitativo; ele se encontra após o texto propriamente dito da dissertação. Enfim, o capítulo apresenta algumas considerações de ordem temática, sobre a questão da população: quais espécies de personagens povoam Paroles? Um breve léxico dos principais termos da retórica se encontra no fim da dissertação, antes da bibliografia.