996 resultados para Jacobi-functies.


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Coupled-cluster (CC) theory is one of the most successful approaches in high-accuracy quantum chemistry. The present thesis makes a number of contributions to the determination of molecular properties and excitation energies within the CC framework. The multireference CC (MRCC) method proposed by Mukherjee and coworkers (Mk-MRCC) has been benchmarked within the singles and doubles approximation (Mk-MRCCSD) for molecular equilibrium structures. It is demonstrated that Mk-MRCCSD yields reliable results for multireference cases where single-reference CC methods fail. At the same time, the present work also illustrates that Mk-MRCC still suffers from a number of theoretical problems and sometimes gives rise to results of unsatisfactory accuracy. To determine polarizability tensors and excitation spectra in the MRCC framework, the Mk-MRCC linear-response function has been derived together with the corresponding linear-response equations. Pilot applications show that Mk-MRCC linear-response theory suffers from a severe problem when applied to the calculation of dynamic properties and excitation energies: The Mk-MRCC sufficiency conditions give rise to a redundancy in the Mk-MRCC Jacobian matrix, which entails an artificial splitting of certain excited states. This finding has established a new paradigm in MRCC theory, namely that a convincing method should not only yield accurate energies, but ought to allow for the reliable calculation of dynamic properties as well. In the context of single-reference CC theory, an analytic expression for the dipole Hessian matrix, a third-order quantity relevant to infrared spectroscopy, has been derived and implemented within the CC singles and doubles approximation. The advantages of analytic derivatives over numerical differentiation schemes are demonstrated in some pilot applications.


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Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Konstruktion eines Homomorphismus von partiell definierten, graduiert-kommutativen Algebren, der nach Ubergang zu rationalen Kohomologiegruppen mit der Regulatorabbildung reg zwischen motivischer und Deligne-Beilinson Kohomologie übereinstimmt.rnZu Beginn der Arbeit werden verschiedene Komplexe beschrieben, mit denen sich die motivische und die Deligne-Beilinson Kohomologie berechnen lassen.rnIm ersten Kapitel wird der Komplex der höheren Chow Ketten und der Unterkomplex der "alternierenden" Ketten "in guter Lage" eingeführt, die beide die motivische Kohomologie berechnen (letzterer mit rationalen Koeffizienten).rnIn den folgenden beiden Kapiteln werden Komplexe C_D und P_D beschrieben, mit denen sich die (rationale) Deligne-Beilinson Kohomologie berechnen lässt. Diese sind aufgebaut aus sogenannten Strömen, die im zweiten Kapitel eingeführt werden. Verknüpft sind die beiden Komplexe durch eine Auswertungsabbildung ev, die für rationale Koeffizienten zu einem Quasi-Isomorphismus wird. Auf beiden Komplexen lassen sich (Schnitt-)Produkte definieren, von denen jedoch nur das Produkt auf P_D gleichzeitig assoziativ und graduiert-kommutativ ist.rnIm vierten Kapitel wird ganz allgemein für eine Familie von Komplexen, die einer Reihe an Anforderungen genügt, ein (partiell definierter) Homomorphismus (der Regulator) von dem Komplex der höheren Chow Ketten in eben diese Komplexe konstruiert. Die beiden oben genannten Komplexe erfüllen diese Anforderungen und liefern daher Regulatoren reg_C und reg_P


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The aims of this study were to evaluate the anatomic feasibility of medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) reconstruction using a part of the adductor magnus tendon and to identify possible risks.


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Resilience research has been applied to socioeconomic as well as for agroecological studies in the last 20 years. It provides a conceptual and methodological approach for a better understanding of interrelations between the performance of ecological and social systems. In the research area Alto Beni, Bolivia, the production of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.), is one of the main sources of income. Farmers in the region have formed producers’ associations to enhance organic cocoa cultivation and obtain fair prices since the 1980s. In cooperation with the long-term system comparisons by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) in Alto Beni, aspects of the field trial are applied for the use in on-farm research: a comparison of soil fertility, biomass and crop diversity is combined with qualitative interviews and participatory observation methods. Fieldwork is carried out together with Bolivian students through the Swiss KFPE-programme Echanges Universitaires. For the system comparisons, four different land-use types were classified according to their ecological complexity during a preliminary study in 2009: successional agroforestry systems, simple agroforestry systems (both organically managed and certified), traditional systems and conventional monocultures. The study focuses on interrelations between different ways of cocoa cultivation, livelihoods and the related socio-cultural rationales behind them. In particular this second aspect is innovative as it allows to broaden the biophysical perspective to a more comprehensive evaluation with socio-ecological aspects thereby increasing the relevance of the agronomic field studies for development policy and practice. Moreover, such a socio-ecological baseline allows to assess the potential of organic agriculture regarding resilience-building face to socio-environmental stress factors. Among others, the results of the pre-study illustrate local farmers’ perceptions of climate change and the consequences for the different crop-systems: all interviewees mentioned rising temperatures and/or an extended dry season as negative impacts more with regard to their own working conditions than to their crops. This was the case in particular for conventional monocultures and in plots where slash-and-burn cultivation was practised whereas for organic agroforestry systems the advantage of working in the shade was stressed indicating that their relevance rises in the context of climate change.


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The Rankin convolution type Dirichlet series D-F,D-G(s) of Siegel modular forms F and G of degree two, which was introduced by Kohnen and the second author, is computed numerically for various F and G. In particular, we prove that the series D-F,D-G(s), which shares the same functional equation and analytic behavior with the spinor L-functions of eigenforms of the same weight are not linear combinations of those. In order to conduct these experiments a numerical method to compute the Petersson scalar products of Jacobi Forms is developed and discussed in detail.


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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) can be a severe and potentially life-threatening disease that often represents a therapeutic challenge because of its heterogeneous organ manifestations. Only glucocorticoids, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide and very recently belimumab have been approved for SLE therapy in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Dependence on glucocorticoids and resistance to the approved therapeutic agents, as well as substantial toxicity, are frequent. Therefore, treatment considerations will include 'off-label' use of medication approved for other indications. In this consensus approach, an effort has been undertaken to delineate the limits of the current evidence on therapeutic options for SLE organ disease, and to agree on common practice. This has been based on the best available evidence obtained by a rigorous literature review and the authors' own experience with available drugs derived under very similar health care conditions. Preparation of this consensus document included an initial meeting to agree upon the core agenda, a systematic literature review with subsequent formulation of a consensus and determination of the evidence level followed by collecting the level of agreement from the panel members. In addition to overarching principles, the panel have focused on the treatment of major SLE organ manifestations (lupus nephritis, arthritis, lung disease, neuropsychiatric and haematological manifestations, antiphospholipid syndrome and serositis). This consensus report is intended to support clinicians involved in the care of patients with difficult courses of SLE not responding to standard therapies by providing up-to-date information on the best available evidence.


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Engineering students continue to develop and show misconceptions due to prior knowledge and experiences (Miller, Streveler, Olds, Chi, Nelson, & Geist, 2007). Misconceptions have been documented in students’ understanding of heat transfer(Krause, Decker, Niska, Alford, & Griffin, 2003) by concept inventories (e.g., Jacobi,Martin, Mitchell, & Newell, 2003; Nottis, Prince, Vigeant, Nelson, & Hartsock, 2009). Students’ conceptual understanding has also been shown to vary by grade point average (Nottis et al., 2009). Inquiry-based activities (Nottis, Prince, & Vigeant, 2010) haveshown some success over traditional instructional methods (Tasoglu & Bakac, 2010) in altering misconceptions. The purpose of the current study was to determine whether undergraduate engineering students’ understanding of heat transfer concepts significantly changed after instruction with eight inquiry-based activities (Prince & Felder, 2007) supplementing instruction and whether students’ self reported GPA and prior knowledge, as measured by completion of specific engineering courses, affected these changes. The Heat and Energy Concept Inventory (Prince, Vigeant, & Nottis, 2010) was used to assess conceptual understanding. It was found that conceptual understanding significantly increased from pre- to post-test. It was also found that GPA had an effect on conceptual understanding of heat transfer; significant differences were found in post-test scores onthe concept inventory between GPA groups. However, there were mixed results when courses previously taken were analyzed. Future research should strive to analyze how prior knowledge effects conceptual understanding and aim to reduce the limitations of the current study such as, sampling method and methods of measuring GPA and priorknowledge.


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Cocoa-based small-scale agriculture is the most important source of income for most farming families in the region of Alto Beni in the sub-humid foothills of the Andes. Cocoa is grown in cultivation systems of varying ecological complexity. The plantations are highly susceptible to climate change impacts. Local cocoa producers mention heat waves, droughts, floods and plant diseases as the main impacts affecting plants and working conditions, and they associate these impacts with global climate change. From a sustainable regional development point of view, cocoa farms need to become more resilient in order to cope with the climate change related effects that are putting cocoa-based livelihoods at risk. This study assesses agroecosystem resilience under three different cocoa cultivation systems (successional agroforestry, simple agroforestry and common practice monocultures). In a first step, farmers’ perceptions of climate change impacts were assessed and eight indicators of agroecological resilience were derived in a transdisciplinary process (focus groups and workshop) based on farmers’ and scientists’ knowledge. These indicators (soil organic matter, depth of Ah horizon, soil bulk density, tree species diversity, crop varieties diversity, ant species diversity, cocoa yields and infestation of cocoa trees with Moniliophthora perniciosa) were then surveyed on 15 cocoa farms and compared for the three different cultivation systems. Parts of the socio-economic aspects of resilience were covered by evaluating the role of cocoa cooperatives and organic certification in transitioning to more resilient cocoa farms (interviews with 15 cocoa farmers combined with five expert interviews). Agroecosystem resilience was higher under the two agroforestry systems than under common practice monoculture, especially under successional agroforestry. Both agroforestry systems achieved higher cocoa yields than common practice monoculture due to agroforestry farmers’ enhanced knowledge regarding cocoa cultivation. Knowledge sharing was promoted by local organizations facilitating organic certification. These organizations were thus found to enhance the social process of farmers’ integration into cooperatives and their reorientation toward organic principles and diversified agroforestry.