959 resultados para Iris neovascularization
Trata acerca del análisis de los periódicos El Iris de La Paz, La Época y El Comercio, los tres de la ciudad de La Paz, Bolivia, en el siglo XIX entre 1829 y 1899. El propósito fue conocer cómo se representó a la Nación boliviana en la prensa de La Paz. Los tres periódicos analizados tuvieron similares objetivos propagandísticos en favor de los respectivos gobiernos de turno. Las diferencias fueron cualitativas en lo referido a la argumentación de esa propaganda. El Iris de La Paz (1829-1839) se ubicó ideológicamente en el liberalismo británico de Jeremías Bentham. Fue el periódico mejor argumentado de los tres. Mediante el discurso del Iris se intentaba establecer puentes que alcanzaban diversos aspectos: entre Iglesia y Estado liberal; entre el liberalismo y la religión; entre Bolivia y el Perú; entre el nuevo régimen y el antiguo. Pese a la aceptable argumentación ideológica, su representación de Nación quedó ambigua debido sobre todo a que el caudillo resultó más importante que la Nación. El periódico La Época (1845-1857 y 1866-1867), en sus cinco etapas se ligó al liberalismo francés y al romanticismo, pero a partir de diversos enfoques que fueron desde un liberalismo conservador (p. ej. en las épocas de los Presidentes Ballivián y Melgarejo) a otro más arrimado a la izquierda e incluso con influencia del socialismo utópico (p. ej. en la época del Presidente Belzu). Junto a ese liberalismo, se divulgó también una mentalidad del Antiguo Régimen, fundamentalmente de índole religiosa. Haciendo una revisión global de sus cinco etapas, se concluyó que en el periódico hubo una mezcolanza de ideas denominada como “colecticismo”. El periódico El Comercio (1878-1899) en sus tres escenarios fue el más banal de los tres. Su discurso estaba enfocado únicamente a la propaganda política, con una pobre argumentación ideológica. Los términos del liberalismo moderado se mezclaron con los del catolicismo con el fin de hacer propaganda para los gobiernos del partido político Conservador. El uso de los términos quedó desprovisto de su significado, y sólo sirvieron para otorgarle sentido al accionar de uno u otro gobierno; así, los mismos términos se usaron ya sea para justificar una actitud o para rechazarla, en un entorno político muy reñido. Al final del proceso, en vísperas de la Guerra Federal, el periódico que apoyaba al Partido Conservador pasó a apoyar al Partido Liberal; los liberales ganaron la Guerra Federal. En lo referido al regionalismo, en el Iris no hubo explícita mención al regionalismo entre La Paz y Chuquisaca, sí hubo algunos indicios. Tal regionalismo se fue haciendo más notorio en La Época, con diferentes matices. La confrontación regional fue más radical en El Comercio a finales del siglo XIX, con la misma tipificación étnica que ya se había vislumbrado en La Época: los indios y cholos en el Norte versus la gente civilizada en el Sur. El caso indígena fue también tratado con diversos matices. En el Iris no se expusieron textos peyorativos acerca del indígena. En La Época se defendió al indígena desde una perspectiva humanista proveniente del romanticismo, pero el discurso adquirió contrasentido, pues el indio fue tipificado a la vez como un pobre “paria” sin civilización. En el Comercio se divulgaron dos visiones acerca del indígena: el del feroz indomable y del “paria” sumiso. Paradójicamente, los tres periódicos defendieron al indígena por lo menos desde un punto de vista humanista, pero a su vez los tres propugnaban que, para mejorar su suerte de opresión, el indio debería asumir los modos de relación social del liberalismo o civilizarse. La representación de una Nación ambigua se dio ya sea porque el caudillo adquirió mayor importancia que la Nación misma, por el uso “interesado” de la ley y la Constitución para legitimar gobiernos de facto, para justificar actitudes gubernamentales arbitrarias, por las riñas regionales con connotaciones étnicas entre el Norte y el Sur, o por porque los indígenas implícitamente no formaban parte de la Nación moderna por ser incivilizados.
Considerando que el texto artístico, en este caso Bínÿbeoboyejuayëng (Danzantes del viento) del poeta camëntsá de Colombia, Hugo Jamioy Juagibioy, es un producto cultural, un hecho semiótico, a decir de Lotman, que informa y comunica, que está estructurado por varios códigos que se interseccionan entre sí, mi posición como interlocutora, supone dialogar con su poética desde una historia común de violencia frente a los pueblos indígenas, las mujeres y los pueblos no indígenas en América Latina; lo cual supone que existen puntos de encuentro histórico e intercultural que ensayaré entender y traducir; empero, como sabemos, ninguna traducción es exacta por la multiplicidad de códigos que convergen en el texto, en el receptor y en la audiencia, pese a la unicidad del texto y su carácter relativo. La policromía de la Madre Tierra aparece como un arco iris en los versos de Jamioy, belleza y diversidad que posee un movimiento propio y al mismo tiempo sujeto a otro sumamente hostil que los engloba y destruye. Belleza y diversidad de la que provenimos. La pregunta es cómo supervivir tanto los pueblos “indígenas” como los “no indígenas” en un entorno que invade y hace trizas la coexistencia de esa diversidad en armonía.
In this paper, practical generation of identification keys for biological taxa using a multilayer perceptron neural network is described. Unlike conventional expert systems, this method does not require an expert for key generation, but is merely based on recordings of observed character states. Like a human taxonomist, its judgement is based on experience, and it is therefore capable of generalized identification of taxa. An initial study involving identification of three species of Iris with greater than 90% confidence is presented here. In addition, the horticulturally significant genus Lithops (Aizoaceae/Mesembryanthemaceae), popular with enthusiasts of succulent plants, is used as a more practical example, because of the difficulty of generation of a conventional key to species, and the existence of a relatively recent monograph. It is demonstrated that such an Artificial Neural Network Key (ANNKEY) can identify more than half (52.9%) of the species in this genus, after training with representative data, even though data for one character is completely missing.
There is a growing concern in reducing greenhouse gas emissions all over the world. The U.K. has set 34% target reduction of emission before 2020 and 80% before 2050 compared to 1990 recently in Post Copenhagen Report on Climate Change. In practise, Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools have been introduced to construction industry in order to achieve this such as. However, there is clear a disconnection between costs and environmental impacts over the life cycle of a built asset when using these two tools. Besides, the changes in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) lead to a change in the way information is represented, in particular, information is being fed more easily and distributed more quickly to different stakeholders by the use of tool such as the Building Information Modelling (BIM), with little consideration on incorporating LCC and LCA and their maximised usage within the BIM environment. The aim of this paper is to propose the development of a model-based LCC and LCA tool in order to provide sustainable building design decisions for clients, architects and quantity surveyors, by then an optimal investment decision can be made by studying the trade-off between costs and environmental impacts. An application framework is also proposed finally as the future work that shows how the proposed model can be incorporated into the BIM environment in practise.
In this paper a modified algorithm is suggested for developing polynomial neural network (PNN) models. Optimal partial description (PD) modeling is introduced at each layer of the PNN expansion, a task accomplished using the orthogonal least squares (OLS) method. Based on the initial PD models determined by the polynomial order and the number of PD inputs, OLS selects the most significant regressor terms reducing the output error variance. The method produces PNN models exhibiting a high level of accuracy and superior generalization capabilities. Additionally, parsimonious models are obtained comprising a considerably smaller number of parameters compared to the ones generated by means of the conventional PNN algorithm. Three benchmark examples are elaborated, including modeling of the gas furnace process as well as the iris and wine classification problems. Extensive simulation results and comparison with other methods in the literature, demonstrate the effectiveness of the suggested modeling approach.
The INSIG2 rs7566605 polymorphism was identified for obesity (BMI> or =30 kg/m(2)) in one of the first genome-wide association studies, but replications were inconsistent. We collected statistics from 34 studies (n = 74,345), including general population (GP) studies, population-based studies with subjects selected for conditions related to a better health status ('healthy population', HP), and obesity studies (OB). We tested five hypotheses to explore potential sources of heterogeneity. The meta-analysis of 27 studies on Caucasian adults (n = 66,213) combining the different study designs did not support overall association of the CC-genotype with obesity, yielding an odds ratio (OR) of 1.05 (p-value = 0.27). The I(2) measure of 41% (p-value = 0.015) indicated between-study heterogeneity. Restricting to GP studies resulted in a declined I(2) measure of 11% (p-value = 0.33) and an OR of 1.10 (p-value = 0.015). Regarding the five hypotheses, our data showed (a) some difference between GP and HP studies (p-value = 0.012) and (b) an association in extreme comparisons (BMI> or =32.5, 35.0, 37.5, 40.0 kg/m(2) versus BMI<25 kg/m(2)) yielding ORs of 1.16, 1.18, 1.22, or 1.27 (p-values 0.001 to 0.003), which was also underscored by significantly increased CC-genotype frequencies across BMI categories (10.4% to 12.5%, p-value for trend = 0.0002). We did not find evidence for differential ORs (c) among studies with higher than average obesity prevalence compared to lower, (d) among studies with BMI assessment after the year 2000 compared to those before, or (e) among studies from older populations compared to younger. Analysis of non-Caucasian adults (n = 4889) or children (n = 3243) yielded ORs of 1.01 (p-value = 0.94) or 1.15 (p-value = 0.22), respectively. There was no evidence for overall association of the rs7566605 polymorphism with obesity. Our data suggested an association with extreme degrees of obesity, and consequently heterogeneous effects from different study designs may mask an underlying association when unaccounted for. The importance of study design might be under-recognized in gene discovery and association replication so far.
Common variants at only two loci, FTO and MC4R, have been reproducibly associated with body mass index (BMI) in humans. To identify additional loci, we conducted meta-analysis of 15 genome-wide association studies for BMI (n > 32,000) and followed up top signals in 14 additional cohorts (n > 59,000). We strongly confirm FTO and MC4R and identify six additional loci (P < 5 x 10(-8)): TMEM18, KCTD15, GNPDA2, SH2B1, MTCH2 and NEGR1 (where a 45-kb deletion polymorphism is a candidate causal variant). Several of the likely causal genes are highly expressed or known to act in the central nervous system (CNS), emphasizing, as in rare monogenic forms of obesity, the role of the CNS in predisposition to obesity.
The experiments were designed to evaluate the biocompatibility of a plastically compressed collagen scaffold (PCCS). The ultrastructure of the PCCS was observed via scanning electron microscopy. Twenty New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into experimental and control groups that received corneal pocket transplantation with PCCS and an amniotic membrane, respectively. And the contralateral eye of the implanted rabbit served as the normal group. On the 1st, 7th, 14th, 21st, 30th, 60th, 90th, and 120th postoperative day, the eyes were observed via a slit lamp. On the 120th postoperative day, the rabbit eyes were enucleated to examine the tissue compatibility of the implanted stroma. The PCCS was white and translucent. The scanning electron microscopy results showed that fibers within the PCCS were densely packed and evenly arranged. No edema, inflammation, or neovascularization was observed on ocular surface under a slit lamp and few lymphocytes were observed in the stroma of rabbit cornea after histological study. In conclusion, the PCCS has extremely high biocompatibility and is a promising corneal scaffold for an artificial cornea. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A, 2013.
Our data highlight the role of SP in reparative neovascularization. Nociceptive signaling may represent a novel target of regenerative medicine.
Automated border control (ABC) is concerned with fast and secure processing for intelligence-led identification. The FastPass project aims to build a harmonised, modular reference system for future European ABC. When biometrics is taken on board as identity, spoofing attacks become a concern. This paper presents current research in algorithm development for counter-spoofing attacks in biometrics. Focussing on three biometric traits, face, fingerprint, and iris, it examines possible types of spoofing attacks, and reviews existing algorithms reported in relevant academic papers in the area of countering measures to biometric spoofing attacks. It indicates that the new developing trend is fusion of multiple biometrics against spoofing attacks.
In the present contribution, I discuss the claim, endorsed by a number of authors, that contributing to a collective harm is the ground for special responsibilities to the victims of that harm. Contributors should, between them, cover the costs of the harms they have inflicted, at least if those harms would otherwise be rights-violating. I raise some doubts about the generality of this principle before moving on to sketch a framework for thinking about liability for the costs of harms in general. This framework uses a contractualist framework to build an account of how to think about liability for costs on the basis of the presumably attractive thought that individual agents should have as much control over their liabilities as is compatible with others having like control. I then use that framework to suggest that liability on the basis of contribution should be restricted to cases in which the contributors could have avoided their contribution relatively costlessly, in which meeting the liability is not crippling for them, and in which such a liability would not have chilling effects, either on them or on third parties. This account of the grounds for contributory liability also has the advantage of avoiding a number of awkward questions about what counts as a contribution by shifting the issue away from often unanswerable questions about the precise causal genesis of some harm or other. Instead, control over conduct, which plausibly has some relation to the harm, becomes crucial. On the basis of this account, I then investigate whether a number of uses of the contributory principle are entirely appropriate. I argue that contributory liability is not appropriate for cases of collective harms committed by coordinated groups in the way that, for example, Iris Marion Young and Thomas Pogge have suggested and that further investigation of how members of such groups may be liable will be needed.
Social connection and practice-dependence: some recent developments in the global justice literature
This review essay discusses two recent attempts to reform the framework in which issues of international and global justice are discussed: Iris Marion Young’s ‘social connection’ model and the practice-dependent approach, here exemplified by Ayelet Banai, Miriam Ronzoni and Christian Schemmel’s edited collection. I argue that while Young’s model may fit some issues of international or global justice, it misconceives the problems that many of them pose. Indeed, its difficulties point precisely in the direction of practice dependence as it is presented by Banai et al. I go on to discuss what seem to be the strengths of that method, and particularly Banai et al.’s defence of it against the common claim that it is biased towards the status quo. I also discuss Andrea Sangiovanni and Kate MacDonald’s contributions to the collection.
Sclera segmentation is shown to be of significant importance for eye and iris biometrics. However, sclera segmentation has not been extensively researched as a separate topic, but mainly summarized as a component of a broader task. This paper proposes a novel sclera segmentation algorithm for colour images which operates at pixel-level. Exploring various colour spaces, the proposed approach is robust to image noise and different gaze directions. The algorithm’s robustness is enhanced by a two-stage classifier. At the first stage, a set of simple classifiers is employed, while at the second stage, a neural network classifier operates on the probabilities’ space generated by the classifiers at stage 1. The proposed method was ranked the 1st in Sclera Segmentation Benchmarking Competition 2015, part of BTAS 2015, with a precision of 95.05% corresponding to a recall of 94.56%.