921 resultados para Invasive enteritis


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Background: The trend in breast cancer surgery is toward more conservative operative procedures. The new staging technique of sentinel node biopsy facilitates the identification of pathological node-negative patients in whom axillary dissection may be avoided. However, patients with a positive sentinel node biopsy would require a thorough examination of their nodal status. An axillary dissection provides good local control, and accurate staging and prognostic information to inform decisions about adjuvant therapy. In addition, the survival benefit of axillary treatment is still debated. The objectives of the present study were to examine the pattern of lymph node metastases in the axilla, and evaluate the merits of a level III axillary dissection. Methods : Between June 1997 and May 2000, 308 patients underwent a total of 320 level III dissections as part of their treatment for operable invasive breast cancer. The three axillary levels were marked intraoperatively, and the contents in each level were submitted and examined separately. The patterns of axillary lymph node (ALN) metastases were examined, and factors associated with 4 positive nodes, and level III ALN metastases were evaluated by univariate and multivariate analyses. Results: An average of 25 lymph nodes were examined per case (range: 8-54), and using strict anatomical criteria, the mean numbers of ALN found in levels I, II and III were 18 (range: 2-43), 4 (range: 0 19), and 3 ( range: 0-11), respectively. Axillary lymph node involvement was found in 45% of the cases (143/320). Of the 143 cases, 78% (n = 111) had involvement of level I nodes only, and 21% (n = 30) had positive ALN in levels II and, or, III, in addition to level I. Involvement of lymph nodes in level II or III without a level I metastasis was found in two cases only (0.6%). By including level II, in addition to level I, in the dissection, four cases (1%) were converted from one to three positive nodes to 4 positive nodes (P = 0.64). By the inclusion of level III to a level I and II dissection, three cases (1%) were converted from one to three positive nodes to 4 positive nodes (P = 0.74). Involvement of lymph nodes in level III was found in 22 cases (7%), and 51 cases (16%) had 4 positive nodes. Palpability of ALN, pathological tumour size, and lymphovascular invasion (LVI), were significantly associated with level III involvement and 4 positive nodes by univariate and multivariate analyses. The frequencies of level III involvement and 4 positive nodes in patients with palpable ALN were 22% and 42%, respectively. The corresponding frequencies in patients with a clinically negative axilla, and a primary tumour which was >20 mm and LVI positive, were over 14% and 31%, respectively. Conclusion: Level III axillary dissection is appropriate for patients with palpable ALN, and in those with a tumour which is >20 mm and LVI positive, principally to reduce the risk of axillary recurrence. Staging accuracy is achieved with a level II dissection, or even a level I dissection alone based on strict anatomical criteria. Sentinel node biopsy is a promising technique in identifying pathological node-positive patients in whom an axillary clearance provides optimal local control and staging information.


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Apart from their veterinary importance, the hookworms Ancylostoma caninum, Ancylostoma braziliense and Ancylostoma caninum are also capable of causing zoonotic disease in humans. A highly sensitive and species-specific PCR-RFLP technique was utilised to detect and differentiate the various canine Ancylostoma spp directly from eggs in faeces. This technique was utilised to screen 101 canine faecal samples from parasite endemic tea growing communities in Assam, India, as part as an ongoing epidemiological investigation into canine parasitic zoonoses. The prevalence of hookworms in dogs was found to be 98% using a combination of PCR and conventional microscopy. Overall, 36% of dogs were found positive for single hookworm infections with A. caninum, 24% positive for single infections with A. braziliense and 38% had mixed infections with both A. caninum and A. braziliense. No dogs were found positive for A. ceylanicum in the community under study. The high prevalence of A. caninum and A. braziliense in dogs in this community may account for the high incidence of cutaneous larva migrans (CLM) observed among the human population residing at the tea estates. The PCR-RFLP technique described herein allows epidemiological screening of canine hookworms to be conducted rapidly, with ease and accuracy, and has the potential to be applied to a number of different clinical, pharmacological and epidemiological situations. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: To review changes in patterns of care for women with early invasive breast cancer in Western Australia from 1989 to 1999, and compare management with recommendations in the 1995 National Health and Medical Research Council guidelines. Design and setting: Population-based surveys of all cases listed in the Western Australian Cancer Registry and Western Australian Hospital Morbidity Data System. Main outcome measures: Congruence of care with guidelines. Results: Data were available for 1649 women with early invasive breast cancer (categories pT1 or pT2; pN0 or pN1; and M0). In 1999, 96% had a preoperative diagnosis by fine-needle aspiration or core biopsy (compared with 66% in 1989), with a synoptic pathology report on 95%. Breast-conserving surgery was used for 66% of women with mammographically detected tumours (v 35% in 1989) and 46% of those with clinically detected tumours (v 28% in 1989), with radiotherapy to the conserved breast in 90% of these cases (83% in 1989). Adjuvant chemotherapy was given to 92% of premenopausal women with node-positive disease and 63% with poor-prognosis node-negative tumours (v 78% and 14%, respectively, in 1989). Among postmenopausal women with receptor-positive tumours, tamoxifen was prescribed for 91% of those with positive nodes (85% in 1989) and 79% of those with negative nodes (30% in 1989). Among postmenopausal women with receptor-negative tumours, chemotherapy was prescribed for 70% with positive nodes (v 33%) and 58% with negative nodes (v none). Conclusions: Patterns of management of women with early invasive breast cancer in Western Australia during the 1990s changed significantly in all respects toward those recommended in the 1995 guidelines.


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The risk of breast cancer arises from a combination of genetic susceptibility and environmental factors. Recent studies show that type and duration of use of hormone replacement therapy affect a women's risk of developing breast cancer.1-7 The women's health initiative trial was stopped early because of excess adverse cardiovascular events and invasive breast cancer with oestrogen and progestogen.6 The publicity increased public awareness of the risks of hormone replacement therapy, and this was heightened by the publication of the million women study.2 However, the recently published oestrogen only arm of the women's health initiative trial suggests that this formulation may reduce the risk of breast cancer.8 To help make sense of the often confusing information,9 women and clinicians need individual rather than population risk data. We have produced estimates that can be used to calculate individual risk for women living up to the age of 79 and suggest the risk


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Background: A survey of pathology reporting of breast cancer in Western Australia in 1989 highlighted the need for improvement. The current study documents (1) changes in pathology reporting from 1989 to 1999 and (2) changes in patterns of histopathological prognostic indicators for breast cancer following introduction of mammographic screening in 1989. Methods: Data concerning all breast cancer cases reported in Western Australia in 1989, 1994 and 1999 were retrieved using the State Cancer Registry, Hospital Morbidity data system, and pathology laboratory records. Results: Pathology reports improved in quality during the decade surveyed. For invasive carcinoma, tumour size was not recorded in 1.2% of pathology reports in 1999 compared with 16.1% in 1989 (rho<0.001). Corresponding figures for other prognostic factors were: tumour grade 3.3% and 51.6% (rho<0.001), tumour type 0.2% and 4.1% (rho<0.001), vascular invasion 3.7% and 70.9% (rho<0.001), and lymph node status 1.9% and 4.5% (rho=0.023). In 1999, 5.9% of reports were not in a synoptic/checklist format, whereas all reports were descriptive in 1989 (rho<0.001). For the population as a whole, the proportion of invasive carcinomas <1 cm was 20.9% in 1999 compared with 14.5% in 1989 (rho<0.001); for tumours <2 cm the corresponding figures were 65.4% and 59.7% (rho=0.013). In 1999, 30.5% of tumours were histologically well-differentiated compared with 10.6% in 1989 (rho<0.001), and 61.7% were lymph node negative in 1999 compared with 57.1% in 1989 (rho=0.006). Pure ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) constituted 10.9% and 7.9% of total cases of breast carcinoma in 1999 and 1989, respectively (rho=0.01). Conclusions: Quality of pathology reporting improved markedly over the period, in parallel with adoption of stanclardised synoptic pathology reports. By 1999, recording of important prognostic information was almost complete. Frequency of favourable prognostic factors generally increased over time, reflecting expected effects of mammographic screening.


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Background: We tested the hypothesis that the universal application of myocardial scanning with single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) would result in better risk stratification in renal transplant candidates (RTC) compared with SPECT being restricted to patients who, in addition to renal disease, had other clinical risk factors. Methods: RTCs (n=363) underwent SPECT and clinical risk stratification according to the American Society of Transplantation (AST) algorithm and were followed up until a major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE) or death. Results: Of the 363 patients, 79 patients (22%) had an abnormal SPECT scan and 270 (74%) were classified as high risk. Both methods correctly identified patients with increased probability of MACE. However, clinical stratification performed better (sensitivity and negative predictive value 99% and 99% vs. 25% and 87%, respectively). High-risk patients with an abnormal SPECT scan had a modest increased risk of events (log-rank = 0.03; hazard ratio [HR] = 1.37; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 1.02-1.82). Eighty-six patients underwent coronary angiography, and coronary artery disease (CAD) was found in 60%. High-risk patients with CAD had an increased incidence of events (log-rank = 0.008; HR=3.85; 95% CI, 1.46-13.22), but in those with an abnormal SPECT scan, the incidence of events was not influenced by CAD (log-rank = 0.23). Forty-six patients died. Clinical stratification, but not SPECT, correlated with the probability of death (log-rank = 0.02; HR=3.25; 95% CI, 1.31-10.82). Conclusion: SPECT should be restricted to high-risk patients. Moreover, in contrast to SPECT, the AST algorithm was also useful for predicting death by any cause in RTCs and for selecting patients for invasive coronary testing.


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Major requirements for performance of liver biopsy (LB) are the benefits for the patient and the impossibility of having the same information by less invasive procedures. In the last two decades physicians have faced the difficult task of convincing a patient positive for hepatitis C, with minimal clinical or laboratory alterations to be submitted to LB in order to evaluate the status of the disease for therapeutic management. The characteristics of the needle used for percutaneous LB interferes with the accuracy of diagnosis. In chronic hepatitis C (CHC), validity is achieved with liver fragments about 25mm in length containing more than 10 portal tracts. Morbidity due to LB is mainly related to bleeding but death is very rare. Severe complications are also uncommon, increasing with number of passes and decreasing with experience of operator and ultrasound guidance. Although CHC is a diffuse disease, the various areas of the liver may not be equally affected and sampling errors are possible. Another potential limitation of LB is the discordance between pathologists in its interpretation. To replace LB, many panels of surrogate markers have been described, aiming to identify extent of fibrosis and inflammation. All of them have used LB as their ""gold standard"". Liver biopsy continues to be the most reliable method to evaluate the possibility of therapy for CHC. Universal treatment of all patients with diagnosis of CHC would be ideal. But, there are mainly three drawbacks. Overall efficacy is as low as 50%, side effects are common and may be severe and treatment is prolonged and expensive. The acceptability of the biopsy by the patient is highly dependent on the physician`s conviction of its usefulness.


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Some patients are no longer able to communicate effectively or even interact with the outside world in ways that most of us take for granted. In the most severe cases, tetraplegic or post-stroke patients are literally `locked in` their bodies, unable to exert any motor control after, for example, a spinal cord injury or a brainstem stroke, requiring alternative methods of communication and control. But we suggest that, in the near future, their brains may offer them a way out. Non-invasive electroencephalogram (EEG)-based brain-computer interfaces (BCD can be characterized by the technique used to measure brain activity and by the way that different brain signals are translated into commands that control an effector (e.g., controlling a computer cursor for word processing and accessing the internet). This review focuses on the basic concepts of EEG-based BC!, the main advances in communication, motor control restoration and the down-regulation of cortical activity, and the mirror neuron system (MNS) in the context of BCI. The latter appears to be relevant for clinical applications in the coming years, particularly for severely limited patients. Hypothetically, MNS could provide a robust way to map neural activity to behavior, representing the high-level information about goals and intentions of these patients. Non-invasive EEG-based BCIs allow brain-derived communication in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and motor control restoration in patients after spinal cord injury and stroke. Epilepsy and attention deficit and hyperactive disorder patients were able to down-regulate their cortical activity. Given the rapid progression of EEG-based BCI research over the last few years and the swift ascent of computer processing speeds and signal analysis techniques, we suggest that emerging ideas (e.g., MNS in the context of BC!) related to clinical neuro-rehabilitation of severely limited patients will generate viable clinical applications in the near future.


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Motor cortex stimulation oriented by functional cortical mapping is used mainly for treating otherwise intractable neurological disorders, however. its mechanism of action remains elusive. Herein, we present a new method for functional mapping of the rat motor cortex using non-invasive transdural electrical stimulation. This method allows a non-invasive mapping of the surface of the neocortex providing a differentiation of representative motor areas. This Study may facilitate further investigation about the mechanisms mediating the effects of electrical stimulation, possibly benefiting patients who do not respond to this neuromodulation therapy. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To analyse breast cancer incidence trends in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, in relation to population-based mammography screening targeting women aged 50 to 69 years. Trends in age-specific incidence of invasive breast cancers in NSW women aged >= 40 years were examined in relation to mammography screening rates and screening cancer detection rates. Incidence of invasive breast cancer in NSW women increased in all age-groups over 1972 to 2002. The incidence trend for women aged 50 to 69 years showed that the steepest rise was associated with increased participation in population-based mammography screening, which was implemented from 1988 and achieved state-wide coverage in 1995. The elevated incidence of invasive cancer significantly exceeded pre-screening levels, and persisted after rates of initial screens declined. This elevated incidence was sustained by the contribution of cancers diagnosed through subsequent screening, and resulted from increased cancer detection rates in subsequent screens. The recent increase in invasive breast cancer incidence in NSW is associated with mammography screening, and occurred mostly in the target age-group women. Persistence of higher incidence after 1994 was not explicable by inflation of cancer incidence due to detection of prevalent screen cases, but was associated with a trend of increased cancer detection rates in subsequent screening rounds, probably consequent to quality improvements in mammography screening diagnosis.


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Multislice computed tomography (MSCT) for the noninvasive detection of coronary artery stenoses is a promising candidate for widespread clinical application because of its non-invasive nature and high sensitivity and negative predictive value as found in several previous studies using 16 to 64 simultaneous detector rows. A multi-centre study of CT coronary angiography using 16 simultaneous detector rows has shown that 16-slice CT is limited by a high number of nondiagnostic cases and a high false-positive rate. A recent meta-analysis indicated a significant interaction between the size of the study sample and the diagnostic odds ratios suggestive of small study bias, highlighting the importance of evaluating MSCT using 64 simultaneous detector rows in a multi-centre approach with a larger sample size. In this manuscript we detail the objectives and methods of the prospective ""CORE-64"" trial (""Coronary Evaluation Using Multidetector Spiral Computed Tomography Angiography using 64 Detectors""). This multi-centre trial was unique in that it assessed the diagnostic performance of 64-slice CT coronary angiography in nine centres worldwide in comparison to conventional coronary angiography. In conclusion, the multi-centre, multi-institutional and multi-continental trial CORE-64 has great potential to ultimately assess the per-patient diagnostic performance of coronary CT angiography using 64 simultaneous detector rows.


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Autoimmune rheumatic diseases are generally considered as a multifactorial aetiology, mainly genetic susceptibility combined with environmental triggers of which bacteria are considered one of the most prominent. Among the rheumatic diseases where bacterial agents are more clearly involved as triggers are: reactive arthritis (ReA), rheumatic fever (RF) and Lyme disease. The role of bacterial infections in inducing other seronegative spondyloarthritis and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome has been hypothesized but is still not proven. The classic form of ReA is associated with the presence of HLA-B27 and is triggered by the urethritis or enteritis causing pathogens Chlamydia trachomatis and the enterobacteria Salmonella, Shigella, and Yersinia, respectively. But several other pathogens such as Brucella, Leptospira, Mycobacteria, Neisseria, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus have also been reported to cause ReA. RF is due to an autoimmune reaction triggered by an untreated throat infection by Streptococcus pyogenes in susceptible individuals. Carditis is the most serious manifestation of RF and HLA-DR7 is predominantly observed in the development of valvular lesions. Lyme disease is a tick-transmitted disease caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. Knowledge is limited about how this spirochete interacts with human tissues and cells. Some data report that Borrelia burgdorferi can manipulate resident cells towards a pro- but also anti-inflammatory reaction and persist over a long period of time inside the human body or even inside human cells.


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Aims: This study has compared the tissue expression of the p53 tumour suppressor protein and DNA repair proteins APE1, hMSH2 and ERCC1 in normal, dysplastic and malignant lip epithelium. Methods and results: Morphological analysis and immunohistochemistry were performed on archived specimens of normal lip mucosa (n = 15), actinic cheilitis (AC) (n = 30), and lip squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) (n = 27). AC samples were classified morphologically according to the severity of epithelial dysplasia and risk of malignant transformation. LSCC samples were morphologically staged according to WHO and invasive front grading (IFG) criteria. Differences between groups and morphological stages were determined by bivariate statistical analysis. Progressive increases in the percentage of epithelial cells expressing p53 and APE1 were associated with increases in morphological malignancy from normal lip mucosa to LSCC. There was also a significant reduction in epithelial cells expressing hMSH2 and ERCC1 proteins in the AC and LSCC groups. A higher percentage of malignant cells expressing APE1 was found in samples with an aggressive morphological IFG grade. Conclusions: Our data showed that epithelial cells from premalignant to malignant lip disease exhibited changes in the expression of p53, APE1, hMSH2 and ERCC1 proteins; these molecular change might contribute to lip carcinogenesis.


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Recently, stress myocardial computed tomographic perfusion (CTP) was shown to detect myocardial ischemia. Our main objective was to evaluate the feasibility of dipyridamole stress CTP and compare it to single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) to detect significant coronary stenosis using invasive conventional coronary angiography (CCA; stenosis >70%) as the reference method. Thirty-six patients (62 +/- 8 years old, 20 men) with previous positive results with SPECT (<2 months) as the primary inclusion criterion and suspected coronary artery disease underwent a customized multidetector-row CT protocol with myocardial perfusion evaluation at rest and during stress and coronary CT angiography (CTA). Multidetector-row computed tomography was performed in a 64-slice scanner with dipyridamole stress perfusion acquisition before a second perfusion/CT angiographic acquisition at rest. Independent blinded observers performed analysis of images from CTP, CTA, and CCA. All 36 patients completed the CT protocol with no adverse events (mean radiation dose 14.7 +/- 3.0 mSv) and with interpretable scans. CTP results were positive in 27 of 36 patients (75%). From the 9 (25%) disagreements, 6 patients had normal coronary arteries and 2 had no significant stenosis (8 false-positive results with SPECT, 22%). The remaining patient had an occluded artery with collateral flow confirmed by conventional coronary angiogram. Good agreement was demonstrated between CTP and SPECT on a per-patient analysis (kappa 0.53). In 26 patients using CCA as reference, sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were 88.0%, 79.3%, 66.7%, and 93.3% for CTP and 68.8, 76.1%, 66.7%, and 77.8%, for SPECT, respectively (p = NS). In conclusion, dipyridamole CT myocardial perfusion at rest and during stress is feasible and results are similar to single-photon emission CT scintigraphy. The anatomical-perfusion information provided by this combined CT protocol may allow identification of false-positive results by SPECT. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (Am J Cardiol 2010;106:310-315)


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Introduction: The relevance of prostate size in the pathophysiology of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) is controversial. We evaluated the urodynamic findings in patients with LUTS and small prostate volumes. Materials and Methods: 84 patients aged >= 50 years with LUTS and prostates < 40 ml were evaluated. All had an International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) >= 8. Average age was 62.0 +/- 8.1 years. We evaluated the impact of bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) and detrusor overactivity (DO) on the voiding symptoms and urodynamic findings. Results: Mean prostate volume was 29.2 +/- 7.2 ml and mean IPSS was 13.5 +/- 4.6. BOO was the main finding, affecting 42 (50.0%) patients, followed by detrusor underactivity (DU) in 41 (48.8%) and DO in 28 (33.3%) patients. Patients without BOO were significantly older than the obstructed (64.0 +/- 8.8 and 60.1 +/- 6.9 years, respectively; p = 0.026) and had an increased prevalence of DU (76.2 and 21.4%, respectively; p < 0.001). Comparison of patients with and without DO showed reduced bladder capacity and compliance in the DO group (p < 0.001). No other comparisons were significant. Conclusion: Half of the patients with LUTS and small prostates are not obstructed and may have DO or decreased detrusor contractility as the basis for their voiding symptoms. Our results emphasize the value of urodynamics in this population, especially when invasive treatments are being considered. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.