910 resultados para Internationalization implementation plan to Spain


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Don Juan Suárez de Peralta nació en la ciudad de México-Tenochtitlán en 1541, habiendo sido sus padres Don Juan Suárez Marcayda y Doña Magdalena de Peralta; el padre también conocido como Juan Suárez de Ávila, o como Juan Suárez “El Viejo”, hizo la campaña militar de la conquista del Imperio Azteca como compañero de armas de Don Hernán Cortés. Suárez de Peralta escribió tres grandes obras: “Tractado de Alveiteria” hacia 1575, “Tractado de Cavallería de la Gineta y Brida” en 1580 y “Tractado del Descubrimiento de las Indias y su Conquista” en 1589. Estos tres tratados hacen de Suárez de Peralta, una inevitable y riquísima fuente de información para todo historiador investigando las vetas de la Historia Virreinal Novohispana y de la Historia de España del siglo XVI. Su obra sobre medicina equina y zootecnia de los caballos, es un magnífico y estupendo trabajo que se levanta como el primer libro de su tipo escrito en América. Suárez de Peralta asociado con su hermano mayor, Don Luis, establece un criadero de caballos de raza fina en Tacubaya, en el poniente de la antigua ciudad de México, y es ahí en donde aprende el arte científico de la médica equina, de la reproducción y de la zootecnia caballar y sus habilidades como jinete y gran caballista. En 1579, Don Juan debido a una serie de circunstancias decide exiliarse a España arribando al puerto de Sanlúcar de Barrameda, como huésped en el Palacio de su pariente el VII Conde-Duque de Medina Sidonia, para después habitar en Trujillo y en Sevilla en donde escribe y publica sus otras dos grandes obras. Se muda a Madrid en donde contrae nupcias con una aristócrata dama de la alta nobleza castellana, Doña Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza, perteneciente a la poderosa Casa del Infantado. Con ella procrea un hijo, llamado Don Lorenzo Suárez de Peralta, quien viaja a la Nueva España para tomar posesión de los bienes de su padre, su abuelo y de su tío Luís. Don Juan, nuestro albéitar, quien “alladese enfermo de calenturas”, fallece el 8 de enero de 1613 y es enterrado en la Iglesia del Spiritu Sanctus de los Clérigos Menores en el Madrid de los Austrias. Su manuscrito “Libro de Alveitería”, permaneció olvidado y sin publicar durante más de tres cientos años en la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid, hasta que finalmente ve la luz en la ciudad de México, en ocasión del Centenario de la fundación de la Escuela Nacional de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia y del IV Centenario de la Real y Pontificia Universidad de México, ahora, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) en 195


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Es bien conocido que los primeros tribunales de la nueva Inquisición fueron establecidos por Fernando e Isabel en Andalucía, tanto en Sevilla como en Córdoba. Su introducción fue, por supuesto, el resultado de un claro propósito de lograr la ortodoxia religiosa entre los cristianos de origen judío los llamados «cristianos nuevos» o conversos. Pero el contexto político también influyó en la nueva institución porque contribuyó a asegurar el régimen de Isabel tras la amenaza que había representado su rival Juana “La- Beltraneja” y su marido portugués, al tiempo que podía servir para controlar mejor los conflictos entre «bandos», especialmente en Andalucía. Con todo, no debería pensarse que la Inquisición y sus horrores fueron una cuestión solamente atribuible a España. Por el contrario, tuvo sus precedentes y paralelos en otros países europeos, entre ellos Francia, Italia e Inglaterra.


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Internationalization and moving to new markets can create many opportunities for small businesses across the globe, but also presents a number of new challenges they will face, which may influence their competitive advantage in the global market -- Present paper aims to provide an internationalization guide for SMEs from Curaçao -- Also the determinants that can impact internationalization will be discussed -- In this paper, three widely researched internationalization models form the basis of the theoretical perspectives of this paper; the traditional Uppsala model, the Network model and the Linkage, Leverage and Learning model


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This paper comprises an investigation on the influence of the variable family backgrounds (father school level, mother school level and family income) over the pupil s performance in admissions examination (entrance test or PROITEC) at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). From that point of view, the main goal of this research is to analyze the influence of the family background as a determiner of the pupil´s performance in the access to Technical and Professional education at IFRN. Secondary data were used from two databases (entrance test and PROITEC) adding up to 19.226 observations to the vacancies offered in the year of 2013. Aiming at achieving the proposed goal, a conceptual model composed of three hypothesis was developed. The results were presented in four stages: stage I presentation of the descriptive statistical results of the two databases; stage II separation of the campi in clusters; stage III analysis of multiple regressions; stage IV analysis of the logistics regressions. Two statistical tests were used to validate the hypothesis: T-test and Wald test. Hypothesis 1 and 2 were confirmed and H3 was refused. The results presented favorable causal connections to the family income and the father school level variables (with bigger effect for fathers with a higher education degree). The mother school level variable did not provide statistical significance for this research. Based on this result, after this work, this institution is to develop a strategic plan to assist in the success rate of students preparing diagnoses in order to diminish the effects of the variables that impacted negatively


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Macroeconomic policy makers are typically concerned with several indicators of economic performance. We thus propose to tackle the design of macroeconomic policy using Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) techniques. More specifically, we employ Multiobjective Programming (MP) to seek so-called efficient policies. The MP approach is combined with a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. We chose use of a CGE model since they have the dual advantage of being consistent with standard economic theory while allowing one to measure the effect(s) of a specific policy with real data. Applying the proposed methodology to Spain (via the 1995 Social Accounting Matrix) we first quantified the trade-offs between two specific policy objectives: growth and inflation, when designing fiscal policy. We then constructed a frontier of efficient policies involving real growth and inflation. In doing so, we found that policy in 1995 Spain displayed some degree of inefficiency with respect to these two policy objectives. We then offer two sets of policy recommendations that, ostensibly, could have helped Spain at the time. The first deals with efficiency independent of the importance given to both growth and inflation by policy makers (we label this set: general policy recommendations). A second set depends on which policy objective is seen as more important by policy makers: increasing growth or controlling inflation (we label this one: objective-specific recommendations).


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Cada vez mais, se torna necessário, apresentar, transpor e adequar as Novas Tecnologias ao ambiente de aprendizagem na sala de aula, interligando não só as Áreas Curriculares Não Disciplinares (ACND) como as Áreas Curriculares Disciplinares (ACD) a um trabalho colaborativo. Por conseguinte, o objetivo deste projeto de investigação é aplicar um projeto de aprendizagem colaborativa denominado “Triângulo das Histórias”, utilizando como instrumento de partilha um blogue na internet, e avaliar o tipo de aceitação que a sua aplicação gerou. A aplicação do projeto em contexto educativo visará uma interação entre a comunidade educativa, possibilitando assim, a experimentação de comunidades virtuais de comunicação e de colaboração escolar. Para complementar este estudo pretende-se também perceber os hábitos de utilização da Internet dos alunos envolvidos no projeto. A amostra utilizada para este estudo foi um conjunto de dezoito alunos dos 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico, com idades compreendidas entre os 6 e os 12 anos de idade, dos regimes público, cooperativo e particular, repartidos por três escolas distintas, com meios socioeconómicos também diferentes. Para a recolha dos dados foi realizado um inquérito aos alunos envolvidos no projeto e realizadas observações sobre as suas interações e comportamentos. Os dados extraídos dos inquéritos foram apresentados sob a forma de gráfico. A implementação deste projeto permitiu perceber que os alunos foram recetivos a esta nova abordagem de realização de trabalho de grupo colaborativo recorrendo às comunidades virtuais. A criação de uma história associando três escolas distintas permitiu que os alunos, para além de terem de elaborar um texto de forma coletiva, tivessem acesso a novas ferramentas tanto da internet como do sistema operativo, tornando-se, desta forma, um bom complemento de aprendizagem.


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Tese submetida como requisito parcial para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia Aplicada Especialidade em Psicologia Social e das Organizações


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade Gama, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Biomédica, 2015.


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A Ordem dos Enfermeiros (OE) aprovou em Assembleia Geral de 2007 uma proposta de alteração estatutária em termos de regulação e desenvolvimento profissional. Surge assim o Modelo de Desenvolvimento Profissional (MDP) que traz uma nova dimensão à certificação de competências de enfermeiro e enfermeiro especialista. Se até aqui a OE certificava estas competências a partir dos documentos académicos apresentados, a partir desta alteração a certificação passa por uma prática tutelada de exercício profissional e só depois de dará a atribuição do título profissional. O Exercício Profissional Tutelado (EPT) só poderá ocorrer em serviços de saúde com idoneidade formativa acreditada pela OE. Para determinar esta idoneidade formativa dos contextos de prática clínica de enfermagem, é construído um referencial, que parte do documento “Padrões de Qualidade dos Cuidados de Enfermagem”, tendo como eixo organizador o enunciado descritivo sobre “A organização dos cuidados de enfermagem”. Este trabalho reflete o estágio realizado num contexto de prática clínica (Unidade de Cuidados de Saúde Personalizados) onde foi feita uma avaliação em termos de idoneidade formativa. De Abril a Junho de 2011 foi feita observação documental e da prática de enfermagem, aplicada uma grelha de avaliação de idoneidade formativa e entrevistado o enfermeiro chefe. Os resultados apresentados são de não evidência de idoneidade formativa, após o que se tentou estabelecer um Plano de Acção, para cumprimento dos critérios estabelecidos para a certificação. Com base no mesmo enunciado, a organização dos cuidados de enfermagem, foram delineadas algumas intervenções que, a seu tempo, poderão certificar esta unidade para a prática do exercício profissional tutelado. Destacamos o necessário envolvimento de todos os elementos de enfermagem, com uma condução de liderança forte e motivadora, no sentido criar um contexto de prática clínica congruente com as orientações da OE para a certificação e, em simultâneo, melhorar a qualidade dos cuidados de enfermagem prestados.


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Este estudo analisa a evolução das exportações portuguesas para Espanha e os seus factores determinantes no período 2004-2008, tendo por base uma amostra das 97 maiores empresas exportadoras para Espanha. O estudo utiliza vários indicadores económico-financeiros para caracterizar estas empresas e é feita a comparação entre as 5 maiores empresas e 5 pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) da amostra. A análise evidencia a concentração geográfica destas empresas nos distritos de Porto e Aveiro e o melhor desempenho das grandes empresas em termos de produtividade, rendibilidade dos capitais próprios e salário médio quando comparadas com as PMEs. Quanto ao estudo econométrico, que utiliza dados em painel, consideraram-se como variáveis explicativas teoricamente relevantes, o valor acrescentado bruto, os resultados líquidos, os capitais próprios, a dimensão da empresa, a remuneração e as despesas em investigação e desenvolvimento (I&D). Os resultados do modelo estimado confirmam a influência positiva destas variáveis sobre a variação das exportações, embora as despesas em I&D e as remunerações se tenham revelado estatisticamente não significativas.


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In the early 2000s the Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal (OSM), one of Montreal's foremost cultural institutions, underwent two upheavals. First management was thrown into turmoil by the unexpected departure of the OSM's celebrated music director, Charles Dutoit, just as the orchestra and its Swiss conductor were about to mark 25 years of successful partnership with celebrations planned for the 2002-03 season. Then, in May 2005, the orchestra's management and board were faced with a strike by the orchestra's musicians. The authors describe the efforts of the orchestra's general manager, Madeleine Careau, to revive its fortunes, notably through a campaign to restore the OSM's prestige, which had been severely eroded by these two events. With the support of internal and external collaborators, Careau turned her attention to the most pressing issues, namely the choice of a new conductor, the orchestra's planned new concert hall and the creation of a foundation to ensure stable, long-term financing for the OSM. To help bring this recovery plan to fruition, Careau drew on her extensive network of contacts. An all-female leadership team was formed at the OSM, as Careau called on Melanie La Couture (CEO), Helene Desmarais (deputy board chair) and Monique Jérôme-Forget (chair of the Quebec treasury board) to use their talents, expertise and influence to give new lustre to the OSM at home and abroad.


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In this study, a linear parametric modeling technique was applied to model ventricular repolarization (VR) dynamics. Three features were selected from the surface ECG recordings to investigate the changes in VR dynamics in healthy and cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) participants with diabetes including heart rate variability (calculated from RR intervals), repolarization variability (calculated from QT intervals), and respiration [calculated by ECG-derived respiration (EDR)]. Surface ECGs were recorded in a supine resting position from 80 age-matched participants (40 with no cardiac autonomic neuropathy (NCAN) and 40 with CAN). In the CAN group, 25 participants had early/subclinical CAN (ECAN) and 15 participants were identified with definite/clinical CAN (DCAN). Detecting subclinical CAN is crucial for designing an effective treatment plan to prevent further cardiovascular complications. For CAN diagnosis, VR dynamics was analyzed using linear parametric autoregressive bivariate (ARXAR) and trivariate (ARXXAR) models, which were estimated using 250 beats of derived QT, RR, and EDR time series extracted from the first 5 min of the recorded ECG signal. Results showed that the EDR-based models gave a significantly higher fitting value (p < 0.0001) than models without EDR, which indicates that QT-RR dynamics is better explained by respiratory-information-based models. Moreover, the QT-RR-EDR model fitting values gradually decreased from the NCAN group to ECAN and DCAN groups, which indicate a decoupling of QT from RR and the respiration signal with the increase in severity of CAN. In this study, only the EDR-based model significantly distinguished ECAN and DCAN groups from the NCAN group (p < 0.05) with large effect sizes (Cohen's d > 0.75) showing the effectiveness of this modeling technique in detecting subclinical CAN. In conclusion, the EDR-based trivariate QT-RR-EDR model was found to be better in detecting the presence and severity of CAN than the bivariate QT-RR model. This finding also establishes the importance of adding respiratory information for analyzing the gradual deterioration of normal VR dynamics in pathological conditions, such as diabetic CAN.


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A dedicated algorithm for sparse spectral representation of music sound is presented. The goal is to enable the representation of a piece of music signal as a linear superposition of as few spectral components as possible, without affecting the quality of the reproduction. A representation of this nature is said to be sparse. In the present context sparsity is accomplished by greedy selection of the spectral components, from an overcomplete set called a dictionary. The proposed algorithm is tailored to be applied with trigonometric dictionaries. Its distinctive feature being that it avoids the need for the actual construction of the whole dictionary, by implementing the required operations via the fast Fourier transform. The achieved sparsity is theoretically equivalent to that rendered by the orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) method. The contribution of the proposed dedicated implementation is to extend the applicability of the standard OMP algorithm, by reducing its storage and computational demands. The suitability of the approach for producing sparse spectral representation is illustrated by comparison with the traditional method, in the line of the short time Fourier transform, involving only the corresponding orthonormal trigonometric basis.


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This year 2015 marks the 55th anniversary of the establishment in Spain of the first theatre academy whose methodological principles for actors were based on the Stanislavski system —although transformed by the perspective of the Method, developed in America by the Group Theatre during the 1930s and then implanted in some famous schools such as the Actor’s Studio—. It was in October 1960 when the American actor, teacher and director William Layton (1913-1995) opened the Teatro Estudio de Madrid (TEM). By then, he had already been living in Spain for two years. In that adventure Layton was accompanied by the Spanish Miguel Narros (a stage director) and the American Elizabeth H. Buckley. This private academy began its activity by offering the Method, a discipline that Layton had learned in his country with Sandford Meisner; one member of the Group Theatre along with Lee Strasberg, Stella Adler, Harold Clurmann or Elia Kazan. Thanks to the TEM, concepts till then completely unknown in Spanish academic venues for actors such as organicity, truth, mood, sensory memory, etc., started being implemented in the theatrical interpretation. Firstly, in exercises of improvisation; secondly, in scenes and characters; and finally, after a time of performing, those concepts were tested in the scenarios, by display to the public, which is the biggest challenge for any actor, author or director. That way, a singular model of interpretation, a naturalistic type, which have prevailed in the West over other ways of interpreting, came to Spain. A system (which could be defined as organic interpretation) that had been systematized by the Russian Konstantin Stanislavski in the early twentieth century and rapidly was exported abroad by some of his first students: Richard Boleslavsky, Maria Ouspenskaya, Michael Chekhov, Pietro Scharoff, P. Pauloff... Its popularity in the USA increased mainly due to the Actor’s Studio and also thanks to professor Lee Strasberg, through the famous Method working. While in 1960 Layton founded in Madrid the TEM, together with Narros and Buckley, the Brechtian technique was arriving to Barcelona. In that city, Ricard Salvat —who had trained in Germany— and Maria Aurélia Capmany opened the School of Dramatic Art Adrià Gual (EADAG). From Catalonia and over the years, this center will project the first formulas about “distancing”. That way, after decades of delay, that same year 1960 landed in Spain two key trends that shaped and influenced the development of Western theatrical art in the first half of the twentieth century. SYNTHESIS: The knowledge and deep analysis of William Layton’s work as acting teacher in Spain will allow us to get closer to a major figure in the history of theater education in our country. Our main goal is to demonstrate that he was responsible for breaking the isolation that, from secular times, suffered the training of actors in Spain. Layton not only did achieve that, but did it consistently, without interruption. Also, by analyzing his work as stage manager, we will discover how this methodology was implemented in two aspects regarding the theatrical play: in the actor himself and in the dramatic text...


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Fisioterapia