1000 resultados para Interior Layered Deposits


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Diamonds obtained from small scale mining near Jequitai and surrounding villages are extracted from Tertiary conglomerates and Quaternary gravels of the Rio Jequitai. Eocretaceous conglomerates, which are locally poorly diamondiferous, cover parts of the Serra da Agua Fria and Serra do Cabral. They are of no economic importance. Analyses of neotectonic, post-Miocene features support a transpressive regime that gave rise to N-S to N25° E transcurrent faults, and WNW normal faults. The main evidence for neotectonic processes are inclined Tertiary sediments, drainage captures, striated laterites of Miocene age, and tilting of blocks that form the Rio Jequitai graben. Diamonds in the Tertiary terraces derived from the Eocretaceous conglomerates, which were affected by neotectonic processes, followed by erosion and concentration during redeposition of sediments.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Two stochastic models have been fitted to daily rainfall data for an interior station of Brazil. Of these two models, the results show a better fit to describe the data, by truncated negative probability model in comparison with Markov chain probability model. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is applied for significance for these models. © 1983 Springer-Verlag.


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Analytical models for studying the dynamical behaviour of objects near interior, mean motion resonances are reviewed in the context of the planar, circular, restricted threebody problem. The predicted widths of the resonances are compared with the results of numerical integrations using Poincaré surfaces of section with a mass ratio of 10-3 (similar to the Jupiter-Sun case). It is shown that for very low eccentricities the phase space between the 2:1 and 3:2 resonances is predominantly regular, contrary to simple theoretical predictions based on overlapping resonance. A numerical study of the 'evolution' of the stable equilibrium point of the 3:2 resonance as a function of the Jacobi constant shows how apocentric libration at the 2:1 resonance arises; there is evidence of a similar mechanism being responsible for the centre of the 4:3 resonance evolving towards 3:2 apocentric libration. This effect is due to perturbations from other resonances and demonstrates that resonances cannot be considered in isolation. On theoretical grounds the maximum libration width of first-order resonances should increase as the orbit of the perturbing secondary is approached. However, in reality the width decreases due to the chaotic effect of nearby resonances.


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Structural, geochemical, and isotope studies were carried out on the gold deposits of the Pontes e Lacerda region (Mato Grosso state, Brazil), where rocks of the Aguapei and Rondoniano mobile belts (southwestern Amazonian craton) occur. The orebodies are hosted in metavolcanic, gneiss-granite, quartzite, tonalite, and granite units. Tectonics involve oblique overthrusting (from northeast to southwest), which led to the formation of recumbent folds and thrusts (pathways for the mineralizing fluids), upright folds, and faults with dominant strike-slip component. These unconformities represent potential sites for mineralization. During geological mapping, it was observed that the orebodies consist of quartz, pyrite, and gold, and that the hydrothermal alteration zone contains quartz, sericite, pyrite (altered to limonite), and magnetite (altered to hematite). Chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite occur only in the Onça deposit. Chemical analysis of sulfides indicates high contents of Bi, Se, and Te in sulfides and gold, suggesting plutonic involvement in the origin of hydrothermal solutions. K-Ar dating of hydrothermal sericites from gold veins yielded ages in the range from 960 to 840 Ma, which may indicate the age of original crystallization of sericite. Pb-Pb dating in galenas yielded model ages in the range from 1000 to 800 Ma for the Onça deposit, which is in agreement with K-Ar ages. Pb-isotopic ratios indicate high U/Pb and low Th/Pb for the upper-crustal Pb source before incorporation in galena crystals. The Pontes e Lacerda gold deposits yielded ages correlated to the Aguapei event and probably were formed during a Proterozoic contractional tectonic period in the southwestern part of the Amazon craton, which may characterize an important metallogenic epoch in the Pontes e Lacerda region.


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We write the London limit of the Lawrence Doniach free energy in terms of the local magnetic field and of the average supercurrent over the interplane distance. Starting from this formulation we study a model where the supercurrent at the buffer layers is obtained from the superconducting sheets by a Taylor expansion. The continuum limit of this model gives corrections to the anisotropic London theory due to the layered structure.


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The purpose of this work is to know the forms of minding to the alcoholics in extra-hospitable services of mental health in Botucatu municipality. This places are: Mental Health Ambulatory and School Health Center both of the Medicine College of the Paulista State University and Mental Health Ambulatory of the NGA-11. For the development of this work was realized a bibliographic raising, presented in the introduction. Four professionals that work in this assistance were interviewed. The data that was collected in the interviews were reported with the literature of the area allowing the knowledge of the main characteristics of the minding to the alcoholist in the three services that were consulted. For example: groupal minding, minding to the family and the kind of therapeutic contract.


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The integration of outcrop and subsurface information, including micropaleontological data, facies and sequence stratigraphic studies, and oxygen isotope analysis, allow us to present a new stratigraphic model for the Cretaceous continental deposits of the Bauru Group, Brazil. Thirty-eight fossil taxa were recovered from these deposits, including 29 species of ostracodes and 9 species of charophytes. Seven of these ostracode species and three subspecies are new and formally described here. The associations of Chara barbosai - Ilyocypris cf. riograndensis, found in the Adamantina Formation, and Amblyochara sp. - Neuquenocypris minor mineira nov. subsp., found in the Marília Formation. Ponte Alta Member, represent two distinct groups that are respectively Turonian-Santonian and Maastrichtian (probably Late Maastrichtian) in age. Therefore, a hiatus, encompassing more than 11 Ma, separates those two formations. From bottom to top, four depositional cycles were recognized in the Bauru Group in western São Paulo: cycles 1 and 2 belong to Caiuá Formation (fluvio-lacustrine and lacustrine deposits in the Presidente Prudente region), cycle 3 to the Santo Anastácio and lower Adamantina Formation (respectively fluvial and lacustrine deposits), and cycle 4 to the upper Adamantina Formation (fluvio-lacustrine facies). An erosional unconformity separates the Caiuá and Santo Anastácio Formations (between cycles 2 and 3). The Marília Formation is a distinct unit from the underlying succession; it does not occur in western São Paulo, but is found in restricted areas of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul and Goiás States. During the deposition of the Bauru Group (Aptian? to Maastrichtian) the climate was hot and arid-semiarid. Shallow lakes underwent fluctuations in expansion (wet phases) and contraction (dry phases), as well as variations in salinity. During the deposition of the Adamantina Formation (Turonian-Santonian) there were long, dry periods that caused segmentation of large lakes (due to topographic irregularities in the basaltic substrate) and sometimes exposures of the lake floors; when flooded these lake floors were colonized by extensive meadows of single species of charophytes. Small ephemeral ponds, that were hydrochemically unstable and colonized by multiple species of charophytes, were the depositional sites for the marls and mudstones of Ponte Alta Member (Maastrichtian, Late Maastrichtian?). Our micropaleontological age control, combined with the Late Cretaceous ages of volcanic ashes found in the southeastern Brazil coastal basins, and the stratigraphic position of analcimites from the Jaboticabal-SP region, suggest a Late Coniacian-Santonian age for important magmatic events occurred in the interior of Brazil (north-central São Paulo State, Triângulo Mineiro, and southwestern Goiás State).


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Rain acidity may be ascribed to emissions from power station stacks, as well as emissions from other industry, biomass burning, maritime influences, agricultural influences, etc. Rain quality data are available for 30 sites in the South African interior, some from as early as 1985 for up to 14 rainfall seasons, while others only have relatively short records. The article examines trends over time in the raw and volume weighted concentrations of the parameters measured, separately for each of the sites for which sufficient data are available. The main thrust, however, is to examine the inter-relationship structure between the concentrations within each rain event (unweighted data), separately for each site, and to examine whether these inter-relationships have changed over time. The rain events at individual sites can be characterized by approximately eight combinations of rainfall parameters (or rain composition signatures), and these are common to all sites. Some sites will have more events from one signature than another, but there appear to be no signatures unique to a single site. Analysis via factor and cluster analysis, with a correspondence analysis of the results, also aid interpretation of the patterns. This spatio-temporal analysis, performed by pooling all rain event data, irrespective of site or time period, results in nine combinations of rainfall parameters being sufficient to characterize the rain events. The sites and rainfall seasons show patterns in these combinations of parameters, with some combinations appearing more frequently during certain rainfall seasons. In particular, the presence of the combination of low acetate and formate with high magnesium appears to be increasing in the later rainfall seasons, as does this combination together with calcium, sodium, chloride, potassium and fluoride. As expected, sites close together exhibit similar signatures. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that prescriptions of medicaments must be one parameter utilized to know how the medication is used by people. To do so, one specific methodology has been indicated, that is, the selected indicators of the use the medicaments. We applied this methodology with the aim of presenting a descriptive study of the physician prescription in Pediatric Clinic of the Health Basics Units. The results obtained are: the average number of medicaments prescribed with prescription was 2.6; the percentage of the medicaments prescribed with the generic name was 32%; the percentage of the prescriptions with antibiotics was 44.6%; the percentage of the prescriptions with injections was 10.4%; the percentage of the medicaments prescribed that are part of the municipal list was 22.8%, 27.5% for the program Dose Certs of the secretary of the State of São Paulo, and 50.4% by adding by adding the two lists. The essentiality of the medicaments prescribed may be considered very low, because only 32.6% appear in the RENAME. The percentage of the medicaments really dispensed was 39.9%. The medicaments more prescribed, according to the classification of the Anatomic-Therapeutic-Chemical (ATC), were the ones which acted in Respiratory System (26.8%), followed by anti-infectives for systemic use (16.4%) and by medicaments with acted in Alimentary tract and metabolism (15.8%). The conclusion is that the prescribers are moved by commercial influence of the drug makers, first because of the low prescription of medicaments by their generic name, second by the low number of medicaments effectively dispensed and then the low concordance between the ones prescribed and the ones included in the lists patterned by Tabatinga and by the State of São Paulo.