988 resultados para Interação mãe-filho


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In materials science, the search for technological improvements have become one of the main subject of study of researchers. This is especially true in the case of materials with reduced sizes, in the nanometer scale. Important phenomena to be studied in these cases are the desorption and adsorption on two-dimensional materials, such as graphene. These phenomena are of great importance in the study of interactions between organic films, synthesis or catalysis of reactions on surfaces and even in the creation of nanoscale devices [1, 2, 3, 4]. Between the most important topics related to these phenomena are the storage of gases in low-dimensional systems and the study of nanostructured fuel cells or batteries. In this context we used two different parametrizations for the reactive force field ReaxFF to study the potential barriers and reaction barriers of our system. First we made a study about the Reaction Barriers and Energy Barriers for bonds between graphene and the following atoms: sulfur, fluorine, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. It is important to have this information in order to make it possible to understand how these atoms react with the graphene sheet. Subsequently, we calculate reaction barriers for mixed structures where fluorine is a fixed element bonded to graphene and other element is simultaneously bonded to graphene. This other element (N, O, H or S) is varied in its possible relative positions (ortho, meta and para in relation to fluorine in either: the same side and in the opposite side of the graphene membrane)


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The individuals, mostly born biologically prepared to develop the many different aspects: cognitive, motor and affective, however, only the biological factor doesn’t possible the full development of these. Theories of the different types of knowledge about the process of teaching and learning and your relation with the affective-cognitive aspects intend explain how this individual can to evolve completely. This end of course work presupposes that the interactions of the individual with the physical and civil are essential to the development of learning. In this sense, the educational institution understood as a socializing environment and disseminator of knowledge, historically accumulated, will be then a space where affectivity and learning should be at least theoretically, favored by the relations that are established inside the same. So, the research presented in this study, have how objective, show how to set in the practice educational the relation between affect and learning considering the observations, interviews that search to highlight real situations, where are confirmed a relation between processes. From the presentation of the central ideas of these researches, we are evidencing the concept of affection and how pedagogical practice promotes the relation between affect and cognition


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Estudos têm demonstrado que o reconhecimento inicial de microrganismos é mediado por receptores celulares expressos em células da imunidade inata denominados receptores de reconhecimento de padrões (PRRs). Assim, a interação entre moléculas de superfície dos patógenos e receptores homólogos presentes na membrana celular de monócitos, modula a fagocitose, a ativação da célula e conseqüentemente a produção de citocinas. Trabalhos têm demonstrado a importância da estimulação de receptores toll-like 2 e 4 (TLR2 e TLR4), receptores de manose (MR) e dectina-1 de monócitos, tanto em infecções bacterianas como fúngicas, culminando com indução de produção de várias citocinas. A IL-18 é uma citocina indutora de IFN-g e possui uma ação extremamente importante, por ser capaz de promover tanto uma resposta do tipo Th1 ou Th2, dependendo do contexto de estimulação e do microambiente de citocinas. Em trabalho recente demonstramos que a IL-18 possui uma ação importante sobre o aumento da expressão de MR em monócitos humanos, e o reconhecimento do Paracoccidioides brasiliensis via esse receptor causaria aumento do crescimento fúngico no interior da célula. Dessa forma, os objetivos do presente projeto foram: 1) Avaliar a ação da IL- 18 sobre a expressão do receptor dectina-1 por monócitos humanos desafiados in vitro com diferentes cepas do P. brasiliensis; b) Avaliar a participação da dectina-1 na indução da produção de IL-18, TNF-a e IL-10 por monócitos desafiados in vitro com diferentes cepas do P. brasiliensis. Assim, monócitos de indivíduos normais tratados in vitro com IL-18 foram desafiados com diferentes de cepas do P. brasiliensis, e a expressão do receptor dectina-1 foi avaliada pela técnica de citometria de fluxo. A dosagem de IL-18, TNF-a e IL-10 no sobrenadante de cultura de monócitos desafiados com P. brasiliensis foi realizada utilizando a técnica de ELISA . Os resultados mostraram que a ...


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Com o objetivo de propor mecanismos que auxiliem na compreensão da neurobiologia do medo e da ansiedade, diversos modelos animais vem sendo utilizados. Dentre eles destaca-se o Teste de Exposição ao Rato (RET), que é um modelo etológico de interação presa (camundongo) – predador (rato), conhecido por eliciar a expressão de diversos tipos de comportamentos defensivos no camundongo, tais como avaliação de risco, esquiva, congelamento, entre outros. Com o intuito de aumentar a aversividade do modelo proposto por Yang e colaboradores (2004), foi proposto um novo modelo de RET, semelhante ao modelo padrão, porém com alterações de algumas variáveis como aumento da luminosidade, ausência de maravalha, alteração do local de inserção do camundongo no aparato, substituição da tela de arame (usada na separação da superfície) por uma tela de acrílico e arame e uma divisão virtual da superfície em duas partes, uma distante da tela por 10 cm (superfície proximal) e outra com 13 cm até chegar ao túnel (superfície distal). Um estudo piloto realizado comparando o novo teste de exposição ao rato com o modelo padrão demonstrou que no novo modelo de exposição há uma maior preferência pela presa às áreas protegidas (toca e túnel) e uma maior expressão de avaliação de risco, indicando talvez uma maior sensibilidade à expressão de comportamentos defensivos de camundongos e possivelmente a fármacos que atuem no sistema de defesa. No presente estudo foram investigados os efeitos dos (i) benzodiazepínicos diazepam e alprazolam, (ii) dos fármacos ansiogênicos cafeína e pentilenotetrazol e (iii) do antidepressivo fluoxetina (aguda e cronicamente). O tratamento com alprazolam resultou num efeito antiaversivo mais evidente quando comparado ao diazepam. O tratamento agudo 10 com cafeína, por sua vez, apresentou um efeito ansiogênico bastante sutil, diferente... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic and relapsing disease caused by exaggerated response of the immune system. It represents a significant health problem by limiting the quality of life and being the main risk factor for colorectal cancer. Despite of its importance, the high worldwide incidence and being the object of research for several decades, the etiology remains unknown. Studies indicates an interaction between genetic and environmental factors which together with the intestinal microbiota, leads to an uncontrolled immune response. One of the aggravating environmental factors often discussed is stress, as the daily life of the population in general is increasingly rushed. In order to demonstrate the influence of stress on IBD, this study aimed to standardize an experimental model of colitis induced by instillation of a trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) noninflammatory concentration plus exposure to stress that intensify the inflammation. Therefore, an experiment was done to determine what would be the noninflammatory concentration. In this step, four different concentrations of TNBS (1, 6, 12.5 or 40mg/ml) were tested and the lowest concentration capable of inducing a noninflammatory response in the gut was defined as 1 mg/ml. Then, a second experiment was performed which induced colitis and exposed the animals to restraint stress. The results, however, showed that this stimulus was not enough to exacerbate the damage caused by the 1 mg/ml concentration of TNBS in the colon. With some changes in the protocol, the third experiment associated cold and restraint, as well as changes on the day of euthanasia, which occurred immediately after the stress session. The results of myeloperoxidase activity measurement were unexpected due to the noninflammatory concentration of TNBS caused an intestinal inflammation similar to the concentration of 40 mg/ml. However, the results of glutathione quantification and the corticosterone ...


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The interspecific competition tends to favor the selection of divergent phenotypes minimizing the effect of this interaction. This process is termed character displacement and it is considered one of the main mechanisms promoting adaptive diversification. Brazil has the greatest diversity of amphibians on the planet and despite this great diversity; the role of character displacement in the process of Brazilian amphibian fauna diversification has not been studied. In the present study we tested the hypothesis of character displacement in four congeneric species pairs of frogs from the family Hylidae, occurring in the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado. We find evidence of character displacement for two pairs and parallel evolution for the remaining. Interestingly, the trend of character displacement was in species whose range covers less stable habitats. Since this is a pioneering study with neotropical hylid, we discussed issues considered relevant to elucidate mechanisms related to the maintenance of diversity


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O trabalho proposto irá destacar as possibilidades que a Dança traz para o aluno com necessidades educativas especiais em sua inserção escolar, seus elementos de desenvolvimento, na busca de romper assim modelos e paradigmas que a sociedade por anos tenta conservar. As revisões literárias irão compor todo o procedimento metodológico, resultando então em uma pesquisa bibliográfica. Arte e educação poderão apontar que podem produzir conhecimentos científicos e significativos. Nesse sentido, a Dança tornará um subsídio que tende a facilitar o processo de desenvolvimento das pessoas com deficiência. A inclusão atualmente adentra-se em um caminho social, cultural, político e educacional e assim exige atuações que inovem todo esse processo. A escola poderá se utilizar dessa inovação, juntamente com o educador? Assim o trabalho explicitará que a Dança possui funções que desenvolverá esse processo, pois essa poderá então favorecer nesse processo buscando inovar e criar identidades. Então é necessário buscar a compreensão dessa arte, para que se torne significativa e produza conhecimentos, podendo assim criar novos sentidos de viver as pessoas com deficiência. Por fim pretendo mostrar que a Dança possui ações, movimentos e expressões que são elementos que possibilitam a interação com o outro dentro do contexto escolar, proporcionando assim aos alunos com necessidades educativas especiais uma visão do meio em que vivem, sabendo respeitar seus limites. Nesse sentido, a Dança apontará que possui capacidades de nos revelar que a arte não se encontra no que é belo, mas no que é sentido


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We discuss in the work the importance of experiential activities for Physics Teaching in the first years at Elementary Education. For this we start from the experience provided by the Teaching Project Initiation under Pibid CAPES, linked to the Department of Education from the Institute of Biosciences and activities of the Graduate Diploma in Physics Supervised, at Rio Claro Campus, São Paulo State, in partnership with Basic Education schools of the city. Based on some patterns and studies on the Teaching of Science in Elementary Education and particularly in the Ferreira’s work with Instrumentation for Physics Teaching, Electrostatic was chosen as base theme. We opted for the use of didactic experiments that provided in its construction the utilization of low cost materials, easy access and portability. Teaching strategies were aimed at inserting experiential activities during Elementary School I (first and third years of elementary school), intending to rescue the trial of Physics Education and Science for Basic Education. These experimental teaching activities were analyzed in this paper from the perspective of playfulness. We argue that experimentation with recreational attributes when properly used provides the interaction of individuals with the knowledge of Physical Sciences


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No mundo, é alto e crescente o número de pessoas que fazem uso de substâncias psicoativas de abuso. Estudos clínicos demonstram que a exposição ao estresse pode aumentar o risco ao abuso de drogas, a vulnerabilidade para o desenvolvimento de dependência e a probabilidade de recaídas. O uso repetido de substâncias de abuso pode promover sensibilização comportamental. A sensibilização comportamental reflete em neuroadaptações que estão envolvidas no desenvolvimento da farmacodependência. Logo, tanto a administração repetida da substância de abuso quanto a exposição repetida a situações de estresse podem promover sensibilização comportamental, culminando em administração subsequente de substâncias de abuso. Esse fenômeno é chamado de sensibilização cruzada entre estresse e drogas. Em modelos animais, a sensibilização comportamental pode ser demonstrada pelo aumento progressivo da resposta locomotora a uma dose fixa da substância psicoativa após a exposição repetida a drogas ou ao estresse. Altos índices de uso de substância psicoativa de abuso tem sido observados entre adolescentes, no Brasil e no mundo. Adultos e adolescentes apresentam diferenças em relação à resposta às drogas e ao estresse. Embora seja de grande relevância, poucos são os estudos realizados para avaliar o efeito do estresse em modelos animais de adolescência. Desta forma, o objetivo desse projeto foi estudar se a exposição ao estresse crônico de isolamento social durante a adolescência promove sensibilização comportamental cruzada com a cocaína em ratos adultos e adolescentes


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This paper presents a study of the applicability of adsorption isotherms, known as Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm, between the biosorptive interaction of yeast lyophilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae and textile dyes. To that end, we prepared stock solutions of the textile dyes Direct Red 23 and Direct Red 75 in the concentration of 1.000μg/mL and a yeast suspension at 2,5%. We did experiments for two cases, firstly for the case that we have a fix concentration of yeast at 0,500mg/mL and an variable concentration of dye range from40, 50, 60, 80 and 100μg/mL, then for the case that we fixed the concentration of dye at 100μg/mL and the yeast concentration was variable range from 0,250, 0,500, 0,750, 1,000, 1,250mg/mL. For the dye Direct Red 23 we did analysis in the pH 2,5, 4,5 and 6,5; for the Direct Red 75, we just did for the pH 2,5. We leave the dye solution in contact with the yeast for 2 hours at a constant temperature of 30°C and then centrifuged and analyzed the sample in a spectrophotometer and finally made and analysis of parameters for the removal and study of the isotherms. After the biosorption, was observed that for the Direct Red 23 in the pH 2,5 was needed 1,407mg/mL of yeast for total removal, while for the pH 4,5 was needed 8,806mg/mL and in pH 6,5 was 9,286mg/mL; for the Direct Red 75 in pH 2,5 was needed 1,337mg/mL. This difference can be explain by the adsorption isotherms, was observed that in the case when the yeast was fix when we had in a acid pH the behavior of the system was compatible with the Langmuir isotherm, and thus, an monolayer pattern. And that when we decrease the acidity of the medium the system became more compatible with a Freundlich isotherm, and thus, a multilayer pattern; for the case that the yeast was variable this is not much evident, however for the pH 2,5 she became compatible with a Langmuir isotherm... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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A caracterização e isolamento do gene com expressão específica em raiz de café (Coffea arabica) que codifica uma peroxidase (CaPOX) e suas respectivas regiões promotoras, permitiu realizar a caracterização da expressão desse gene em reposta a estresse biótico (infecção por nematóides) assim como a análise funcional do seu promotor. Promotores tecido-específicos responsáveis pela regulação de genes responsivos a estresses bióticos tornam-se fundamentais em programas biotecnológicos que visam o aumento da resistência e tolerância vegetal. Partindo desse princípio, realizou-se a quantificação da expressão relativa do gene CaPOX em raízes de café utilizando plantas de Coffea arabica de um cultivar susceptível (Mundo Novo) e de outro cultivar resistente (IAC 388-17-1) a nematóides, respectivamente. Em paralelo utilizou- se plantas transgênicas de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum SR1) contendo a versão completa do promotor do gene CaPOX em fusão transcricional ao gene repórter uidA (que codifica a β-glucuronidase; GUS) . A partir disso, pode-se observar que o gene CaPOX tem sua expressão aumentada em resposta a infecção por nematóides, sendo que a indução observada ocorre nos tempos iniciais pós-inoculação. Da mesma maneira, o promotor do gene CaPOX é responsivo a infecção por nematóides, sendo ativado nos tempos iniciais pós-inoculação


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In this paper we study the process of manufacture of wire drawn steel bars 9254, from rolled wire rod. These bars are used in the automotive industry for the manufacture of coil springs, which make up the system damping of several vehicles. The wire drawing process consists of the steps of pre-straightening, shot peening, drawing, cutting and polishing. The study aims to search for the configuration of process variables, which present the best result with respect to bending. To this were maintained settings prestraightening and mechanical stripping and varied angles and stringer polish being studied to replace the spinneret with a working angle, for a string with two working angles. To assist in the analysis of the results was the tool used DOE Software Minitab, which assesses the variation in results according to each parameter and the interaction parameters. It was thus possible to determine the best condition for wire drawing


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Este estudo analisa o desenvolvimento tecnológico da indústria petrolífera nacional através da interação usuário-produtor, com ênfase no segmento do upstream offshore, ao longo dos anos 2000, através dos estudos de caso entre a Petrobras (usuária) e seus fornecedores de árvore de natal molhada (ANMs), a Aker Solutions do Brasil e a FMC Technologies, interpretados a partir da literatura schumpetriana e neoschumpeteriana


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Diuron (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) is a substituted urea herbicide widely used in crops of sugar cane, cotton and soybeans. In 1997, this agent has been classified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as known/likely human carcinogen because it induced tumors in the urinary bladder and renal pelvis of rats, and breast and skin of mice exposed to 2500 ppm for feed for two years. A previous study from our group demonstrated dose-response relationship in the gene expression profile associated with severe necrosis on bladder urothelium and increased incidence of simple hyperplasia in male Wistar rats treated with different concentrations of diuron for 20 weeks. To check how early the molecular changes occurs, rats were fed for 7 days with diets containing diuron at 0, 125, 500 or 2500 ppm. The main observations recorded were urothelium ultrastructural alterations and disruptions of molecular pathways associated with cell-cell interaction and the tissue organization maintenance. Particularly, the gene Glypican 3 (Gpc3), a surface proteoglycan related to cellular adhesion and apoptosis induction, was down regulated on urothelium exposed to 2500ppm diuron for 7 days and 20 weeks. The aim of this study was validate by quantitative RT-PCR real time, the reduced Gpc3 gene expression in epithelial cells of the urinary bladder of male Wistar rats treated with different concentrations of diuron for 7 days and 20 weeks. The endogenous control of the quantitative PCR real time technique was the β-actin gene and the target was the gene Gpc3. The relative quantification (RQ) was obtained by the method of relative quantification 2-ΔΔCt . Animals exposed to diuron for 7 days or for 20 weeks presented reduction of Gpc3 gene expression compared to the control group. This reduction was statistically significant only for the 7 days study. Moreover, by comparing animals exposed for 7 days with the exposed for 20 weeks, it was ...


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The development of human societies and their activities generate many impacts on the environment and natural resources. The consequence of these problems is a disturbance of the systemic dynamics of Planet Earth. Study these impacts are a way to understand the workings of this system and undertake efforts to prevent minimize and anticipate scenarios caused by environmental impacts. In this sense, from a systemic approach seeks to understand the way how is the interaction of the components of the ecosystems, adopting for this task the hydrographic basin as a natural unit of planning and management in view of the fact all landscape elements (atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and geosphere) interact so that the reflections of human activities can be represented in this unit. Thus, this study aims to quantify chemical erosion rates in the hydrographic basin of Ribeirao Monjolo Grande, Ipeúna (SP), which is relevant to analyze the geomorphological characteristics of the area, which may serve to better exploitation of natural resources