967 resultados para Instrumental variable regression


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We establish a mapping between a continuous-variable (CV) quantum system and a discrete quantum system of arbitrary dimension. This opens up the general possibility to perform any quantum information task with a CV system as if it were a discrete system. The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen state is mapped onto the maximally entangled state in any finite-dimensional Hilbert space and thus can be considered as a universal resource of entanglement. An explicit example of the map and a proposal for its experimental realization are discussed.


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There have been theoretical and experimental studies on quantum nonlocality for continuous variables, based on dichotomic observables. In particular, we are interested in two cases of dichotomic observables for the light field of continuous variables: One case is even and odd numbers of photons and the other case is no photon and the presence of photons. We analyze various observables to give the maximum violation of Bell's inequalities for continuous-variable states. We discuss an observable which gives the violation of Bell's inequality for any entangled pure continuous-variable state. However, it does not have to be a maximally entangled state to give the maximal violation of Bell's inequality. This is attributed to a generic problem of testing the quantum nonlocality of an infinite- dimensional state using a dichotomic observable.


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Measures of entanglement, fidelity, and purity are basic yardsticks in quantum-information processing. We propose how to implement these measures using linear devices and homodyne detectors for continuous-variable Gaussian states. In particular, the test of entanglement becomes simple with some prior knowledge that is relevant to current experiments.


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El rol desempeñado por la opinión pública en el desarrollo de la política criminal actual justifica el incremento de investigaciones destinadas a evaluar las actitudes de los ciudadanos hacia el castigo. No obstante, los avances en este ámbito han sido limitados debido a la utilización de rudimentarios instrumentos de medida. Por ello, el presente trabajo tiene como propósito explorar el efecto que generan en la opinión ciudadana ciertas variables referidas al hecho delictivo y al infractor, precisando su contribución relativa y la interacción existente entre ellas. Para satisfacer este objetivo se recurrió a un diseño factorial de la encuesta, creando una población de 256 casos-escenario fruto de la combinación de cuatro factores: la edad del joven, su historial delictivo, el grado de implicación en el hecho y el tipo de delito cometido. Los mismos fueron distribuidos en grupos de ocho casos ordenados aleatoriamente y fueron suministrados a 32 sujetos. Posteriormente se aplicaron análisis de regresión logística binaria. Los resultados obtenidos revelan que la naturaleza violenta de los hechos, la implicación activa de los jóvenes y el historial delictivo son predictores importantes de las condenas punitivas. Sin embargo la edad, una variable fundamental en la configuración de la justicia juvenil, no resulta significativa. De este modo, el trabajo muestra el potencial explicativo de este conjunto de factores y debate sus implicaciones teóricas y metodológicas para la investigación futura en este terreno.


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We study entanglement accumulation in a memory built out of two continuous variable systems interacting with a qubit that mediates their indirect coupling. We show that, in contrast with the case of bidimensional Hilbert spaces, entanglement superior to one ebit can be accumulated in the memory, even though no entangled resource is used. The protocol is immediately implementable and we assess the role of the main imperfections.


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The density of reactive carboxyl groups on the surface of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles (NP) was modulated using a combination of high-molecular weight (MW) encapped and low MW non-encapped PLGA. Carboxyl groups were activated using carbodiimide chemistry and conjugated to bovine serum albumin and a model polyclonal antibody. Activation of carboxyl,groups in solution-phase PLGA prior to NP formation was compared with a postformation activation of peripheral carboxyl groups on intact NP. Activation before or after NP formation did not influence conjugation efficiency to NP prepared using 100% of the low-MW PLGA. The effect of steric stabilization using poly(vinyl alcohol) reduced conjugation of a polyclonal antibody from 62 mu g/(mg NP) to 32 mu g/(mg NP), but enhanced particulate stability. Increasing the amount of a high-MW PLGA also reduced Conjugation, with the activation post-formation still superior to the preformation approach. Drug release studies showed that high proportions of high-MW PLGA in the NP produced a longer sustained release profile of a model drug (celecoxib). It can be concluded that activating intact PLGA NP is superior to activating component parts prior to NP formation. Also, high MW PLGA could be used to prolong drug release, but at the expense of conjugation efficiency on to the NP surface. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res 87A: 873-884, 2008