1000 resultados para Infrared Visualization


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Rubber composites containing multiwalled carbon nanotubes have been irradiated with near-infrared light to study their reversible photomechanical actuation response. We demonstrate that the actuation is reproducible across differing polymer systems. The response is directly related to the degree of uniaxial alignment of the nanotubes in the matrix, contracting the samples along the alignment axis. The actuation stroke depends on the specific polymer being tested; however, the general response is universal for all composites tested. We conduct a detailed study of tube alignment induced by stress and propose a model for the reversible actuation behavior based on the orientational averaging of the local response. The single phenomenological parameter of this model describes the response of an individual tube to adsorption of low-energy photons; its experimentally determined value may suggest some ideas about such a response.


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The photodimerisation of single crystals of substituted cinnamic acid has been monitored continuously by infrared microscopy using a synchrotron source. The beta-form of 2,4-dichloro-trans-cinnamic acid dimerises under ultraviolet irradiation to form the corresponding beta-truxinic acid derivative in a reaction which follows strictly first order kinetics. By contrast the corresponding reactions in single crystals of beta-2-chloro-trans-cinnamic acid and beta-4-chloro-trans-cinnamic acid deviate somewhat from first order kinetics as a result of solid-state effects. In all three cases the reactions proceed smoothly from monomer to dimer with no hint of any reaction intermediate.


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Infrared intensities of the fundamental, overtone and combination transitions in furan, pyrrole and thiophene have been calculated using the variational normal coordinate code MULTIMODE. We use pure vibrational wavefunctions, and quartic force fields and cubic dipole moment vector surfaces, generated by density functional theory. The results are compared graphically with second-order perturbation calculations and with relative intensities from experiment for furan and pyrrole.


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The gas phase reactions Of SiCl4 and Si2Cl6 With CH3OH and C2H5OH have been investigated using both mass spectrometry and matrix isolation techniques. SiCl4 reacts with both CH3OH and C2H5OH upon mixing of the vapours for times in excess of 3 h to generate the HCl-elimination products SiCl3OR (R = CH3 or C2H5). The identity of these products is confirmed by deuteration experiments and by ab initio calculations at the HF/6-31G(d) level. Further products are generated when the mixture is passed through a tube heated to 750degreesC. Si2Cl6 reacts with CH3OH and C2H5OH via a different mechanism in which the Si-Si bond is cleaved to yield SiCl3OR and HCl. Other products of the type SiCl4-n(OCH3)(n) are tentatively identified by a combination of mass spectrometric and matrix isolation measurements. These latter products indicate further replacement of Cl atoms by OR groups as a result of reaction of CH3OH or C2H5OH with the initial product.


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The macrocycle in rotaxane 1 is preferentially hydrogen bonded to the succinamide station in the neutral form, but can be moved to the naphthalimide station by one-electron reduction of the latter. The hydrogen bonding between the amide NH groups of the macrocycle and the C=O groups in the binding stations in the thread was studied with IR spectroscopy in different solvents in both states. In addition, the solvent effect on the vibrational frequencies was analyzed; a correlation with the solvent acceptor number (AN) was observed. The conformational switching upon reduction could be detected by monitoring the hydrogen-bond-induced shifts of the v(CO) frequencies of the C=O groups of the succinamide and the reduced naphthalimide stations. The macrocycle was found to shield the encapsulated station from the solvent: wavenumbers of v(CO) bands of the C=O groups residing inside the macrocycle cavity remain unaffected by the solvent polarity.


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The kinetics of the photodimerisation reactions of the 2- and 4-β-halogeno-derivatives of trans-cinnamic acid (where the halogen is fluorine, chlorine or bromine) have been investigated by infrared microspectroscopy. It is found that none of the reactions proceed to 100% yield. This is in line with a reaction mechanism developed by Wernick and his co-workers that postulates the formation of isolated monomers within the solid, which cannot react. β-4-Bromo and β-4-chloro-trans-cinnamic acids show approximately first order kinetics, although in both cases the reaction accelerates somewhat as it proceeds. First order kinetics is explained in terms of a reaction between one excited- and one ground-state monomer molecule, while the acceleration of the reaction implies that it is promoted as defects are formed within the crystal. By contrast β-2-chloro-trans-cinnamic acid shows a strongly accelerating reaction which models closely to the contracting cube equation. β-2-Fluoro- and β-4-fluoro-trans-cinnamic acids show a close match to first order kinetics. The 4-fluoro-derivative, however, shows a reaction that proceeds via a structural intermediate. The difference in behaviour between the 2-fluoro- and 4-fluoro-derivative may be due to different C–HF hydrogen bonds observed within these single-crystalline starting materials.


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Reaction of single crystals of benzoic and trans-cinnamic acids with 200 Torr pressure of ammonia gas in a sealed glass bulb at 20 degrees C generates the corresponding ammonium salts; there is no sign of any 1:2 adduct as has been reported previously for related systems. Isotopic substitution using ND3 has been used to aid identification of the products. Adipic acid likewise reacts with NH3 gas to form a product in which ammonium salts are formed at both carboxylic acid groups. Reaction of 0.5 Torr pressure of NO2 gas with single crystals of 9-methylanthracene and 9-anthracenemethanol in a flow system generates nitrated products where the nitro group appears to be attached at the 10-position, i.e. the position trans to the methyl or methoxy substituent on the central ring. Isotopic substitution using (NO2)-N-15 has been used to confirm the identity of the bands arising from the coordinated NO2 group. The products formed when single crystals of hydantoin are reacted with NO2 gas under similar conditions depend on the temperature of the reaction. At 20 degrees C, a nitrated product is formed, but at 65 degrees C this gives way to a product containing no nitro groups. The findings show the general applicability of infrared microspectroscopy to a study of gas-solid reactions of organic single crystals. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Single crystals of trans-cinnamic acid and of a range of derivatives of this compound containing halogen substituents on the aromatic ring have been reacted with 165 Torr pressure of bromine vapour in a sealed desiccator at 20 degrees C for 1 week. Infrared and Raman microspectroscopic examination of the crystals shows that bromination of the aliphatic double bond, but not of the aromatic ring, has occurred. It is demonstrated also that the reaction is truly gas-solid in nature. A time-dependent study of these reactions shows that they do not follow a smooth diffusion-controlled pathway. Rather the reactions appear to be inhomogeneous and to occur at defects within the crystal. The reaction products are seen to flake from the surface of the crystal. It is shown, therefore, that these are not single crystal to single crystal transitions, as have been observed previously for the photodimerisation of trans-cinnamic acid and several of its derivatives. It is shown that there are no by-products of the reaction and that finely ground samples react to form the same products as single crystals.


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Absolute infrared photoabsorption cross-sections have been measured over the range 600-1500 cm(-1) for the powerful greenhouse gas SF5CF3 at high resolution (0.03 cm(-1)) and at temperatures between 203 and 298 K. Our data indicate that the integrated absorption intensity shows a weak negative dependence on temperature. It is concluded therefore that previous calculations of radiative forcings and global warming potentials based on room-temperature data are reasonable estimates for the atmosphere, but may be low by a few percent. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gas phase vibrational spectra of BrHI- and BrDI- have been measured from 6 to 17 mum (590-1666 cm-1) using tunable infrared radiation from the free electron laser for infrared experiments in order to characterize the strong hydrogen bond in these species. BrHI-.Ar and BrDI-.Ar complexes were produced and mass selected, and the depletion of their signal due to vibrational predissociation was monitored as a function of photon energy. Additionally, BrHI- and BrDI- were dissociated into HBr (DBr) and I- via resonant infrared multiphoton dissociation. The spectra show numerous transitions, which had not been observed by previous matrix studies. New ab initio calculations of the potential-energy surface and the dipole moment are presented and are used in variational ro-vibrational calculations to assign the spectral features. These calculations highlight the importance of basis set in the simulation of heavy atoms such as iodine. Further, they demonstrate extensive mode mixing between the bend and the H-atom stretch modes in BrHI- and BrDI- due to Fermi resonances. These interactions result in major deviations from simple harmonic estimates of the vibrational energies. As a result of this new analysis, previous matrix-isolation spectra assignments are reevaluated. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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The molecular structures of NbOBr3, NbSCl3, and NbSBr3 have been determined by gas-phase electron diffraction (GED) at nozzle-tip temperatures of 250 degreesC, taking into account the possible presence of NbOCl3 as a contaminant in the NbSCl3 sample and NbOBr3 in the NbSBr3 sample. The experimental data are consistent with trigonal-pyramidal molecules having C-3v symmetry. Infrared spectra of molecules trapped in argon or nitrogen matrices were recorded and exhibit the characteristic fundamental stretching modes for C-3v species. Well resolved isotopic fine structure (Cl-35 and Cl-37) was observed for NbSCl3, and for NbOCl3 which occurred as an impurity in the NbSCl3 spectra. Quantum mechanical calculations of the structures and vibrational frequencies of the four YNbX3 molecules (Y = O, S; X = Cl, Br) were carried out at several levels of theory, most importantly B3LYP DFT with either the Stuttgart RSC ECP or Hay-Wadt (n + 1) ECP VDZ basis set for Nb and the 6-311 G* basis set for the nonmetal atoms. Theoretical values for the bond lengths are 0.01-0.04 Angstrom longer than the experimental ones of type r(a), in accord with general experience, but the bond angles with theoretical minus experimental differences of only 1.0-1.5degrees are notably accurate. Symmetrized force fields were also calculated. The experimental bond lengths (r(g)/Angstrom) and angles (angle(alpha)/deg) with estimated 2sigma uncertainties from GED are as follows. NbOBr3: r(Nb=O) = 1.694(7), r(Nb-Br) = 2.429(2), angle(O=Nb-Br) = 107.3(5), angle(Br-Nb-Br) = 111.5(5). NbSBr3: r(Nb=S) = 2.134(10), r(Nb-Br) = 2.408(4), angle(S=Nb-Br) = 106.6(7), angle(Br-Nb-Br) = 112.2(6). NbSCl3: Nb=S) = 2.120(10), r(Nb-Cl) = 2.271(6), angle(S=Nb-Cl) = 107.8(12), angle(Cl-Nb-Cl) = 111.1(11).


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The new erbium(III) complex of picolinic acid (Hpic), ["Bu4N][Er(pic)(4)].5.5H(2)O, was synthesized and the crystal structure determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The compound was further characterized using IR, Raman, H-1 NMR and elemental analysis. The picolinate ligands (pic(-)) are coordinated through N,O-chelation to the erbium cations, as shown by X-ray diffraction and spectroscopic results, leading to an eight coordinate complex. Photoluminescence measurements were performed for this compound which exhibits infrared emission. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The three lowest (1(2)A('), 2(2)A('), and 1(2)A(')) potential-energy surfaces of the C2Cl radical, correlating at linear geometries with (2)Sigma(+) and (2)Pi states, have been studied ab initio using a large basis set and multireference configuration-interaction techniques. The electronic ground state is confirmed to be bent with a very low barrier to linearity, due to the strong nonadiabatic electronic interactions taking place in this system. The rovibronic energy levels of the (CCCl)-C-12-C-12-Cl-35 isotopomer and the absolute absorption intensities at a temperature of 5 K have been calculated, to an upper limit of 2000 cm(-1), using diabatic potential-energy and dipole moment surfaces and a recently developed variational method. The resulting vibronic states arise from a strong mixture of all the three electronic components and their assignments are intrinsically ambiguous. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The first three electronic states (1(2)A', 2(2)A', 1(2)A '') of the C2Br radical, correlating at linear geometries with (2)Sigma(+) and (2)Pi states, have been studied ab initio, using Multi Reference Configuration Interaction techniques. The electronic ground state is found to have a bent equilibrium geometry, R-CC = 1.2621 angstrom, R-CBr = 1.7967 angstrom, < CCBr 156.1 degrees, with a very low barrier to linearity. Similarly to the valence isoelectronic radicals C2F and C2Cl, this anomalous behaviour is attributed to a strong three-state non-adiabatic electronic interaction. The Sigma, Pi(1/2), Pi(3/2) vibronic energy levels and their absolute infrared absorption intensities at a temperature of 5K have been calculated for the (CCBr)-C-12-C-12-Br-79 isotopomer, to an upper limit of 2000 cm(-1), using ab initio diabatic potential energy and dipole moment surfaces and a recently developed variational method.


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Information technology in construction (ITC) has been gaining wide acceptance and is being implemented in the construction research domains as a tool to assist decision makers. Most of the research into visualization technologies (VT) has been on the wide range of 3D and simulation applications suitable for construction processes. Despite its development with interoperability and standardization of products, VT usage has remained very low when it comes to communicating and addressing the needs of building end-users (BEU). This paper argues that building end users are a source of experience and expertise that can be brought into the briefing stage for the evaluation of design proposals. It also suggests that the end user is a source of new ideas promoting innovation. In this research a positivistic methodology that includes the comparison of 3D models and the traditional 2D methods is proposed. It will help to identify "how much", if anything, a non-spatial specialist can gain in terms Of "understanding" of a particular design proposal presented, using both methods.