984 resultados para Indiana. Dept. of Geology and Natural Resources


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Offshore geology of Pakistan is characterized by active and passive continental margins. These continental margins show very unique features such as an active Makran subduction zone in the west and the Indus delta and a submarine fan in the east. The geology of these features of Pakistan EEZ is inadequately known. This is a major obstacle in exploring mineral resources. Detailed study of coastal and shelf geology is needed for better understanding of the geology of the area and comprehensive evolution of its non-living resource potential. An understanding of the geological events including tectonic movements, sedimentation processes and geochemical history that comprise the geological history is very important to help in identification and estimation of resources. In Pakistan EEZ applying the current technology and undertaking research work to understand the seafloor features and mineral deposits associated with it will be very fruitful.


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A self-organizing map (SOM) was used to cluster the water quality data of Xiangxi River in the Three Gorges Reservoir region. The results showed that 81 sampling sites could be divided into several groups representing different land use types. The forest dominated region had low concentrations of most nutrient variables except COD, whereas the agricultural region had high concentrations of NO3N, TN, Alkalinity, and Hardness. The sites downstream of an urban area were high in NH3N, NO2N, PO4P and TP. Redundancy analysis was used to identify the individual effects of topography and land use on river water quality. The results revealed that the watershed factors accounted for 61.7% variations of water quality in the Xiangxi River. Specifically, topographical characteristics explained 26.0% variations of water quality, land use explained 10.2%, and topography and land use together explained 25.5%. More than 50% of the variation in most water quality variables was explained by watershed characteristics. However, water quality variables which are strongly influenced by urban and industrial point source pollution (NH3N, NO2N, PO4P and TP) were not as well correlated with watershed characteristics.


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Science & Technology Basic Work Program of China: Scientific Survey of the Middle-lower Reaches of Lantsang River and the Great Shangri-La Region [2008FY110300]; National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program): Ecosystem Services and Ecological Safety of the Major Terrestrial Ecosystems of China [2009CB421106]; National Natural Science Foundation of China [30670374]; EU ; European Commission, DG Research [003874]


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An improved method for the determination of phosphorus in natural waters, aquatic organisms and sediments by ignition method is proposed. The recoveries of phosphorus (P) from selected inorganic and organic P-containing compound standards after ignition with different auxiliaries, such as MgSO4, Mg(NO3)(2), MgO2, Mg(Ac-2) and CaCl2, were compared. We found that the phosphorus from most compound standards could not be completely recovered when these compounds were ignited (450-500degreesC) with the MgSO4 as auxiliary and the baked residue was extracted with 0.2 mol l(-1) HCl for 30min at 80degreesC or at room temperature. P recoveries, for example, were poor, less than 85%, if pyrophosphate and metaphosphate were ignited with the addition Of MgSO4 prior to the extraction of the baked residue with 0.2 mol l(-1) HCl at 80degreesC for 30 min. In contrast, MgO2, Mg(Ac)(2) and CaCl2, as well as Mg(NO3)(2), could all yield complete P recoveries at routine ashing temperatures (450-500degreesC). The results demonstrate that MgC12 is a more effective auxiliary agent for the determination of phosphorus in natural waters, aquatic organisms and sediments by ignition method than MgSO4 which is commonly used. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We provide an analytical overview of the distortionary eff ects of some common forms of taxes faced by the nonrenewable resources sector of the economy. In the category of taxes meant speci fically to capture the resource rent, we look at a speci c severance tax, an 'ad valorem' severance tax, a profi t tax and a 'lump-sum' tax, with emphasis on their e ffects on the extraction decisions over time and on the initial reserves to be developed. In the category of taxes meant for all sectors of the economy, we look at the corporate income tax and its special provision for the resource sector in the form of a depletion allowance, with emphasis on the eff ects on the intra-industry resource extraction decisions and on the inter-industry allocation of investment.


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present work deals with the various aspects of population characteristics of penaeus indicus ,Metapenaeus dobsoni and metapenaeus monoceros during their nursery phase in tidal ponds and adjacent backwaters.Importance of the present study is to suggest scientific basis for the management of penaeid resources in tidal ponds and backwaters based on their biological characteristics to ensure better yield.Seasonal closure of fishing will be effective in improving the size of the shrimp at harvest.Hydrology of tidal ponds varied with location, but showed a common seasonal pattem.Seasonal variation in temperature was very small. It fluctuated between 27.5 to 32.3°C in tidalponds and 26.9 to 29.9°C in open backwaters.Improvement of nursery habitats with due consideration for biological requirements of the resource will ensure better growth, survival and abundance of the stock.The recruitment, growth and emigration data of prawns from their nurseries can be used successfully for fishery forecasting. projecting juvenile growth forward through time, it is possible to establish, which cohort contributes to offshore fishery each year. So, by interpreting the recruitment and growth data of species in their nurseries with offshore catch data, fishery can be forecasted successfully.


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What are the effects of natural disasters on electoral results? Some authors claim that catastrophes have a negative effect on the survival of leaders in a democracy because voters have a propensity to punish politicians for not preventing or poorly handling a crisis. In contrast, this paper finds that these events might be beneficial for leaders. Disasters are linked to leader survival through clientelism: they generate an in-flow of resources in the form of aid, which increase money for buying votes. Analyzing the rainy season of 2010-2011 in Colombia, considered its worst disaster in history, I use a difference-in-differences strategy to show that in the local election incumbent parties benefited from the disaster. The result is robust to different specifications and alternative explanations. Moreover, places receiving more aid and those with judicial evidence of vote-buying irregularities, are more likely to reelect the incumbent, supporting the mechanism proposed by this paper.


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We propose a model where an autocrat rules over an ethnically divided society. The dictator selects the tax rate over domestic production and the nation’s natural resources to maximize his rents under the threat of a regime-switching revolution. We show that a weak ruler may let the country plunge in civil war to increase his personal rents. Inter-group fighting weakens potential opposition to the ruler, thereby allowing him to increase fiscal pressure. We show that the presence of natural resources exacerbates the incentives of the ruler to promote civil conflict for his own profit, especially if the resources are unequally distributed across ethnic groups. We validate the main predictions of the model using cross-country data over the period 1960-2007, and show that our empirical results are not likely to be driven by omitted observable determinants of civil war incidence or by unobservable country-specific heterogeneity.


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We study the role of natural resource windfalls in explaining the efficiency of public expenditures. Using a rich dataset of expenditures and public good provision for 1,836 municipalities in Peru for period 2001-2010, we estimate a non-monotonic relationship between the efficiency of public good provision and the level of natural resource transfers. Local governments that were extremely favored by the boom of mineral prices were more efficient in using fiscal windfalls whereas those benefited with modest transfers were more inefficient. These results can be explained by the increase in political competition associated with the boom. However, the fact that increases in efficiency were related to reductions in public good provision casts doubts about the beneficial effects of political competition in promoting efficiency.


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Dynamic optimization methods have become increasingly important over the last years in economics. Within the dynamic optimization techniques employed, optimal control has emerged as the most powerful tool for the theoretical economic analysis. However, there is the need to advance further and take account that many dynamic economic processes are, in addition, dependent on some other parameter different than time. One can think of relaxing the assumption of a representative (homogeneous) agent in macro- and micro-economic applications allowing for heterogeneity among the agents. For instance, the optimal adaptation and diffusion of a new technology over time, may depend on the age of the person that adopted the new technology. Therefore, the economic models must take account of heterogeneity conditions within the dynamic framework. This thesis intends to accomplish two goals. The first goal is to analyze and revise existing environmental policies that focus on defining the optimal management of natural resources over time, by taking account of the heterogeneity of environmental conditions. Thus, the thesis makes a policy orientated contribution in the field of environmental policy by defining the necessary changes to transform an environmental policy based on the assumption of homogeneity into an environmental policy which takes account of heterogeneity. As a result the newly defined environmental policy will be more efficient and likely also politically more acceptable since it is tailored more specifically to the heterogeneous environmental conditions. Additionally to its policy orientated contribution, this thesis aims making a methodological contribution by applying a new optimization technique for solving problems where the control variables depend on two or more arguments --- the so-called two-stage solution approach ---, and by applying a numerical method --- the Escalator Boxcar Train Method --- for solving distributed optimal control problems, i.e., problems where the state variables, in addition to the control variables, depend on two or more arguments. Chapter 2 presents a theoretical framework to determine optimal resource allocation over time for the production of a good by heterogeneous producers, who generate a stock externalit and derives government policies to modify the behavior of competitive producers in order to achieve optimality. Chapter 3 illustrates the method in a more specific context, and integrates the aspects of quality and time, presenting a theoretical model that allows to determine the socially optimal outcome over time and space for the problem of waterlogging in irrigated agricultural production. Chapter 4 of this thesis concentrates on forestry resources and analyses the optimal selective-logging regime of a size-distributed forest.


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The present paper reviews the use and exchange of genetic resources of the migratory freshwater fish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage 1878) (the striped or sutchi catfish). This species is naturally distributed in the Mekong River and Chao Phraya River basins, and is cultured in several countries, but current production occurs predominantly in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Catfish aquaculture in Vietnam has evolved from extensive systems using wild-caught seed to an intensified farming system that is entirely dependent on hatchery-produced seed. Genetic improvement programmes on catfish have started in Vietnam, but are still in their infancy. Genetic studies have revealed several subpopulations of the species. Apart from selective breeding and the production of hybrids with closely related species, no other technologies have been applied to improve the performance of catfish. The use and exchange of P. hypophthalmus genetic resources have brought benefits to rural communities. Aquaculture development of catfish has evolved from being seen as an exploitation of natural resources to an activity that can reduce pressure on wild fish populations. Management of aquaculture stocks need to be rationalised to minimise the potential impacts it might cause to wild populations.


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Recent, fervent international dialogue concerning the existence and magnitude of impacts associated with aquaculture has had both positive and negative outcomes. Aquaculture stakeholders have become sensitized to requirements for improved environmental management of aquaculture. on the other hand, in some cases aquaculture development has been negatively affected by some of the unwarranted and unproved allegations to the detriment of the stakeholders most in need of aquaculture development (i.e., resource users, particularly the poor, who are dependent on natural resources). These resource users are targeted by, and directly influence biodiversity and conservation agendas; hence the need to understand how to gain their active participation. This discussion focuses on examples of how aquaculture research and development can be a useful tool or strategy for resource management initiatives and provide tangible positive including increased stakeholder participation and cooperation, offering alternatives to resource extraction and use in otherwise difficult or intransigent resource management conflicts.