979 resultados para Icy hands


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This book is a collection of papers originally presented at a workshop entitled 'After Nine Eleven: Ethics in the Time of Terror' hosted by Monash University on 24 June 2005. The workshop participants included members of the Ethics of War and Peace (EWAP) working group which was inaugurated at the first Oceanic Conference on International Studies in July 2004. EWAP provides a cross-disciplinary forum for scholars and non-academic professionals to exchange and debate ideas on topics including the ethics of armed intervention, the Just War, pacifist ethics, international humanitarian law, ethics in the military profession, and the relationship between law, ethics and politics.

The chapters within this book examine themes including 'lesser evils' and 'dirty hands' in the fight against terrorism, the ethics of intelligence gathering, humanitarian intervention, terrorism and the North-South divide, cultural equality as a response to terrorism, human rights and counterterrorism legislation, and the ethics of defending against 'bioterrorism'. 

Contributors include Alex Bellamy and Richard Devetak (University of Queensland), Baogang He (Deakin University), Christopher Michaelsen (Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe), Jeremy Moses (University of Canterbury), Christian Enemark and Hugh Smith (University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy).


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Prior to the First World War, the selling of the Australian wool clip rested firmly in the hands of the large woolbroking firms. An agreement between the British and Australian governments during the war saw many of the wool-selling functions of broking firms taken over by the Central Wool Committee. At the conclusion of hostilities, brokers moved to regain their role in the market. However, market conditions had changed. On an international level, traditional trading relationships had broken down, leaving commodity markets unstable and prices unpredictable. On a local level, woolgrowers had benefited from the wartime orderly marketing scheme and the high price guaranteed by the British government for their wool clip. As a result, they had begun to demand a greater role in the selling arrangements of their clip. This paper investigates the debates over the sale of the wool clip in the 1920s and how woolbrokers and growers eventually arrived at an understanding as to the manner in which the market should operate.


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In response to a perceived need for management studies in engineering
undergraduate courses, the Institution of Engineers, Australia (IEAust)
mandated a requirement for 10% of course content to be management
studies in Australia in 1991. In 1996 a major review of engineering
education in Australia recommended that the IEAust move from a course
accreditation regime based on prescribed inputs to one based on
demonstrated graduate attributes. In the move to the new accreditation
system the policy on management studies in engineering undergraduate
courses has become less definitive and more open to interpretation by
individual educational institutions. A survey of recent engineering
graduates suggests that those management skills most highly valued by
graduates were generic professional practice skills, and that more
opportunities to develop these skills in undergraduate studies would be
beneficial. Survey respondents suggested the inclusion in the course of
more real world examples of engineering management, including case
studies, hands-on activities, industry visits, more in-depth coverage of
topics, and presentations from practicing professionals.


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Using a stimulated recall technique, eight apprentices were interviewed to identify the detailed learning strategies they used while constructing knowledge from flexible learning packages designed to develop workplace skills. The research shows that in their use of metacognitive, cognitive and social/affective learning strategies the apprentices in the sample made greatest use of those strategies that assisted them to construct knowledge as it was structured and presented by the learning package or by their instructors, trainers or supervisors. Little use was made of strategies that would indicate self-directed learning, working outside the structure provided, or learning independently of a sociocultural and hands-on context comprising their peers and their instructors. At the level of detail of learning strategies these results provide support for the larger scale quantitative research that has been previously conducted with apprentice learning preferences.


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Practicum education is rapidly gaining acknowledgement within the higher education sector as a legitimate pedagogy, providing exciting learning for students along with a pathway to future employment. This position has been hard won due to a long tradition of academic ascendancy in higher education, where the practicum has been viewed as too hands-on and vocationally oriented to warrant serious research consideration or recognition as pedagogy in its own right. The first article in this collection dedicated to field education examines the current context in which the practicum is situated, and highlights emerging trends in social work practice, technology and research, that subsequent authors have expanded upon in their own contributions. This article concludes with some suggestions for how practicum education may be further developed and strengthened to better serve future cohorts of social work students.


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The purpose of the study was to quantify the strength of motor-unit coherence from the left and right first dorsal interosseous muscles in untrained, skill-trained (musicians), and strength-trained (weightlifters) individuals who had long-term specialized use of their hand muscles. The strength of motor-unit coherence was quantified from a total of 394 motor-unit pairs in 13 subjects using data from a previous study in which differences were found in the strength of motor-unit synchronization depending on training status. In the present study, we found that the strength of motor-unit coherence was significantly greater in the left compared with the right hand of untrained right-handed subjects with the largest differences observed between 21 and 24 Hz. The strength of motor-unit coherence was lower in both hands of skill-trained subjects (21–27 Hz) and the right (skilled) hand of untrained subjects (21–24 Hz), whereas the largest motor-unit coherence was observed in both hands of strength-trained subjects (3–9 and 21–27 Hz). A strong curvilinear association was observed between motor-unit synchronization and the integral of coherence at 10–30 Hz in all motor-unit pairs (r2 = 0.77), and was most pronounced in strength-trained subjects (r2 = 0.90). Furthermore, this association was accentuated when using synchronization data with broad peaks (>11 ms), suggesting that the 10- to 30-Hz coherence is due to oscillatory activity in indirect branched common inputs. The altered coherence with training may be due to an interaction between cortical inhibition and the number of direct common inputs to motor neurons in skill- or strength-trained hands.


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I review the thinking of Barbara Bolt in her recent book, which is informed by Martin Heidegger’s theory of art. Bolt argues that it is in the flux of art practice, where the artist responds bodily, with hands and eyes, to the encounter with the materials of practice, that visual art produces real material effects. That is, through the praxical encounter, art does not merely represent, it performs radically. Bolt thus argues for a materialist ontology of the work of visual art. I examine what Bolt means by ‘real material effects’ and ‘radical performativity’.

In developing my own project on the poetic response to visual art, particularly portraiture, I have freely adapted Heidegger’s theory of art to propose that the poet responds to the visual encounter in a manner similar to that of Heidegger’s preserver, by restraining usual knowing and looking. In this way the poet facilitates the emergence from the work of visual art of truth about being and earth, as defined by Heidegger. In my forthcoming article ‘Ekphrasis and illumination of painting’, I argue that the poet, like the artist, restrains seeing-as and operates in a mode approximating mere seeing, as these terms are defined by Heidegger and Wittgenstein.

In the present article I propose to examine the role of looking down and looking up in non-representational art, and in particular Bolt’s ‘oil stain paintings’ exhibited in the Forty-five Downstairs gallery in Melbourne in conjunction with the launch of her book.

I propose to expose some blind spots in the thinking which underpins theories derived from Heidegger. I will examine the way ‘representation’ has been constructed in twentieth-century thought, and will argue that Heideggerian truth and Bolt’s ‘real material effects’ result from the privileging of perception over knowledge. I will examine, with particular reference to portraiture, Bolt’s assertion that the referent can be rehabilitated in Western thought and traced in ‘real material effects’. I will argue that ‘representation’ is an unstable process occurring within and outside signification, and that this very instability enables us to confidently predict that all art produces ‘real material effects’, or in other words, Heideggerian truth.


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Service discovery is a critical task in service-oriented architectures such as the Grid and Web Services. In this paper, we study a semantics enabled service registry, GRIMOIRES, from a performance perspective. GRIMOIRES is designed to be the registry for myGrid and the OMII software distribution. We study the scalability of GRIMOIRES against the amount of information that has been published into it. The methodology we use and the data we present are helpful for researchers to understand the performance characteristics of the registry and, more generally, of semantics enabled service discovery. Based on this experimentation, we claim that GRIMOIRES is an efficient semantics-aware service discovery engine.


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The importance of understanding the process by which a result was generated in an experiment is fundamental to science. Without such information, other scientists cannot replicate, validate, or duplicate an experiment. We define provenance as the process that led to a result. With large scale in-silico experiments, it becomes increasingly difficult for scientists to record process documentation that can be used to retrieve the provenance of a result. Provenance Recording for Services (PReServ) is a software package that allows developers to integrate process documentation recording into their applications. PReServ has been used by several applications and its performance has been benchmarked.


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The notification service is the part of myGrid that enables asynchronous delivery of messages between distributed components. It includes features such as topic-based publish-subscribe messaging, push/pull models, asynchronous delivery, persistence, transient and durable subscriptions, durable topics, negotiation of QoS, hierarchical topic structure and federation of services. Some of these features are novel in the area of messaging middleware. A cost evaluation of some of these features indicate that the overhead incurred is justified in terms of compensating benefits gained.


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One of the most pervasive classes of services needed to support e-Science applications are those responsible for the discovery of resources. We have developed a solution to the problem of service discovery in a Semantic Web/Grid setting. We do this in the context of bioinformatics, which is the use of computational and mathematical techniques to store, manage, and analyse the data from molecular biology in order to answer questions about biological phenomena. Our specific application is myGrid (http: //www.mygrid.org.uk) that is developing open source, service-based middleware upon which bioin- formatics applications can be built. myGrid is specif- ically targeted at developing open source high-level service Grid middleware for bioinformatics.


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We define personalisation as the set of capabilities that enables a user or an organisation to customise their working environment to suit their specific needs, preferences and circumstances. In the context of service discovery on the Grid, the demand for personalisation comes from individual users, who want their preferences to be taken into account during the search and selection of suitable services. These preferences can express, for example, the reliability of a service, quality of results, functionality, and so on. In this paper, we identify the problems related to personalising service discovery and present our solution: a personalised service registry or View. We describe scenarios in which personsalised service discovery would be useful and describe how our technology achieves them.


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Existing registry technologies such as UDDI can be enhanced to support capabilities for semantic reasoning and inquiry, which subsequently increases its usability range. The Grimoires registry was developed to provide such support through the use of metadata attachments to registry entities. The use of such attachments provides a way for allowing service operators to specify security assertions pertaining to registry entities owned by them. These assertions may however have to be reconciled with existing registry policies. A security architecture based on the XACML standard and deployed in the OMII framework is outlined to demonstrate how this goal is achieved in the registry.