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The thermodynamics of monodisperse solutions of polymers in the neighborhood of the phase separation temperature is studied by means of Wilson’s recursion relation approach, starting from an effective ϕ4 Hamiltonian derived from a continuum model of a many‐chain system in poor solvents. Details of the chain statistics are contained in the coefficients of the field variables ϕ, so that the parameter space of the Hamiltonian includes the temperature, coupling constant, molecular weight, and excluded volume interaction. The recursion relations are solved under a series of simplifying assumptions, providing the scaling forms of the relevant parameters, which are then used to determine the scaling form of the free energy. The free energy, in turn, is used to calculate the other singular thermodynamic properties of the solution. These are characteristically power laws in the reduced temperature and molecular weight, with the temperature exponents being the same as those of the 3d Ising model. The molecular weight exponents are unique to polymer solutions, and the calculated values compare well with the available experimental data.


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Steady-state fluorescence, lifetime measurements and time-resolved absorption spectra of the covalently linked hetero dimers consisting of pheophorbide and porphyrin revealed rapid (1011–1012s−1) and efficient singlet—singlet excitation energy transfer from porphyrin unit to pheophorbide.


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Addition of ferrous sulfate, but not ferric chloride, in micromolar concentrations to rat liver mitochondria induced high rates of consumption of oxygen. The oxygen consumed was several times in excess of the reducing capacity of ferrous-iron (O: Fe ratios 5�8). This occurred in the absence of NADPH or any exogenous oxidizable substrate. The reaction terminated on oxidation of ferrous ions. Malondialdehyde (MDA), measured as thiobarbituric acid-reacting material, was produced indicating peroxidation of lipids. The ratio of O2: MDA was about 4: 1. Pretreatment of mitochondria with ferrous sulfate decreased the rate of oxidation (state 3) with glutamate (+malate) as the substrate by about 40% but caused little damage to energy tranduction process as represented by ratios of ADP: O and respiratory control, as well as calcium-stimulated oxygen uptake and energy-dependent uptake of [45Ca]-calcium. Addition of succinate or ubiquinone decreased ferrous iron-induced lipid peroxidation in intact mitochondria. In frozen-thawed mitochondria, addition of succinate enhanced lipid peroxidation whereas ubiquinone had little effect. These results suggest that ferrous-iron can cause peroxidation of mitochondrial lipids without affecting the energy transduction systems, and that succinate and ubiquinone can offer protection from damage due to such ferrous-iron released from the stores within the cells.


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Ceric ammonium sulfate, CAS, oxidizes naphthalene to 1,4-naphthoquinone in essentially quantitative yield in CH3CN-dil. H2SO4. Stoichiometric studies indicate that 6 mol of CAS are required for the oxidation of 1 mol of naphthalene to 1,4-naphthoquinone. Kinetic investigations reveal that the reaction takes place through initial formation of a 1:1 complex of naphthalene and cerium(IV) in an equilibrium step followed by slow decomposition of the complex to naphthalene radical cation. Kinetic results on the effects of acid strength, polarity of the medium, temperature and substituents are in accordance with this mechanism. Further conversion of the radical cation into 1,4-naphthoquinone takes place in fast steps involving a further 5 mol of cerium(IV) and 2 mol of H2O.


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‪This dissertation examines the impacts of energy and climate policies on the energy and forest sectors, focusing on the case of Finland. The thesis consists of an introduction article and four separate studies. The dissertation was motivated by the climate concern and the increasing demand of renewable energy. In particular, the renewable energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission reduction targets of the European Union were driving this work. In Finland, both forest and energy sectors are in key roles in achieving these targets. In fact, the separation between forest and energy sector is diminishing as the energy sector is utilizing increasing amounts of wood in energy production and as the forest sector is becoming more and more important energy producer.‬ ‪The objective of this dissertation is to find out and measure the impacts of climate and energy policies on the forest and energy sectors. In climate policy, the focus is on emissions trading, and in energy policy the dissertation focuses on the promotion of renewable forest-based energy use. The dissertation relies on empirical numerical models that are based on microeconomic theory. Numerical partial equilibrium mixed complementarity problem models were constructed to study the markets under scrutiny. The separate studies focus on co-firing of wood biomass and fossil fuels, liquid biofuel production in the pulp and paper industry, and the impacts of climate policy on the pulp and paper sector.‬ ‪The dissertation shows that the policies promoting wood-based energy may have have unexpected negative impacts. When feed-in tariff is imposed together with emissions trading, in some plants the production of renewable electricity might decrease as the emissions price increases. The dissertation also shows that in liquid biofuel production, investment subsidy may cause high direct policy costs and other negative impacts when compared to other policy instruments. The results of the dissertation also indicate that from the climate mitigation perspective, perfect competition is the favored wood market competition structure, at least if the emissions trading system is not global.‬ ‪In conclusion, this dissertation suggests that when promoting the use of wood biomass in energy production, the favored policy instruments are subsidies that promote directly the renewable energy production (i.e. production subsidy, renewables subsidy or feed-in premium). Also, the policy instrument should be designed to be dependent on the emissions price or on the substitute price. In addition, this dissertation shows that when planning policies to promote wood-based renewable energy, the goals of the policy scheme should be clear before decisions are made on the choice of the policy instruments.‬


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The phase relations in the system Cu-Gd-O have been determined at 1273 K by X-ray diffrac- tion, optical microscopy, and electron microprobe analysis of samples equilibrated in quartz ampules and in pure oxygen. Only one ternary compound, CuGd2O4, was found to be stable. The Gibbs free energy of formation of this compound has been measured using the solid-state cell Pt, Cu2O + CuGd2O4 + Gd2O3 // (Y2O3) ZrO2 // CuO + Cu2O, Pt in the temperature range of 900 to 1350 K. For the formation of CuGd2O4 from its binary component oxides, CuO (s) + Gd2O3 (s) → CuGd2O4 (s) ΔG° = 8230 - 11.2T (±50) J mol-1 Since the formation is endothermic, CuGd2O4 becomes thermodynamically unstable with respect to CuO and Gd2O3 below 735 K. When the oxygen partial pressure over CuGd2O4 is lowered, it decomposes according to the reaction 4CuGd2O4 (s) → 4Gd2O3 (s) + 2Cu2O (s) + O2 (g) for which the equilibrium oxygen potential is given by Δμo 2 = −227,970 + 143.2T (±500) J mol−1 An oxygen potential diagram for the system Cu-Gd-O at 1273 K is presented.


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Load-deflection curves for a notched beam under three-point load are determined using the Fictitious Crack Model (FCM) and Blunt Crack Model (BCM). Two values of fracture energy GF are used in this analysis: (i) GF obtained from the size effect law and (ii) GF obtained independently of the size effect. The predicted load-deflection diagrams are compared with the experimental ones obtained for the beams tested by Jenq and Shah. In addition, the values of maximum load (Pmax) obtained by the analyses are compared with the experimental ones for beams tested by Jenq and Shah and by Bažant and Pfeiffer. The results indicate that the descending portion of the load-deflection curve is very sensitive to the GF value used.


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A mechanism involving the intermediacy of nitrene 5, formed from the oxime of spironaphthalenone 1 by acid catalysed dehydration, has been proposed to explain the formation of pyrrolotropones/pyrrolo esters from spironaphthalenones. The initially formed nitrene rearranges to the isopyrrole 6, which either undergoes sigmatropic migration to the pyrrolotropone 2 or adds alcohol to form the pyrrolo ester depending on substitution at 1′ position. The isopyrrole intermediate 6 has been trapped as a Diels-Alder adduct 8.


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Relentless CMOS scaling coupled with lower design tolerances is making ICs increasingly susceptible to wear-out related permanent faults and transient faults, necessitating on-chip fault tolerance in future chip microprocessors (CMPs). In this paper we introduce a new energy-efficient fault-tolerant CMP architecture known as Redundant Execution using Critical Value Forwarding (RECVF). RECVF is based on two observations: (i) forwarding critical instruction results from the leading to the trailing core enables the latter to execute faster, and (ii) this speedup can be exploited to reduce energy consumption by operating the trailing core at a lower voltage-frequency level. Our evaluation shows that RECVF consumes 37% less energy than conventional dual modular redundant (DMR) execution of a program. It consumes only 1.26 times the energy of a non-fault-tolerant baseline and has a performance overhead of just 1.2%.


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Increasing network lifetime is important in wireless sensor/ad-hoc networks. In this paper, we are concerned with algorithms to increase network lifetime and amount of data delivered during the lifetime by deploying multiple mobile base stations in the sensor network field. Specifically, we allow multiple mobile base stations to be deployed along the periphery of the sensor network field and develop algorithms to dynamically choose the locations of these base stations so as to improve network lifetime. We propose energy efficient low-complexity algorithms to determine the locations of the base stations; they include i) Top-K-max algorithm, ii) maximizing the minimum residual energy (Max-Min-RE) algorithm, and iii) minimizing the residual energy difference (MinDiff-RE) algorithm. We show that the proposed base stations placement algorithms provide increased network lifetimes and amount of data delivered during the network lifetime compared to single base station scenario as well as multiple static base stations scenario, and close to those obtained by solving an integer linear program (ILP) to determine the locations of the mobile base stations. We also investigate the lifetime gain when an energy aware routing protocol is employed along with multiple base stations.


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In this paper, we have computed the quadratic nonlinear optical (NLO) properties of a class of weak charge transfer (CT) complexes. These weak complexes are formed when the methyl substituted benzenes (donors) are added to strong acceptors like chloranil (CHL) or di-chloro-di-cyano benzoquinone (DDQ) in chloroform or in dichloromethane. The formation of such complexes is manifested by the presence of a broad absorption maximum in the visible range of the spectrum where neither the donor nor the acceptor absorbs. The appearance of this visible band is due to CT interactions, which result in strong NLO responses. We have employed the semiempirical intermediate neglect of differential overlap (INDO/S) Hamiltonian to calculate the energy levels of these CT complexes using single and double configuration interaction (SDCI). The solvent effects are taken into account by using the self-consistent reaction field (SCRF) scheme. The geometry of the complex is obtained by exploring different relative molecular geometries by rotating the acceptor with respect to the fixed donor about three different axes. The theoretical geometry that best fits the experimental energy gaps, beta(HRS) and macroscopic depolarization ratios is taken to be the most probable geometry of the complex. Our studies show that the most probable geometry of these complexes in solution is the parallel displaced structure with a significant twist in some cases. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3526748]


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Experiments involving selective perturbation of a transition yield information about the directly connected transitions, which in turn yield information for deriving the parameters of the spin Hamiltonian of oriented molecules. Problems involved with selective perturbation are removed by the use of a two-dimensional experiment, namely, the modified Z-COSY-experiment, The use of this experiment is demonstrated for obtaining the connectivity information and for determining the parameters of the spin Hamiltonian of oriented benzene, a strongly coupled six-spin system


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We consider the possibility of fingerprinting the presence of heavy additional Z' bosons that arise naturally in extensions of the standard model such as E-6 models and left-right symmetric models, through their mixing with the standard model Z boson. By considering a class of observables including total cross sections, energy distributions and angular distributions of decay leptons we find significant deviation from the standard model predictions for these quantities with right-handed electrons and left-handed positrons at root s= 800GeV. The deviations being less pronounced at smaller centre of mass energies as the models are already tightly constrained. Our work suggests that the ILC should have a strong beam polarization physics program particularly with these configurations. On the other hand, a forward backward asymmetry and lepton fraction in the backward direction are more sensitive to new physics with realistic polarization due to interesting interplay with the neutrino t-channel diagram. This process complements the study of fermion pair production processes that have been considered for discrimination between these models.


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Notched three point bend specimens (TPB) were tested under crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) control at a rate of 0.0004 mm/s and during the fracture process acoustic emissions (AE) were simultaneously monitored. It was observed that AE energy could be related to fracture energy. An experimental study was done to understand the behavior of AE energy with parameters of concrete like its strength and size. In this study, AE energy was used as a quantitative measure of size independent specific fracture energy of concrete beams and the concepts of boundary effect and local fracture energy were used to obtain size independent AE energy from which size independent fracture energy was obtained. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.