992 resultados para INFORMAÇÃO ESTRUTURAL


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The catalytic processes play a vital role in the worldwide economy, a business that handles about US$ 13 billion per year because the value of products depends on the catalytic processes, including petroleum products, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, synthetic rubbers and plastics, among others. The zeolite ZSM-5 is used as catalyst for various reactions in the area petrochemical, petroleum refining and fine chemicals, especially the reactions of cracking, isomerization, alkylation, aromatization of olefins, among others. Many researchers have studied the hydrothermal synthesis of zeolite ZSM-5 free template and they obtained satisfactory results, so this study aims to evaluate the hydrothermal synthesis and the physicochemical properties of ZSM-5 with the presence and absence of template compared with commercial ZSM-5. The methods for hydrothermal synthesis of zeolite ZSM-5 are of scientific knowledge, providing the chemical composition required for the formation of zeolitic structure in the presence and absence of template. Samples of both zeolites ZSM-5 in protonic form were obtained by heat treatment and ion exchange, according to procedures reported in the literature. The sample of commercial ZSM-5 was acquired by the company Sentex Industrial Ltda. All samples were characterized by XRD, SEM, FTIR, TG / DTG / DSC, N2 adsorption and desorption and study of acidity by thermo-desorption of probe molecule (n-butylamine), in order to understand their physicochemical properties. The efficiency of the methods applied in this work and reported in the literature has been proved by well-defined structure of ZSM-5. According as the evaluation of physicochemical properties, zeolite ZSM-5 free template becomes promising for application in the refining processes or use as catalytic support, since its synthesis reduces environmental impacts and production costs


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Nanostructured materials have been spreading successfully over past years due its size and unusual properties, resulting in an exponential growth of research activities devoted to nanoscience and nanotechnology, which has stimulated the search for different methods to control main properties of nanomaterials and make them suitable for applications with high added value. In the late 90 s an alternative and low cost method was proposed from alkaline hydrothermal synthesis of nanotubes. Based on this context, the objective of this work was to prepare different materials based on TiO2 anatase using hydrothermal synthesis method proposed by Kasuga and submit them to an acid wash treatment, in order to check the structural behavior of final samples. They were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), adsorption/desorption of N2, thermal analysis (TG/DTA) and various spectroscopic methods such as absorption spectroscopy in the infrared (FT-IR), Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). All the information of characterizations confirmed the complete conversion of anatase TiO2 in nanotubes titanates (TTNT). Observing the influence of acid washing treatment in titanates structure, it was concluded that the nanotubes are formed during heat treatment, the sample which was not subjected to this process also achieved a complete phase transformation, as showed in crystallography and morphology results, however the surface area of them practically doubled after the acid washing. By spectroscopy was performed a discussion about chemical composition of these titanates, obtaining relevant results. Finally, it was observed that the products obtained in this work are potential materials for various applications in adsorption, catalysis and photocatalysis, showing great promise in CO2 capture


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In this work, the structures of LaCoO3, La0,8Ba0,2CoO3 and La0,8Ca0,2CoO3 perovskites were characterized as a function of temperature (LaCoO3 structure being analyzed only at room temperature). The characterization of these materials were made by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS), in the cobalt K-edge, taking into account the correlated Einstein model X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). The first part of the absorption spectrum corresponded the X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). These materials were prepared by the combustion method. The combustion products were calcinated at 900 0C, for 6 hours in air. Noted that the sample LaCoO3 at room temperature and samples doped with Calcium and Barium in the temperature range of 50 K to 298 K showed greater distortion to monoclinic symmetry with space group I2/a. However, the sample doped with barium at the temperatures 50 K, 220 K, and 260 K showed a slight distortion to rhombohedral symmetry with space group R-3c. The La0,8Ca0, 2CoO3 structure was few sensitive to temperature variation, showing a higher local distortion in the octahedron and a higher local thermal disorder. These interpretations were in agreement with the information electronic structural on the XANES region and geometric in the EXAFS region


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The terminological performance of the descriptors representing the Information Science domain in the SIBI/USP Controlled Vocabulary was evaluated in manual, automatic and semi-automatic indexing processes. It can be concluded that, in order to have a better performance (i.e., to adequately represent the content of the corpus), current Information Science descriptors of the SIBi/USP Controlled Vocabulary must be extended and put into context by means of terminological definitions so that information needs of users are fulfilled.


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O texto analisa a Arquivologia e sua relação com a mediação da informação. Defende que a base teórica da Arquivologia proporciona condições fundamentais para que, no âmbito da prática, se desenvolvam operações metodológicas que resultem no tratamento adequado dos documentos. Dessa forma, ressaltando a práxis arquivística, compreende-se a utilização de instrumentos e técnicas como uma mediação de sistemas, na qual as etapas da metodologia arquivística atendem ao objetivo primordial de organização de massas documentais, possibilitando seu tratamento, com o propósito de recuperar e disponibilizar as informações dos respectivos conjuntos documentais. A atuação técnica de profissionais da informação, especificamente do arquivista, nesse contexto, já configura uma mediação, mas uma mediação, sobretudo, que lida com a protoinformação. Dessa forma, argumenta-se que é necessário entender como essa protoinformação torna-se informação. Afirma-se que, nesse sentido, a mediação da informação apresenta-se como objeto que vislumbra tal compreensão, partindo, para tanto, do parâmetro da apropriação da informação dos usuários-pesquisadores do arquivo e sua produção e/ou alteração do conhecimento resultante da relação com esse ambiente, para garantir, de fato, uma mediação da informação arquivística. Advoga que essa perspectiva inovadora da mediação da informação nos arquivos, caracteriza uma abordagem que carece de maiores reflexões na área.


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A gestão da informação é extremamente importante para as organizações. O mapeamento informacional é um instrumento que pode ser utilizado no âmbito da gestão da informação. Para realizar o mapeamento informacional, pode-se utilizar o método denominado Infomapping, criado por Burk Jr. e Horton Jr., que se constitui em uma valiosa ferramenta para gerenciar os recursos de informação de uma organização. Ele permite descobrir com exatidão o grau de desconhecimento que se tem sobre as fontes, serviços e sistemas com os quais se desenvolve o trabalho informacional da organização. O processo consiste em criar um levantamento de todas as informações, que supostamente constituem-se num recurso informacional gerado internamente ou produzido externamente, que impactam diretamente as atividades corporativas.


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O processo decisório compreende a aplicação de diferentes modelos de tomada de decisão, cada um deles pertinente a uma determinada situação. Entre eles, destacamos como principais os modelos racional, processual, anárquico e político. Para este trabalho, utilizamos os conceitos de Choo (2003), por se tratar de uma das principais obras a respeito do tema existente na literatura e, assim, analisamos cada um dos modelos propostos pelo autor. A partir da análise dos modelos, foi possível estabelecer relações entre eles e maneira pela qual a informação orgânica - produzida internamente à organização, participa do processo decisório, mais especificamente no âmbito de cada modelo. Por último, a partir das inferências realizadas, propomos um novo modelo de tomada de decisão, cuja base de sustentação é a informação orgânica.


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The Information Society (IS) may be taken as a geopolitical organization which started after the Third Industrial Revolution, having direct impact on the use of information and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The expression arose as techno-social paradigm change in the post-industrial society, aiming to use information as currency to the society-in-progress at that time. In Brazil it has become stronger with the Programa Sociedade da Informação no Brasil-Livro Verde, lunched by the Ministerio da Ciência e Tecnologia, in September 2000 without any discussion with the civil society to formulate the main document. Our main goal in this article is to discuss the Information Society in contemporary times, and also the organized and conscious use of information, looking for key-concepts to a better understanding of it, from some topics as digital inclusion-exclusion to the use of digital informational resources.


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The development of information and communication technologies, in particular, Internet, and its Web 2.0 information environment has led to significant changes in contemporary society as to the ways of producing informational content. Collaboration and remix, favored by the new services and applications resulting from the development of the Web, are practices which contribute for the exponential growth of information producers. An important part of humanity ceases to be a mere consumer of symbolic goods and becomes a member in a society that sees in the collaboration and remix a new form of creation, use and dissemination of intellectual content. However, as such practices involve the production and use of information intelectual content, and are ruled by a legisltion which determine determines under what conditions the author and the user must produce and use the intellectual work. This legislation established for a context prior to the develompment of the Web has created an imbalance in the context of Web 2.0 which needs to be solved in some way so as to provide the required rebalance for the flow of information. This study explores the collaborative Web environment, the scope of copyright law in Web enviroment and the Creative Commons licenses as an alternative for producers and users of information to create, recreate, share, use, reuse and disseminate legally the intellectual production for the benefit of the construction of knowledge.


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Investigates the relationship between Information Architecture in digital environments with Intellectual Property Rights. The work is justified by the need to better understand the emerging dynamics of Digital Information and Communication Law Technologies and Intellectual Property Rights. Three areas of knowledge are directly related to the study: Information Science, Law and Computer Science. The methodology used in the investigative process is aligned with the qualitative approach. With respect to the technical procedures the research is classified as bibliographic or secondary sources. The results showed that the current Brazilian legislation does not provide the adequate mechanisms necessary to protect the intellectual property rights associated to an Information Architecture project to its holders.


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The structure of the worlds we know is built on habits and is conditioned by fixed beliefs through which we filter and conform a circumscribed universe. This building process makes it essential to understand the paths of the Information capture and recontextualization as well as to elucidate the involvement of principles or laws that regulate and structure the ways we think and act creatively in contemporary times. The proposal of this article is to point out that Information Science, while studying the set of changes related to the establishment of new habits of the Information Society, should also provide relevant sociocultural indicators for the understanding of our historical moment. In this realm, it presents few extracted moments from the context of these changes that regard to the continuum of the shared information and knowledge desires. The procedure requires a significant retreat of the viewpoint, simultaneously placing such a movement in the scope of relations between habit and break as movements that weave relations of the world, of humankind and of distinct cultural changes.


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Currently with the increase in complexity in doing business, organizations are seeking information systems that help to quickly respond to new demands in the processes of production of products and services. An information system is no longer just a support tool and has become an integral part of doing business. However, in spite of significant technological evolution in recent years, information systems that support business do not respond efficiently to the constant alterations that occur in many organizations. One of the main problems faced by information systems currently is the lack of strategic alignment between business strategy and information technology. The concept of strategic alignment can be defined as a way between business strategies and objectives and the strategies, objectives and functions of information technology in such as way as to contribute to the increase in competitivity of the organization over time. Strategic alignment together with strategic planning are important management instruments. Approaches for operationalizing this alignment are being developed currently but are still in their initial stages due to the fact that it is a relatively new concept in the literature. Another point that needs to be taken into consideration during the strategic alignment is the question of trackability between the business elements and IT. Trackability (Tracking) is necessary for example when one wishes to know exactly which goal defined in the business strategy was left out or not accepted due to a modification made in the IT strategy. Very few proposals present concrete ways supported by software systems in order to obtain strategic alignement while taking into consideration this trackability. Therefore the objective of this work is to propose the creation of a strategic alignment process supported by a software system which is capable of permitting trackability between the organizational objectives and the business processes based on formalization standards defined through a model oriented approach


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The way to deal with information assets means nowadays the main factor not only for the success but also for keeping the companies in the global world. The number of information security incidents has grown for the last years. The establishment of information security policies that search to keep the security requirements of assets in the desired degrees is the major priority for the companies. This dissertation suggests a unified process for elaboration, maintenance and development of information security policies, the Processo Unificado para Políticas de Segurança da Informação - PUPSI. The elaboration of this proposal started with the construction of a structure of knowledge based on documents and official rules, published in the last two decades, about security policies and information security. It's a model based on the examined documents which defines the needed security policies to be established in the organization, its work flow and identifies the sequence of hierarchy among them. It's also made a model of the entities participating in the process. Being the problem treated by the model so complex, which involves all security policies that the company must have. PUPSI has an interative and developing approach. This approach was obtained from the instantiation of the RUP - Rational Unified Process model. RUP is a platform for software development object oriented, of Rational Software (IBM group). Which uses the best practice known by the market. PUPSI got from RUP a structure of process that offers functionality, diffusion capacity and comprehension, performance and agility for the process adjustment, offering yet capacity of adjustment to technological and structural charges of the market and the company


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This study aims to analyze tourist information provided by the official websites of the 2014 FIFA World Cup host cities. The framework developed by Díaz (2005) was applied to analyze different aspects, such as: local tourist information, tourist services distribution, communication and interaction between website and users, and website foreign language versions. This dissertation describes how society and tourism are related by analyzing the consequences of technological evolution in the travel and tourism sector, showing the importance of the use of information and communication technology to provide accurate, upto- date and low-cost information to tourist destinations. Because of the nature of the study, the research subjects are the 12 Brazilian host cities represented by their respective official webpages (cities, states and convention bureaus), and also Brazil s official website, totalizing 36 elements to be analyzed. The methodology has been characterized as descriptive and exploratory with quantitative analysis, and also using desk research and survey literature review. In order to analyze the data collected, parametric and nonparametric statistics tests were used, such as: variance analysis (ANOVA and KRUSKAL-WALLIS) to measure means variance between groups combined with multiple comparison tests (Tukey and Games Howell); nonparametric correlations tests (Kendall s Tau b); and cluster analyses. Finally, Microsoft Excel was used to collect data and SPSS for managing data through quantitative analyses tests. Overall, the websites of the south region showed better results than the other Brazilian regions. Despite this result, the data analysis demonstrated that the available tourist information are incomplete as it was verified that tourist host cities websites are unable to provide all the information needed for the web visitors to organize and plan their journey. This means that visitors have to look for more information in other sources


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This work deals with the cattle raising activity in Brasil, it´s importance for the stete of Rio Grande do Norte. A conceptual review is done regarding accounting information and considering it as an essencial input for economical and finantial decision making, related to the state cattle rainsing environment. It also aims to expose visions related to the role and the importance of Accounting as system that colects, treats and supplies managerial information. A brief historic of Accounting is done, emphasizing the Accounting Demonstration Structure and its use in the decision making process, as well as the contribution it has node for the cattle raising activity in Brazil. The research´s results show that accounting information is used partially in the finantial decision making process, and it is pointed out that the Inventory was the most relevant tool with 95,% of the cases, followed by the Income and Outlay reports with 85.0%,Production with 82,0% and Cost reports with 80,0%, the Demonstrative of the Cash Flow (DFC) with 82.5%, the Patrimonial Balance (PB) with 22.5%, and the Demonstrative of the Exercise Result (DER) with 20.0% of use. The research concludes that Accounting information is not throughly used in the economic and finantial decision making of the managers of cattle raising in the Rio Grande do Norte State, although, 95% of the sample consider then important. This may imply that there are diffilculties in measurement of the managerial decisions as well as the business whole