981 resultados para IMMATURE
An unusual case of a newborn with two immature natal maxillary molars is presented. Clinical and histological examination showed that the teeth were rootless and incompletely mineralized. The patient was followed up during one year and we confirmed that the natal teeth were from normal primary series.
We used light and transmission electron microscopy to examine the morphology of the accessory glands of immature and mature adult males of Apis mellifera L. We also made an electrophoretic analysis of the protein content of the mature gland. The glands of the immature male actively secrete a mucous substance that can be seen in the lumen of the gland of the mature male. This secretion stains with mercury bromophenol blue and with periodic acid-Schiff reaction, which stain glyconjugates. The protein content was higher in the lumen secretion than in the gland wall extracts. The electrophoresis patterns of the wall extracts were different from those of the secretion found in the gland lumen.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The slender catshark Schroedericthys tenuis Springer, 1966, originally described from two immature males, is redescribed on the basis of 12 specimens of both sexes, juveniles and adults (as well as the holotype and paratype). The supplementary specimens were collected off the northern coast of Brazil between Amapá and Pará states. Aspects of its external morphology, color pattern, dermal denticles, dentition, vertebral counts, and the cephalic, clasper and pectoral fin skeleton are described in detail and fully illustrated. These features are compared with those of congeneric species. Our observations support preliminary results of work in progress that S. maculatus Springer, 1966, S. tenuis and S. saurisqualus Soto, 2003 form a monophyletic group, mostly on the basis of neurocranial morphology, and that S. bivius (Smith, 1838) and S. chilensis (Guichenot, 1848) should be removed from Schroederichthys. Copyright © 2006 Magnolia Press.
The objective of this work was to study the macroscopic, ultrasonographic and histopathologic aspects from the newly formed cicatricial tissue at the site of the partial resection of the long digital extensor tendon in 10 equines at the moment of functional restoration of the limb with the animal in walk locomotion. The macroscopic exam was performed every 48 hours, the planimetric mensuration every 10 days, the ultrasonographic exam every 15 days and the histopathologyc exam at the end of the study. The wounds showed granulation tissue in retraction, without total lesion epithelization, and the aspects ultrasonographics revealed wound healing with newly formed tissues with variable density and high neovascularization without tendon structural reorganization. The histopathology showed newly formed vascularized tissue, with leukocytic infiltrate and collagenous deposition without full epithelization. The cicatrization tissue formed in the resection region of the tendon, immature and without the structural organization of the normal tendon, showed to be able to functional restoration of the operated limb.
The structure and ultrastructure of immature to fully mature glandular dots in the leaf, floral organs and fruit, and their secretion components were described in Caesalpinia echinata Lam. (Leguminosae) for the first time. Data showed that glandular dots were groups of idioblasts with contents that reacted positively for both lipophilic and hydrophilic substances. Idioblasts originated from successive divisions of the ground meristem cells or mesophyll cells of an ovary of a fertilized flower. Following division, cells enlarged, the cytoplasm became denser and its content became full. No idioblasts were observed after fruit sclerification. Besides these mixed-content idioblasts, some cells in the sepals, petals and mesocarp were found to contain phenolic compounds, which probably represent a kind of constitutive defense mechanism, once the flowers and fruits become highly fitness-valued parts of the plant and can be commonly attacked. The contents of the idioblasts are released as the growth rate of the embryo increases, indicating that the plant probably diverts the precursors of secondary metabolites into the primary metabolism, at this critical time of embryo development.
This study examines some aspects of the basic biology of the worldwide distributed ant Tapinoma melanocepbalum Fabricius. The number of larval instars and the growth ratio between each instar are given. We used colonies containing only queens and workers, and later removed these queens in order to estimate the production of eggs and the duration of immature development of the worker caste. Measurements of larvae cephalic capsule widths revealed that workers of the ghost-ant have four larval instars from egg-hatching to adult. The mean growth rate for the species is 1.38, in accordance with Dyar's rule. The highest egg production was 5.3±2.2 eggs/day/queen and the analysis of these brood suggested the presence of two kinds of eggs inside the colony. The development of workers from egg to adult lasted 16-52 days with the embryonic development longer than larval, prepupal or pupal stages. Despite the slow egg-laying by queens, our findings also showed that colonies of T. melanocephalum grow faster than colonies of other tramp ants.
The length-weight relationship and condition factor of Salminus hilarii were analyzed in a section of the lower part of the Sorocaba river basin, São Paulo State. By studying male, female and immature individuals separately, different length-weight patterns were found for each. The same happened when distinct seasonal variations of the relationships were compared, related to feeding alterations and to the reproductive period of the species.
The morphology of the ovaries in Uca rapax (Smith, 1870) was described based on macroscopic and microscopic analysis. Females were collected in Itamambuca mangrove, Ubatuba, state of São Paulo, Brazil. In the laboratory, 18 females had their ovaries removed and prepared for histology. Each gonad developmental stage was previously determined based on external and macroscopic morphology and afterwards each stage was microscopically described. The ovaries of U. rapax showed a pronounced macroscopic differentiation in size and coloration with the maturation of the gonad, with six ovarian developmental stages: immature, rudimentary, developing, developed, advanced and spent. During the vitellogenesis, the amount of oocytes in secondary stage increases in the ovary, resulting in a change in coloration of the gonad. Oogonias, primary oocytes, secondary oocytes and follicular cells were histologically described and measured. In female's ovaries of U. rapax the modifications observed in the oocytes during the process of gonad maturation are similar to descriptions of gonads of other females of brachyuran crustaceans. The similarities are specially found in the morphological changes in the reproductive cells, and also in the presence and arrange of follicle cells during the process of ovary maturation. When external morphological characteristics of the gonads were compared to histological descriptions, it was possible to observe modifications that characterize the process in different developmental stages throughout the ovarian cycle and, consequently, the macroscopic classification of gonad stages agree with the modifications of the reproductive cells.
The length-weight relationship and condition factor for Cichla kelberi introduced in an artificial lake in southeastern Brazil were analyzed. By studying separately the male, female and immature individuals, different length-weight patterns were found to happen among them. The same happened when distinct seasonal variations were compared. They are related to feeding alterations and me reproductive periods. The length-weight relationship and condition factor for these fishes vary in accordance with the time of introduction, population size, the characteristics of the ecosystem, sexual maturity, as well as the intra- and interspecific interactions.
Infantile epileptic encephalopathy with hypsarrhythmia (infantile spasms/west syndrome) and immunity
West syndrome is a severe epilepsy, occurring in infancy, that comprises epileptic seizures known as spasms, in clusters, and a unique EEG pattern, hypsarrhythmia, with psychomotor regression. Maturation of the brain is a crucial component. The onset is within the first year of life, before 12 months of age. Patients are classified as cryptogenic (10 to 20%), when there are no known or diagnosed previous cerebral insults, and symptomatic (80 to 90%), when associated with pre-existing cerebral damages. The time interval from a brain insult to infantile spasms onset ranged from 6 weeks to 11 months. West syndrome has a time-limited natural evolutive course, usually disappearing by 3 or 4 years of age. In 62% of patients, there are transitions to another age-related epileptic encephalopathies, the Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome and severe epilepsy with multiple independent foci. Spontaneous remission and remission after viral infections may occur. Therapy with ACTH and corticosteroids are the most effective. Reports about intravenous immunoglobulins action deserve attention. There is also immune dysfunction, characterized mainly by anergy, impaired cell-mediated immunity, presence of immature thymocytes in peripheral blood, functional impairment of T lymphocytes induced by plasma inhibitory factors, and altered levels of immunoglobulins. Changes in B lymphocytes frequencies and increased levels of activated B cells have been reported. Sensitized lymphocytes to brain extract were also described. Infectious diseases are frequent and may, sometimes, cause fatal outcomes. Increase of pro-inflamatory cytokines in serum and cerebrospinal fluid of epileptic patients were reported. Association with specific HLA antigens was described by several authors (HLA-DR7, HLA-A7, HLA-DRw52, and HLA-DR5). Auto-antibodies to brain antigens, of several natures (N-methyl-d-aspartate glutamate receptor, gangliosides, brain tissue extract, synaptic membrane, and others), were described in epileptic patients and in epileptic syndromes. Experimental epilepsy studies with anti-brain antibodies demonstrated that epileptiform discharges can be obtained, producing hyperexcitability leading to epilepsy. We speculate that in genetically prone individuals, previous cerebral lesions may sensitize immune system and trigger an autoimmune disease. Antibody to brain antigens may be responsible for impairment of T cell function, due to plasma inhibitory effect and also cause epilepsy in immature brains. © 2008 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Specimens o/Atlantoraja cyclophora were collected monthly from commercial fishing landings at Guarujá, São Paulo State, Brazil, from March 2005 to April 2006 at depths between 10 and 146 m. Males ranged from 13.3 to 58.5 cm TL (n = 396). Both the smallest mature male and the largest immature male were 47.0 cm long. Males' size-at-50% maturity was calculated to be 46.3 cm. Females ranged from 11.5 to 68.0 cm (n = 401). The smallest mature and the largest immature female were 51.6 and 53.0 cm long respectively. For the females, size-at-50% maturity was calculated to be 53.2 cm. In the males the hepatosomatic andgonadosomatic indices varied between 0.48 (August) and 3.54 (November) and between 0.15 (November) and 1.45 (June) respectively, with no significant variation for the fourteen-month period. In the females the hepatosomatic and gonadosomatic indices varied from 1.55 and 6.30 3.54 (both for April 2006) and from 0.08 (December) to 4.41 (October) respectively, with no significant difference among months. Egg-bearing females were found in all months with proportions varying from 0.03 (March) to 0.67 (April). Both males and females undergo an annual cycle, with slight seasonal variations in reproductive activity and a peak in the proportion of egg bearing females between April and July.
The study was conducted in the field, in the experimental area of the Section of Crop Production and Aromatic Medicinal Plants, belonging to the Faculty of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences, Jaboticabal Campus-SP. The aim of the study was to assess the performance of seven genotypes of vegetable soybeans in Jaboticabal-SP. The experiment was carried out in a complete randomized block design with seven treatments (genotypes) and four replications. The genotypes examined were: CNPSOI, JLM003, JLM010, JLM018, JLM019, JLM024 and BRS216. The seeds were obtained from EMBRAPA-Soja and EMBRAPA- Hortaliças, and planted in Styrofoam trays with 128 cells containing Plantmax Hortaliças® as substrate. Transplanting occurred 10 d after seeding when the seedlings showed 2 or 3 definitive leaves and about 12 cm in height, demonstrating that the soil had been properly prepared according to the recommendations for this crop. Pests and diseases were adequately controlled in the event of their occurrence in the experimental area and in accordance with technical recommendations for the chemical products utilized. Collections were carried out based on the maturation of the pods, according to the scale of Fehr and Caviness (1977) adapted by Costa and Marchezan (1982), when the pods reached the reproductive stage R6. The parameters determined were mean precocity, height of the first pod, mean number of pods per plant, mean number of seeds per pod, fresh weight of 100 seeds and total yield of immature grains. Based on the results obtained, the genotypes JLM003 and JLM010 were found to be most indicated for growing vegetable soybeans, because of their capacity to produce immature grains of 1090 and 848 g·m-2, respectively, and fresh weights for 100 seeds of 62.20 and 68.19 g, respectively.
The aim of this study was to discuss aspects of the diet of Serrasalmus maculatus. Fish were collected using gill nets, whose lengths measured 100 m and mesh diameters varied from 3 to 8 cm. A total of 107 individuals were collected. Their length varied from 62 to 210 mm. They were mainly represented by female and immature individuals. No individual was caught in temperatures below 21°C. Four feeding item categories were observed: fish muscle pieces, parts of fish fins, plant fragments, and insects. Comparisons made among individual length classes revealed some significant differences within stomach consumed contents. Individuals whose length exceeded 165 mm consumed only parts of fish muscles and plants. The food availability in the environment and the class lengths amplitude may, however, have influenced the results, in which ontogenetic differences should not be precisely observed.
In addition to feeding on carrion tissues and fluids, social wasps can also prey on immature and adult carrion flies, thereby reducing their populations and retarding the decomposition process of carcasses. In this study, we report on the occurrence and behavior of social wasps attracted to vertebrate carrion. The collections were made monthly from September 2006 to October 2007 in three environments (rural, urban, and forest) in six municipalities of southeast Brazil, using baited bottle traps. We collected Agelaia pallipes (Olivier, 1791) (n = 143), Agelaia vicina (Saussure, 1854) (n = 106), Agelaia multipicta (Haliday, 1836) (n = 18), and Polybia paulista Ihering, 1896 (n = 3). The wasps were observed feeding directly on the baits and preying on adult insects collected in the traps. Bait and habitat associations, temporal variability of social wasps, and possible forensic implications of their actions are discussed. © 2011 Entomological Society of America.