948 resultados para Hotel – Resorts
The use of potent anticogulant rodenticide ‘resistance-breakers’ is avoided due to their higher toxicity and potential to be more hazardous in the environment [6]. However, in areas where practitioners seek to control resistant rodent infestations, their use may pose less of a risk than applications of ineffective baits. Compounds to which rodents are resistant to, do not provide effective control and create a long-term source of AR in the environment. The higher quantities of anticoagulant rodenticide used show that using ineffective compounds may extend both the period and severity of exposure to non-target animals to anticoagulant rodenticides. Conversely the effective use of resistance-breakers to control anticoagulant rodenticide-resistant rat populations results in lower environmental exposure of anticoagulant rodenticides for non-targets. Of course, the relative toxicity of the different anticoagulant rodenticides will also play an important part in overall risk assessments. However, this can be outweighed by the relative exposure to different anticoagulant rodenticides in such situations.
Health monitoring technologies such as Body Area Network (BAN) systems has gathered a lot of attention during the past few years. Largely encouraged by the rapid increase in the cost of healthcare services and driven by the latest technological advances in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and wireless communications. BAN technology comprises of a network of body worn or implanted sensors that continuously capture and measure the vital parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure, glucose levels and movement. The collected data must be transferred to a local base station in order to be further processed. Thus, wireless connectivity plays a vital role in such systems. However, wireless connectivity comes at a cost of increased power usage, mainly due to the high energy consumption during data transmission. Unfortunately, battery-operated devices are unable to operate for ultra-long duration of time and are expected to be recharged or replaced once they run out of energy. This is not a simple task especially in the case of implanted devices such as pacemakers. Therefore, prolonging the network lifetime in BAN systems is one of the greatest challenges. In order to achieve this goal, BAN systems take advantage of low-power in-body and on-body/off-body wireless communication technologies. This paper compares some of the existing and emerging low-power communication protocols that can potentially be employed to support the rapid development and deployment of BAN systems.
This study aims to investigate the mediating effects of consumer satisfaction on the relationship between consumer-based brand equity and brand loyalty in the hotel and restaurant industry. Based on a sample of 378 customers and using structural equation modelling approach, the five dimensions of brand equity—physical quality, staff behaviour, ideal self-congruence, brand identification and lifestyle-congruence—are found to have positive effects on consumer satisfaction. The findings of the study suggest that consumer satisfaction partially mediates the effects of staff behaviour, ideal self-congruence and brand identification on brand loyalty. The effects of physical quality and lifestyle-congruence on brand loyalty are fully mediated by consumer satisfaction.
The problem of resonant generation of nonground-state condensates is addressed aiming at resolving the seeming paradox that arises when one resorts to the adiabatic representation. In this picture, the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii Hamiltonian are also functions of time. Since the level energies vary in time, no definite transition frequency can be introduced. Hence no external modulation with a fixed frequency can be made resonant. Thus, the resonant generation of adiabatic coherent modes is impossible. However, this paradox occurs only in the frame of the adiabatic picture. It is shown that no paradox exists in the properly formulated diabatic representation. The resonant generation of diabatic coherent modes is a well defined phenomenon. As an example, the equations are derived, describing the generation of diabatic coherent modes by the combined resonant modulation of the trapping potential and atomic scattering length.
Going from having bought the most essential at the small shops close to home, better communications and an increasingly consumption oriented lifestyle has created a change in shopping behavior and has led to phenomenon such as shopping centres and more. These are constantly being built in Sweden: in the cities, outside the cities and more recently even in small cities -small cities as for one reason or another have access to a larger customer base which can have businesses to flourish economically. During the first decade of the 21st century, shopping centres have been established along the Swedish/Norwegian border. Since the Norwegian Krone is much stronger than the Swedish Krona Norwegians save a great deal of money on going to Sweden to shop. During the shopping trips to Sweden, it is mostly alcohol, meat, tobacco and candy that are being bought. However, other products such as clothing, technology, household appliances and more are also being purchased, all to save money on the trip. Together these cross border shoppers spent 11, 6 billion in Sweden during the year of 2010. This gives an average spending of approximately 10 900 SEK per cross border shopper on annual basis. Nordby, Töcksfors and Charlottenberg (small cities located in southwestern Sweden) are places characterized by Norwegian cross border shopping. Together, they generate billions every year and this only seems to increase. These places are relatively small in size but have prominent attributes such as proximity to the Norwegian border. Apart from these resorts and shopping centres, there are few or none similar places near the Norwegian border in the rest of Sweden. However, a place which is geographically well located and has a relatively large Norwegian and Swedish customer base is the ski resort of Sälen in west central of Sweden. Sälen is a village located near the Norwegian border, although fairly sparsely populated. The destination has annually about one million official guest nights, based on the 414 000 visitors who stay an average of about 4, 5 days. Per visit, these tourists individually spend an average of 862 SEK on shopping at the destination. The expenditure of the mountain tourists together with the Norwegian border shoppers makes it very interesting to explore the opportunities for shopping development in terms of a shopping centre in the region of Sälen.
This thesis has the aim to evaluate the role of gay spaces in Gran Canaria as a gay tourists destination with particular reference to gay exclusive resorts. The validation of the gay identity is a key motivation for homosexuals to travel, in order to connect with other homosexuals and experience the gay life that they might not be able to experience at home. Gay spaces have been defined both as liberated areas as well as ghettos, where the homosexuals are, in a way, restrained. The method chosen, a small number of semi- structured interviews with managers of gay exclusive resorts in Maspalomas, the hub of gay life in Gran Canaria, where major LGBT events are held, there is a gay friendly environment, a thriving gay scene and many gay exclusive resorts. In the case of Gran Canaria the gay-specific offer is complementary to the ‘regular’ tourism offer, as they coexist, complement and at times overlap. Nevertheless the gay centric holiday is still predominant amongst gay men, and it is likely to continue to be according to the informants. This is because gay tourists seek freedom and a sense of inclusion that they would not be able to find in mixed environments.
In a natural experiment, this paper studies the impact of an informal sanctioning mechanism on individuals’ voluntary contribution to a public good. Cross-country skiers’ actual cash contributions in two ski resorts, one with and one without an informal sanctioning system, are used. I find the contributing share to be higher in the informal sanctioning system (79 percent) than in the non-sanctioning system (36 percent). Previous studies in one-shot public good situations have found an increasing conditional contribution (CC) function, i.e. the relationship between expected average contributions of other group members and the individual’s own contribution. In contrast, the present results suggest that the CC-function in the non-sanctioning system is non-increasing at high perceived levels of others’ contribution. This relationship deserves further testing in lab.
Tidigare forskning kring de två aktörerna hotell och onlineresebyråer har koncentrerats runt intäktsoptimering samt konsumentbeteende gällande omdömen relaterat till onlineresebyråer. Det råder däremot en avsaknad gällande tidigare forskning runt hotellens strategiska marknadsföringsbeslut i och med att de ansluter sig till olika onlineresebyråer. Syftet med studien är att få en insikt i hur hotellen arbetar med sin marknadsföring gentemot onlineresebyråerna. Vidare besvaras frågeställningen om vad effekten blir när hotellen lämnar över delar av sin marknadsföring till onlineresebyråerna. I studien tillämpades ett kvalitativt förhållningssätt där fem telefonintervjuer genomfördes. Resultaten indikerar på att hotellen i studien inkluderar onlineresebyråerna i delar av sina marknadsföringsstrategier och att det i viss bemärkelse kan vara positivt men å andra sidan kan medföra vissa risker för de olika hotellen.
Some of the themes discussed are: • Occupation—store, The Jefferson Hotel (2, 4-6, 11, 17-18) • Food (2) • Colby—Greek life (3, 7) • Military service (3-4) • Bar Mitzvah (6, 12) • Life in Waterville—Circus (6) • Anti-semitism (10-12) • Occupation—law (8-9) • Occupation—legislature (14) • Jewish education (12) • Synagogue (13) • Civic engagement—United Way (15) • Civic engagement (26-28) • Camp—Modin (18) • College—attendance (19) • Colby—football (20-21, 23, 30)
Some of the themes discussed are: • Occupation—store, The Jefferson Hotel (2, 4-6, 11, 17-18) • Food (2) • Colby—Greek life (3, 7) • Military service (3-4) • Bar Mitzvah (6, 12) • Life in Waterville—Circus (6) • Anti-semitism (10-12) • Occupation—law (8-9) • Occupation—legislature (14) • Jewish education (12) • Synagogue (13) • Civic engagement—United Way (15) • Civic engagement (26-28) • Camp—Modin (18) • College—attendance (19) • Colby—football (20-21, 23, 30)
Otto Klitgord (second from left) is pictured with other guests at the Hotel St. George, site of the February 1952 commencement ceremony of the college. Otto Klitgord was the first president of the New York City College of Technology. He was named director of the New York State Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences when it was formed in the 1946 and became president in the 1950s when the administration was reorganized. Klitgord served until 1960, making his tenure as president the longest in City Tech's history.
A indústria brasileira do turismo experimentou profundas alterações em sua estrutura a partir da década de 1990, notadamente em função de grandes investimentos em hotéis de categoria luxo e super luxo. Esse tipo de hospedagem tem como estratégia a diferenciação por meio da oferta de serviços e experiências singulares aos hóspedes. Assim, as ferramentas de atendimento virtual ao cliente podem contribuir para a construção da lealdade do hóspede a partir da diferenciação dos serviços prestados pelo hotel resort. Este é um estudo descritivo de natureza qualitativa, feito a partir de um levantamento no qual se efetuou a análise do desempenho das ferramentas de atendimento virtual ao cliente encontradas em 47 grandes hotéis resort de categoria luxo e super luxo em operação no Brasil. Os principais resultados indicam a baixa utilização das ferramentas de atendimento virtual disponíveis, sendo que as mais largamente empregadas foram e-mail, formulário eletrônico para submissão, autosserviço e mapa do site. Por outro lado, as ferramentas menos utilizadas foram e-mail de resposta automática, FAQ, chat instantâneo, personalização de site, grupos de discussão e vídeo-conferência; sendo que as quatro últimas sequer foram identifi cadas nos hotéis resort pesquisados. Pôde-se constatar também que mesmo os hotéis resort classifi cados com alto desempenho, subutilizam as ferramentas de atendimento virtual, o que parece não contribuir de forma plena para a oferta de uma experiência singular e diferenciada em relação à comunicação com seus clientes atuais, bem como com os potenciais clientes.
O presente estudo propô-se a identificar o conjunto de serviços ao cliente considerados pelos hóspedes na escolha de hotéis 4 e 5 estrelas de Foz do Iguaçu, focando os serviços mais valorizados e avaliando os serviços ao cliente mais importantes na escolha de um hotel. Seu referencial bibliográfico está baseado no histórico da indústria hoteleira mundial, nacional e local, turismo de lazer, marketing hoteleiro, marketing de serviço e serviço ao cliente. Para este estudo foram entrevistados 320 hóspedes de hotéis 4 e 5 estrelas de Foz do Iguaçu, através de entrevistas pessoais com questões fechadas. Esta fase quantitativa, foi precedida por uma qualitativa, à base de entrevistas de profundidade realizadas com roteiro semi-estruturado, aplicados aos gerentes gerais de cada hotel objeto do estudo e a dez hóspedes de cada unidade, além do diretor regional da ABIH - Associação Brasileira da Indústria Hoteleira - e do presidente do Sindicato dos Hotéis de Foz do Iguaçu. As variáveis estabelecidas para o questionário quantitativo, foram agrupadas em cinco dimensões de serviço ao cliente, sendo estabelecida, para cada dimensão, as escalas de importância e avaliação em consonância com os objetivos propostos. Com os dados obtidos, foi realizado análise de variância, com o propósito de estabelecer o conjunto de serviços ao cliente mais valorizados pelos hóspedes na escolha de hotéis 4 e 5 estrelas em Foz do Iguaçu e avaliar os serviços ao cliente mais importantes nessa escolha. Foram considerados apenas os serviços que apresentaram diferença estatística (menor ou igual a 0,05) segundo o sexo, idade e origem dos respondentes e os hotéis abordados. Por fim, referenciando-se nos resultados obtidos e nos modelos de classificação de serviços ao cliente de Berman e Evans analisaram-se as variáveis pelo total das médias entre 1 e 5, com nível de significância menor ou igual a 0,05 estabelecendo-se análise cruzada de importância e diferenciação, classificando-as em baixa e alta.
Nos últimos vinte anos, diversos fatores vêm moldando o panorama econômico e mercadológico, entre os quais destacam-se a globalização, tecnologia e competição cada vez mais acirrada. Neste cenário, a oferta de serviços ao cliente e as relações comerciais com foco no longo prazo, baseados em benefícios mútuos, figuram como importantes fontes de vantagem competitiva sustentável. Seguindo as tendências de pesquisas contemporâneas, grandes atenções por parte da academia têm-se voltado para o desenvolvimento de modelos teóricos que visam explicar o comportamento das dimensões determinantes para o estabelecimento e manutenção de trocas relacionais. Ao mesmo tempo, os serviços ao cliente vêm sendo estudados como uma atividade de relevância estratégica para potenciais de diferenciação. Este estudo objetiva examinar as correlações existentes entre a oferta de serviços ao cliente e os atributos de Marketing de Relacionamento nas transações entre redes hoteleiras de Porto Alegre e seus clientes organizacionais. A mensuração do Marketing de Relacionamento é feita através de constructos como dependência do cliente, nível de comparação com clientes alternativos, investimentos no relacionamento, troca de informações, confiança e comprometimento. O nível de serviços ao cliente é obtido através de indicadores gerados em entrevistas em profundidade com informantes-chave dos hotéis e alguns de seus clientes organizacionais. Os resultados obtidos através da utilização de modelagem de equações estruturais sugerem bons índices de ajustamento para a estrutura teórica proposta sobre o comportamento dos atributos de Marketing de Relacionamento e serviços ao cliente, apontando para a confirmação inicial das hipóteses de pesquisa.