995 resultados para Hotakainen, Markus: Mars - myytistä maisemaksi
We use proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) to study a transient teleconnection event at the onset of the 2001 planet-encircling dust storm on Mars, in terms of empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs). There are several differences between this and previous studies of atmospheric events using EOFs. First, instead of using a single variable such as surface pressure or geopotential height on a given pressure surface, we use a dataset describing the evolution in time of global and fully three-dimensional atmospheric fields such as horizontal velocity and temperature. These fields are produced by assimilating Thermal Emission Spectrometer observations from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft into a Mars general circulation model. We use total atmospheric energy (TE) as a physically meaningful quantity which weights the state variables. Second, instead of adopting the EOFs to define teleconnection patterns as planetary-scale correlations that explain a large portion of long time-scale variability, we use EOFs to understand transient processes due to localised heating perturbations that have implications for the atmospheric circulation over distant regions. The localised perturbation is given by anomalous heating due to the enhanced presence of dust around the northern edge of the Hellas Planitia basin on Mars. We show that the localised disturbance is seemingly restricted to a small number (a few tens) of EOFs. These can be classified as low-order, transitional, or high-order EOFs according to the TE amount they explain throughout the event. Despite the global character of the EOFs, they show the capability of accounting for the localised effects of the perturbation via the presence of specific centres of action. We finally discuss possible applications for the study of terrestrial phenomena with similar characteristics.
The redistribution of a finite amount of martian surface dust during global dust storms and in the intervening periods has been modelled in a dust lifting version of the UK Mars General Circulation Model. When using a constant, uniform threshold in the model’s wind stress lifting parameterisation and assuming an unlimited supply of surface dust, multiannual simulations displayed some variability in dust lifting activity from year to year, arising from internal variability manifested in surface wind stress, but dust storms were limited in size and formed within a relatively short seasonal window. Lifting thresholds were then allowed to vary at each model gridpoint, dependent on the rates of emission or deposition of dust. This enhanced interannual variability in dust storm magnitude and timing, such that model storms covered most of the observed ranges in size and initiation date within a single multiannual simulation. Peak storm magnitude in a given year was primarily determined by the availability of surface dust at a number of key sites in the southern hemisphere. The observed global dust storm (GDS) frequency of roughly one in every 3 years was approximately reproduced, but the model failed to generate these GDSs spontaneously in the southern hemisphere, where they have typically been observed to initiate. After several years of simulation, the surface threshold field—a proxy for net change in surface dust density—showed good qualitative agreement with the observed pattern of martian surface dust cover. The model produced a net northward cross-equatorial dust mass flux, which necessitated the addition of an artificial threshold decrease rate in order to allow the continued generation of dust storms over the course of a multiannual simulation. At standard model resolution, for the southward mass flux due to cross-equatorial flushing storms to offset the northward flux due to GDSs on a timescale of ∼3 years would require an increase in the former by a factor of 3–4. Results at higher model resolution and uncertainties in dust vertical profiles mean that quasi-periodic redistribution of dust on such a timescale nevertheless appears to be a plausible explanation for the observed GDS frequency.
Space is a dangerous place for humans, once we step beyond the rotection of Earth’s atmosphere and magnetic field. Galactic cosmic rays and bursts of charged particles from the Sun damaging to health happen with alarming frequency – the Apollo astronauts were very lucky. Understanding the physics of radiation from distinct sources in space will be useful to help future space voyagers plan journeys in greater safety, and produce effective shields for these unavoidable events on journeys to Mars or beyond.
The martian solsticial pause, presented in a companion paper (Lewis et al., this issue), was investigated further through a series of model runs using the UK version of the LMD/UK Mars Global Climate Model. It was found that the pause could not be adequately reproduced if radiatively active water ice clouds were omitted from the model. When clouds were used, along with a realistic time-dependent dust opacity distribution, a substantial minimum in near-surface transient eddy activity formed around solstice in both hemispheres. The net effect of the clouds in the model is, by altering the thermal structure of the atmosphere, to decrease the vertical shear of the westerly jet near the surface around solstice, and thus reduce baroclinic growth rates. A similar effect was seen under conditions of large dust loading, implying that northern midlatitude eddy activity will tend to become suppressed after a period of intense flushing storm formation around the northern cap edge. Suppression of baroclinic eddy generation by the barotropic component of the flow and via diabatic eddy dissipation were also investigated as possible mechanisms leading to the formation of the solsticial pause but were found not to make major contributions. Zonal variations in topography were found to be important, as their presence results in weakened transient eddies around winter solstice in both hemispheres, through modification of the near-surface flow. The zonal topographic asymmetry appears to be the primary reason for the weakness of eddy activity in the southern hemisphere relative to the northern hemisphere, and the ultimate cause of the solsticial pause in both hemispheres. The meridional topographic gradient was found to exert a much weaker influence on near-surface transient eddies.
Large-scale planetary waves are diagnosed from an analysis of profiles retrieved from the Thermal Emission Spectrometer aboard the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft during its scientific mapping phase. The analysis is conducted by assimilating thermal profiles and total dust opacity retrievals into a Mars global circulation model. Transient waves are largest throughout the northern hemisphere autumn, winter and spring period and almost absent during the summer. The southern hemisphere exhibits generally weaker transient wave behaviour. A striking feature of the low-altitude transient waves in the analysis is that they show a broad subsidiary minimum in amplitude centred on the winter solstice, a period when the thermal contrast between the summer hemisphere and the winter pole is strongest and baroclinic wave activity might be expected to be strong. This behaviour, here called the ‘solsticial pause,’ is present in every year of the analysis. This strong pause is under-represented in many independent model experiments, which tend to produce relatively uniform baroclinic wave activity throughout the winter. This paper documents and diagnoses the transient wave solsticial pause found in the analysis; a companion paper investigates the origin of the phenomenon in a series of model experiments.
Inom ramen för projektet Energi- och miljökompetenscentrum vid Högskolan Dalarna har en kortare studie av lågenergibyggande i Dalarna gjorts. Syftet med rapporten är att ge en sammanställning av det aktuella läget på området i Dalarna. Det finns idag ett flertal bygginitiativ, både privata och allmännyttiga, i Dalarna där man ansträngt sig när det gäller energihushållning. En handfull av dessa kommer nog att uppfylla passivhuskraven enligt FEBY, exakt hur många går dock inte att säga pga infomationsbrist och med tanke på osäkerheten i energiberäkningarna. En annan slutsats är att medvetenheten om lågenergibyggande på kommunal och allmännyttig nivå är i allmänhet god och att energihushållning är ett område som ges stort fokus vid den nybyggnation som sker. När det gäller det privata byggandet av villor så sker det mesta av byggandet enligt hustillverkarnas typspecifikationer. Då tak, grund och ventilationssystem oftast i princip är samma som för passivhus kan det konstateras att egentligen ganska små förändringar i konstruktion och utförande av detta byggande skulle kunna ge hus enligt FEBYs passivhuskrav eller åtminstone minienergihuskrav.
O objetivo central deste trabalho consiste, a partir de um caso de ciclogênese ocorrido na costa leste do América do Sul, caracterizar as condições sinóticas favoráveis ao desenvolvimento de ciclones marítimos que possam gerar ressacas. Uma ciclogênese desenvolveu-se a leste da Argentina dia 03 de maio de 2001. Neste mesmo dia sobre o continente, existia um centro de alta pressão, que em conjunto com este ciclone marítimo formava um pista de vento de quadrante sul, paralelo ao continente, deixando o mar revolto, aumentando nível no extremo sul do Brasil, como registrado pela tábua de maré da cidade de Rio Grande, no estado do Rio Grande de Sul. No dia 04 de maio, à leste do estado de São Paulo, outro ciclone começa a se formar, intensificando a pista de vento pré existente. A metodologia utilizada afim de atingir os objetivos propostos, foi a da modelagem numérica. Utilizou-se modelo Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS). Foram utilizados como entrada dados de outros dois modelos, modelo Global e Modelo ETA. Para ambos os experimentos usando o RAMS, observou-se que o ciclone do dia 04 teve sua gênese em torno de 25ºS e 45ºW, se deslocando para sudeste. Na análise de mesoescala, foi observado que durante o período estudado os ventos sempre tiveram uma componente de sul e que os mais intensos ventos ocorreram em 28ºS e 48ºW, pois nesta região haviam maiores valores de gradiente de pressão, fluxo de calor sensível e fluxo de calor latente, já que é também nesta região onde se verifica a maior temperatura da superfície do mar.
The harsh reality of women in the municipality of Indiaroba enlarges to much more from everyday household . Every day, they need courage and determination to adentrarem in mangrove cross functional seafood, which sold, ensure their survival. The life of catadoras seafood, fishing in mangrove and have your family's work, is the object of this study, through which search will be highlighted the history of women who perform a subsistence activity in your daily life. Will reflect on their work in the environment into which are entered, the vision that have labour, environment, family, sexuality, and their social relations. The research p Espírito Santo, in which these women, forgetting seafood calls, play activities diversified in its role of being a woman, reason personal awareness, generating an academic curiosity to know their life stories. Through ethnographic method, which spans observations, interviews, workshops and testimonials, we have tried to learn more about the daily life of forgetting seafood. This gives visibility to the human condition in one of its expressions which can help you understand and appreciate the cultural diversity of knowledge and knowledge constructed this activity pecheurfalco